Tuesday, May 20, 2008

How to Find the Best Weight Loss Program

There are a ton of companies out there who promise to help you lose weight. How can you tell the companies that will waste your time, money, and energy from the ones that will actually help you achieve your goals? Here are some questions that will help you choose the best weight loss program for you.

1. Who is Going to Be Working With Me?

The best weight loss programs employ experts in the field: dieticians, nutritionists, doctors, exercise gurus, and professional counselors.

2. What Kind of Training Will I Receive?

Long term weight loss is not just about taking off a few pounds, but about keeping them off permanently. The best weight loss program for you will go beyond simple food education to help you to identify and avoid situations where you overeat, training you to live a healthier, fitter lifestyle.

3. What is the Average Weight Loss of Participants?

The best weight loss programs are glad to share their statistics with potential members, because they have a solid, positive track record of success. Steer away from any company that will not do this.

4. How Many of Your Clients Maintain Their Weight Loss?

The best weight loss program will focus on long term, not temporary, weight loss. Therefore, they should be able to tell you the percentage of members who keep the weight off over time.

5. How Flexible is the Plan?

The best weight loss program will take your food preferences into consideration. If there is no flexibility in what you are allowed to eat, the likelihood of being able to stick with the program for a lifetime is extremely slim.

6. What Will I Have to Pay?

The best weight loss program will have no hidden fees. If you are required to purchase their food or supplements, this should be revealed up front.

7. What Side Effects Can I Expect?

The best weight loss programs are able to describe their disadvantages and side effects up front, to prepare you to deal with them in advance.

By asking these seven questions before you start, you can ensure that you pick a weight loss program that fits your personal needs.

Discover twenty one sure fire ways to lose weight and shed those pounds with this free weight loss newsletter.


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