Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Liposuction Surgery - The Secret In How To Get The Most Out Of Your Liposuction Surgery

Do you consider liposuction? Here is the secret behind a successful surgery. It is a painful procedure but can be very effective if you are the ideal person for it. The full recovery time will take several months but then you should be in good shape again.

A liposuction is not a weight loss surgery. It is a method to remove fat cells that refuse to go away although you do exercise and diet. If you make a lipo just for loosing weight you will not be happy. If you keep the same lifestyle as before, eating the same amount of food and doing no exercise then you will gain weight again.

I had some stubborn areas in my inner and outer thighs and decided to get a liposuction surgery after some research. I had to wait about two months until I got my surgery. I was pretty satisfied with the results and wish I had done it sooner. I always had troubles with my thighs.

I was a good candidate for a lipo. I had a good heath condition and my overweight was below 20 pounds. Every cometic surgeon will tell you that the risks of the surgery will increase with the body weight. If risks increase then the chances will go down that you will be satisfied with the output of your surgery.

I recommend to get in shape before you have the surgery. You will have to wait for the appointed surgery day anyway. The best way to prepare for it is to eat and live healthy, do a lot of exercise. Just try to get in your best shape before the surgery happens.

This procedure will also help you to maintain the good results of your liposuction. Do not believe that can not gain weight after a lipo just because the fat cells have been removed. The body will find ways to deposit fat.

A liposuction is just a great way to support your already existing efforts to get in shape. It is not a replacement for a healthy lifestyle.

Highly Recommended Reading:

Liposuction Cost

Liposuction Surgery

Linda A. Lithony is an expert author on liposuction surgery and weight loss topics. Her articles about cosmetic surgery have been published on numerous web sites, forums, blogs and ezines all over the Internet.

Manipulating Fat Burning Hormones Leads to Weight Loss

Diets often fail or leave you flabby because most diet plans are designed to burn either protein or carbohydrate calories, while ignoring fat tissue. By simply consuming foods that manipulate the production of insulin, your body can double the number of fat burning calories it gets rid of, leaving you with much more lean muscle mass.

Insulin is a hormone released into the bloodstream after every meal. Its job is to transport newly eaten calories into the muscle cells, so that these calories are converted into energy. However, when too much insulin is released into the bloodstream and too many calories are transported into the muscle cells, the body begins to transport these extra calories into the fat cells. They are now stored as fat tissue. This results in flab. The more insulin that gets released after each mean, the fatter you will be. Likewise, the less insulin, the more fat you will burn and the thinner you become.

The secret is in adopting a diet that contains food which will minimize the release of insulin into the blood stream after each meal so that insulin levels stay low and do not become stored as fat tissue. If you are careful to do this, then you will find losing weight and weight maintenance much more effective.

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The Weight Loss Transformation Mindset

Sometimes we get caught up. We forget how powerful we really are. Well, I want to remind you of exactly that. YOU are POWERFUL. Yes, I know sometimes we stumble through our articles and we scroll through looking for something that might interest us as we then proceed to keep looking. But I want you to know that I'm speaking to YOU.

Right NOW in this moment. And I don't care how much you've stumbled in the past. The truth is that we ALL have fears. We all have times of self-doubt and uncertainty. We all have times where we wake up early in the morning and we just don't feel like facing the day. What do most of us do in these situations? We turn to outside sources of pleasure. We put off being our inner ideal until 'tomorrow.'

We justify. And when you fast forward a life of procrastination, you'll be watching a film of regret. But you know what? Sometimes this isn't the end of the world. Maybe there's someone out there that is 100% perfect. I can tell you that I'm certainly not. And yes sometimes you DO need to be hard on yourself if you behave like this. Raising your standards...

But ultimately there comes a time when you move beyond that. To something even bigger and more encompassing. You're stress and anxiety is replaced by an inner sense of calm and ROCK SOLID CONFIDENCE that nothing or no one can shake.

In an instant, you have had enough of petty games and nonsense. You realize EXACTLY what you want and you are filled with the *awareness* that you will do whatever it takes to get there. You will NOT fail yourself. If you stumble so be it - but you know exactly where you're going. And that's when it becomes only a matter of time...

