Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Can I Exercise My Abs While Doing a Full Workout?

Why concentrate solely on your abs and thereby extend your workout time by more than it needs to be. We are all busy people, so fast but efficient is what we are all seeking when it comes to working out. What about some better options for high intensity, metabolism boosting workouts that work your entire body, while working the abs.

Here is an ab workout that doesn't include any direct ab exercises at all. It's in a tri-set format.

1. Dumbbell Rows: start in a pushup position with the hands on 2 dumbbells. You then row (lift) one dumbbell up while using the other arm to stabilise your. Return the dumbbell to the ground and alternate the rowing arm while stabilizing with the opposite arm. It is the stabilizing that creates incredible work for your entire midsection core area. Trust me... your abs will feel it!

2. Front Squats: put the barbell in front of your body on the front of your shoulders instead of resting on the upper back as in back squats. You stabilize the barbell on your shoulders by crossing your arms and pushing your fists into the bar against your shoulders while keeping your elbows out in front of the body. You might want to seek some assistance with your form from a professional trainer at your gym. Due to the barbell weight being shifted to the front of the body instead of the back, Front squats require extreme stabilization strength from the abs. Even though this is mostly a leg exercise, you'll feel this one in the abs big time!

3. Floor Climbers: Start in a pushup position and then shuffe your feet in and out so that your knees are moving in under your chest and then back out to starting position. You resemble climbing a mountain but you are flat on the floor. If that is too easy for you, shuffle your hands 8-10 inches forward and backward in addition to the leg movements. This really makes it a full body exercise and MUCH more difficult than standard mountain climbers.

Rest for about 30 seconds after each exercise. After each tri-set, rest for 1 to 2 minutes before repeating. Do 3 to 4 sets of each tri-set with 8 reps of each exercise.

Try it. You'll get the best ab workout you've ever had without actually doing any specific ab exercises and you'll cut time from your workout as you've actually exercised many different muscle groups at once.

If you want more information, have a look at http://www.bellyfatsecrets.com - heaps of tips and advice from experts in the field.

Sick of the gimmicks, fads and expensive exercise equipment? Check out the facts at Best Ab Exercises & Workouts for Abdominals

Greg Millican

How To Lose Weight Fast

The reason why many of us are frantically looking for solutions to lose weight fast is because we want ourselves to appear to other people as being more confident, attractive, and also to reduce the risks that comes along with being over-weight, such as suffering from heart attacks, strokes, etc.

If you want to lose weight fast, and effectively, you'll have to change the following 4 aspects in your life, and they are - what you eat, how you eat, your behavior and your activity level.

Here are some fast weight loss tips you can apply right away:

1. Before you start any weight loss regimes, remember that the whole process composes of a multi-faceted technique consisting of mindset, exercise, and in other cases, diet supplements. Commence your weight loss regime by having a diet food plan that you can easily get accustomed with. Also, you'll have to incorporate an exercise plan that can consist of activities such as brisk walking, running, swimming, or even dancing. By exercising, you are also building up your body muscles and this helps to make you look good as well. Also, remember that muscles help to burn more calories - whether it is working or resting - so the more muscles you develop, the more calories you'll be able to burn, and the more weight you'll be able to lose.

2. You have to set realistic approaches - By developing a positive mindset, having a positive attitude toward the whole weight loss process, and setting realistic weight loss goals, it will help you quickly lose more pounds compared to when you do not have developed them.

3. Listen to your own body - Each and everyone's body metabolism rate reacts different to different weight loss programs, techniques and plans. When you adopt a weight loss strategy - such as exercising, you have to plan it at a level that your body can accept. For example, some people's body can accept rigorous exercising but some can not.

4. Eat more food containing fibers - By eating fiber-rich foods, it will make your stomach full faster and also stays in your tummy longer - slowing down your body's rate of digestion. A single serving of whole grain bread moves fat through the digestive system faster. Grains turn into blood sugar that spikes your body's insulin level, making your body more energized.

5. Stay away from fried foods, especially deed-fried ones, as deep fried foods contain a great amount of fat. Opt for grilled foods instead as grilled foods contain much lesser amount of fats.

6. Drinks lots of water - drinking at least 6 to 8 glasses of water daily keeps your body refreshed. Since how fast/slow your body loses weight depends on how your body eliminates waste, it is important that your body must stay hydrated.

To wrap up, discipline and consistency are still the best practices and keys to losing weight fast. Always keep the 6 pointers in mind and you'll be on your way to a successful weight loss.

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Diabetes: What Can Be Done?

A recent estimate proclaimed that 25-35 percent of Westernized populations could suffer from a degree of insulin resistance or from some of health consequences associated with this disease of lifestyle in the future. After further reading of websites and research papers, the following tips were found that were suggested to reduce the risk of acquiring diabetes.

The information is not meant to cure the disease, but because it is more a disease of lifestyle than anything else, scientifically validated information is available to help you reduce your risk. This is mostly information that you have heard all before, good nutrition, good health, and exercise, but judging by the incidence of disease from the numbers presented above, people still have not been told enough.

The ideal diet for modifying insulin resistance should reduce body weight, decrease fat while sparing muscle tissue, and improve insulin sensitivity. Insulin sensitivity refers to the increased uptake of blood sugar by muscle cells, which is particularly important because high levels of blood sugar (blood glucose = same thing) are associated with disease. While it is relatively simple to find agreement within the literature on these general points, it is difficult to find an agreement among experts regarding the ideal diet that will best help to accomplish these goals.


High fiber diets are recommended, as is decreasing the amount of saturated fat in the diet. However, processed carbohydrates (high-glycemic carbohydrates) often take the place of fats, but excess carbohydrates can be very deleterious because they lead to very high levels of blood sugar. North American diets are high in processed food, for example, 8 spoons of sugar in a 355ml soft drink, and the excess sugar-diet is likely one of the largest contributors to the great prevalence of diabetes (aside from a sedentary lifestyle).

White bread, sugary cereals, pretzels, sports drinks, and flavored-beverages, etc. are all packed with high-glycemic carbohydrates ready to skyrocket your blood sugar levels. They are calorie-dense but severely lacking in nutrients. Sure pop tarts and frosted flakes are truly low-fat foods, but with chronic consumption are these better breakfast foods than eggs and whole-wheat toast? I honestly cant say for sure.

While high-glycemic carbohydrates may not need to be fully eradicated from the diet, they should not be the staple foods of your meal plans. In fact, reduce your consumption of high-glycemic simple carbohydrates to immediately post-workout. Plan around vegetables and lean meats and fruits, and include processed foods as a low priority.

Many people have used all types of diets successfully and unsuccessfully. NOTE: everyone is on a diet, this simply refers to the food that you eatfor example, a University student may be on a diet of Pasta, Pizza, Burgers, and Beer, and even though this student may get fat, he/she is still on a diet per se.

