Sunday, May 25, 2008

Permanent Weight Loss

Of all the articles and ads about weight loss and weight loss products, you will notice that most of them are saying that weight loss without exercise is what they have to offer. They will tell you about some diet pill, or perhaps a diet, which is going to take the weight off without you lifting a finger or changing your eating habits.

The greatest problem when it comes to diet and weight loss programs is weight loss is not permanent. It could be a matter of days, weeks or months; the simply fact is that most of the time, people will put back most or all of their lost weight. This can be very frustrating when you think of all at the time and effort put towards following a weight loss program that does not delivered the desired results.

Most people think weight loss programs have to be complicated to fit in with age, sex and body type. This brings up the age old question of "Why do most diets fail." The real answer is to turn the question around so that it read why people fail in their dieting. There isn't a diet that guarantees permanent weight loss, because it depends very much on the individual who is carrying out the diet. It can be very confusing to know which diet plan to follow with so many choices on the market.

My problem is that when I think of weight loss, I automatically think of words like "healthy" and "permanent". I'm not really in touch with the concept of using a diet to lose a few pounds to get back into last year's clothes or to look good at the high school reunion. I tend to think of losing weight as a step to the point where you achieve your weight loss goal permanently. At this point, you are living a healthier lifestyle that consist of exercise and the proper nutrition and are able to enjoy life to the max.

A solution to achieving permanent weight loss lies in making lifestyle changes; and developing new habits that involve following long term weight loss programs. You did not gain the weight overnight and you cannot expect to loose it overnight. The fact is changes like this simply do not happen overnight, they can take weeks, sometimes months to become an integrated part of a person's life.

So the safest way to permanent weight loss is to exercise, reduce your calories and do your diet program for the long term. If you develop these habits you ensure that weight loss will become permanent for you. Whatever we really want in life usually has some sort of price tag attached, and, as the saying goes, we usually, "get what we paid for".


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