Friday, May 9, 2008

Weight Loss in Ten Minutes

Weight loss does not happen quickly for most people, but there is a critical point that becomes so motivating, success seems to be effortless and permanent.

This success has nothing to do with the latest supplement touted on infomercials. They may be helpful but they are not the reason people lose weight. New fangled gym equipment is not the secret either, although exercise is important and a convenient workout allows people to stick to a fitness routine. Pre-made diet meals are useful when pressed for time, but they are not the only ingredient in successful weight loss.

There is a critical point when someone truly desires to commit to a new health plan. For many people who have been overweight for years, being in shape is a long lost memory rather than a reality. The thought of beginning the challenge seems impossible. Over weight issues are so commonplace the underlying message is that it is the norm. When everything is super-sized the temptation is hard to refuse. Modern day diseases that are life-style related are now treated with maintenance drugs that ironically make it more difficult to lose weight. It is as if our culture is trying not to let us reach that critical point to welcome better health in our lives.

When people lose weight successfully and quickly there are two common denominators. They reach a point where they realize they were much too comfortable with their excuses and then they chose a manageable eating plan that did not leave them feeling deprived. Discovering these realizations helps people get past the indecision that prevents them from succeeding.

Of course, losing weight must be done in a safe manner. Although it takes a number of months to achieve weight loss, the benefits are felt immediately. The empowerment of a committed decision is just the beginning. A manageable weight loss plan restores someones energy level so there is a feeling of thin even if the scale doesnt reveal the goal weight yet.

Being able to replace an old mind set of impossibility with accomplishment is the greatest weight loss there is. If you can lose the weight of failure, the actual weight loss is easy.

Dr. Lisa Ann Homic is a chiropractor, mental health counselor, and wellness coach in Auburn, NY. She is author of The Numbers Dont Lie Diet & Happiness Doesnt Get Enough Attention: How Thought Sparks Ignite Your Life. Visit .

Ultimate Weight Loss: Ephedra is Back?

I had some questions come in about Ephedra. So I have put together this short article to get you some info. Just to fill some of you in , Ephedra was taken off the market last year , but it is now back on the market and ready for consumers. This product seems to be the most wanted weight loss product. They cant keep this stuff on the shelves since it was given the OK to be sold again. Make sure you read some of the common sense rules below before using Ephedra.

Ephedra (also known as Ma huang, Chinese Ephedra and epitonin) is the worlds oldest medicine. The Chinese discovered ephedra more than 5000 years ago. Research has shown that ephedra increases metabolism and helps promote weight loss, relaxes the air passages in the lungs to help treat asthma and cough, promotes perspiration to help a person recover from a minor cold and helps promote urination to help relieve edema. Ephedra has been widely researched for its thermogenic (fat burning) properties. Research has show that ephedra helps promote the loss of fat while helping spare lean muscle tissue, a highly sought-after property that prescription diet medications still have not been able to reproduce.

Safety Tips

As ephedra is a stimulant and a thermogenic, it should NOT be used by people / in situations where these properties might be harmful. There are some common sense rules about using ephedra:

Do not use ephedra if you have any medical problems as the use of a stimulant might overtax your system. Do not use ephedra if your activity / environment will prevent you from dissipating heat. Your body core temperature might exceed safe levels. And do not take more than the manufacturer's recommended amount.

What this means is: If you have a heart condition, do not take ephedra. And if you plan to wear clothes to raise your body temperature, do not take ephedra. And do not think that playing baseball on a hot muggy day will counteract these two common sense conditions and make it okay to take ephedra.

Copyright protected 2005 by M.Landry

Michel Landry lives in beautiful Kamloops, BC in Canada. He has a huge interest in Health, fitness and business.

Weight Loss as Seen on TV - Which Ones Work?

This article explains a few things about low carb diets and low carb eating as seen on t.v, and if you're interested in losing weight, then this is worth reading. You can learn several effective ideas for long term weight loss. People who are overweight are engaging in low carb dieting for their better health and vitality not only weight loss. The safest and most effective approach is to acquire it naturally, perhaps the two most important factors are dieting and exercise.

Now, it is important to know that healing properties, not the calories, as most diet fads state, is the main factor for choosing a diet that is safe and effective. Although dieting may be only half the program when it comes to a safe weight loss regimen, the kind of program it is determines if the whole process will be successful. Regardless of the advice given there does exist a set of fundamental rules to achieve safe pound reduction.

Here is a piece of advice - As there is not strict law in US to check the quality of herbal weight loss supplements as seen on T.V, it is the duty of the customer to see that the product he/she buys is indeed the original one and not anything spurious. In the following paragraphs, we'll see about the need for weight loss supplements, some popular dietary supplements and a piece of advice on selecting the right supplement from the store near you. If you feel that you are not at the point of excellence where your efforts are concerned, you should know that smart diet selection comes with repetition and repetition comes with making a decision, and a decision is made on the hope that it will work for you.