But anyway, some skinny people can eat a lot, and some skinny people can eat a lot of high-glycemic carbohydrate, while overweight individuals can eat relatively healthy, and average individuals can eat a wide-variety of food and all end up with no change in their body compositions. After seeing all this, who is to say what the best diet and macro-nutrient composition is for everyone, or for you?

Just like training, nutrition is sometimes best learned by trial and error, but reading literature on healthy eating helps as well, even though you are guaranteed to find two experts with completely opposing views on the best way to lose body fat, etc. Most importantly, if you cant stick to your food schedule due to a complete hatred of the foods you are eating, than that food plan is likely to be unsuccessful, regardless of how well thought out that it is.

Again, just like training, nutrition is best tweaked to individual considerations, what works for a young man to get lean for the beach may not necessarily be the healthiest diet for a middle-aged, overweight, pre-diabetic. Educate yourself. Learn what foods are healthy, and pick the ones from that list that you enjoy. Eating can be enjoyable and healthy.

Often bodybuilders and athletes get caught up over-emphasizing the macro-nutrient profile of their meals (i.e. how much protein and fat is in a meal of chicken and rice). However, they will fail to consider the amount of micro-nutrients that are lacking in this bland meal (i.e. very little vitamin C, and other healthful antioxidants, etc.). The recommendations are for self-education and consultation with a true expert if necessary. Oops, getting a little sidetracked, so lets return to looking at some other risks for diabetes:

Cigarette smoking From heart disease to cancer, from emphysema to diabetes. Cigarettes cause too much disease. Please avoid them.

Stress Very difficult to prove that stress causes illness, but many experts believe that decreasing the amount of stress and hassle in life goes a long way towards increasing overall health. So, get rid of your stress. Sometimes you need to remember that there is nothing that you can do about certain things in life, so accept that. But if you can change things, do so for the better.

Physical activity is important for disease prevention. Exercise may be the single most important lifestyle factor for both preventing and reversing insulin resistance, but dont let it be an excuse for a poor diet! Everyone should attempt to maintain low (yet healthy) levels of body fat and moderate amounts of muscle mass. The recommendations are quite simple, but regular exercise is huge step in the right direction, away from diabetes. Pick some activities and do them consistently.

The importance of resistance training in overall health is no longer just my opinion, but is gaining great scientific support. If you jog 5 times a week for nothing more than health reasons, you could reduce that to 3, even 2 sessions, and replace the other days with resistance training for a greater overall health benefit. Why? Resistance training increases muscle mass.

Muscle serves 3 important functions: One, it is a very metabolically active tissue, helping to take up and use more blood glucose, and thus it may help improve the blood sugar profiles of diabetics. In fact, after young healthy men did weight training for several weeks, they needed to release less insulin to deal with a large amount of carbohydrate, thus indicating that insulin sensitivity increased with an increase in muscle mass (Yarasheski, 1992).

Second, muscle provides strength for daily function and should help to prevent injuries (for example, more muscle should reduce the injury risk associated with pounding the pavement (jogging) 5 times a week). And three, plain and simple, everyone looks a little better with some pipes rather than pipe-cleaners in their sleeves.

As people age, they lose muscle, which in my opinion is due mostly to lack of activity, rather than aging factors. Again, in my opinion, it is a matter of what came first?, the loss of muscle and then decreased activity, or no activity leading to a decrease in muscle? According to *Hasten and colleagues, sedentary older men and women (age 78+) have lower rates of protein synthesis than younger sedentary counterparts.

However, within just 2 weeks of resistance training the older individuals were able to increase their rates of protein synthesis as much as the younger men and women. Therefore, it shows that older individuals maintain the ability to increase muscle growth in response to short-term resistance exercise. My conclusion: It is never too late to get out and train for muscle mass and health. But

IMPORTANT: A key point to remember if you are sedentary, dont jump back into things too quickly! Any activity you do today is more than you did yesterday, so slowly but surely, build exercise and strength capacity. As always, consult an expert if your knowledge is limited in this field.

Will we ever be free of disease? No, unfortunately that is not likely to happen. But there are many simple steps that can help improve health. If you improve your health, fitness and performance improvements are likely to follow. In the future, research will guide us along the path to better lifestyle choices, and fortunately will provide us with some help to correct our mistakes. However, since lifestyle factors play such a prominent role in insulin resistance, we can modify the bad habits right now, so that insulin resistance can be avoided in the future.

Craig Ballantyne is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and writes for Men's Health, Men's Fitness, Maximum Fitness, Muscle and Fitness Hers, and Oxygen magazines. His trademarked Turbulence Training fat loss workouts have been featured multiple times in Mens Fitness and Maximum Fitness magazines, and have helped thousands of men and women around the world lose fat, gain muscle, and get lean in less than 45 minutes three times per week. For more information on the Turbulence Training workouts that will help you burn fat without long, slow cardio sessions or fancy equipment, visit http://www.TurbulenceTraining.com

The Great 8 Eating Tips for Fast Weight Loss @ Body Perfect Fitness

Low Carb, Low Fat, More protein, Eat all the fat you want..... These are the many things we hear as we are bombarded with the latest and NOT always the greatest diet and eating tips when trying to find the Silver Bullet for permanent weight loss.

Well I thought that we would talk about common sense proven tips that will ensure that along with a solid fitness program, will help support your fitness and health goals for life.

Eating Tip 1

Eat Slow- If you read about the French Paradox, which discusses why the French eat a lot of fatty foods, but are a leaner society than that of the United States. They take their meals very seriously and it is one of the most important times of the day. You will get multiple benefits from this tip. Eating Slow will help your body absorb the food at the right level allowing you to fill up much quicker as it will not provide a tendency for you to OVEREAT!!! The other awesome benefit is that you can spend more time with your family so that you can share the important things in life with each other!!!

Eating Tip 2

Eat 5-6 times per day. Do not allow your blood sugar levels to drop, in between meals. By eating more often and eating the right types of foods that are on the low end of the glycemic index, you can keep your blood sugar levels more even throughout the day, and ensure that you are not getting those mid-afternoon yawns and also help keep the excess weight off. Remember that when you spike your blood sugar by eating simple sugars and refined carbohydrates, this will potentially cause your body to store fat!!!

Eating Tip 3

Eat Your Breakfast... I was bad at this many years ago, but I learned to fuel up early in the day. Eating a good solid breakfast to start your day helps supply you with the fuel you need to get started, especially if you are incorporating a early morning fitness program in to your day. You need the fuel to get your engine going in the morning. Do not starve your body early, because you may have the tendency to binge eat later, because your body gets into the craving mode. Feed your body early!!

Eating Tip 4

Slow down as the sun goes down. What do I mean by this? Well just as important as it is to eat a great breakfast to start the day, it is also as equally important to reduce your food consumption as the day goes on. So plan to eat a good solid breakfast, a good lunch, and reduce your meal portions at dinner time. Remember as you get closer to bedtime your body starts to wind down and you will not have the same opportunity at night to burn those consumed meal calories as you did earlier in the day. So eat more early and back down as you reach sun down.

