Friday, May 23, 2008

Fat Loss Diets - Why Most Diets Fail To Lose Your Fat

Many diets can result in weight loss but whether that is good weight loss is another matter all together. A good diet is one which will help you to lose fat but sadly a large number do no such thing.

Different diets result in the loss of weight but very few actually get rid of fat. Numerous diets seem to work in the initial stages but then seem to stop all together and there is a good reason for this.

Basically all these diets help you to lose is fluid, they have no benefit when it comes to losing fat which if where honest is what we all really want to get rid off.

Another negative of the many low calorie diets available is that they cause your body to falsely assume you are starving yourself. This makes your metabolism store fat instead of getting rid of it and instead burn muscle. It also makes the metabolism work at a slower rate.

The metabolism working at a slower rate means you will burn your calories at a far lower rate result in very little weight loss - unless you really are starving yourself.

Fat loss diets are, in general, the weight loss programs which bring in results slowly over time rather than quickly so it tends to be a choice of either fast weight loss which doesn't get rid of fat or doing it steadily over time.

The only diet that provides relatively fast weight loss and gets rid of fat is one based around the idea of shifting calories but other than that you will after decide which is more important to you - Fast weight loss or getting rid of fat.

Calorie shifting is the only diet that currently results in fast fat loss and you can find out more about it at

Katie Turner lost 34 lbs after having her twins and you could too. To find out more click here.

Weight Loss Pills - Be Very Very Careful!

Millions of people around the world are fighting obesity these days. There are literally hundreds of products, ranging from fad diets to supplements which promise instant weight loss being aggressively advertised across media nowadays. Obesity is a problem that can leave people emotionally and physically drained. Fortunately though with advances in medical science there are many drugs available that help to reduce weight. Glucofast, Nanotrim, Avatrim and Dynathin are among the popular weight loss drugs that are available in the market.

Nanotrim is a prescription drug that contains botanical extracts as its ingredients and is also quite popular. Dynathin is another prescription drug that is used by obese people to lose unwanted weight. Avatrim is yet another prescription drug that comes with the promise of weight loss. There are literally hundreds of fad diets and medications available these days. Almost all of them promise to reduce weight in a matter of a few weeks to even days. Even though this is the case, not all medications are effective. Among the most popular of weight loss drugs is Glucofast. There are numerous instances of people having benefited immensely after taking Glucofast.

There is a common factor known scientifically as 'glucose intolerance' which is responsible for weight issues. Glucofast addresses this issue and helps in the reduction of unwanted weight in quick time. The drug works by literally reprogramming your body's metabolism in such a way that your body automatically triggers a calorie igniting process which in turn leads to weight loss. The formula of Glucofast is such that there are no negative side effects associated with the use of this supplement.

The all-natural ingredients in Glucofast is in fact one of the reasons for the immense popularity of the drug in the first place. Unlike the case with other similar drugs available in the market such as Nanotrim, Dynathin and Avatrim, there are no reported negative side effects associated with the usage of Glucofast. Some of the natural ingredients in it include, juniper berries, banana leaf extract, bitter melon, and licorice. The scientifically formulated ingredients do not contain any stimulants and therefore do not lead to any negative side effects. Glucofast is also fast acting with only 4-5 weeks required to show improvement. This is because the body recognizes the synergistic nutrients in the supplement and therefore absorbs them in a better manner. This in turn results in greater benefit when it comes to the health of the cell membrane and energy production leading to efficient fat reduction. The scientifically proven efficacy of this medication is the reason for its immense popularity.

For more information on Glucofast go to Glucofast or Glucofast Review

Fat Burning Furnace Review - How to Achieve Maximum Fat Loss Fast?

Is the Fat Burning Furnace ebook really that much different from other fitness guides online? This ebook is written by Rob Poulos who used to be an overweight person. He claims that he has found the best methods to trigger fat loss and boost metabolism, but is that true? This article will discuss some of the sections I found in Fat Burning Furnace.

1. Diet and Nutrition Information

Rob says that a good diet contributes to at least 80% of the fat loss results you see, thus it goes into detail about how you should eat to maximize the effects of your workouts.

2. 15 Best and 15 Worst Foods

Rob then puts the foods that he recommends most, and the foods he wants you to stay away in a separate component called 15 Best and 15 Worst Foods. This part of the guide makes it much easier for me to focus on eating the right foods to trigger fat loss, and I simply have to avoid all the foods listed as the 15 worst.

3. What Makes Fat Burning Furnace Different From Other Guides?

The core of this ebook focuses on using workouts to trigger fat loss and metabolism increase. Yet the workouts he recommends do not require a significant amount of effort, and take a fairly short time than those recommend by other guides. Rob explains to you why doing many reps is not the best way to lose fat, and then states the specific number of rep each set of your exercise should contain. He has also chosen to use all multi-joint exercises, as he says that such exercises are much better for fat loss.

4. Conclusion

This ebook has helped me progress slowly from a beginner to the more intensive workouts I am able to perform today. This guide is most unique in terms of the type and frequency of workouts it recommends, and has slowly helped me achieve a ripped body.

Is the Fat Burning Furnace guide a scam? Visit to read a FREE report about this guide, or Click Here to Download Fat Burning Furnace!

Weight Loss - The Ugly Truth About Losing Weight Fast!

Do you want to lose weight fast?

If yes, you need to know that the best way to lose weight is to do your exercises.

It's a well known fact that most of the diet programs don't work. Even if many of them seem to work on the short term, people will regain the extra weight they've burned almost immediately after they stop the diet.

In many case, they will gain more weight after the weight loss program they tried.

Then, they will start again with a new diet (or the same), lose weight again and stop.

I've seen my beloved mother doing this for years. I was wondering why I wasn't allowed to drink those slim fast milkshakes... It seemed really delicious.

Please understand that I am not saying that slim fast doesn't work. What I want you to understand is that most of the time, people are subject to what I call the "after diet" syndrome.

What is this?

After they lose some pounds, they will stop dieting, and find themselves caught in an infernal diet loop.

Are you going to avoid all these delicious foods all your life?

I'm sure you answered no to this question.

So what you need to do?

Just try something different. You are not obliged to take those traditional diet solutions.

As an example, you can try the turbulence training system. This will help you to burn the fat and feed the muscle at the same time.

Instead of focusing on losing weight, you will focus on burning carbs by doing exercises.

