Monday, May 12, 2008

How To Lose Stomach Fat And Love Handles

Have you tried without fail to remove that stomach fat and love handles with more and more crunches and other ab exercises? Do you remove them by completely cutting out fat from your diet? No, that won't make it work.

Love handles and stomach fat is quite a common concern amongst men, especially if you would like to see your six pack abs or just lower your chances of heart disease. Unfortunately, as we age our metabolism starts to slow down and we end up storing excessive fat around the waist. Combine that with the fact that we become more sedentary the older we get, it would seem like a surefire way to gain love handles, stomach fat, a pot belly, and even a spare tire. Okay, I think you get the picture about how we get love handles and excessive abdominal fat, but how do we minimize it?

Unfortunately spot reduction training does not work, i.e. you cannot target a specific area in your body, like your love handles, for fat loss. Stored fat on your body, no matter where it is, belongs to the whole body and can therefore only be reduced by an overall body exercise routine. The best way would be a combination of cardiovascular (aerobics) and weight training exercises, especially if you alternate them on every other day. Obviously, there is no quick fix method to remove excessive fat around your waist - not even all the crunches and sit-ups will achieve this. Abdominal exercises will only strengthen your midsection, but will not magically burn off the fat around your waist.

Common ways on how to lose stomach fat and love handles include:

  • a) reduce sodium intake - it aids water retention in the body

  • b) drink plenty of ice-cold water - it helps to metabolize stored fat

  • c) reduce alcohol intake - it contains a lot of 'empty calories'

  • d) eat healthy - lots of fresh, green vegetables and fruit

  • e) exercise regularly - why park close by when you can walk?

Losing stomach fat and love handles will only happen over time, but is definitely worth the effort and time. Get all the free information and help to aid you in seeing your six pack abs at Natural Weight Loss.

Francisco M. Lakay is the author of the site Natural Weight Loss (Natural Weight Loss), where free information on living healthy and natural weight loss can be found.


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