Eating Tip 5

Give yourself 3 hours!!! Yes 3 hours before going to bed. Do not consume anymore calories. As I mentioned before, your body starts to slow down as the day goes on and gets ready for sleep. You do not want to consume a lot of calories right before you go to bed, because you will end of potentially storing those calories as FAT!!!

Your body sometimes give you a false sense of being hungry as you bedtime nears. You get those 9pm cravings... And a lot of people end up hitting the Refrigerator and over-consuming right before bed time... Not good for managing your weight and body fat %. If you just can't resist the munchies, then what I do is eat a few high good fat nuts. Like unsalted Almonds skin-on (good for fiber) or a couple spoonfuls of no sugar added all natural peanut butter. Eating a good quality fat food will satisfy your craving and will keep you from binging on something with lots of bad carbohydrates or simple sugars, like ice cream, cake or cookies.

Eating Tip 6

Stay focused on eating green in every meal. Always incorporate a good high quality low glycemic index dark green vegetable with each meal. I suggest things like spinach or romaine lettuce in your lunch time salads. Eating broccoli, asparagus, or steamed spinach as your vegetable at dinner time. All of these dark green vegetables supply your body with great vitamins and nutrients as well as being great sources of fiber and are naturally low on the glycemic index scale and will keep your blood sugar levels from spiking after eating. So think Dark green at meal time and challenge yourself to keep it as part of each and every eating event.

Eating Tip 7

Blend your foods.. Blending your foods means making sure that if you are eating a food item that does contain carbohydrates make sure that you incorporate a good low fat protein along with it. Eating a low carb tortilla wrap where the first ingredient is whole wheat flour that is unrefined. Add lean chicken breast as part of your filling in the wrap, maybe with some thinly shredded romaine lettuce and other veggies.

Eating Tip 8

Use splenda as your sweetener of choice, when looking for a simple sugar replacement. I have tried many sugar subs over the years an no other product has the taste of sugar like splenda does. Not equal and surely not sweet and low. Splenda is outstanding for sprinkling on low glycemic fresh fruit like blueberries, raspberries and strawberries, and I also use it to sweeten my drink of choice. Caffeine Free Green Tea that I infuse with cinnamon stick and whole cloves. What a refreshing cold beverage that keeps the caffeine out of your diet, provides you a great antioxidant and does not spike your blood sugar levels by using the no calorie sweetner in splenda.

So I hope you enjoy my GREAT 8!!!

These eating tips will help keep you on the right track, when it comes to living a healthy lifestyle.. All of these tips are the tools that I live by every day....

Stay tuned next month for more healthy eating tips @ Body Perfect Fit!!!

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Best Way To Lose Weight Fast - Calorie Counting Myth

It's starts off with getting to the point that you are fed up with how you look or feel and the desire to do something about it. One of the most advertised best ways to lose weight fast is the calorie counting method.

The common thought process is that if you are currently taking in 2500 calories a day then all you have to do is cut that to 1500 or 2000 calories a day and you will begin to lose weight. So you start skipping meals. Maybe the first day you decide to skip breakfast and by lunch you are starving and feel miserable but you have made up you mind that you are going to do this and stick with it. The pain and misery works for the first week or maybe two if you can hold out that long because you will begin to lose weight. Maybe you have found the best way to lose weight fast.

What you do not realize is that with just about any diet program you will see rapid results early on due to the loss of water weight. It is the first thing to go and the reason just about any diet works in the beginning.

A couple weeks in you have lost some weight but you probably feel weak and miserable because along with skipping meals you have not provided your body with the adequate fuel to function on a daily basis. You start thinking how long am I going to have to be hungry and miserable. This is the point most people quit.

The other issue most people do not realize when it comes to these types of programs is the fact that your body will adjust to your new calorie intake and begin to adjust the number of calories it burns accordingly. This will result in a weight loss plateau and another point where people quit because they stop realizing any weight.

Calorie counting is the most difficult program to stick stay on.

If you would like more information about some of the popular and supposed best ways to lose weight fast you can visit my blog at:


How to Find the Best Weight Loss Program

There are a ton of companies out there who promise to help you lose weight. How can you tell the companies that will waste your time, money, and energy from the ones that will actually help you achieve your goals? Here are some questions that will help you choose the best weight loss program for you.

1. Who is Going to Be Working With Me?

The best weight loss programs employ experts in the field: dieticians, nutritionists, doctors, exercise gurus, and professional counselors.

2. What Kind of Training Will I Receive?

Long term weight loss is not just about taking off a few pounds, but about keeping them off permanently. The best weight loss program for you will go beyond simple food education to help you to identify and avoid situations where you overeat, training you to live a healthier, fitter lifestyle.

3. What is the Average Weight Loss of Participants?

The best weight loss programs are glad to share their statistics with potential members, because they have a solid, positive track record of success. Steer away from any company that will not do this.

4. How Many of Your Clients Maintain Their Weight Loss?

The best weight loss program will focus on long term, not temporary, weight loss. Therefore, they should be able to tell you the percentage of members who keep the weight off over time.

5. How Flexible is the Plan?

The best weight loss program will take your food preferences into consideration. If there is no flexibility in what you are allowed to eat, the likelihood of being able to stick with the program for a lifetime is extremely slim.

6. What Will I Have to Pay?

The best weight loss program will have no hidden fees. If you are required to purchase their food or supplements, this should be revealed up front.

7. What Side Effects Can I Expect?

The best weight loss programs are able to describe their disadvantages and side effects up front, to prepare you to deal with them in advance.

By asking these seven questions before you start, you can ensure that you pick a weight loss program that fits your personal needs.

Discover twenty one sure fire ways to lose weight and shed those pounds with this free weight loss newsletter.

Will A Weight Loss Diet Pill Help?

We are all familiar with the ads; in fact, it would be difficult to go for an entire 24 hour period without seeing an ad for a weight loss diet pill. They come in a variety of shapes and colors, with some celebrity endorsements, complete with all the promises you want to hear. But, do they really help with weight loss? And, if they do, are they worth the potential side effects?

When comparing the many available types of oral weight loss support, it becomes immediately apparent that one of the main components is caffeine. Why? Caffeine helps to provide you with an extra source of energy that you may previously have obtained through snacking. While this may prove harmless and somewhat effective for some people, others might suffer increased anxiety, nervousness, and/or a feeling of irritability. The logic here is simple, if you may be caffeine sensitive and find that after using a supplemental pill for weight loss that you fall into the negative side effect category - pass on the pills!

Another common component of these oral supplements is their appetite suppression properties. Various combinations of natural, and not so natural, ingredients are used to reduce your desire to eat. Some people will find themselves with a sensitivity to these ingredients and experience a range of side effects. Cramping, headache, or nausea are very commonly experienced when taking a weight loss diet pill. If you're taking these pills and your side effects are anything more than minor and temporary - stop using the pills!

