Saturday, June 7, 2008

4 Great And Proven Weight Loss Products

1) Diet drinks
Powdered diet drinks are the most common weight loss product. They have been there and used by many many dieters and all have given the thumbs up for it. They are generally substituted for one proper meal. The amount of nutrients in them are basically what you have in a meal. However this should be a short term plan. Why? there are a lot of complains that after dropping the shakes, they tend to gain weight. The reason behind this is because they have failed to slowly break away from this method as they failed to understand its a way to lose weight. Not to live.

2) Diet Pills
Yes, they too are also one of the most common product for weight loss. However there are many scams out there. Do ensure that the pills you buy are from a certified and renown buyer. Do not hesitate not to buy if you think you are in doubt about it. However do look out for their nutritional value, the vitamins involved and the natural ingredients used. If consumed properly, dieting pills may prove to be extremely effective.

3) Books On weight loss
It may sound weird and unorthodox, but yes it does work. Reading and know about the right ways to diet is actually a powerful tool in making your body a haven for you. Once again, check out for the most popular books and check if they actually do fit your profile. Be sure to carry out what you have learnt from the book and keep working in that direction. Results will be guaranteed.

4) Nutritional Bar
Basically, these bars are made of natural flavors and ingredients. Nutrition Bars maybe a good substitute for you. It is also good for your busy and hectic lifestyle. These weight loss products will contain the same amount of nutrition. Why wait? Go for it!

Chng Siang Sheng is a leading enthusiast of weight loss programs, zapping calories, safe and easy weight loss and reducing your calorie intake. For more information and concrete strategies on healthy weight loss, please visit the extremely successful website at

Setting Goals for Weight Loss

Losing weight is a lot like rock climbing, For some it might be like conquering Everest, for others it's more like climbing the foothills. But it's never a walk in the woods. Let's take a look now at the size of the rock you'll be climbing and then set some goals, How far is the summit, and do you want to reach it? How fast will you climb? Will you do it in stages? What aids will you use? Will you do it alone or with a team?

Observe yourself

Before you can begin to set goals, you need to take a long hard look at where you are now. Keeping a food and activity diary is the best way to do this. If you look at the times of day or moods you're in when you exercise and eat, you may even get ideas about substituting one for the other. (Guess which one?)

It may seem like a bother, but keeping a diary will force you to see where your problem lie. Do yourself a favor and do it for a week. This diary is for you and you alone. No one else will read it.

When keeping your food diary you must promise to be honest with yourself.

Your diary should be kept in your weight-loss notebook, but if the notebook is too big to carry around, slip some index cards in your pocket or purse to note what you eat and how long you do what kind of exercise when you're away from home. You can enter this data in your notebook at the end of the day.

Your food diary

This will be an important tool for the eating side of your weight-loss plan. The food diary will show you, in black and white, why you are overweight and what eating and behavior habits you need to change. You may be surprised how much food you consume in a typical day.

You may notice that certain moods, people, or circumstances accompany pig-outs.

You may spot dangerous times of day or a pattern of increased eating as the day progresses. Weekends may be perilous, or maybe business lunches are your undoing.

You will need to fill in the number of calories of everything you eat. If what you eat comes in a package, you can get this information from the label. (Remember: 10 cookies is not a serving!) Otherwise, use a calorie-counting book or one of the online calorie counters.

Don't get hung up on details. If aren't sure about quantities, estimate. But estimate on the high side.

A sample food diary can be found on the next page. Set up something similar in your weight-loss notebook, so that you have a food diary for each day of the week. On the page for the last day of the week, make a space for your weekly calorie total.

Set aside a column or space each day for comments. Use this space to write anything that will help you understand what was going on when you ate, including triggers or moods, anything about the occasion or people you were with, feelings of guilt or triumph you experienced before, during, or afterward.

As part of your food diary, record how many glasses of water you drink. Aim for a minimum of eight glasses or 64 ounces of water each day.

It's important to keep track of how much water you drink to remind you to drink a lot of it. Monitor your water consumption by making a check mark for each 8-ounce glass you drink. It's easiest if you measure out your water in advance, but if you drink from a water fountain, for example, you can figure two swallows per ounce.

Read more on How to lose weight. Check out for daily diet plans and diet supplements.