I honor you. Take this moment to sit up straight, take a full and deep breath... and recognize your GREATNESS. Smile. I'm grateful to have the opportunity to speak to you b/c anyone who is focused on progress and growth is a winner in my book. And the fact that you're reading these words indicates exactly that. In closing let me ask you:

What would it take to create that inner sense of confidence and power that *inevitably* leads to you manifesting the body and health that you desire?

To learn more visit to sign up for a free 10 Day eCourse and discover how you too can live in a lean, strong and energetic body.

The Key to Weight Loss Success

When it comes down to the wire, you are the primary component of the best loss program. Weight loss diets and workouts would be rendered useless without your motivation and discipline. Physicality is not the only component which is required in weight loss; rapid weight loss begins with the mind. This means that you have to decide to commit to a program even if cuts back on your candy bar helpings, or it prohibits you from indulging in that ice cream flavor which you have all but forgotten. Your mind is a very powerful aspect involved in your well-being, and it can lead you to weight loss success or failure, at your own free will.

Commitment is the first step towards healthy loss. Weight management is no easy thing, you can be sure of that; and if you really intend on shedding off those unwanted pounds, you have to start each day with the decision to make the healthy choices which can benefit you. You need to plan and prepare a workout plan the night before the fact, and a meal plan a week in advance. This will ensure that you won't miss out on the next day's regimen, and suffer the long-term consequences of exercise loss. Weight training, cardio exercises, and aerobics may be included in the routine, as long as you can competently handle them. You'll also need a good diet plan to supplement the calorie loss. Natural weight loss should result in a leaner body, not a starving one.

You need to motivate yourself through the program. As is the case, there are few shortcuts to weight loss. Rapid weight loss is only effective if you stick to your program discipline to the dot. Keep yourself reminded of the day's workout plan, or if necessary, have a friend check in on your progress with weight loss. Natural weight loss is also not a self-made effort; you'll need the expert advice of a nutritionist, one who can provide a custom-made meal plan for your particular dietary needs. Your nutritionist will tell you which diets to stick to, and may be able to warn you in advance of any crash diets which you may mistake for a best loss program. Weight management, done in a scientific and healthy way, leads to better chances for long-term success.

As part of your discipline, you have to have some degree of accountability. This prevents the possibility of exercise loss. Weight gain is too much the result of a failure to make yourself true to your personally-set goals that you may end up punishing yourself for it, by eating more and doing less. The best way to discipline your way to healthy loss, weight control, and body toning is to withhold any perks until you perform your required regimen for the day; on the other hand, rewarding yourself after a workout is good reinforcement method towards achieving your goal.

Sick and tired of your weight problem? Want to finally lose weight? Then go to my site and get your FREE report on weight loss. Start losing weight today!

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Lose 5 Pounds In A Week - Lose Weight Fast By Shifting Calories

Struggling to lose weight and keep it off? You are no different then millions of people. If you take action you can experience results. But not just any action; you need to take the right action.

What is the right action? Find a system that has worked for lots of other people, which has been around and proved that it works. Then all you have to do is follow the system like many other people. If you follow the system, you will get results.

This all seems simple enough and it is. Yet so many of us keep looking for the magic formula that will make the fat disappear while we do nothing. Yet you know deep inside that this will not happen.

Until you change what you are doing, you will continue to get the same results. If you are not looking for results, then quit reading this. If you want results, then all you have to do it take the right action.

A great method that will help you lose 5 pounds in a week is calorie shifting. When you shift your calories around you are able to keep your body guessing so that you keep the fat coming off.

What typically happens on a diet is that you reduce calories and it works for a little while then everything slows down. You prevent this by shifting your calories so that your body does not settle into a routine. You keep your body guessing and this keep the metabolism (fat burning ability) high. This will help you lose weight fast.

Take one simple action that will let you shed the pounds fast and get the body you long for. Take the right action and Lose 5 Pounds In A Week Now!

How to Lose Weight Very Fast Part 2

The first part of this series addressed the nutritional component of this equation.

In that article I laid the foundation to the kind of diet you need to consume in order to achieve "maximum weight loss in minimum time."

Before we dive in to today's lesson I think we need to make an important distinction: If you want to lose weight "very fast" then yes it is possible but it requires more focus.