When it comes to supplementing your diet with any type of weight loss pill, the smartest thing you should do before starting is to consult with your physician. Your physician will advise you as to whether or not you even need this type of supplement. Your answer to weight loss may be as simple as a change in your dietary habits, or getting a little more exercise. Also, your physician is more familiar with your overall health than anyone else, and will provide you with professional advice regarding any over-the-counter weight loss product that may help you with dropping some pounds, and more importantly; point out any product or product ingredient that could create problems for you. When it comes to safe and healthy weight loss, the advice of your primary care physician is priceless.

If this course of action is approved for you, the good news is that the safe use of oral weight loss products can help many people curb their appetites while providing a little extra energy to help your body adjust to the the changes in your eating habits. Report any sign of side effects to your physician, take the weight loss diet pills as directed, and you should be fine.

Copyright 2007 Carl DiNello

Carl DiNello is an Article Author, and Website Owner whose articles are featured on websites covering the Internet's most popular topics.

To read more on this topic, please visit Weight Loss Solutions!

You may republish this article on your website, or e-zine so long as none of the content, or author information has been edited or changed in any way, and all links are left active and unchanged.

From Fat to Fortune - Jared's Subway Story

The story begins in Indianapolis, Indiana, USA, where one Jared S. Fogle was born on 1st December 1977. Attending North Central High School, Jared was massively overweight, weighing in at 425 pounds, and reputedly sporting 6XL shirts. As a student of Indiana University, Jared roomed with a medic who diagnosed him with oedema, after which he was sent to hospital. Jared was told that his excessive obesity could lead him to the grave by age his mid-thirties if he didn't change his ways.

Realising the severity of the situation, Jared decided to take action. Intrigued by a local Subway's "7 for 6" ad campaign (which offered a menu of seven sandwiches, each with less than six grams of fat) he began a diet of a 6-inch turkey club sandwich for lunch, and a foot-long veggie sub for dinner. The diet was a success; within three months Jared had shed almost 100 pounds, and the visible reduction in his size spurred him on to begin taking regular exercise. Rather than using transport, Jared began to walk everywhere he could, choosing to take the stairs rather than the lift wherever possible. By the end of the diet, he had lost over 240 pounds, dramatically reducing his waistline and lengthening his life expectancy.

Struck by Jared's huge weight loss, a dorm-mate who barely recognised him (due to his new slim look) wrote an article about Jared for the Indiana Daily Student in April 1999. A writer for Men's Health read the article and went on to write a piece for the magazine which included a mention of the "Subway Sandwich Diet" in an article called "Crazy Diets that Work".

A Subway franchise owner in the Chicago area read the article, and went to speak to the director of Subway's Chicago advertising agency, believing the story could be used to promote the company in some way. The situation snowballed and it wasn't long before Jared was brought in to tell his story on camera, which then became a nationwide TV ad campaign.

The commercial was a huge success; the day after it was first aired, Subway's marketing director started receiving calls from USA Today, ABC News, Fox News and even Oprah. The story grew, and soon hotels in Indianapolis were full of reporters keen to meet the man who had shed so much weight by eating what was considered fast food.

It seemed that the USA - a nation famously overweight in the eyes of many countries, could relate to Jared's battle with the scales, and above all, the fact that Jared was a real person with a genuine success story, rather than some fictional advertisement. Subway reaped the rewards with sales rising by 18% that year, and a further 16% the following year.

Jared is now a well-recognised phenomenon who has been parodied on various mainstream TV shows and films, including 'The Simpsons', 'South Park', 'Scary Movie 3' and 'Saturday Night Live'. He continues to be employed by Subway as a spokesman on fitness and healthy eating.

Matthew Pressman is a freelance writer and frequent flyer. When not travelling, he enjoys golf and fishing.

How To Get Brady Quinn's Body

Brady Quinn's workout was recently featured in Men's Health magazine, and showed how he built his muscle mass and strength for football. Brady has the all-American physique, and you can have it too by using the same weight lifting methods.

One of my jobs for Men's Health is to film exercise videos. And recently, I filmed the exercises from Brady Quinn's workout that was featured in the magazine.

The weightlifting exercises in Brady's workout include the front squat, the bench press, some dumbell rows and deadlifts, pullups, and even stability ball leg curls. These exercises are perfect for building a great, muscular physique as well as improving performance. You really have to see them performed properly to understand the benefits.

According to Men's Health, "Brady Quinn's workout centers on exercises that build strength, stability, speed, and power in the least amount of time. Quinn trains his upper body and lower body in every workout, with basic, muscle-building exercises that keep his metabolism elevated."

The front squat is a tough version of the regular squat exercise and works almost every muscle in the body. Your abs get a heck of a workout, even though its a leg exercise. Brady will get bigger, faster, and stronger with this type of exercise.

The workout was designed by one of the experts at the Athlete's Performance Gym in Arizona, and I think that's where Brady trained and did his workouts in preparation for playing football in the NFL next year.

And many people might be surprised that Brady's workout included the bench press. But the experts at Athlete's Performance know how to do the bench press right and reduce the stress on his shoulders. In fact, Brady did 24 reps of the 225 bench press test at the NFL combines. That is unheard of for a quarterback!

I also like the Close-grip Bench Press as a variation of the normal bench press. And that was one of the exercises in my recent workout designed by Strength Coach, Jason Ferruggia.

To do this exercise, make sure you tuck your elbows into your sides to get maximum triceps effort, and focus on pushing yourself away from the bar. That protects your shoulder, and works your triceps more than your chest. A great variation for your arm day training.

So if you want to build mass and get strong, stick to the basics like Brady Quinn and Jay Ferruggia. Squat, bench, row, and pull your way to strength, power, and a better body.

You have permission to publish this article in your web sites, ezines or electronic publication, as long as the piece is used in its entirety including the resource box, all hyperlinks (HTML clickable) and references and copyright info.

Craig Ballantyne is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and writes for Men's Health and Oxygen magazines. His trademarked muscle building, fat burning workouts have helped thousands of men and women with weight loss and fat burning in less than 45 minutes three times per week. Craig's fat burning secrets help you lose fat and gain muscle without long, slow cardio sessions or fancy equipment. And Craig's bodyweight-only workouts help you lose fat without any equipment at all.

Weight Loss Pills - Facts About Appetite Suppressants

Appetite suppressant are one of the solutions for people are having problems maintaining there diet. Trying to control the feeling of hunger and the urge to eat have been the downfall of many people trying to lose weight. This article will explain about prescription and over the counter suppressants and how they could help you to keep on track with your diet.

Appetite suppressing pills are available with or without prescription. Prescription suppressants are generally only prescribed to people who are classed as obese. There use requires being monitored by your doctor and are used in conjunction with a strict diet and exercise program.