6 Proven Ways to Ensure Fat Loss

Within 30 days from now you can have more energy, reduced body fat, and even sport beautiful feminine curves by implementing these 6 proven ways to ensure fat loss.

Let's face it; no one likes rigid dieting and doing endless hours of exercise, only to step back a few months later and notice no changes whatsoever. However, most people with a weight-loss goal end up doing exactly that.

Are you curious about how to finally lose the bloat, lower the fat, and have shapely muscles? The truth is there is no magic potion. Your success lies in the steps below and following them accordingly.

If you can eat natural foods, drink water, do some light weight training and cardio you will lose fat and boost energy.

Eat natural foods This may seem elementary, but most people don't realize the profound effect that natural food has on the human body.

When I say natural food, I mean whole food that which you can hunt, pick, gather, and harvest, not the processed so-called "healthy" prepackaged dinners you can buy in the supermarket. When selecting meats, eggs, and vegetables organic would be the wiser choice because organic food is more useable by the body.

Natural food is full of enzymes, vitamins, and minerals, the bare essentials our bodies thrive on. If you fail to eat such nutrients, your body will have a difficult time letting go of fat and you will feel drained.

When you begin eating natural foods, your metabolism begins to function as it should and your body becomes better nourished, allowing your body to function as it was meant to and you will find yourself less bloated, feeling more energetic, and weight loss is able to occur.

Drink enough water More people are drinking water these days, but most people are still not drinking enough. Water is necessary for toning the muscles, the absorbing food, removing waste, and cooling the body.

Other advantages of water are that is serves as a natural appetite suppressant, metabolizes stored fat, and flushes toxins and excess sodium out of the body.

An easy way to ensure you get enough water each day is to drink water with your meals and drink a pint of water between meals.

Eat balanced meals - For best fat-loss success, each meal should be balanced. A lot of people eat a piece of fruit and call that a meal. It's not a meal unless protein is grouped with it. Be sure that every meal has a form of protein for balance and to prevent sugar spikes, which causes fat gain.

Eat meals on time We discussed the importance of the quality of food and balanced meals, so now we going to discuss the time of each meal.

One of the most important factors in fat loss success is eating your scheduled meal on time.

Ideally, you should eat a small and balanced meal every three hours. While most people may know this, few follow this rule and end up skipping meals or eating haphazardly.

Weight train Weight training will build lean muscle mass, and muscle and bone density. The more lean muscle you add to your body, the more calories your body will burn at play and at rest.

Adding lean muscle to your frame will improve your metabolism, body shape, and put the perfect curves in all the right places.

Do cardio The human body was designed to move, and therefore cardio is essential. Now, this doesn't mean you have to sprint every day for hours. Simply getting out and walking around the block is enough to get things moving.

Conclusion If you are serious about fat loss then all 6 of these steps should be followed. You simply cannot select one or two parts of the equation; you have to include all to get fat-loss results. These 6 proven ways to ensure fat loss is the recipe for success and you must add all the ingredients in the proper amounts as noted, otherwise, you won't get the expected outcome.

Karen Sessions has been in the fitness industry since 1988. She is a nationally qualified bodybuilder and holds two personal training certifications. She has written 6 ebooks on fitness and has helped hundreds of clients transform their bodies. "Use of this article is authorized provided it is reproduced in full, and all web URLS are active hyperlinks directed to the author"

The Perfect Weight Loss Plan

If you go to the weight loss section of any bookstore, you will see hundreds of diet books. The authors of these books all claim to have the perfect weight loss plan. They all have the secret to help everyone lose weight and keep it off forever. The truth is, there is no perfect plan for everyone. However, there is a perfect plan for you. You can find it by keeping an open mind, being realistic, and not giving up.

Keep an Open Mind

Most diet experts believe their plan can help everyone lose weight. They think their plan is the "end all, be all". The experts believe this because their plan worked for them or worked for some of their users. Their plan will not work for everyone, but it may work for you.

When it comes to weight loss, you should keep an open mind. Read and learn as much as possible. Take it all in. Try different plans. You should also consider mixing and matching plans. You may have to create your own plan because your perfect plan may not have been created yet.