Finally! Discover a powerful weight loss system used by thousands of bodybuilders and people around the world to obtain low-low body fat level. Learn how you too can get rid of your stomach fat for good when you visit:

Franck Silvestre is a professional Martial Artist. Visit his website today at Turbulence Training

Weight Loss Scams

Anyone who has spent enough time surfing the internet or checking email has seen ads or websites selling weight-loss products. Pills, food programs, strange diets, teas, hypnosis... The list goes on and on. The truth is there is a huge demand for such products. Our society puts increasing value in having a beautiful, toned body, yet fosters unhealthy behaviors like eating fast food and watching television. The result is that many people want to look thin but keep gaining weight. They might not have time or willpower to undertake realistic weight loss programs, so they become susceptible to fad diets, pills and other commercial weight loss products that don't work. Many of these products are not only ineffective but dangerous for your health.

Here are some guidelines you should use to steer clear of potentially dangerous bogus weight loss products.

According to the FTC, products likely fake if they claim to:
-keep you from absorbing calories or fat.
-cause you to lose at least two pounds a week without exercise.
-cause you to lose a significant amount of weight no matter what you eat.
-cause weight loss by applying the product to the body externally.
-cause you to lose weight forever, even when you stop using the product.
-cause every person who uses the product to lose a lot of weight.

Here some specific products to watch out for.

Natural Fat Burning Pills. These pills are marketed as "natural" weight loss enhancers, but the truth is they're not much different than the weight loss pills of the 1970's that were banned because they contained amphetamines, or speed. Just because a product is naturally derived does not mean that it's safe or effective. In this case, these type of pills use a natural compound that is very similar to ephedrine, the dangerous and addictive chemical present in the original diet pills.

Magic Ab Exercisers. While it is good for you to exercise your abdominal muscles, it won't make your belly disappear magically. The truth is that we can't lose weight in a particular part of our bodies be exercising only that part of the body. Only a comprehensive exercise program will work. Some abdominal exercise machines may work better than others, but none will cause weight loss alone.

Goops, goos, gels, herbs, drinks, powders or anything else sold on TV infomercials. The number one warning sign that a product is a fake is that it isn't sold through conventional distribution channels. These products make claims that would not stand in a normal commercial environment. But in a half-hour TV infomercial where the sellers control all the information, they can seem effective. Be especially wary of ads that use word like "miracle," "scientific breakthrough," and "secret formula."

Fad diets. People spend millions of dollars on books outlining strange diets that supposedly cause weight loss miracles. There are too many of these diets to possibly discuss here, but one principal applies to all of them. If a fad diet causes you to lose weight, you will put the weight back on when you stop the diet. And many of these diets are ineffective to begin with, because every person's body reacts differently to them. Consult a doctor or nutritionist before you begin any diet, whether it comes from a book or not.

Hopefully this article helped you sort through the mountain of misinformation out there. Remember, if a product sounds too good to be true, it is. A useful is to lose weight is to control your Basal Metabolic Rate, at this way you will control the intake of calories on your body watch what you eat and control how many calories your body burns. There are many free BMR Calculator on the net that can help with this journey.

TLBC is a specialized Lap Band Centre that will help you with your weight loss issues. Offering now the free BMR Calculator to help to achieve your weight loss goals.

What Ever Happened to Originality?

Fitness articles have become truly boring to read as of late. It seems that there are too many bum marketers lurking around trying to churn out as many fitness articles as possible in order to get more sales or subscribers to their fitness related affiliate products or lists. Or there are too many non-bum marketers who just completely suck at coming up with original ideas. So they copy someone elses article and just put a spin on it. What a wuss.

No offense to the people to bum market for those reasons, well actually, yes I do mean to offend. Because all I ever see from generic fitness article writers are:

Top 10 Ways to Increase your Fitness Levels

How to Get Rid of Fat

How to Flatten Your Stomach in x Amount of Time

How to Build Muscles


Hey generic article writers, try this one on for size

How to Write an Entertaining Fitness Article for Once in Your Life

Seriously, whats the harm in putting a little more thought into your article something that will distinguish it from the rest of the crap(ahem) articles that are being thrown out there today. Sure, its easy to get more exposure by just using some of the cheap methods like: taking someone elses idea and putting a spin on it (or just down right legally copying it), and bum marketing for maximum sales or subscribers. However, putting thought into your articles really makes the difference on how much the reader (i.e. your prospect) will view you.

You can be viewed as an authority, and expert who knows what theyre actually talking about. Or you can be viewed as simply, mediocre.

There are plenty of fresh ideas, floating around in your head. You just have to tap into your head sometimes and find those fresh ideas.

Ryan Dodson - Personal Fitness Trainer

Ryan Dodson has recently decided to share his knowledge of health and fitness all over the world with his new website,

Rapid Weight Loss

Maybe you are a little overweight. Maybe you're more than a little overweight and you need to lose quite a few excess pounds, especially around the tummy area. What's the best way to go about it?

To be honest a lot depends on how you want to lose the weight. If you want to lose excess weight fast then most diets fall short. If you've ever tried to starve yourself to get thin then you've probably found the results to be less than encouraging.

Let's assume for your height and build you are carrying excess weight. What's the reason for your being overweight? Lack of exercise and eating too much would be amongst the highest ranked answers. You've probably read somewhere that being overweight is a product of over eating and under exercising.

There's not much doubting the fact that if you sit around all day cramming fatty, processed foods down your throat then you are going to get fat. So you need to exercise more and eat less to get the pounds to fall off, right?


Why? Well, with most information there's an element of misinformation and it's no different in the world of dieting. The reason for becoming overweight in the first place has nothing to do with how you can effectively burn excess fat in a matter of days.

Most people's perception of losing weight is to eat less and exercise more.

Exercise is a great way of getting fitter and stronger. It's also great for toning and shaping but forget it if you want to achieve rapid weight loss. When you're overweight one of the last things you want to do is dive into a rigid exercise program.

Once you've managed to lose some serious weight and gain a little self confidence you might want to think about an exercise routine that fits in with your life. There are plenty of high impact and low impact activities to choose from. A simple 30 minute brisk walk every day might actually be all the exercise you'll ever need.

Don't confuse exercise with rapid weight loss. You would have to do some pretty serious exercising if you wanted to lose more than half a stone in less than two weeks. Eating less also tends to have very little effect on your body's ability to burn off excess fat. If you really want to lose some excess weight in a hurry then forget about starving yourself to get thin.