Modern society puts a high value on the way people look today. From models to movie stars, we are constantly being shown that being lean and thin is the excepted way to look. That is why there has been increase on over the counter appetite suppressants, these are aimed at people who want to lose a few pounds and are mainly targeting users for cosmetic rather than health reasons. They are generally made from natural or herbal ingredients.

Appetite suppressants are designed to trick the body into thinking that your stomach is full. The more powerful prescription drugs change the chemicals in the brain to increase the levels of seratonin that make you feel full.

Over the counter appetite suppressants generally work in the same way. Some pills like Proactol work by producing a fibre complex that slows down your digestion making you feel fuller for longer.

There are side effects of using suppressants, which can be unpleasant, these can be nausea, insomnia and increase in the heart rate.

In conclusion, if you are looking at using an appetite suppressant to help you lose weight then make sure you consult your doctor and follow the manufacturer recommendations when using the product. Appetite suppressants have, and are being used by thousands of people world wide to help them achieve their weight loss goals.

If you want to find out more about weight loss pills or want to read articles about weight loss and dieting then you can visit http://www.weightloss-heaven.com

Weight Loss Obstacles - How To Avoid Weight Loss Burnout

Have you ever woke up one day, usually a Monday, and told yourself that this was the day you were going to start living a healthier lifestyle. The extra weight you are carrying is coming off and for good this time. You're going to eat all the right foods and go to the gym loyally. You are feeling highly motivated and you're ready to roll! How long did it last? Was it a month or two, a week or two, a day? You are not alone!

This is a very common problem, people don't live up to their own expectations and then they dismiss it, usually by saying 'I don't have any will power'. So that's it, you tell yourself you don't have any will power and you let that excuse you from what you need to do to get it. The beginning stages of any exercise program are always the toughest. This is when people have the greatest fall off rate. Why? There are a few reasons. The biggest reason is that people do too much too soon. You want to lose weight and you want to lose it now! Well, if one day you're eating pizza and ice cream and sitting on the couch and the next day you're eating bean sprouts and working out for an hour and a half, a red flag should be going up. This is not going to last! These are examples of two extremes and going to the extreme in either direction is not healthy and not necessary.

I cannot emphasize enough how important small lifestyle changes can be if you want to lose weight. With diet, that may mean adding more fruits and vegetables instead of fatty snacks, avoiding red meat and fried food, avoid nighttime eating, if you eat because you are bored, do something so that you are not bored, just to name a few.

With exercise, that may mean going for a walk after dinner or at lunch, exercising 3-5 days a week for 30 minutes, actively playing with the kids, finding an exercise class that you enjoy, just to name a few.

Another top reason that people give up on themselves and their weight loss is impatience. When people start eating better and exercising they tend to think that the results should come very fast. There is a lot wrong with this way of thinking. First of all, it is very unhealthy to lose weight fast. In order to do that you must deprive your body of many calories and therefore vital nutrients as well. This also slows down your metabolism so you will have a greater tendency to gain the weight back. Secondly, you did not get out of shape overnight, it is wrong to expect it come right back to you overnight as well.

On average, a weight loss of two pounds a week is considered healthy. The key is to enjoy the process and all the great things that happen along the way to your goal. It has to be about more than losing weight. You will have more energy and that feels good, you will be in better spirits as well. You may start to feel more confident and strong. These important changes come a lot faster than the final goal, so savor them. Let them act as motivation to keep you going. Remind yourself that when you were eating junk and not exercising that you felt lethargic, out of control, possibly even depressed.

Everyone hits bumps in the road to health and fitness. When you hit one of these inevitable bumps, you have two choices. You can either persevere and continue on your journey or take yourself back to where you started. Obviously, you were not happy at your starting point or else you never would have started at all. We all want to feel good, be healthy and active, have more energy, and be strong and confident. So, the next time you come to a fork in the road, remember this, tell yourself you are worth the effort, and choose the right way, the way towards health and happiness.

Lose that weight and feel great. You can do it. All it takes is a plan for success, consistency and perseverance. For constant tips and on line support check out my blog you can lose fat.

Barry Lovelace is an internationally recognized personal trainer and fitness coach. Visit his website and get FREE health and fitness tips and a FREE Ebook titled 'How To Juggle Your Health and FItness!'

Easy Weight Loss - Take Control Of Your Bad Habits

We have all heard people say thing like, "Hey, I'm on a diet," or "I'm going on a diet." Of course, doctors don't talk this because they know that really everyone is on a diet. A diet is simply what you eat.

There are two aspects of traditional weight loss diets that are worth commenting on.

First, when you are going on a diet plan, you actually think about what you are going to eat and take control of that particular activity. You know to plan ahead so you don't have to simply eat what's there or not eat at all. Planning when and how we eat is something we should all do all of the time, even when we are not trying to lose weight.

Secondly, most people think of dieting as a temporary break from their normal eating habits when, in reality, this second assumption is what leads to so much of what is wrong in the entire diet culture. If you accept your diet as temporary, then you will likely go back to your old habits right after you have seen the slightest results.

Here's the best tip I can give you: You have to change the way you eat everyday, and it's not easy. But it is possible to create a diet that still allows you to enjoy what you eat and eat the foods you love. You just need to put together a creative diet that works for you everyday, and learn to stick to it!

Do you want to get rid of those extra pounds you packed on? Although they sure did not pile on overnight, you'd like to get rid of them overnight, wouldn't you? Have you had enough? Are you ready to do something about it? Change your thinking and you can change your body. Your Weight Loss success story can start today! Click Here to get started! More information on easy weight loss and more is available at http://www.easyweightlosscoach.com

How to Control Cravings

Don't let your cravings destroy your weight loss program. Learn how to stop eating and stick to your diet so you burn fat on your fat loss program.

Cravings can kill a good fat loss program.

One day you're sailing along losing body fat, and the next day you end up eating 1500 calories of M&M's. You get frustrated, you skip your workout, and the next thing you know you've fallen off the wagon for three days or three weeks.

Don't worry, though. I can show you how to stop this behavior, so you don't ever let this happen again. Here's how to control cravings and beat body fat for good!

Recently a member wrote in...

"Anybody have this experience? I really do want to lose the fat but everytime I walk by a convenience store, my brain wants to get some junk food even after I've worked out!

I do try to resist the temptations but sometimes I do give in and it's wrecking my progress!

How much willpower does a person have to have in this fat loss thing? How can I get rid of these temptations once and for all?"

My answer...


This is going to sound too simplistic, but trust me, it will work.

You need to change your self-image.

Right now, you believe you are...

1) The type of person that falls off the wagon everytime you walk by a convenience store.

You must change your self-image and see yourself as...

2) A disciplined eater who eats for fat burning, mental energy, and to fuel your workouts and lifestyle, AND who treats themselves every once in a while to pre-planned treats.

Let me give you an example of how this works...

As I've mentioned before on the site, I used to bite my nails.

Disgusting habit.

But I'm a fitness professional.

And fitness professionals do NOT have disgusting habits.

So I changed my self-image.

In my mind, I became the type of person who does NOT bite their nails.