Don't Be Foolish

You should not be close minded when selecting a weight loss plan. However, you should be realistic. Do not adopt a plan that offers miracles or strategies that may be dangerous. If a diet requires that you only eat celery for three weeks, do not do it. Also, stay away from plans with miracle weight loss pills. They do not work and they may have side effects.


You may have to try many plans and read many books or magazines before you find the plan that is right for. You may have more failures than successes. Be patient. Do not give up. It will be worth it in the end when you find the perfect plan for you. Losing weight is not a sprint; it is a long distance race with hurdles. Persevere and you will succeed.

There is a perfect weight loss plan for you. However, you may have to go and find it yourself. You can increase your chances of finding your perfect plan by keeping an open mind, being realistic, and not giving up.

About The Author:

Kalvin C. Chinyere, M.D., fondly known as Dr. Kal, is a weight loss expert and the creator of The Don't Go Broke Weight Loss Program. Dr. Kal was an overweight child and an obese teen. In his 20's, he tipped the scale at over 330 pounds. Dr. Kal has since lost and kept off over 140 pounds naturally. Learn more about him and his program at his blog:

(c) Copyright - Kalvin Chinyere. All Right Reserved Worldwide

Weight Loss Programs

Weight loss does not only hinge on watching the food that you eat and the pounds that you lose. It is focused more on an individual's overall health. In fact weight loss programs should never be about lifetime denial and abstinence from foods that make you happy. The ideal weight loss program allows one to adopt an enjoyable eating plan that is not tedious to follow. There are no drastic restrictions on the food and it does not subject you to extreme hunger. One eats well and eats right; there is variety as well as volume, the choices are pro healthy heart and a healthy mind. If serving sizes and the number of servings are adhered to, then the uphill task may be difficult but certainly not unachievable.

Exercise even if moderate is an essential component of any weight loss program. When one is active, one is using up calories that have been accumulated while eating. No activity means that the calories pile up and so do fat cells. Physical activity is not the same as exercise while both are recommended to make a weight loss program a success. Physical activity may just mean being active around the house like cleaning, dusting, mowing, gardening etc. Exercise is the activity which is undertaken as a regime on a regular basis in a repetitive manner with varying intensity. Any form of strenuous exercise needs the doctor's advice more so if one has a medical condition. It is advisable not to push oneself to the limits where there is the possibility of a breakdown. One's stamina and physical fitness can be built up gradually by following the regime regularly. Patience is definitely the name of the game.

If one is clear about the ideal weight that one wants to achieve, then the trick is to start right away and to stay motivated. Remember, there are no magic tricks waiting to happen out of weight loss pills and diet programs. Emphasis on the targets, your determination to follow and achieve what you have set out to do and the motivation to keep your goals in sight makes the seemingly impossible, possible indeed. It is not the weight loss program that is a sure bet, it is your will, your resilience and your endurance that can turn it into a sure bet!

We have a list of some of the best weight loss programs along with diet & exercise programs available. Find a healthy diet fitness program with online.

What Cows Know About Weight Loss That We Have Forgotten

I want to talk to you about cows and what they can teach us about weight loss, or more specifically, fat loss. While it may not be obvious, we can learn a very important lesson from cows.

Not so many years ago, cattle were herded across the central plains. North in the summer and south in the winter, following the good weather. While moving several thousand head of cattle on horseback, it was impossible to bring food for the animals, so the route taken had to include grasslands or prairies where the cattle could graze.

With the advent of cattle ranches and barbed wire, it became increasingly more difficult to run cattle across the open range. Instead of moving the cattle to the food, ranchers began to bring the food to the cattle. With a change in diet came a change in the meat and dairy products as well.

You know the old saying "you are what you eat"... well, the same is true for cattle. Cows that consume a diet of fresh grasses instead of dry cattle "feed" end up consuming a higher concentration of many nutrients as well. One in particular that I'd like to discuss with you is a fatty acid called conjugated linoleic acid, or CLA.

Throughout time, people who ate beef and drank milk from cows that were "range fed" ended up consuming a healthy amount of CLA. Since then, the amount of CLA that cattle consume has decreased dramatically, and so they are passing less along to those of us further down the food-chain.

So, what does that mean for us? Well, once upon a time, people were able to make meat and dairy a part of a healthy diet, and that beef and milk actually helped them to stay lean.