Let's assume that on average you consume approximately 2500 calories a day pretty much every day. Your body will get used to this amount and your metabolism will burn off these calories in the same way every day.

Now let's assume that you decide to lose some weight and cut back on the amount of calories that you consume and reduce to around 1000 calories per day. Very quickly your body adjusts to this reduction in calories and your metabolism adjusts also.

You won't burn off excess fat just by reducing the amount of calories you eat.

You might lose a few pounds here and there but then your metabolism will adapt and cope with a lot less calories and you'll probably start to feel tired and agitated as a result.

Imagine a weight loss method where by you can eat the things you like to eat every day, food that can be purchased at any supermarket or convenience store. Now imagine a weight loss method that actually encourages you to eat those things every two and a half hours for up to six times a day without increasing your current exercise routine.

Sounds too good to believe doesn't it? How can eating four, five or even six times a day possibly help to shed pounds in excess fat? It just goes against everything you're told doesn't it?

Welcome to the world of Calorie Shifting and it works by confusing the natural way that your body adapts to consuming calories every day. Think of it quite simply as a calorie work out for your metabolism. A work out that is responsible for achieving rapid weight loss time after time after time.

Calorie shifting is a way of mixing portions of everyday foods in such a way as to achieve significant weight loss in a matter of days and the process can be repeated again and again. The key elements to this successful rapid fat burning program are a variation in portion size and type of foods consumed within an eleven day period.

Unfortunately most people neither have the time or the know how to produce such a fat burning menu and this is where it becomes necessary to enlist expert help. This help comes via the aid of an Online Diet Generator. A review of a website currently offering an Online Diet Generator is available here.

Tony Jo is the Health & Beauty researcher for
Online Money Robot Where Health Mixes With Wealth

How To Lose 10 Pounds In 3 Or 4 Weeks And Get Fit In The Process

If you want to lose 10 pounds in 3 or 4 weeks, know that they way you do it will also affect how you look and feel at the end of that time period. While it is possible to lose 10 lbs in 3 or 4 weeks with little exercise, provided that you follow a fast paced weight loss diet, many people wish to use that time period to develop their fitness as well. This article is basically for those people (even though I'll write a few words on nutrition as well).

Getting fit has many benefits: it improves your health, increases your metabolism and energy levels, makes you look leaner, harder, and younger, and can also improve your overall mood due to the release of certain chemicals inside our body which make us feel happier.

So, it's no wonder that many people wish to combine their goal of losing 10 pounds in 3 or 4 weeks with their ambition to become fitter.

To do both things: lose 10 pounds in 3 or 4 weeks and get fitter, you need to follow a diet and fitness program which can get you results. In order to minimize disruption to your regular lifestyle, you should choose a program which utilizes short cardiovascular routines and fitness workouts, preferably those you can do in the privacy of your own home (to save the time driving to the gym). If such a program sound like something you'd like to pursue, I recommend using a program called Turbulence Training by Craig Ballantyne. It's one of the most popular fitness programs on the internet and produces proven results. With this program you can lose 10 pounds in 3 to 4 weeks and get fit as well.

To read more about Turbulence Training and other methods to lose 10 pounds fast, click here: How To Lose 10 Pounds In 4 Weeks or Less

John Davenport lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life. To read how you can start to lose as much as 10 lbs. in 3 Weeks and keep it off, visit this webpage:
How to lose 10 pounds And Never Gain It Back.

Weight Loss with Slim Fast

Slim fast has been around for several years and now has a new look. They have added food items to there product list. They now have snack bars to help you make it through the day. Probably the most significant thing they are marketing is a new dieting concept

Slim fast is moving from a diet plan that was primarily to help lose a few vanity pounds. They have introduced an aggressive diet plan to help those who need to lose more than a few vanity pound. After reviewing there revised diet plan, I like the new plan much better. I have been fairly active all my life and the thought of going though a half a day on a souped up milk shake didn't set to well with me. Their new dieting philosophy appears to recognize that problem. The slim fast shake is not a stand alone meal any more although they call their shake a meal on the run. They also seem to be suggesting several small meals during the day. This several small meals concept has been around for quite some time and has gained acceptance with some dietitians. In between their low calorie meals they recommend snacking on the specially formulated snack bars to suppress any hunger.

Their shake mixes and snack bars are formulated to provide many necessary nutrients and vitamins. I was encouraged to see their recommended food suggestion to be eaten along with the shake. Slim Fast has available suggested diet plans that take into consideration your height, weight and the number of pounds that need to be shed. There is also a planning and tracking system to plan out your meals and record what you have done.

If you are dieting or plan to diet, Slim Fast has a system that could be a big benefit. This is no longer a crash diet as I once thought Slim Fast was. Slim Fast has stood the test of time and it looks as though they are expanding. The test of time means they are still getting results. They have a interesting and very informative website. Check it out at

When dieting or considering a diet, pay close attention to the amount of dietary fiber available. Select those foods that are high in dietary fiber. Green vegetables and grains are a good source as they contain varying amounts of dietary fiber.

Dieting with Slim Fast has improved. They are also suggesting that you alter your life style to incorporate exercise into your daily routine. They have a good plan.

For more interesting articles on dieting and weight loss visit: Weight Loss Tips Site

Fooled by Cardio? Here's the Better Way

Aerobics are a waste of time. You can burn fat and improve your health without cardio. Long, slow to moderate intensity cardio training, which is what you see most people still doing in the gym, is not really the best way to shed fat.

Interval training, which is periods of short hard exercise followed by short periods of recovery, works better for fat loss, according to both Canadian and Australian researchers (plus hundreds of advanced trainers throughout the world).

An interval might last 30 seconds to 60 seconds, and it would be hard work, harder than normal cardio. Each work interval is followed by 30 to 90 seconds of very easy pace. So if you're running on a treadmill you might run at 7 mph for your work interval and then go all the way down to 3 mph for a walk for your rest. That's what we use instead of slow cardio. All it takes is 20 minutes of interval training to get better results than 40 or 60 minutes of slow cardio.

Now the research and experience is showing that the intervals not only as effective, but it's even more effective in most cases. And also you're doing fewer repetitions. So, you know, every time you run we'll count that as repetitions, so if you run for 60 minutes you're looking at maybe 3,000, 4,000 repetitions in a slow cardio workout where you're doing probably one-third of that or even one-fifth of that in interval workout.

