Sunday, June 29, 2008

4 Aerobics For Fat Loss Without Losing Muscle Secrets

Using aerobics for fat loss without losing muscle is very important otherwise you will never get a well-toned, leaner, sexier body.

Losing muscle has more to do with inadequate diet than with excessive aerobics.

If you suspect you are losing muscle there are four likely causes:

  1. You are not eating enough protein. Protein is the only nutrient that is used to build muscle. You should eat 5-6 meals containing protein every day. These meals should be spaced 3 hours apart from each other.
  2. Your carbohydrates are too low. This is very important because low carb diets also use up protein. This means you can consume huge amounts of protein but if your carbs is to low, you will also lose muscle.
  3. You are not eating enough calories. This is a huge mistake because the body goes into starvation mode and this causes the metabolism to slow down and then the body start burning muscle tissue to conserve energy
  4. Only doing aerobic exercises without doing weight training will result in muscle loss. It is important to understand that muscle growth happens as a result of weight training.

So the truth is you would rather lose muscle from not eating enough than from doing aerobic exercise. People think they will lose muscle during cardio but as long as you combine cardio and weight training with good nutritional eating habits, you'll lose fat and gain muscle.

As you can see aerobics for fat loss is definitely a very good thing because it can enhance your recovery from weight training by promoting blood flow and oxygen transport to your muscles.

Download the free report "Discover over 27 Unique Metabolism-Boosting Secrets for Stripping Off Belly Fat" and learn the #1 ultimate hard-body exercise, the 55 fastest fat-burning foods, over 2 dozen unique workout ideas for a leaner, sexier body and the 2 worst types of food that stimulate more belly fat!


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