Wednesday, May 21, 2008

How to Keep Your New Years Weight Loss Resolution

It's a new year and for millions all over the world that means it's time to make some changes. Resolutions of weight loss are abundant but how many will follow through? What will set you apart from others who promise to cut carbs, calories, and couch potato hours all in the hopes to cut down their jean size? With a little will power and a little know how, you can meet and beat your new years weight loss goals. Use these tips and idea to make sure 2008 brings about a new and smaller wardrobe.

  • Keep a Notebook: Keeping track of your diet is a great way to stay on track. Get a three section notebook and dedicate one section to a food log, one to an exercise log, and the final for progress. By writing down things like your food intake and your weight loss goals you will have a tangible record of your progress. You are more likely to be truthful to your self when you have to write it down. You can change a notion in your mind but you can't change the written fact.
  • Clean Our Your Kitchen: Grab a big black garbage back and head to the kitchen for some winter cleaning. Grab all the unhealthy snacks and dispose of them, replacing them with healthy alternative. If there are goodies in your house you will eat them. Dreams of ice cream can quickly turn into reality when it's conveniently located in your fridge. The opposite is true when you have to make a valiant effort to secure the ice cream. If you need to get in your car and drive to the store you're more likely to decide it's a bad idea and opt for a healthy snack thats already in your home.
  • Take Small Steps for Big Results: Setting high goals is a good thing but expecting to meet them in a small amount of time can be disastrous. If your goal is to lose 15 pounds consider breaking that up into 5 pounds every two weeks. Setting smaller goals on the way to your final goal will help you stay motivated.
  • Reward Your Self: Set up a reward system for your self. For example, set 20 dollars aside for every 5 pounds you lose. Once you reach your goal take your money and go shopping for new clothes to fit your new figure. This will give you something to look forward and help keep you on track.
  • Enlist a Friend: When it comes to weight loss sometimes your best ally is a buddy. Find a friend who shares similar goal and make a pact to keep each other on track. Together you can exercise, plan healthy meals, and give moral support when your feeling lazy or are about to indulge in some fatty sweets. While you may feel a little guilt letting your self down, you are bound to feel bad if you let your friend fall with you so work together to hold each other up.

For trendy new clothing to fit your sexy new figure visit Baby Phat. Baby Phat has has fashionable clothing for every woman from bouncing baby girls to sexy women.


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