And that leads to less overuse injuries and that's one of the big problems with long slow cardio is that a lot of people end up in the physiotherapy office getting some type of therapy for their overuse injuries. Runners are in there all the time getting their injuries looked after.

So, we're trying to cut back on the volume of work, cutting back on the quantity and focusing on the quality. And like I said, we started off just by doing it to save time and now we're also finding out that we're actually getting more results.

Pick from a big variety of interval methods. It doesn't just have to be running on a treadmill. Clients have started to incorporate a lot of jump rope intervals, which jump rope can be very intense, so I think that's a great, you know, just think of ways that you can make things fun and things that you may enjoy doing.

You might not enjoy running, so find something that you do enjoy doing like jump roping or maybe getting on a stationary bike, but do it, make it real intense for a shorter period of time, then back up that intensity and do a interval type workout and I think you're going to have fun doing it.

To me it's more fun than walking for an hour on a treadmill and you're going to get more benefit out of it and it's going to take a less amount of time. Less amount of workout time, better results, and more fun. You're looking at probably at least a dozen different ways you can do interval training. Sports are intervals. And again that's more fun. You can also do biking or rowing. There's all types of traditional cardio machine that can be used.

We also use sometimes kettlebells and we also use body weight circuits, which are not really interval training but they're not strength training and they're definitely not cardio, but we find that body weight circuits are beneficial in a whole bunch of different ways.

They like interval training to help burn calories and lose body fat, but also because most people are doing exactly what we're doing right now, which is sitting in a chair all day, they're either driving or they're at work and they're in that one posture. Then they get in an elliptical machine and it's not much different.

Don't get stuck in a rut. Move your body.

So there's a whole lot to be said for the body weight circuit training. You can definitely find some of my circuit training videos on YouTube, will give you lots of ideas, but basically what we do there is we generally will take an upper body exercise and a lower body exercise or a whole bunch of them and we'll alternate between upper and lower. Maybe we'll do six or eight exercises in a circuit, take a minute rest, and then go through that again.

Twenty minutes of that, it goes by a lot faster. Interval training goes by a lot faster than regular cardio. Cardio is slow and boring. Bodyweight training is not. Interval training is over fast.

So what we're really trying to do is show people that there's so many other options to getting a better body than what they've read in the muscle magazines or Shape Magazine for the last 20 years since the 1980s that you have to do an hour of circuit training with machines and then an hour on the cardio machine.

That's not a great way to live life and it's not the best way to get results, especially when you look at the body in terms of everything from not only how it looks but also how it moves with the mobility.

And these days were just so immobile in our daily lives that we need to get more movement patterns into our training sessions. And again it's more variety and a lot more fun. So drop the slow cardio and do some type of fat burning interval training to lose belly fat.

Use fast fat burning workouts with bodyweight exercises and interval training

Weight Loss Advice For Shedding Unwanted Pounds

Physical appearance is more of an important thing. It is true that everyone likes the physical appearance of a person. Fitness by both the physical and moral aspects attracts more attention. This is why many people are interested to find "weight loss advice for shedding unwanted pounds".

As you are reading this post I assume you are looking for the "weight loss advices for shedding unwanted pounds". Well you are not alone. There probably are just another million of people out there suffering from the same problem you are suffering from. Let me drop you a few tips as I continue writing this post.

So how do you get rid of the extra fat?
Are you heavily into eating chips, soda and fast food? Do you eat enough vegetables and fruits? Hamburgers, pizzas and fries can indeed be very tasty but at the same time they can be deadly. You must quit eating foods like these that provide too much energy and fat.

Why are these foods bad for your health?
Human body don't like to waste energy. Energy is one of the most important things that can be stored on your body. Body converts the energy to fat and store them. Fast foods create more energy than your body needs which is why having too much fast food makes you fat.

How do I control my fat?
If you don't control your fat it can be deadly for your health. Therefore you must cut down on this type of food and replace them with vegetable and fruits. Start doing some exercises on a regular basis. While a sound diet makes sure your body doesn't get fatter, exercising will help you to burn your fats. Exercise half an hour per day. Perhaps going for a walk on the nearest park will do. Hope these weight loss advices for shedding unwanted pounds work for you.

Learn More About How You Too Can lose Those Extra Pounds

Fastest Weight Loss Method

Would you believe me if I said the fastest weight loss method available actually involves eating more food? Of course you wouldn't, but amazingly this isn't a joke or a scam. So what is this diet that sounds too good to be true.

The diet in question is called calorie shifting and yes it really does work by eating more. Calorie shifting works by increasing your metabolism to work at a higher rate which brings on faster weight loss.

It does this by mixing up the foods you eat and the calories you in take each day. This stops the body from figuring out any sort of routine and sensing you are on a diet. Thanks to the confusion it causes your body will actually burn calories faster.

You eat 4 meals a day on the program and the only thing you really need to make sure of is that each of the meals consist of different calorie amounts and you will soon see results. A menu generator can also be attained for those that want an extra level of help with an eating plan.

By eating 4 meals a day or more if you like you will keep the metabolism working constantly throughout the day meaning calories are being burned all day. This is why eating more really can help you to lose weight.

Calorie shifting diet users tend to report losses of between 8 to 15 pounds in the first 2 week and since the diet works on a continuous cycle the results will keep coming for as long as you use the diet.

You can get more information about the calorie shifting diet if you visit here.

How Should You Go about Locating A Good Local Weight Loss Program Center?

If you are planning to shed some weight then you may well find it very helpful to join your local weight loss center where you will find not only information and advice about losing weight, but will also benefit from the assistance of others and of following a program with set goals for you to aim for. But exactly how should you go about locating a good local weight loss program center?

Before we answer this question it is important that you know precisely what you are looking for as not all weight loss programs are the same.

Some centers host regular meetings perhaps every week where members 'weigh in' to check their progress and discuss their diet plan for the following week. These meetings generally last about an hour or two and, although they give you access to advice and encouragement, you are largely left to fend for yourself between meetings.

Other centers operate seven days a week (frequently opening early and staying open until late evening) and not only give advice and information, but also give you access to an extensive range of fitness equipment and will also run various exercise classes.

Possibly the best place to start your search for a suitable local center is your local telephone directory. Start your search by looking for 'weight loss' or 'health and fitness' in the business or yellow pages section of the directory.