The actual way in which CLA keeps animals (like us) lean is still somewhat of a mystery, but through observation, scientists are able to see that it works... and it works very well. A double blind study of obese humans in Norway showed that after 12 weeks, the group that took a little over 3 grams of CLA per day had a statistically significant decrease in body fat mass (BFM) and a statistically significant increase in lean body mass (LBM). These results were acheived without a significant lifestyle change.

Now I'm not going to suggest that anyone tries to lose weight without making significant lifestyle changes. Changes should include (but not be limited to) a decrease in calories per day and an increase in exercise per week. If people can get significant results without making a lifestyle change, what can they do when the two are working together?

I've been hearing about CLA for years now from friends who have lost pounds, fat and inches, and I've begun to take it myself as well, finally. I'm walking thirty minutes a day, five days per week, reducing my caloric intake, and taking CLA three times per day. I'm looking forward to updating you on my progress, and I hope you'll join me as well.

Before you decide, let's look at what we know about CLA and its effects. Studies show that CLA reduces body fat and weight in four ways:

* By decreasing the amount of fat that is stored after eating
* By increasing the rate of fat breakdown in fat cells
* By increasing the rate of fat metabolism
* By decreasing the number of fat cells

In addition to decreasing fat, CLA also helps to increase lean muscle mass. This helps in two ways, first of all, muscle looks better and more natural than fat, and secondly lean muscle burns calories. It's a synergistic effect that compounds as you lose more fat and increase muscle.

Give CLA a try, you've got nothing to lose but fat!

Michael Callen is the author of the Weekly Weightloss Tips Newsletter ( and the Chief Technology Officer for (, an online retailer of dozens of health and wellness products such as conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), r+ alpha lipoic acid (R+ ALA), and green tea extract.

Sweets And Weight Loss

Many people believe sweets are the culprit in obesity. That's another myth. If you have a sweet tooth and are overweight, it might well be a coincidence. The evidence: When researchers take sweets away from overweight people, they don't stop eating; they just overeat nonsweets, trying to satisfy their innate fat craving. Losing weight is a complex undertaking, but it's important to put first things first. The most important tasks in weight loss are to cut back on fat; to eat complex carbohydrates, which are high in fiber;to increase exercise; and to reduce calories to a reasonable level (300 to 500 calories less than recommended intake for your height and weight). Dealing with a sweet craving is usually not a major task in weight loss, but it is one that can make a significant difference to maintaining weight loss. If you can follow the "sugar straight up" rule and have your sugar in a nonfatty form, in moderate amounts, it should not impede weight loss. However, a few people find that sugar stimulates their appetite. If you find that eating sweets makes you hungrier, it's wiser to avoid them.

What about desserts and soft drinks sweetened with nonnutrient sweeteners like aspartame? Can they aid a weight loss program? Research at our weight loss clinic at the New England Deaconess Hospital indicates that non nutrient sweeteners can make a small, positive difference to dieters. A study we conducted in 1988 (which, it should be noted, was supported by grants from the NutraSweet Company as well as the National Institutes of Health) looked at whether artificially sweetened foods and bever ages affect weight loss. Fifty nine obese women and men (but mostly women) were put on a low fat, calorie reduced diet, about 1,000 calories a day for the women and 1,200 calories daily for the men. Emphasis was on low-fat foods, and there was also an exercise component and training in behavioral modification. Half the people were encouraged to consume nonnurient sweetened foods-at least two daily-containing as partame. They chose offerings like puddings, soft drinks, and frozen desserts. The other group was told to avoid use of all aspartame or saccharine-sweetened products, and were given food guides on low calorie snacks and beverages free of nonnutrient sweeteners.

Both groups lost weight. After 12 weeks, the women who were permitted to eat nonnutrient sweeteners had lost 3.7 more pounds than women in the other group, a difference that is not statistically significant but does indicate that nonnutrient artificial sweeteners aren't a disadvantage to dieters, and might provide a small advantage. It should be emphasized that both groups not only lost weight but enjoyed improvements in their health and quality of life. That's not because of sweets or lack of them; it's bccause they were on a balanced program with group support, behavioral training, exercise, and close monitoring. I'd say the nonnutrient sweeteners provided a small additional advantage for two reasons. First, those sweeteners contain fewer calories than sugar. And second, the people eating the sweetened products may have felt less deprived and more satisfied because they could eat more desserts. There has been great controversy over whether non nutrient sweeteners are safe. They've been the subject of what are probably the most intensive Food and Drug Administration investigations of any food product. Since they've passed these tests, they don't pose a health threat. My view is that there are other things the public should worry about, like fat in the diet, before they worry about the health impact of moderate amounts of nonnutrient sweeteners.

