Saturday, June 7, 2008

Weight Loss Cure Tips To Burn The Fat

FOOD is more powerful than any prescription weight loss diet pills. You are overweight for the most simple of reasons; because you are eating the wrong foods, the wrong types of calories per meal, and you are also eating meals in the wrong patterns of the day!

If you are making the same deadly diet mistakes as most other people, you might lose some weight temporarily, but you will actually get fatter in the long run. Feel the difference, if you want to lose your weight and dissipate your ugly belly fat then motivate yourself and the following free tips as the weight loss cure:

1. Do not wait for your 5-6 hours between your meals

This makes you extremely hungry and you go for a huge meal. This is the worst way and a wrong habit. You will never lose your fat by this method. Just adopt the habit of getting frequent proteins meal after every 3 hours throughout a day.

2. Change your diet plan

Go for rich carbohydrates and lean proteins like eggs white, fish or protein powders etc.

3. Drink lots of water

Prefer lots of water to soft drinks or juices having high amount carbohydrates.

4. Plan a disciplined low calorie diet for a whole day

Have your high calorie meal early in the day and make your dinner lowest calorie meal.

5. Take fiber

Include digestible amount of fiber like in salads every day.

6. Go for morning walk

Going for pre-workout and post workout meal raises the metabolic rate throughout the day. It helps in weight loss, fat burning and produces more energy.

7. Say no to bread, alcoholic beverages, and carbonated beverages

NO Fried foods. You may eat broiled or baked chicken. The Basic Fat Burning Soup can be eaten at any time you feel hungry during the day because soup will not add calories. There is no need to purchase such expensive pre-packed food and supplements. There is no place for the processed foods or those having sugar in them.

8. Avoid Sugar intake

If you are addicted to sugar, this is could be a horrible hurdle to overcome. Sugar substitutes are also as bad as sugar because these sugar substitutes increase your hunger level.

9. Get adequate sleep

To burn the fat efficiently your body needs at least eight hours of sleep. Your body needs both mental as well as physical rest. Make daily meal plans with no repetition which will encourage your body to burn more calories and fat.

For permanent weight loss, lose your body fat without damaging your metabolism, without supplements and without drugs. And the results will be visible to you and everyone around you within a few days!

Navneet Brar has a lot of information on the natural way to weight loss, like natural remedies for weight loss.

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