An alternative to using your local telephone directory is to use the online business directories and online telephone books. Just as your standard telephone directory, these online services will let you have the name, address and telephone number of your local weight loss centers, but have the benefit of also providing you with the website address of centers which also have an internet site. This will then let you find out much more about a center from the comfort of your own home and without having to call them or pop around to check them out.

As well as utilizing web-based telephone books and business directories you can also carry out a search with your preferred search engine. A basic search for phrases like 'weight loss centers' or 'weight loss programs' will bring up a list of not merely local centers but also national chains which can be helpful for determining such things as the size of the business. Generally, you can then find a local center through their main website. You can also refine your search results by adding your location and, for instance, searching for 'weight loss centers in Long Beach' or 'weight loss programs in Long Beach'.

A further very good way to find a suitable local center is by simply asking around. You can start with family members, work colleagues, friends, neighbors or your doctor. This will not only usually give you information about your local centers, but will also give you details of the personal experience of others in using such centers. Out of all the search methods this is clearly the best because you really cannot beat a personal recommendation when you are trying to find a good weight loss program.

You can learn more about Weight Loss Program Centers as well as get Free weight loss tips and much more information on dieting and losing weight at

Exercises for Stomach Muscle Strength

People who start an abdominal exercise routine has a simple goal in mind - to get a flatter stomach. And while a flat stomach looks and feels nice, it has to be complemented with strength and firmness of the muscles - stomach muscle strength. Gaining strength on the abdominal area will not only make your stomach look nicer but will also accomplish an important function in your core area.

Here are some simple exercises that will power up your core stomach area and will make you look and feel better, while giving you strength. Always talk with a professional before doing any exercise to see if you are fit for them.

Toning the Torso

Begin by coming an all fours. With your stomach pulled in, extend one arm in front of you. While keeping this arm stretched, extend the opposite leg behind you. Repeat for an entire set switching sides.

Butt Burner

Begin by lying on your back, using a towel to cushion your spine. Bend your knees with your feet flat on the floor and put your arms at the sides, like wings on the ground. Squeeze your butt and lift just the pelvis off the floor t about 45 degrees. Hold for 5 seconds and slowly with control lower your body back to the starting position. Repeat for an entire set.

Crunchless Crunch

Lie on your stomach and relax your body as much as possible. With the lower abdominals try to move your belly button towards your spine, and hold for ten seconds. You can add difficulty by adding more seconds. The goal is to hold it until you can't feel the contraction. When this occurs let the contraction out.

These are 3 of the simplest stomach strengthening exercises; they will be of great aid also if you want to engage in any sport activity. For this purpose -meaning working the core area - it would be a good idea to try Pilates exercises since all of them involve the stomach.

Learn how to get the stomach you want with Stomach Muscle Exercises. While you are there be sure to join our newsletter for tips and more product reviews.

How To Lose 2 Stones Fast

If you wish to lose 2 stones fast, this is the article for you. There is more than 1 way to lose 2 stones, but in this article I wish to present to you 2 of the most popular diets on the market today, so you can make an informed choice about which one to choose.

The diets I wish to review for you are Fat Loss 4 Idiots and the Top Secret Fat Loss Secret.

Both of these diets produce fast weight loss results for many users, but choosing the best one for you requires you to know a little more about each of them. Here are the basic facts about each diet so you can choose with which to lose 2 stones.

Fat Loss 4 Idiots

This is one of the most used diets in the world. Here are some basic facts about this diet:

  • You don't starve with this diet since you get to eat 4 meals a day
  • The diet is based on nutrition alone (apart from recommended walking) which means that if you dislike the gym it's a good bet
  • The diet's menu is made up of regular food only so it's easy to get all the ingredients
  • The average weight loss with this diet is around 7 pounds in 11 days, so you can lose 2 stones very fast.
  • The diet is based on a unique method which ensures that your metabolism remains high throughout the diet so it's easy to maintain your weight loss into the future.

Top Secret Fat Loss Secret

This is a diet created by Dr. Suzanne Gudakunst, a weight loss expert. This diet is a detox type diet which can be exceptionally good if you've tried many diets in the past and failed with them. What this diet does is to help you flush out of your body a lot of undigested weight and help you cleanse yourself of internal parasites which may be clogging your system, disrupting your internal processes, and causing you to get fat. If you are infested with this parasites, you will likely fail with all other diets and may also be facing other health issues.

Weight loss with the Top Secret Fat Loss Secret can be exceptionally fast, but you should know that detox diets are harder than regular diets like Fat Loss 4 Idiots.

The choice is yours. I urge you to use one of these 2 diets so you can lose 2 stones as fast as possible.

To read how you can start to lose as much as 9 lbs. in 11 days and keep it off, visit this webpage:
Fat Loss 4 Idiots Review.

John Davenport lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life. To read more about fast weight loss, click here: Top Secret Fat Loss Secret Review

Ultimate Weight Loss: 7 Simple Ways to Eat Better

Make sure you check out the meaning of many common terms. This should help you to improve or better your food purchases and help you eat healthier.

Per FDA:

FREE: indicates a product has no or an insignificant amount of a nutrient, often one deemed unhealthy, like sodium. Other terms you may see include no, zero, negligible source of and insignificant source of.

GOOD SOURCE: describes a food that contains 10 to 19 percent of daily allowanceof nutrient, such as fiber.

HIGH: indicates a product has at least 20 percent of the daily value for a nutrient. Also: rich in and excellent source of.

LOW: signals a food you could eat often without exceeding daily limits for calories, fat, saturated fat, cholesterol and/or sodium. Other approved tags: little, few and low source of.

LIGHT or LITE: means a food has half or one third the calories of regular versionsl; light can also indicate at least 50 percent less sodium.

MORE: indicates a food has at least 10 percent more daily value for nutrient than its original version. Also: enriched, fortified and added.

REDUCED: foods contain at least 25 percent less nutrient or 25 percent fewer calories than the regular product. Labels may also say less or fewer.

Michel Landry lives in beautiful British Columbia, Canada. He has a great interest in Health and Fitness.

Human Body Energy Stores and Losing Weight

Human body energy stores and losing weight

Many dieters think of stored energy as just body fat, and that to lose weight they need to follow a diet to enable the body to use up these fat stores. But there is more to losing body fat stores than just dieting, there are other stores of energy which can limit or interfere with the process of fat burning.

There are other stores of energy within the body; glycogen (carbohydrates) and protein (muscle). How the body uses these stores for energy production can change the way the body uses fat. This article discusses the stores of each energy component within the body and how they can affect weight loss.