For more information on diabetes types, refer authors site. There are mainly two types of diabetes - Type 1 Diabetes and Type 2 Diabetes.

Cardiovascular Disease and Weight Loss

Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is an umbrella term covering disorders of the heart and blood vessels. It includes coronary artery disease, atherosclerosis, and hypertension (high blood pressure). Overweight, lack of exercise, stress, and a high-fat diet are major contributing factors to all CVD.

Coronary artery disease: In order to supply the rest of the body with blood, the heart muscle needs oxygenated blood itself. It gets it from the coronary arteries located on the outside wall of the heart. When one or more of these arteries are narrowed, blood flow is restricted or may be halted altogether. The result is coronary artery disease, the major underlying cause of heart attack.

One sign that the heart muscle is not getting enough oxygen are the chest pains of angina. This type of chest pain usually occurs during activity and is relieved by rest.

Atherosclerosis: This is a condition in which fatty deposits build up on the inside of arterial walls. As the arteries narrow, they cannot carry sufficient blood to the tissues. To compensate, the heart pumps harder, blood pressure increases, and many parts of the body are damaged as a result. Everything from poor circulation in the limbs to heart attack and stroke can be blamed on atherosclerosis.

Some people are more prone to atherosclerosis than others, but there is no question that a highfat diet is a major contributor. People who are overweight, lead a sedentary lifestyle, and have high cholesterol levels are at much increased risk for developing atherosclerosis.

High blood pressure: Also called hypertension, high blood pressure is a condition in which the pressure exerted by blood as it is pumped through the arteries is consistently higher than normal. Normally, blood pressure at rest should not be greater than 120/80. Blood pressure is considered high if it is repeatedly and persistently higher than 140/90.

High blood pressure can damage the arteries, heart, and other organs, including the kidneys and the eyes. It increases the risk for heart attack, coronary artery disease, a stroke, kidney failure, and loss of sight due to damage to the retina. Hypertension is more common in men than women, and the incidence increases with age.

Being overweight is one of the most important risk factors for high blood pressure. People who are 20 percent overweight are eight times more likely to have high blood pressure than people of normal weight.

When your blood pressure is taken, the compression cuff on your arm causes a column of mercury to rise in a metered column. Two measurements are taken: the systolic reading is blood pressure at its highest, when the heart muscle contracts; the diastolic reading is blood pressure at its low point, when the heart muscle relaxes. In a blood pressure reading of 120/80, for example, the higher number (120) is systolic, the lower (80) is diastolic. Cardiovascular disease

Read more on How to lose weight. Check out for daily diet plans and diet supplements.

Bodybuilding Weight Loss - Natural Methods

Many people are passionate about "living healthy" or learning more about bodybuilding weight loss using natural methods. With obesity being such a huge problem in our society; fitness and health is extremely important to learn how to educate yourself about. Many seek ways to stay in better shape and unfortunately many people do not succeed. This article is going to provide some valuable information on how you can begin bodybuilding weight loss using natural methods and how you can succeed and stick to your plan. If you are like me; you want to look tone and healthy; many teens and adults desire big arms or massive chests. Follow some of the steps below and begin to look healthier and feel great; you can succeed even if you have tried to lose weight before.

Determination plays a huge role in bodybuilding weight loss; as a matter of fact this is the most important role in your success. You must be willing to take all the steps necessary and be willing to follow through until you reach your desired goals. Many people who begin their fitness programs; they give it insufficient time and quit before they reach their goals. They make up all kinds of excuses like; I do not have the time anymore, I do not feel good today, I have a family that requires my care or etc.

While everyone has a family to take care of, and jobs that require at least eight hours of their time; if you are determined to reach your fitness goals you will if you do not quit.