I encourage you to find others who can help hold you accountable, but please recognize that one of the most important steps to weight loss is forgiving yourself for those post resolution moments when you might fall off of the wagon.

The main question you must answer is do you want to go all natural or implement the choice of artificial medications? Once you choose then you can and will find the best system to help you achieving your goals. For there are successful weight loss programs for either one. You just don't want ride the fence of both.

Mike DeJona is an expert on weight loss and has posted free reviews and tips at

Guide To Weight Loss - Three Things To Stay Away From When Losing Weight

Here are three things that you definitely need to avoid if you want to lose weight. Many people don't even know about what I'm going to reveal right now, and that's one of the reasons why they can't lose weight - because if you eat the foods below then you will definitely put on the pounds. So here's a list of foods you should avoid...

1. "Natural Flavors" and "Spices"

Any package that says "Natural" on the front or the back generally means that the product does not contain any added "artificial" (having no counterpart in nature) additives, but it does not necessarily mean pesticides or other chemicals were not used in processing. Your potato chips that say "natural" could be genetically altered, grown with pesticides, and cleaned with unfiltered water and still read "All Natural!"

What is scary is that natural flavors and spices are assumed to be OK. But what is not OK is that any substance derived from something natural, no matter how dangerous it is, can be classified as a "natural flavoring." What's worse is that if a poisonous chemical is used to derive that flavoring, it can still be called "natural". Many natural flavors are synthesized from Isoprene, which is a known carcinogen! Isoprene stays in the food... it doesn't just disappear!

Manufacturers also hide monosodium glutamate (MSG)-a flavoring which causes headaches and allergic reactions-in their "natural flavorings" or "spices" listings because it is derived from seaweed, a natural product. So clearly, being natural is not the same as being harmless.

2. Irradiated Foods

Food irradiation is done by zapping food with a dosage of radiation. The X-rays are used to kill insects and bacteria, prevent sprouting, and slow rotting. While the process does not make the food radioactive, the chemical structure of the food is altered and there are a number of animal studies that show negative health effects. Some researchers suspect that a regular diet of irradiated food may cause leukemia, other forms of cancer, and kidney disease.

The FDA says it's safe. When you hear that, I want you to think about other things that were apparently safe... such as cigarette smoking, pesticides, asbestos and CFCs. Each of these at one time was classified as safe. The FDA claims irradiation of food is safe and has already authorized the irradiation of fruits, vegetables, pork, chicken, herbs, spices, teas, and seeds. Spices are the most widely irradiated food in the United States. You can avoid irradiation by buying 100% organic spices and foods.

NOTE: Avoid the microwave as well. This type of irradiation affects the chemistry of foods by activating the water molecules inside. If cooking does some damage to enzymes and foods, then microwaving is the equivalent to a nuclear blast, leaving everything once living lifeless and wilted.

3. Chemicals

This is the catch-all... As a general rule, anything that's longer than 15 letters, you can't pronounce and is hyphenated is generally not good for you.

Kate Fletcher has taught hundreds of people how to lose weight. Visit her website right now at Fast Guide To Weight Loss for some great information on losing weight. Or, want to see the #1 weight loss course online? Visit the Burn The Fat Review section of Kate's website.

Natural Weight Loss is the Only Path to Permanent Ftiness

We as educated people need to start getting angry at all the junk aimed at us everyday. The average American sees thousands of ads each and every day for everything from diet pills to prescription drugs.

Most promise a quick cure for whatever ails us. The weight loss industry alone is estimated to be over $35 Billion dollars annually, so marketing and ads play a vital role in keeping us interested and buying.

Now we have come up with RLS, (restless leg syndrome). This will probably be a new "chronic condition" treated by an existing prescription drug, allowing it to continue generating profits longer

We need to start using our heads and understand what weight loss is and what it means. Losing weight alone is not the most important thing. We citizens of western countries are too fat. Losing fat and losing weight are two distinctly different things.

Also distinctly different is how we lose the weight / fat.

A pound of fat equals about 3500 calories. To burn 3500 calories you would need to reduce your daily caloric intake by 500 calories per day for one week, while remaining constant at your current activity level, or you could consume the same number of calories daily and exercise more to burn 500 calories per day. To burn 500 calories through exercise you would need to ride a stationary bike, as an example, for about 1 & hours per day at a rate of about 25 MPH average. Or you could do a combination of decreasing by 250 and burning 250.

The claims that you can "lose 30 pounds in 30 days" are weight not fat. To lose 30 pounds of fat in 30 days you would need to burn 105,000 calories in excess of what you eat, which I'm sure we all agree isn't likely.

Claims aimed at fast weight loss are telling you, you'll lose weight not fat. Fat is harmful to the body not weight per se.