Carbohydrates stored in the body
Glycogen is basically carbohydrates stored in the body. It is stored mainly in the muscles and to a smaller degree in the liver. Glycogen is a large storage molecule made up of millions of glucose (sugar) units. The process of storing carbohydrates causes it to hold about three times its own weight of water. The body can store a maximum of around 500 grams of glycogen but the exact amount of storage at any given time will depend largely on the nutritional status of the individual. Even if glycogen stores are full there will only be the energy equivalent to approximately 2000 calories, in other words if you didnt eat for a whole day then most of these stores could be used up.

But how does this all relate to losing weight?
Storage of sugar (glycogen) causes the body to hold three times its weight in water. This means that if your muscles have 500 grams of glycogen storage then youll also be holding an extra 1500 grams of water, so a total weight of two kilograms (4.4 pounds). If you used up 90% of the glycogen stored in the muscles which is quite likely if you cut food intake dramatically or was following a low-carbohydrate diet then youll lose just less than 4 pounds in weight. This is what tends to happen when following a very low calorie diet and especially a low-carbohydrate diet, all the weight loss comes from fluid loss through reduced glycogen stores. Its the reason why dieters lose so much weight within the first few days, and also the reason why so many dieters regain the weight after the diet ceases, the fluid is simply replaced as glycogen stores are replenished. The fact is that most of the weight lost was NOT fat loss in the first place. Knowing this information helps many people make sense of the fact that slow steady weight loss (around 1-2 pounds each week) is the best policy for permanent weight control.

Protein storage in the body
Protein in the body is used as a building material so it is not really stored in the same way as fat and carbohydrates, but because muscle is frequently broken down and used as energy the whole muscular system represents a huge potential store of energy. Some protein is always used to supply energy. It averages about 5% of total energy expenditure; this can increase to 15% during long periods of intense physical work, or high intensity exercise. Protein usage also increases when glycogen stores are low, protein is converted to glucose in the liver, thereby helping to maintain blood glucose levels. As glycogen stores are generally lowered when dieting or following a low-carbohydrate diet, it follows that more protein will be utilized for energy.

But how does this all relate to losing weight?
As is the case for glycogen, protein also holds water, about four times its weight. Thus if your body uses more protein for energy there will be a corresponding loss of fluid causing the dieter to believe a diet is working well. A loss of glycogen fluid along with protein fluid can result in some dieters losing between ten and thirty pounds in weight fairly quickly. It is inevitable that any reduction in energy intake will cause reduced protein but you should try to limit this loss as much as possible with regular exercise and an intake of high-quality protein food sources.

Fat storage in the body
Fat is stored in virtually every area of the body, not only under the skin but also inside the body cavity surrounding the organs and within muscles. We cannot determine where fat is stored or which area we burn it from first, although what we can do is reduce the amount of stored body fat we carry.

But how does this all relate to losing weight?
Fat is really the type of fuel we want to burn off in order to lose weight, so anything that helps burn more fat would be great for dieters.

One tactic is to reduce total calorie intake by only 15%. Research has shown that reducing energy intake too much causes the body to burn more protein from muscles in order to supply energy and/or essential amino acids (not enough essential amino acid intake simply because food intake too low). Cutting calories on a gradual but steady basis helps limit a decrease in metabolism and ensures you are still eating enough food to provide the body with essential proteins, vitamins and minerals for good health.

Another tactic is to exercise for longer duration at a lower intensity. Fat requires oxygen to burn completely, but oxygen can only be delivered to the working muscle cells at a steady rate, a lower rate of delivery for less fit individuals. So in order to maintain a constant fat burning state during exercise is to work at a rate which is easy to moderate in effort. A good guide to make sure you are in fat burning mode is to be able to just about hold a conversation while exercising.

A diet composed of around 60% carbohydrates, 25% protein and 15% fats of total calories can help. Remember fat is a concentrated source of energy, the less fat you eat, the more food you can consume without going over the reduced calorie intake.

Try to maintain or even better, increase lean muscle tissue. A higher degree of lean mass will help you burn more energy by increasing the basal metabolic rate. A higher metabolic rate will boost energy and fat burning.

Ensure you are obtaining the RDA for all vitamins and minerals. Many vitamins are involved in the release of energy from food, so an adequate supply gives us that vigorous feeling to want to participate in exercise and activities which in turn helps us burn more fat calories.

Wayne Mcgregor has written hundreds of articles on ways to lose weight. His website provides tons of free weight loss information and help.

Fad Diets & Weight Loss

A diet may be a fad diet or a healthy diet. People often start a fad diet for fast weight loss. They do not realize that quick weight loss and a fad diet is not the answer for their weight problem. They may lose weight initially but that may not be permanent. The fad diets recommend to eat a certain group of foods and eliminate some foods or a group of foods from the diet. Such diets are not without a danger.

Some of the fad diets are:

Grapefruit Diet: This diet recommends to eat only grapefruit.

Low Carb Diet: This diet recommends to eat foods low in carbohydrates.

Low Fat Diet: This diet recommends to eat foods low in fats or eliminate fats in diet.

High Protein Diet: This diet recommends to eat only protein rich foods, eliminating carbohydrates

Note that these diets recommend to eliminate some food groups that are essential for a healthy body. These diets may offer only a temporary solution and are not based on the recommendationsof the food pyramid. On using a fad diet, you may lose weight fast, but lateron you may again gain weight and your body may be deficient in many nutrients that can develop health problems.

A good diet should provide all the major nutrients including dietary fibers, carbohydrates, proteins, good fats, minerals, and vitamins. The best way to tackle overweight and obesity problem is to eat a balanced diet and do some physical exercise daily.

You should not start any diet if it does not allow any major group of the food pyramid.The negative calorie diet is based on neagtive calorie foods that include vegetables, fruits, legumes, lentils, and beans, so it allows all the major nutrients in the diet necessary for good health. By eating these foods, you will never feel hungry and you will never gain weight. If you remain physically active and eat these foods, you will deop pounds permanently.


[Please note that this article is not a subsitute for medical advise. You have permission to publish this article in your web sites, ezines or electronic publication, as long as the piece is used in its entirety including the resource box, all hyperlinks (clickable) and references and copyright info. ]

For more information, visit the web site Fad Diets & Weight Loss.

