Monday, June 30, 2008

The Secrets To A Flat Stomach

If you really want to have a flat stomach, you must get to know the so called "secrets" to achieve your goal. These secrets in reality lie more in the ground of commons sense that we may know but always fail to take action on them. So, it's all about losing fat and exercising, to achieve this, the most effective way is combine strength or weight training, a routine of cardio and stable blood sugar levels (which translates in a healthy diet)

Strength training

Remember, the abs are not a single line of muscles. They have different angles you can work them to have a flat stomach. With them you not only curl them but also rotate your torso and stabilize your body. The exercises you must do should include these types of movements. I see people doing sit ups every day and they do not get the abs they could have if they make the right choices.

Stable blood sugar levels

This is the most crucial step when you want to burn fat for a tight stomach. How to stabilize blood sugar?

Feed your body frequently. Have more meals a day but make them small, every 2 to 3 hours. Give your body just what it needs. Have you seen how babies eat at small intervals? Well it's something like that. Give your body good stuff: vegetables, proteins, whole foods. Avoid processed foods and any kind of excess in fats or carbs. It's about the quality of food.

Cardio workouts

What is great about cardio workouts is that they increase your metabolism. This means that you will still burn fat hours after finishing your workout. When you do cardio exercises you start burning pure fat after the first 30 minutes of activity. (Also called the "fat burning phase"), you should stay in that phase for 30 minutes. There are also variations of intensity called "intervals". Interval training is a great way to lose fat quickly.

So, here are the three secrets to a flat stomach. They're pretty simple both to learn and to do. The hard part is your inner side, try to work on that also, and learn why you eat too much, in this matter the help of a professional should be of great help.

Learn how to get the stomach you want with The Truth About Six Pack Abs.

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