And now everytime I am tempted to bite my nails, I stop and say to myself, "I do not bite my nails. That's disgusting. I do not have disgusting habits".

It literally worked overnight.

So, it doesn't matter if you walk by the store, go into the store, buy the junk food, or even take the wrapper off, all that matters is that you stop yourself before you eat the junk and say to yourself...

"I am not the type of person that sabotages all their hard work by eating junk food. I have control over my cravings, and I eat only foods that contribute to my fat burning program and to a healthy lifestyle. And every once in a while I allow myself a planned treat as a reward."

That's ALL that matters.

Now, you must truly believe in yourself and in your new self-image.

It will only work if you believe in this mindset shift.

But I already believe in you and know you can do it.

That's it. Good luck. Change your mindset today and start building your new body immediately.

If you are committed to a good training program, than it will be easier to get your mind to commit to a new way of thinking about your diet habits. By getting control of your cravings, you will burn fat and lose weight.

You have permission to publish this article in your web sites, ezines or electronic publication, as long as the piece is used in its entirety including the resource box, all hyperlinks (HTML clickable) and references and copyright info.

Craig Ballantyne is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and writes for Men's Health and Oxygen magazines. His trademarked fat burning workout routines have helped thousands of men and women with weight loss and fat burning in less than 45 minutes three times per week. The fat loss member forums help you burn fat without long, slow cardio sessions or fancy equipment. Craig's bodyweight exercises help you lose fat without any equipment at all.

Weight Loss Tips To Tackle Obesity And Overweight Problems

Obesity and weight related problems are commonly found throughout the world. Due to our current fast paced lifestyle people are finding it extremely difficult to manage their weight problems and obesity is on the increase all over the world. People who find it extremely difficult to implement exercise into their daily regimen are always on the lookout for weight loss tips.

Some of the most famous weight loss tips are as follows:

You really need to be careful about all that you eat. It is very important for people who are really keen to get rid of their excess fat that you have to have some sort of dietary control. This is most essential of all weight loss tips

Along with proper dietary control you also need to follow some sort of regular exercise regimen in order to overcome obesity and stay fit and healthy. You need to burn up all the energy that you are consuming so that you are no longer overweight

Obesity leads to a whole lot of health problems and illnesses. That is why it is essential you take the weight loss tips seriously in order to prevent from falling ill

You need to change your present lifestyle, which is leading to obesity and weight related problems. Try to cut down on your junk food expenditure and junk food intake. Dieting does not really help and all the effects from dieting are just temporary. By changing your dietary lifestyle you are brining about a permanent change to the physical conditions of your body.

You can join some support group so that you don't feel alone and left out in your struggles to cope with your weight and health problems. Even reaching out to your friends can prove really helpful, as they will help you in overcoming your personal dilemmas and agony.

Click here now for more information on Weight loss tips Visit http://www.chefsdiet.com

Natural Weight Loss Tip - Eat Slower

You've heard for years that you should eat slower if you want to lose weight. But is this good advice? Yes, and I'll show you why.

Stress is so much a part of daily life that most of us don't even notice it even more, at least consciously. However, there are certainly parts of your body that do notice, and one important part is our digestive system.

Eating a meal on the run is a signal to many organs and glands in your body that you are under stress. Eating fast can mean chomping down a sandwich or burger during lunch, eating a bagel while driving to work, or just rushing through your evening meal so you can go watch your favorite TV show. Because you're in a hurry, your body will think you're under stress at the same time that the food hits the stomach.

So imagine that food sitting there in your tummy, while at the same time your heart rate is speeding up, your blood pressure is rising, and certain hormones that are released in response to stress begin coursing through your body.

In addition to the adrenaline, noradrenalin and cortisol that is now flooding your system, your blood flow is also redirected away from your digestive system to give more blood to your brain and muscles.

Why does all this happen? Because the physical parts of your body can't tell the difference between a real threat, (lion charging, bus running a red light, etc.), and a false threat (your class starts in five minutes so you grab a hot dog and eat it on the way to school).

Being late, not having enough time, and feeling under pressure to do something more important than eating are all real problems, no doubt about it. But they are not life-threatening problems.

Unfortunately, your body doesn't know that, so it shuts down your digestive processes to save energy for the all-important fight or flight response.

Of course, you aren't going to fight - or flee. However, you might end up with a high risk of heartburn or other digestive upset, and your metabolism is going to slow down.

And sadly for those of us who are trying to lose weight, the stress hormones we talked about earlier will make you fatter, even if you don't eat more.

One of the key stress hormones is cortisol. Cortisol is not a "bad" hormone - your body needs it for a variety of important functions, such as regulating your blood sugar level, keeping your energy level up and your immune system functioning well, and helping your body heal.

However, chronically high levels of this hormone, will tell the body to store more fat - especially around your middle. And many Americans complain of chronic stress. That's one of the reasons why there is such a strong connection between obesity and stress.

Chronic stress can also release higher levels of insulin than your body needs, and some diet authors believe this can also lead to more fat deposits, although this has not yet been proven.

Worrying about what you eat can also increase your stress level. It seems unfair, but a constant anxiety about what you should be eating - or whether or not you already ate too much, or about how "bad" you're being because you're now eating some potato chips or ice cream - will bring on all those metabolism-slowing stress hormones.

So if you do eat something that isn't "on your diet," be sure to enjoy it! Simple pleasure and taking your time will reduce the number of extra calories that end up on your butt.

So, if you want a quick way to get your body burning that extra fat, just slow down when you eat. Take some deep breaths before you begin eating and let go of any issues or problems that are plaguing you. Chew slowly, and pay attention to the flavors and textures of your food. Be sure to enjoy the process of eating. (Eating is supposed to be enjoyable, remember?) Then you won't have a stress response telling your digestive system to shut down, and your hormones won't be working against your weight loss goals.

If you learned something important from this natural weight loss tip, be sure to visit the author's website at http://howtothinkthin.com/blog/ - it's filled with informative articles about diet and health that you can use today.

Weight Loss Tips

Are you tired of diets? If yes, you don't have to fight your body anymore! Put aside your fears... Since you've found a realistic way to lose weight permanently.

These easy to follow Weight loss Strategies will help you take charge of your weight, health, and life with some dramatic results! They help people to Permanently Lose Unwanted body fat, Feel healthy, and have unstoppable energy! And that too without Struggling, Starving, Diet Pills and Hard to follow diet programs.

Remember, diets dont work! Dont depend upon fat burning diet supplements. They wont go a long way in helping you sustain your reduced pounds. One cannot lose weight overnight and those diet programs, which are offering people to lose weight rapidly are just lying and giving false hopes. Quick weight loss methods offer very tough unhealthy dietary plans, and do not provide lasting results. Its true that Weight loss can be achieved by surgical methods like Liposuction and Weight loss pills but their use can cause some serious side effects.

So what is the best way to lose weight? Here are some Quick Weight Loss Tips .