Weight Loss: Goal-Setting for Success

If you were going to travel to the other side of the world, youd need to plan it. I mean, youre not going to just book a seat on a plane, take off and just take it all as it comes. You need to plan your finances, organize time off from work, get a visa, book accommodation, the list goes on.

Well, the same detail needs to be applied when youre trying to change your life.

The best way to do this is to set goals.

Goal-setting is used by all successful people. It gives them a plan of attack. It keeps them focused on the small things that must be done to achieve big dreams. It tells them precisely what they must do each day in order to succeed.

I bet when youve tried to rid yourself of excess fat in the past youve just said Im going to lose 10kgs..Im going to exercise.and Im not going to eat fat, and that is your plan.

This is why many people fail. They forget the details.

To get the details, you must answer these questions:

Well start with the first statement: Im going to lose 10kg. In what time frame? If you dont have much time then that will affect how much exercise you have to do. It will also affect how strict your diet must be.

    Q1. How much body fat do you need to lose?
    Q2. What is the time frame? (a realistic level is 0.5-1kg per week)

Next, is the exercise. What type of exercise are you going to do? When are you going to do it? You cant achieve long-term success if you dont plan your exercise.

    Q3. What type of exercise are you going to do?
    Q4. What days will you do it?
    Q5. What time will you do it?
    Q6. Who will you do it with?
    Q7. Do you need to buy any equipment?

Finally, your eating plan. You need to plan every single meal and snack. I know its takes time but you cant succeed without it. Remember, you not only have to avoid foods high in fat, but also foods high in sugar.

    Q8. What will you have for breakfast each morning?
    Q9. What will you have for lunch? Do you need to prepare it the night before?
    Q10. What will you have for dinner?
    Q11. Do you snack? What will you snack on?

Each of these questions need to be answered if you wish to succeed. Sit down right now and do your list. Then you will have your detailed plan for successful fat loss!

Ray Kelly has helped thousands of people achieve their weight loss goals. This article is just one part of his free '7 Day Weight Loss Course'. Sign up for the rest of the course at Free Tips on Weight Loss and Heart Disease

Lose 10 Pounds - 3 Stealth Tricks To Lose 10 Pounds Before The End Of July!

Is losing weight difficult?

It will depends on your determination. Do you really want it? Are you ready to do whatever it takes to lose those extra pounds?

It's funny, but losing weight is like going to school. You will learn how to burn the body fat, and then, you need to apply what you discovered.

There are no secrets. Most of the people who don't manage to lose weight don't follow the method they try until completion.

1. Motivation

You need to have a good reason to lose weight. Ask yourself: "Why I want to lose weight?".

Write this on a piece of paper and put it everywhere in your house. Put in near your computer at the office.

Add this as a sticky on your fridge, put it on the doors and everywhere you can. You need to see this goal several time a day.

In fact, you need to think about it.

2. Announce it to the world

I know it seems crazy, but telling your friends and family members that your goal is to lose 10 pounds by the month of July will help you to reach your goal faster.

Plus if you lose motivation, they will remind you. If you go watch a movie and start eating chips, they will tell you to stop.

This work very well, so make sure that you let your friends and family know what you are doing. This will be like a little mastermind. And who knows, maybe you will find someone who is dieting as well.

3. Fasting

Fasting three days every single month of the year will help you to lose weight. Plus all your body will benefit from fasting.

Finally! Discover a powerful weight loss system used by thousands of bodybuilders and people around the world to obtain low-low body fat level. Learn how you too can get rid of your stomach fat for good when you visit:

Franck Silvestre is a professional Martial Artist. Visit his website today at Turbulence Training

How to Maintain a Healthy Weight While at Work

Life can be stressful enough without diet and exercise. We spend most of our lives rushing to work, spending time with friends and family, overcoming loss and financial burdens, yet somehow we are still supposed to find time to get healthy. For many of us, this is an impossible dream that would only be realistic in a movie. Fortunately, there are simple changes you can make to your lifestyle. The following tips will not only shed the pounds, but will increase your energy and make you feel great!

1. Park close to work? Try parking further away. While many try to find the closest parking spot, this doesn't do anything for our bodies. Unless the weather is the primary reason, try parking in the last row. This at least burns a few calories in the morning and when you leave at night.

2. Skip out on cafeteria lunches. Most companies specialize in fattening food and rarely offer anything nutritious. If you want weight loss, bring your own lunch and change it up! Need ideas? Hummus with pita bread, Mexican salad or even a Kashi frozen meal are great alternatives to junk food. Make it a rule not to bring the same lunch twice in a week. This will not only keep you motivated, but it will save your wallet.

3. Green tea. Instead of drinking coffee in the morning, how about green tea (Orange, Passion Fruit & Jasmine flavor)? The caffeine will keep you awake and the nutrients will boost your immune system. While moderate coffee intake is fine, green tea will speed up your metabolism and help you lose weight.

4. Exercise on your lunch break. If you bring your lunch to work, you can eat it any time while you're at your desk. If the weather is nice, why not take a walk? This will eliminate having to exercise when you return home.

5. Make Kashi a Routine. Kashi food products are one of the best food choices for weight loss. From Kashi Go Lean cereal to waffles, energy bars and desserts -- Kashi knows that you need nutritional food that still tastes delicious. It is a perfect way to maintain a healthy lifestyle yet still get the nutrients you need.

6. Snack! If you're looking to lose weight at a healthy yet fast pace, eating five meals a day will do the trick. Breakfast, a mid-morning snack, lunch, afternoon snack and dinner are critical. Try bringing two snacks with you to work so that you're never hungry. This will eliminate any binges when you return from work. It will also speed up your metabolism and keep the cravings down. Kashi Cheddar crackers, yogurt with fruit or even veggies are a great alternative to chips or candy.

Heather B. is a Marketing Communications Specialist and Freelance writer located in Boston. She is dedicated to providing resources for women who want to live a healthy lifestyle, without sacrificing happiness. Visit for weight loss tips, recipes, fitness advice and support.

6 Pack Abs - Secrets To Get 6 Pack Abs!

Make sure that you warm up before you start doing anything. I've been subject to severe injuries all other the years, and now I make sure that I don't repeat the same mistakes.

A good way to warm up is to focus on the area you are going to train. As an example, if you are going to do strength training for your legs, you can just warm up your legs and forget about your arms and other non related parts of your body.

It is also good to alternate upper and lower body workouts because while the upper body needs some time to rest, you can still work the lower body.