Sure, you can lose weight by not changing your lifestyle dramatically but you can't make "dramatic changes very fast" without making dramatic changes in your lifestyle.

Makes sense, right?

OK, onward.

Part 2 of this series is exercise.

Here is what I want you to focus on:

Building Muscle. Well get to why in a bit...

But read on b/c this probably isn't going to be your typical advice.

See, most people have no clue how to build muscle.

When they hear this kind of advice they instinctively think "oh, I know that."

But when I look around at my local gym I can tell you that I know this isn't this case.

See building muscles begins with strength training (weight lifting, body weight workouts...etc -->whatever you want to do)

But this only where it begins.

Do know how muscles are REALLY developed?

I'm not going to go into a full blown discussion about muscle fibers, "the pump" and for the purpose of this article I'll assume you don't care. This might even by the truth. ;o)

Here the bottom line: Muscles develop through STRESS.

How do you create stress? You create stress by exercises your muscles to failure.

See, everyone wants to make this complicated.

"Do this routine." "Do that routine." "No that routines the best"

The TRUTH is that it doesn't matter what you do.

It matters how you do it.

Do whatever you want.

But if you are not experiencing muscular failure than you are not maximizes your muscular development.


Now, how many of your sets should result in muscular failure?

That depends but I would say somewhere in between 25-75%.

And let's be clear about what muscular failure is: it means FAILING!

In essence it means that you can't complete another repetition. You FAIL on your last one.

Now when you begin to apply this simple principle the results will be very exciting. Trust me.

You're body will begin burning lots of energy in order to fuel the growth of the muscles and that energy will come from fat.

Because unlike a body builder you are not going to consume lots of calories right? So instead of getting bigger you're simply going to get leaner.

Sound good? Of course this article is only for those who want to lose weight "very fast."

To learn more visit to sign up for a free 10 Day eCourse.

Weight Loss Made Simple

The Plan

You don't need diet pills or television gimmicks to lose weight. All you need is a good diet plan, and you need to stick to it. Any good diet plan needs only two parts, an eating plan and exercise. I prefer to use the term eating plan over diet because the word diet makes me think of eating less food, or food that has little or no taste. The plan is to kick up your metabolism so that you're burning more calories during the day. Consult your doctor before beginning any exercise or diet program.

20 Minutes a Day, 3 Days a Week

This is one of the best and easiest ways to get your exercise in and build lean muscle. Muscle building is one of the important parts of this guide. An extra pound of muscle will burn about 50 calories a day even if you're sitting and watching television. To build lean muscle, do a weight circuit. Do squats, push-ups, bent-over row, military press, upright row, triceps, wall sit, and bicep curls with a set of free weights that you're comfortable with. Try to go from one exercise to the next without resting, and this will keep your heart rate up. Rest a minute or two between sets. Start with 2 sets of the circuit and then move to 3 sets when you're ready.

How to Eat

Make sure you eat first thing in the morning to jumpstart you metabolism. Eat six times a day, three small meals and snack in between. Frequent eating will keep your metabolism running strong. Drink plenty of water as this also helps metabolism. If you're feeling hungry, then drink a glass of water, and if you're still hungry after that then go ahead and eat. Sometime thirst can be confused with hunger and a lot of people don't drink enough water every day.

What to Eat

Eat as many vegetables as you like. Eat foods like lean meats, eggs, low or non-fat dairy, beans, nuts, berries, oatmeal, whole grain food, and definitely ad some whey protein after workouts. Stay away from trans fats, saturated fats and high fructose corn syrup. Unsaturated fats are good for you and are found in olive oil, nuts, avocados, etc. Use olive oil to cook with instead of butter. Use this guideline to make a healthy version of things you like to eat. For an example, you could make a pizza with a whole wheat crust, tomato sauce, lean meat such as turkey or chicken, and any type of vegetables you like.

Stick to the Plan

Don't go on and off of fad diets, you'll end up weighing more than when you started. Make a lifestyle change by eating healthy and exercising, because it's a sure way to lose weight and keep it off. You don't have to use the plan in this guide, but it's what works for me.

Hope this was helpful, for more info visit Thanks, Greg Green.

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