. Drink plenty of water throughout the day. Drinking eight glasses of water is a must.

Eat a Good Weight Loss Diet. A balanced low fat diet that is high in healthy carbohydrates, low in fat and moderate in protein is considered as the best weight loss diet. Have organic foods for the breakfast like apples, bananas, plain yogurt, tomatoes, carrots, peppers, raw honey, wild smoked salmon, and so on. Eat lots of leafy green vegetables and fruits. They help in maintaining a lower calorie count and also pack our bodies with healthy nutrients making our diet a balanced one.

Dont skip your meals. Your metabolism rate has a major impact on your weight loss program. People with low metabolism have a hard time in losing weight because owing to their slow metabolism, fat gets stored in their bodies. Skipping meals would slow down your bodys metabolism further, in a bid to conserve energy, hence burning away lesser calories.

Eat six small meals a day. It would distribute your calorie intake and reach a good balance. This speeds up your metabolism.

Exercise regularly. Eating right and exercise go hand in hand. Making adjustments to your eating habits would only win you half the game. Regular exercising is the missing part. Go for a non-stop walk for an hour daily. In a couple of days, youll start finding the difference in you.

Sleep Well. Sleeping is a favorite quick weight loss tip since it is one of the most effortless. It is vital to your overall weight loss plan. Sleep deprivation would induce hunger, and improve appetite. This often results in excessive eating.

As a last word, you must need to remember that Healthy eating habits and exercise is the key to the weight loss vault! You can do it and I believe in you and you will succeed.

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Turbulence Training Results And Testimonials

Turbulence Training is one of the most popular weight loss and fitness programs in the world today. But does it really work? Before we answer that question, here are some details regarding this program: It was created by Craig Ballantyne, an expert trainer and fitness guide and writer for various magazines. Turbulence Training, as it's name signifies, is based on intensive but short workouts aimed at burning the most calories and fat in the shortest time possible.

Even though this program enjoys positive reviews from laymen and experts alike, the best way to know if something works is to read real users' results and testimonials. This is what this article is about.

As it so happens, Craig Ballantyne himself made it easy for us to see first hand results of his program by establishing a contest to see who would have the best results. The winning contestants details were posted online with pictures and all, so we can read their accomplishments and see pictures as well. In this article, I'll relate just a sample of all the results that I've read.

Turbulence Training Results and Testimonials - a Sample

1. The winner of the contest Craig Ballantyne opened is a woman who lost an impressive 15.5 pounds and over 5% of body fat. I've seen her picture. It is truly a transformation.

2. But no. 2 impressed me even more since this guy lost over 30 pounds in under 3 months which is incredible. If we take into account that he added muscle weight as well, it means that his weight loss was in large part pure fat.

3. There was another guy who didn't finish in the top 3 (don't ask me why) who lost over 80 pounds. Talk about results.

I won't bore you with all the other testimonials. I have a link to the other results in my Turbulence Training Review so you can read them at your leisure. Just remember that this program requires hard work, but the results are worth it in my opinion. You not only gain a new body, but also a much healthier one.

To read more about this program, visit this webpage:

Turbulence Training Results and Testimonials.

John Davenport lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life. To read more about fast weight loss, click here: How To Lose Weight Fast And Never Gain It Back

Lose Weight With Fat Burning Foods

Can you imagine this? There are a group of foods where you can eat practically all you wish to and at the same time still lose weight. Well, it is true. The following are some foods that require more calories to burn than they contain. Eating these foods will help melt the fat away.

Making healthy substitutions is the best way to begin. Substitute fruits for cake and ice cream. Try substituting turnip fries for french fries. With a little creativity you will have endless possibilities. If you need help with recipes you can look online or get a book from your local library or natural food store. With vegetables it is helpful to eat them either raw or lightly steamed. You would like them to be slightly crisp when you serve them.

Here is a partial list of some examples.

Artichokes-Artichokes are very tasty and it worth trying them. With just a little practice you'll be able to prepare them exactly to your taste.

Celery-Celery is well known as a fat burning food. Eat it every day for a few weeks and see for yourself. Eating carrot sticks and celery during the day is a great snack. It will provide some essential nutrition and burn calories at the same time. Whenever possible it is best to use organic product. Green Peppers-Green peppers are loaded with vitamin A and vitamin C. They are easy to grow and they freeze nicely so you should consider adding them to your garden.

Tomatoes-Technically tomatoes are a type of fruit. They are, however, prepared like vegetables. There are literally thousands of types of tomatoes. Peas-Canned peas are horrible. Fresh pea pods are readily available in supermarkets and natural food stores. Please, eat them fresh.

Here are some other vegetables that will assist in your weight loss program. They include brussel sprouts, corn, string beans, asparagus, cauliflower, kohlrabi, red peppers, broccoli and green beans.

Let's not forget pumpkins and squash. Pumpkins and squash are delicious. They make great side dishes. They are probably one of the most under-utilizes foods available today. They are so tasty they kids enjoy them too.

Chances are you use onions and chives already. Grab a cook book and see what you can do with leeks, scallions, and shallots? You'd be amazed at how versatile they can be. Packed with fiber and nutrition, root vegetables are just what you need if you are trying to lose weight. This group includes carrots, parsnips, radishes, rutabagas and turnips. Turnips make great substitutes for potatoes!

Using herbs to season your food is a great way to eat healthy and lose weight. These herbs in particular are good because they require more calories to digest than what they contain. These include chervil, parsley leaves, celeriac and garlic.

Here is an interesting note about garlic. Garlic has been used for centuries not just as a food but as a medicine too. It is claimed to help lower cholesterol, reduce the pain of rheumatoid arthritis, and it is even said to fight cancer. This list of fat burning foods is just the beginning. Do you realize that losing weight can be kind of fun and sort of an adventure. It does not have to be a hardship. As I mentioned above, find some cook books and experiment with the recipes. Lose weight and have fun, what a concept!

Kathryn Soloff is the mother of 8 children and a natural foods cook for over 30 years. She is co-publisher of http://www.natural-remedy-dot-com.com/fatburnerreviews/herbal_fat_burners.html where she provides additional advice, tips and hard to find information on Weight Loss

Sign up for our free ecourse: 10 Steps To Lose Weight Without Dieting

Weight Loss - The Ugly Truth About Losing Weight Fast!

Do you want to lose weight fast?

If yes, you need to know that the best way to lose weight is to do your exercises.

It's a well known fact that most of the diet programs don't work. Even if many of them seem to work on the short term, people will regain the extra weight they've burned almost immediately after they stop the diet.

In many case, they will gain more weight after the weight loss program they tried.

Then, they will start again with a new diet (or the same), lose weight again and stop.

I've seen my beloved mother doing this for years. I was wondering why I wasn't allowed to drink those slim fast milkshakes... It seemed really delicious.

Please understand that I am not saying that slim fast doesn't work. What I want you to understand is that most of the time, people are subject to what I call the "after diet" syndrome.