Rapid weight loss through severely restricted caloric intake causes the body to react as if it were sick. It is conditioned to say "Oh Oh"; I'm in trouble I'd better conserve energy. I may not get more food for awhile.

Fat is stored energy. What the body then conserves is fat. It does exactly what you don't need or want it to do, it slows your metabolism, burns lean muscle mass for energy and conserves the fat.

The rapid weight loss that happens the first 30 days is water. Muscle contains about 3 times as much water as fat. So if you lose a pound of muscle you're losing 3 pounds of water with it.

That's why diets alone slow down, there's only so much water to get rid of.

You can't blame the ad agencies, or the diet program companies, people are being sold what they want to buy. They want a quick fix to a problem without sacrifice or change.

The truth is once you learn what the body needs and how it works there is no great need for sacrifice. You can eat nearly anything you want, just less of it, and exercise more.

We are just so conditioned to instant gratification, that we're always awaiting the next miracle drug to make us all look like Hollywood celebrities. The $35 billion is just giving us what we demand.

Obesity has grown by over 20% in the last decade, in spite of the fact we are spending $35 Billion a year on weight management products. Does that suggest to anyone maybe they aren't working?

Well it did to me so I did two years of research on the subject and was shocked at what I learned. It might do all of us some good to do the same research.

Natural weight lossand fitness information for real people. Learn how our everyday living environment impacts our health and wellness. Learn what to do about it.

A Guide to Youth Weight Loss Camps

If you want to start promoting health and wellness to a young person, a youth weight loss camp can help you with that. A youth weight loss camp is similar to boot camp except that it is more fun, less harsh, and gives importance to discipline when it comes to health and proper nutrition.

The goal of losing weight
A youth weight loss camp is usually designed based on the concept of losing weight while having fun. If a youth needs a boost in their self-esteem and self-image, the camp instructors can guide them in doing so while teaching them how to change their eating habits to something more healthy and their inactive lifestyle to something more active.

A youth can stay in this camp for at least a week. Some are overnight camps while others last for 4 to 6 weeks. If there is an opportunity for a youth to go to a youth weight loss camp, urge them to do so. There are special packages with discounts that they can surely benefit from because it is guaranteed that they can learn a lot about health and wellness from weight loss camp.

Facilities, programs and activities
Weight loss camps are located in beautiful locations and are equipped with modern facilities and manned by expert instructors and staff. The youth will be fed a variety of healthy and nutritious meals arranged and designed for them by nutritionists. The programs and activities can inspire the youth to gain better self-worth and to change their current lifestyle to a healthier and more active one while they are having fun participating in them.

Before enrolling...
Book an appointment with the doctor to check if the youth is fit for weight loss camp. An obese youth may already have some health problems regarding his heart or lungs so they should be monitored closely before sending them to camp, otherwise, it can lead to more complications.

Phillip England is a weight loss expert and Author of the popular report "The Ultimate Weight Loss Secret". To receive your free information on the secret that doctors, and health companies either don't know, or don't want you to know, please see

Three Shocking Weight Loss Secrets You Probably Don't Know

If your goal is to lose weight in 2008, then congratulate yourself. You're on the path to better health, more self-confidence, and overall well being.

Did you know that it's easier to lose weight than you think? The secret is in adding small changes that gradually build up over time into large lifestyle renovations. Trying to do too much too fast is often the culprit of burnout, and is the reason why many people tend to give up.

Before you put too much on your plate, so to speak, take a look at these three weight loss secrets that will help you on your way to a healthier body.

1.) Break up your workout routines - Walking is one of the best ways to lose weight, especially for people who aren't as athletic or for those just starting out a new exercise routing. Studies have shown that adding just 30 minutes of walking per day is enough to encourage weight loss. However, did you know that you can break up your walking routine into 10 minute sessions and it's just as effective? In fact, it might be even more effective because you're constantly getting up and moving around instead of tiring yourself out in one go.

2.) Take A Nap - Nope, you're not being lazy! Studies have shown that getting enough sleep is crucial to overall health as well as maintaining a good body weight. Weight gain can be aggravated by poor sleep habits. If you don't sleep well at night and feel tired, go take a cat nap! Not only will you give your body much needed rest, but napping is also beneficial to your brain function so you'll feel more alert.

3.) Eat More Often - This might seem counter-intuitive, but the fact is that eating more often keeps your metabolism running at a high rate. When you wait a long time between meals your blood sugar can drop and you will feel very hungry. When you "graze" throughout the day your blood sugar will remain even and you won't be as inclined to overdo it at mealtime. Studies show that eating 4-5 meals per day is highly effective at helping people drop pounds.

For even more incredible secrets to losing weight, visit Best Quick Weight Loss Programs. Inside you'll find articles on weight loss help as well as reviews of the top weight loss programs on the web.

Visit our new Hub Page: Fat Loss 4 Idiots Review - Does It Work?

Cynthia Blake is a writer for