Knowing how much muscle you want to gain or how much weight you want to lose is a must. To add size and muscle; you must learn how to eat over your caloric requirements. This will give the body extra calories and energy to add the desired lean mass which you are striving to achieve. Losing the desired weight is easier than gaining weight. To experience weight loss you simple eat less calories than your body burns in a day. This will cause your body to target stored energy (fat) and will use it for energy.

This sounds easy; yet so many people have attempted this process and have not succeeded. You must be able to find out what your body's caloric maintenance level. This is not that difficult as a matter of fact; many sites have programs that will help you figure this out so you can reach your goals quickly.

Change your meals from 3 to 6. That is correct you want to eat 6 smaller meals instead of 3 big ones. It may seem like a lot of food and you may think that you will gain weight instead of remaining on your plan of bodybuilding for weight loss. However the smaller 6 meals will keep your body from eating your muscle and they will produce more metabolism for you.

If you are serious about bodybuilding weight loss using natural methods; you must learn more about the right foods to eat.What if we could show you a system of eating which was so different from anything else you have ever seen, that you'll notice a change in your body in just 11 Days from Today?

Just focus on one thought right now.......... WHAT IF it was really possible to change your body in 11 days?

Believe it or not it's really possible to change your body QUICKLY AND EASILY and it has NOTHING to do with positive thinking .... because positive thinking all by itself won't remove a single pound from your body.

Fast Weight Loss For Lifelong Health

In an age when weight loss has become a primary focus of most media outlets you can tune in to any television broadcast or open the pages of the most current magazine to find the latest tips for fast weight loss more and more people are motivated to seek the help they need to lose weight.

Weight loss can be achieved in a variety of fashions but none is more sought after than fast weight loss. For those for whom instant gratification is an absolute necessity, they will actively seek out those methods that will help them achieve fast weight loss.

Weight loss isnt complex; its just difficult. Eating less and exercising more can be easier said then done; ask anyone whos embarked on more than one weight loss program. It can be difficult to find the means to achieve fast weight loss, especially when you are someone for whom weight has always been a battle.

To begin the journey to fast weight loss you must take very simple steps. Immediately eliminate fatty, high caloric foods from your diet. Instead, focus on whole foods such as fresh fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Carbohydrates derived from white flour can more easily be stored as fat if you are not adequately active. However, complex carbohydrates such as those found in whole grains will give you energy to achieve your exercise goals.

Fast weight loss does not mean unhealthy weight loss. You can not achieve fast weight loss by simply not eating. This will quickly backfire on you because this is temporary weight loss. Once you begin eating normally again, youll quickly regain the weight.

Exercise also plays a significant role in fast weight loss. Cutting calories is only half the battle. The other half includes the addition of consistent daily activity in order to successfully increase your metabolic rate and burn calories. Exercise also benefits your cardiovascular system and tremendously benefits every system of your body.

To help support your fast weight loss, it may benefit you to participate in the experiences of a person who is in a similar situation. The Internet offers tremendous opportunities to seek out and converse with people who are also attempting to achieve fast weight loss. The companionship and support may be priceless in helping you to achieve your goals.

Fast weight loss done with the blessing of your doctor and within the boundaries of nutritious eating can be very achievable. But you must be willing to make the sacrifices necessary to attain fast weight loss and a healthy, active lifestyle.

For easy to understand, in depth information about dieting visit our ezGuide 2 Weight Loss.

How to Get Super Skinny!

Losing weight can be difficult, and when you're talking about those last few pounds to make yourself super skinny, it can be especially hard. The truth is that starving yourself or eating less won't necessarily do the trick. The solutions has to be a combination of balanced, nutritious meals along with exercise at least three times a week. Sticking to a good diet and steady exercise can be hard but it is essential if you want to become super skinny!

Eat more balanced - more often!

The trick to losing that fat is to eat more balanced meals, and eat them more often. and still get daily exercise. You can eat just about anything as long as it's nutritious and in good portion. Smaller meals still satisfy your hunger but keep your metabolism up so that your body can be a fat-burning machine. Eating right and exercising is the key to feeling and looking great.

Don't skip meals - ever!

