Sunday, May 25, 2008

Loose Skin: The Aftermath of Weight Loss

People who lose a significant amount of weight are usually left with piles of loose skin. This sagging skin can affect anyones confidence because it can be very unsightly and embarrassing. They can even be as troublesome as the excess weight that the person once carried. If you happen to have shed a large amount of weight and you cannot afford plastic surgery, you could be left with loose skin for the remainder of your life.

Any amount or type of exercise will never completely eliminate loose skin from your body. Tightening up skin and muscle also has its limits. It will be more difficult to get the skin to go back into place after such a dramatic change in body shape. Eventually your skin will lose its elasticity and it will be harder for it to return back into shape after being stretched.

Surgery seems to be the only effective way of getting rid of loose skin. The procedure can be lengthy and expensive depending on the area covered. However, there maybe some scars left after the operation. Normally an area of skin is cut in a pear shape or teardrop shape and the excess skin is removed. Then the two ends will be sewn together later and the line where the two pieces of skin meet will become a scar.

You will have to decide between loose skin and the appearance of scars. It is obviously a tough decision considering the amount of recovery time and the money that would be involved. However, surgery could be worth it, if it would make you feel as though your physical transformation was complete.

Remember that there is a good chance that there will be a great deal of scarring if you chose to undergo this type of plastic surgery. The areas where the loose skin once was will never look like it did when you were younger. Also keep in mind that a significant weight loss that brings about large amounts of loose skin is traumatic to your body. You have to give your body enough time between the loss of the weight and the surgery on the loose skin. It would be a good idea to rest for a few months to allow the skin to settle before you make any plans for surgery.

Morgan Hamilton offers expert advice and great tips regarding all aspects concerning Loose Skin. Visit our site for more helpful information about Loose Skin and other similar topics.


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