Thursday, May 15, 2008

Does Body Wrap Work Exactly As Shown In Advertisement?

Does body wrap work? Yes..... and no. No pun intended. It depends.

If you are trying to lose some inches, yes. Some body wraps do work. You may be convinced by advertisements on television or newspaper that portray models before and after they used body wraps. Somehow, they managed to lose some inches on their waist, arms or legs after using body wrap.

But if you are trying to lose fats, then you may be disappointed. The truth is regardless of what types of body wrap you are using, whether it is made of rubber or plastic, whether you are using herbs or clay, it can only reduce your inches. The only way to lose fat is by burning more calories than you consume, preferably through a combination of proper nutrition and sufficient exercise.

The main problem with the weight loss industry is that most consumers are not aware of the difference between "fat loss" and "inch loss". While "fat loss" will usually lead to "inch loss", "inch loss" may not be equivalent to "fat loss". The "inch loss" may be due to the loss of water. Any weight loss that results from "inch loss" is usually temporary.

The Federal Trade Commission requires companies to be responsible for their advertisements. In other words, companies are not allowed to put up false claims. Consider the advertisement, "Lose 10 inches within 2 hours easily". This advertisement is perfectly legal because if you manage to lose 10 inches after using the body wrap for 2 hours, the company is safe. However, it can be quite misleading for the consumers who do not know the difference between weight loss and fat loss.

So, does body wrap work?

Yes, if you are trying to lose some inches temporarily.

No, if you want to burn fats and lose inches permanently.

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