Occasionally, I will change my workout completely to work the whole body in one session. Remember when I said that I hate to be bored?

Another powerful thing I do is training my abs whenever I do an exercise. I am not talking about specific abs exercises here, but all of them.

Let's say that you are doing some push ups. To work your abs at the same time, you need to increase the tension on your abs (like if you were going to receive a punch in the stomach). Doing this will ensure that you get 6 pack abs faster than others who don't know this powerful secret.

Your abs are the center of your body and you should always train them while you are doing any workout.

It's important to put this in your mind. To get strong abs, you need to focus on them.

Something I started to do after I started working with my students is planning my strength training workouts. Don't forget that if you fail to plan, you plan to fail.

It's really easy to do, all you need is a pen and a piece of paper, and prepare the lessons before you start.

You can even have a monthly plan once you have more experience.

And remember, you don't need to spend hours in the gym. Bodyweight training is one of the best form of exercises to lose weight and build muscle You should be done in less than one hour.

To learn more about my powerful weight loss system and how you too can get rid of your stomach fat for good and get killer 6 pack abs when you visit:

Franck Silvestre is a professional Martial Artist. Visit his website today at Turbulence Training

Weight Loss And Aerobics

There are great benefits to aerobic workouts in your weight loss program. For instance, one of the best things you can accomplish to improve your health and to lose weight is to increase your heart rate. You can achieve this with an aerobic workout which requires constant movement without rest. In order for this to be truly effective, you need sustained movement to get your heart rate up for a length of time. One of the benefits to this is that it oxygenates your blood. This in turn enables you to feel better, stronger and more focused.

Of course this type of workout increases the strength of your heart and your lungs. Aerobic exercise also makes your muscles stronger from working them for increased periods of time. Regardless of which part of the body you are working on, you will continue to get stronger as time goes by. Aerobics alone is not enough. Healthy eating is equally important and compliments your exercise regimen. You should realize that your enthusiasm for weight loss and improved health is complemented by a holistic program that includes both diet and exercise.

The diet most suited for improving your health and losing weight is composed of whole grains, vegetables and fruit. These foods are the ones designed for human consumption. The body has its own incredible ability to cure and regulate itself, but only when provided with the appropriate building materials-natural foods.

One of the most significant aspects of an aerobic program is the way it enables your body to burn fat. Other benefits include increased energy levels, reduced stress, improved mental outlook, increased heart and lung efficiency. A regular aerobics routine will also help reduce blood pressure, improve the heart's resting rate and reduce the risk of stroke or heart attack. Weight loss is, to some degree, created by a calorie deficit. That is, by burning more calories than you consume. By undertaking activities that burn calories, you help your body lose those unwanted pounds.

As an example, half an hour of low paced jogging will burn approximately 300 calories. This makes an important contribution towards your weight loss program.

It is not necessary to join to get an aerobic workout. There are numerous exercises that you can perform in and around your home. There are an ever increasing types of affordable home fitness products. You can use steps, skipping rope and rebounders. NASA considers rebounding to be the most efficient and effective form of exercise. You also might consider the dance mats that can be used with game consoles.

However, the best exercise (when the weather permits) is outdoor exercise. Walking is perhaps the best exercise because it is low impact and available to almost everyone. The secret here is to walk hard and long enough to increase your breathing and your heart rate. Also, running, jogging or riding a bicycle are all great forms of aerobic activity. It is recommended that your exercise regimen consists of 3 to 5 times per week and for between 30 and 60 minutes. The essential point is that your heart and lungs are worked hard enough to enjoy the benefits of aerobic activity (but no so long that you hurt yourself).

Keep in mind that is important to start your program slowly. If you have been inactive for a while, don't try a long run. If a half hour of exercise feels like too much, try starting out with 10 minute sessions. The following week you can try to increase your time to 15 minutes. A lot of us consider exercise to be either difficult or inconvenient. The truth is that working out can be a great deal of fun with wonderful benefits. It is an important habit to develop and one that will provide positive benefits for years to come.

Kathryn Soloff is the mother of 8 children and a natural foods cook for over 30 years. She is co-publisher of where she provides additional advice, tips and hard to find information on Weight Loss

Sign up for our free ecourse: 10 Steps To Lose Weight Without Dieting

1 Cardio Trick To Lose Belly Fat - Maximize Your Belly Fat Burn Rate

One of the best ways to lose belly fat is through cardio workouts. Cardio can burn a lot of fat in a relatively short period of time, as long as it's done in the right way to maximize your fat burn rate. The sad thing is, that most people do cardio in a way which doesn't help them to burn the maximum amount of fat and also consumes way too much of their time.

So what is the wrong way to do cardio? Or better yet, what is the 1 cardio trick to lose belly fat fast?

The wrong way to do cardio, which is the more common form you see in gyms, is the long duration, low-medium intensity cardio workouts. You probably know what I mean: people who get up on the treadmill and simply use to it to stroll for an hour, barely picking up their feet. Others may run at a slow pace which may be great for a warm up, but it's not the best way to lose belly fat, not by a long shot.

Not that I blame those people, they've simply been filled with misinformation. They've been led to believe that they need to do long workouts in order to burn any fat at all. Of course you need to do things for a long time if you're doing it at a slow pace like a turtle. Your body barely feels any exertion.

The 1 trick to lose belly fat with cardio involves doing short duration, high intensity, interval cardio workouts. By doing such workouts you get the body to really feel the burden, work your heart through a whole range of beat rates, burn a ton of fat, and do it in less time. The downside is that you need to work hard. If you don't push yourself, you will not be able to burn enough belly fat to make it worthwhile, but if you are prepared to make the effort, you can have a massive cardio workout in 20--25 minutes flat.

So the trick to doing cardio to lose belly fat is to do it a high intensity level which means that you will only be able to keep it up for a short while, and then to lower your intensity level for a while to catch your breath, and push yourself into higher intensity again. If you do this cycle for the entire 20 minutes of workout, believe me, you'll be huffing and puffing, and sweating profusely. What's even better, is that your body will be burning calories a higher rate for a long time afterwards because you've really pushed it to the wall.

Try doing this kind of cardio. If you do just this 1 trick to lose belly fat, you will see and feel the results.

To read more about how to get flat abs, click here: Tricks To Lose Belly Fat.

John Davenport lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life. To read about a massive cardio oriented fitness program, click here: Turbulence Training Review - Learn The Secrets Of Cardio.