The most frequent mistake people make when trying to get super skinny is thinking that not eating will solve their problems. If you don't eat you won't have any energy to exercise and this will not lead to weight loss. It's important to get the idea of starving yourself out of your thoughts right away and commit to a healthy means of losing weight.

The body doesn't function without the proper nutrients it gets from your food. With insufficient food, your metabolism slows down drastically to compensate for the lack of food. So, you're actually doing more harm than good when you don't eat. And, any weight you lose will just be water weight.

So, why is it SO hard to get super skinny?

Why does it seem so difficult to get super skinny, but maintaining weight can be so simple for a lot of people? Most of the time, when people exercise they aren't being as efficient as they could be. They stop between exercises, rather than just laying back a little bit, and this will drastically slow down the fat-burning process. That burning sensation is a good thing!

Commit to a lifestyle change!

It's important to make a commitment that this is the day you change. Put down the potato chips and pick up some carrots or celery! Slowly add some healthy changes into your diet and build up your stamina by exercising for at least 20 minutes every day. If you keep up with a plan you'll be guaranteed to see the results!

Wonder why some people can lose weight so easily, yet it's so difficult for you? Want a solution that actually works? If you're looking for a sure fire solution, check out: Lose Weight Really Fast

Brandon Walsh is considered an expert author in the fields of biblical nutrition, weight loss, and healthy living.

Weight Loss Cure Tips To Burn The Fat

FOOD is more powerful than any prescription weight loss diet pills. You are overweight for the most simple of reasons; because you are eating the wrong foods, the wrong types of calories per meal, and you are also eating meals in the wrong patterns of the day!

If you are making the same deadly diet mistakes as most other people, you might lose some weight temporarily, but you will actually get fatter in the long run. Feel the difference, if you want to lose your weight and dissipate your ugly belly fat then motivate yourself and the following free tips as the weight loss cure:

1. Do not wait for your 5-6 hours between your meals

This makes you extremely hungry and you go for a huge meal. This is the worst way and a wrong habit. You will never lose your fat by this method. Just adopt the habit of getting frequent proteins meal after every 3 hours throughout a day.

2. Change your diet plan

Go for rich carbohydrates and lean proteins like eggs white, fish or protein powders etc.

3. Drink lots of water

Prefer lots of water to soft drinks or juices having high amount carbohydrates.

4. Plan a disciplined low calorie diet for a whole day

Have your high calorie meal early in the day and make your dinner lowest calorie meal.

5. Take fiber

Include digestible amount of fiber like in salads every day.

6. Go for morning walk

Going for pre-workout and post workout meal raises the metabolic rate throughout the day. It helps in weight loss, fat burning and produces more energy.

7. Say no to bread, alcoholic beverages, and carbonated beverages

NO Fried foods. You may eat broiled or baked chicken. The Basic Fat Burning Soup can be eaten at any time you feel hungry during the day because soup will not add calories. There is no need to purchase such expensive pre-packed food and supplements. There is no place for the processed foods or those having sugar in them.

8. Avoid Sugar intake

If you are addicted to sugar, this is could be a horrible hurdle to overcome. Sugar substitutes are also as bad as sugar because these sugar substitutes increase your hunger level.

9. Get adequate sleep

To burn the fat efficiently your body needs at least eight hours of sleep. Your body needs both mental as well as physical rest. Make daily meal plans with no repetition which will encourage your body to burn more calories and fat.

For permanent weight loss, lose your body fat without damaging your metabolism, without supplements and without drugs. And the results will be visible to you and everyone around you within a few days!

Navneet Brar has a lot of information on the natural way to weight loss, like natural remedies for weight loss.

For more fun and entertainment through videos, photos, articles, online shopping and much more, you can visit his website

Warning - Quick Fat Loss Programs Are Dangerous To Fat People!

Don't you dare risk your fat by using a quick fat loss program. If you do, you're seriously putting entire way of life at risk.

1. Fat loves misery. If you decided to lose weight quickly, you're bound to have less depression. Who wants to be happy anyway?

2. Fat hates skinniness. If you decide that the weight has got to come off, you're in for making your fat frustrated, and it's likely to leave. Who wants to be skinny anyway?

3. Fat loves to stay. Quick weight loss programs will make the weight come off so quickly that you'll be shocked. Who wants to be shocked anyway?