What is this?

After they lose some pounds, they will stop dieting, and find themselves caught in an infernal diet loop.

Are you going to avoid all these delicious foods all your life?

I'm sure you answered no to this question.

So what you need to do?

Just try something different. You are not obliged to take those traditional diet solutions.

As an example, you can try the turbulence training system. This will help you to burn the fat and feed the muscle at the same time.

Instead of focusing on losing weight, you will focus on burning carbs by doing exercises.

Finally! Discover a powerful weight loss system used by thousands of bodybuilders and people around the world to obtain low-low body fat level. Learn how you too can get rid of your stomach fat for good when you visit: http://www.positiveattitude4life.com

Franck Silvestre is a professional Martial Artist. Visit his website today at Turbulence Training

The Real Secret To Losing Weight The Weight Loss Industry Doesn't Want You To Know

If you have had trouble losing weight or you keep hitting a plateau in your weight loss efforts, you will want to read this article.

I am going to discuss THE most important factor involved in our weight struggles. You probably haven't heard it before because there is not a lot of profit to be made from it. You see, you can be on the most advanced weight loss program ever created but it doesn't matter one iota if you have blocks in your subconscious mind to losing the weight you want to lose. It simply won't happen.

Simply put, if you are having trouble reaching your weight loss goals, you can be sure there are subconscious blocks that are standing in your way. Many of us have subconscious advantages or reasons to keeping our current weight and disadvantages for achieving our ideal weight.

I know it sounds silly but a good example would be someone who has been really hurt by someone they were romantically involved with and they subconsciously keep the extra weight knowing that they won't put themselves in that situation again. It is a protection mechanism.

They may have thoughts under their awareness that says "if I achieve my ideal weight, I may be more attractive which will put me in situations that I can get hurt" Again, this is all under the awareness. This example may or may not resonate with you but there are several programs out there that teach you how to pull up whatever blocks are in the way that are keeping you at your current weight and preventing weight loss from becoming effortless.

That is where it's at. Affirmations, visualization, The Law Of Attraction etc will not work if there are counter intentions in your subconscious mind. In fact, what I have found is that when you release the subconscious blocks to losing the weight you want, affirmations and visualizing what you want all the time becomes unnecessary and heading towards your ideal weight becomes much more natural rather than something you have to force to make happen.

Here's another scenario: Have you ever made a New Years Resolution to lose weight only to get back to your current habits six weeks later? So have I. We make a goal to lose X amt of pounds and then we find it really hard to keep going.

That wall that we hit upon is called subconscious resistance. It is like driving with the brake on. In any area of your life that requires will power and effort and struggle, you are coming up against a wall of resistance. Unfortunately, the movie The Secret didn't talk about this. Dissolving subconscious blocks, especially resistance, is paramount to losing the weight or for anything you want in life for that matter.

There are various methods that teach you how to let go of resistance on the spot. Once we let go of our resistance to eating well, to exercising etc., doing these things become effortless. Obviously, action is required, but that action becomes effortless in the sense that we are taking off the brake and just hitting the gas so we easily move in the direction we want.

Letting go of the garbage in your subconscious mind is the real secret to losing weight...or anything else for that matter. This may be the first time you have heard this because if everyone knew this secret, the multimillion-dollar weight loss industry would go bankrupt!

Thank you for taking time to read my article. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did writing it


Feel FREE to Check Out My Brand New Book The Secret Behind The Secret at:


For More Information on how to remove your blocks to weight loss

Rapid Weight Loss

Maybe you are a little overweight. Maybe you're more than a little overweight and you need to lose quite a few excess pounds, especially around the tummy area. What's the best way to go about it?

To be honest a lot depends on how you want to lose the weight. If you want to lose excess weight fast then most diets fall short. If you've ever tried to starve yourself to get thin then you've probably found the results to be less than encouraging.

Let's assume for your height and build you are carrying excess weight. What's the reason for your being overweight? Lack of exercise and eating too much would be amongst the highest ranked answers. You've probably read somewhere that being overweight is a product of over eating and under exercising.

There's not much doubting the fact that if you sit around all day cramming fatty, processed foods down your throat then you are going to get fat. So you need to exercise more and eat less to get the pounds to fall off, right?


Why? Well, with most information there's an element of misinformation and it's no different in the world of dieting. The reason for becoming overweight in the first place has nothing to do with how you can effectively burn excess fat in a matter of days.

Most people's perception of losing weight is to eat less and exercise more.

Exercise is a great way of getting fitter and stronger. It's also great for toning and shaping but forget it if you want to achieve rapid weight loss. When you're overweight one of the last things you want to do is dive into a rigid exercise program.

Once you've managed to lose some serious weight and gain a little self confidence you might want to think about an exercise routine that fits in with your life. There are plenty of high impact and low impact activities to choose from. A simple 30 minute brisk walk every day might actually be all the exercise you'll ever need.

Don't confuse exercise with rapid weight loss. You would have to do some pretty serious exercising if you wanted to lose more than half a stone in less than two weeks. Eating less also tends to have very little effect on your body's ability to burn off excess fat. If you really want to lose some excess weight in a hurry then forget about starving yourself to get thin.

Let's assume that on average you consume approximately 2500 calories a day pretty much every day. Your body will get used to this amount and your metabolism will burn off these calories in the same way every day.

Now let's assume that you decide to lose some weight and cut back on the amount of calories that you consume and reduce to around 1000 calories per day. Very quickly your body adjusts to this reduction in calories and your metabolism adjusts also.

You won't burn off excess fat just by reducing the amount of calories you eat.

You might lose a few pounds here and there but then your metabolism will adapt and cope with a lot less calories and you'll probably start to feel tired and agitated as a result.

Imagine a weight loss method where by you can eat the things you like to eat every day, food that can be purchased at any supermarket or convenience store. Now imagine a weight loss method that actually encourages you to eat those things every two and a half hours for up to six times a day without increasing your current exercise routine.

Sounds too good to believe doesn't it? How can eating four, five or even six times a day possibly help to shed pounds in excess fat? It just goes against everything you're told doesn't it?

Welcome to the world of Calorie Shifting and it works by confusing the natural way that your body adapts to consuming calories every day. Think of it quite simply as a calorie work out for your metabolism. A work out that is responsible for achieving rapid weight loss time after time after time.

Calorie shifting is a way of mixing portions of everyday foods in such a way as to achieve significant weight loss in a matter of days and the process can be repeated again and again. The key elements to this successful rapid fat burning program are a variation in portion size and type of foods consumed within an eleven day period.

Unfortunately most people neither have the time or the know how to produce such a fat burning menu and this is where it becomes necessary to enlist expert help. This help comes via the aid of an Online Diet Generator. A review of a website currently offering an Online Diet Generator is available here.

Tony Jo is the Health & Beauty researcher for http://www.onlinemoneyrobot.com
Online Money Robot Where Health Mixes With Wealth