4. Fat hates exercise. If you do lose weight quickly, you're going to have to exercise. Who wants to feel good from exercise anyway?

5. Fat loves eating. Most weight loss diets make you not eat quite as much. Who wants to save money on food anyway?

6. Fat hates self-control. The fastest weight loss diet requires self-control. Who wants to be in control of himself or herself anyway?

7. Fat loves making people sick. When weight comes off, it makes people's immune systems stronger. Who wants to be healthy anyway?

It's really amazing that fat people would consider any of these quick weight loss programs. Fat people need to consider the changes their life will bring and consider if it is really worth it...

Do you really want to be happy? Do you really want to be skinny? Do you really want to be shocked? Do you really want to save money on food? Do you really want to be in control of yourself? Do you really want to be healthy?

Hey fat person, count the cost and see if it's worth it!

If you're a fat person, you definitely should read this warning about a quick fat loss program. It's incredibly dangerous to fat people. Be aware and visit NOW

When Green Tea Diets Don't Work, Try Nutrient Timing

For over a decade, trainers, coaches, and natural health experts have touted the benefits of green tea and green tea diet pills and capsules for losing weight and lowering blood sugars. Not everyone who uses these and similar products, however, benefits equally. Here's what the research literature is telling us now.

Green tea seems to enhance the benefits of exercise.

Four scientists at the Human Performance Laboratory at the University of Birmingham in England gave an extract (3 capsules containing a total of 890 mg of polyphenols and 365 mg of ECGC) or a placebo to healthy men 24 hours before they did workouts at maximum velocity on a stationary bike.

The men who took the green tea supplement showed:

  • 17 per cent faster fat burning,
  • approximately 17 per cent more fat burning, and
  • improved sensitivity to insulin, helping muscles take up both glucose and amino acids to repair themselves and grow after exercise.

But that's taking the right supplement in the right dosage and then getting out and exercising just as hard as you can for 30 minutes. What about the leading weight loss herb and moderate exercise or no exercise at all?

Green tea has lesser benefits for people who do not exercise.

A different group of scientists at a different institution investigated using a much smaller dosage of green tea catechins and ECGCs to stimulate fat burning at rest. Giving volunteers about 1/3 as much green tea extract as was used in the University of Birmingham study, scientists at the University of Geneva in Nice, France found that using green tea supplements resulted in:

  • 4 per cent faster fat burning even at rest, with
  • no loss of muscle mass

Even when volunteers did not exercise. The French scientists found that the antioxidants in green tea only stimulate weight loss if they are combined with caffeine at low doses. The English research team found that these supplements stimulate fat burning and weight loss even without caffeine if the polyphenols and ECGCs are given in a higher dose (about 900 and 300 mg a day, respectively). So, to restate:

A low-dose green tea diet aid needs to be combined with caffeine to help you lose weight. It won't help you get more out of exercise. But a higher-dose capsule or diet aid works even without caffeine, and boosts the benefits of exercise.

There are over 250 other studies in the medical literature on the role of green tea in weight loss, and, as a former formulator of natural health products, I've read them all. But here's what you need to know about any green tea diet plan:

  • If you're getting a low-dose product (less than 890 mg of catechins/polyphenols and less than 365 mg of ECGC's per day, however many capsules or diet pills you have to take), your supplement probably won't help you lose weight unless it contains caffeine.
  • If you're getting a full dose of extract (at least 890 mg of catechins/polyphenols and at least 365 mg of ECGCs per day), your supplement doesn't need caffeine to be effective.
  • Green tea weight loss products work much better when you exercise, and the harder your exercise, the greater their added benefit in fat loss, and
  • The benefits of this product for weight loss and fat burning don't start for at least 24 hours after you take the first dose.

Also, unfortunately, you can drink tea all day and still not get enough of the antioxidants to affect weight loss.

Green tea ice cream, on the other hand, delivers a significant dose of the right polyphenols and ECGCs--but you'll find the fat burning effect of the green tea in green tea ice cream is not quite enough to cover the extra calories and fat. For best results, use a green tea diet, cut back on calories, and exercise, the harder, the better.

Author of eight books and thousands of articles on natural healing, Robert Rister has also written on benefits of green tea diet pills and capsules and over 70 other topics at his website Savvy Natural Healer.