Sunday, July 20, 2008

Weight Loss For Idiots - Even an Idiot Can Lose Weight

Most people believe that it is difficult to lose weight, they need to do a lots of exercise and consume lesser food in order to achieve their weight loss goal. However, if you know how your body metabolism and calories work, you will understand why the title for this article is "Weight Loss For Idiots - Even An Idiot Can Lose Weight".

Believe it or not, the best weight loss method is to consume food. The food we eat can make us fat or thin. Consuming the wrong food at the wrong time will cause us to over weighted.

If you decide to lose weight by starving yourself, your body will assume that you don't have enough food to eat and thus starts to use up the energy stored in our body to compensate for the energy deficiency. It used the protein and carbohydrates from our muscle cells and cause our muscle mass to reduce. As a result, this slow down our metabolism.

You need to understand how your body works in order to achieve easy weight loss. The body uses energy that is stored from the food that we eat. If we do not use this energy then it is stored as fat. This is the basic principle. Understand this you will be able to lose weight easily.

Here are some tips to lose weight:

1) Avoid junk food.
Ensure that you have plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables at home. Eat an apple rather than a chocolate bar if you feel hungry.

2) Eat regularly.
If you miss a meal then your metabolism slows down to store up energy, this will make you feel more starving, and so you are much more likely to eat food that is available, which usually means food that is not good for you.

3) Reduce your calorie intake.
This should be done over a stretched period. Slowly replace the major foods that you eat regularly with a low-fat substitute. For instance, replace white bread with whole grain bread.

4) Plan your exercise routine.
Slowly introduce exercise into your regular routine. Begin by going for a short 15 minute stroll in the morning and then over a period of weeks gradually introduce jogging and bicycling.

If you are looking for a weight loss plan that even idiots can achieve results, follow the tips mentioned above, and you will be able to lose weight fast.

This article was written by Jackie Tay. The author has personally lose 20 pounds within a month by using some simple nutritional tricks and lifestyle techniques. If you are serious about losing weight without starving yourself, check out the author's success story at Weight Loss For Idiots

Healthy Weight Loss Without Dieting

We are becoming a nation of overweight people. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has reported the rate of adult obesity has doubled between 1980 and 2002. Overweight and obesity in Americans has been a mounting problem for nearly 25 years and continues to worsen with a growing number of obese or overweight children and young adults.

Some of the risks of obesity and overweight are:

1. heart disease

2. stroke

3. hypertension

4. diabetes

5. cancer

6. arthritis

Dropping the extra pounds and keeping it off would prevent and control these diseases.

By incorporating some simple lifestyle changes, you can achieve a healthy weight loss that would provide long-term and lasting results. You just need to make a commitment to healthy weight loss and set realistic goals.

Here are some tips for healthy weight loss:

1. Don't "Diet."

The key to healthy weight loss is don't "diet." When we think of "diet" we think of starving ourselves and barely eating. Although you may lose weight for the short term by doing this, it won't last long. It's like running a car on an empty gas tank, your body can't tolerate not having enough fuel to run on. It will protect itself by turning to starvation mode and will slow down the burning of calories. That means whatever calories you do take in, it will be stored instead of burned thereby causing weight gain instead of weight loss.

2. Eat Breakfast.

Another key to healthy weight loss is to eat breakfast. Having a healthy meal in the morning helps you jump-start your metabolism. The food you eat after you wake up will be used to burn fat all day long.

3. Eat small, healthy meals frequently.

Instead of three big meals a day, five to six small healthy meals per day would aid in healthy weight loss. Eating more frequently, and in small servings, can prevent overeating. Eating frequently also increases your metabolism and makes calories burn faster. You'll also find that you're not as ravenously hungry when you space your meals out into five or six small meals a day.

4. Decide on a healthy weight loss goal and make a commitment to reach it.

A realistic and healthy weight loss goal can be reached if you make a commitment to reach it. You know it is virtually impossible for you to lose 40 pounds in 2 weeks so why even think about trying to do it. Be realistic about the amount of weight that is possible to lose within a given time period. Make a decision that you want to eat healthy to stay healthy for the rest of your life.

Not all weight loss plans or programs are right for everyone. You need to decide on a healthy weight loss plan or program that you can live with and stick to it.

5. Drink lots of water.

Your body needs water to burn fat, flush out the impurities, and keep your cells hydrated and healthy. About 60% of our body is made up of water so water is an important factor in healthy weight loss. Try to get in 8-12 cups of water a day to keep hydrated, more if you lose a lot of water through exercise (i.e., sweating).

6. Eat less refined sugar and carbohydrates.

Instead of consuming sugar-laden doughnuts, cakes, soft drinks, etc., plan to include lots of fruits and vegetables, some whole-grain bread, rice or pasta, and lean meat and protein rich-foods in your meals for healthy weight loss. Sweet treats such as soda, candy and pastries should be once-in-a-while indulgences only.

7. Monitor your fat intake for healthy weight loss.

Fat is not the culprit to being overweight. You need some healthy fat to help keep your weight at the proper level. Plan to include healthy fats such as walnuts, almonds, olives, peanuts and canola oil. Tuna, salmon and mackerel have omega-3 fats which are good for the heart.

8. Move Your Body.

Incorporate exercise into your daily routine for healthy weight loss. Walk, instead of drive, to your destination if you are only going a few blocks from home. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Go out and do something you enjoy like jogging, cycling or skating. Find ways to actively use your body to perform day-to-day activities or chores at home if you are too lazy to go to the gym or take exercise classes. The more you move, the easier it will be to achieve a healthy weight loss. If you do this regularly, you won't even notice that you are shedding pounds performing mundane activities.

It doesn't matter how much weight you plan or need to lose. What is important is that you set realistic goals for yourself and commit to achieving healthy weight loss.

Achieve the body you've always dreamed of. Visit to kick start your way to the ideal body.

Fat Burning Foods

Are there any foods that burn body fat? If yes, how is it possible? It should be possible to lose weight by simply eating such foods. What are these foods?

The fat burning foods are foods that burn more calories than the calorie content of the foods itself. There are certain foods which actually burn more fat than the calorie content of the food itself. These fat burning foods or so called negative calorie foods are natural plant foods.

Fruits rich in vitamin C like limes, lemons, oranges, grapefruit and tangerines have fat burning properties. Some of the other fat burning foods are asparagus, beet root, broccoli, cabbage, carrot, apple, blueberries, and watermelon. It you eat these fat burning foods and do some exercise, it will boost your metabolism and burn calories at a faster rate for several hours even after exercise.

A recent research reports that calcium in dairy products can boost weight loss by increasing fat breakdown in fat cells. If you compare a dairy-rich versus a dairy-poor diet you can nearly double the rate of weight and fat loss with the same level of calorie restriction.

Not eating enough will slow your metabolism and deteriorating your health. Note that in order to lose weight you have to burn more calories than you consume. This can be done by eating negative calorie foods. This will help your body burning up the excessive stored fat.

Copyright P. Mehta 2004,

[Please note that this article is not a subsitute for medical advise. You have permission to publish this article in your web sites, ezines or electronic publication, as long as the piece is used in its entirety including the resource box, all hyperlinks (clickable) and references and copyright info.]


This article has been written by

For more information, visit Fat Burning Foods.


How to Lose Water Weight Quickly

If you tend to retain water, then it is likely that you are not getting enough water to start with. If you are not drinking proper amounts of water then your body will trigger its natural defense mechanism to dehydration and store up as much water as it can. It may seem a little crazy to say drink more water to not retain as much water, but think of it in terms of money. When are you most likely to hold on tight to your money? When you have a little or when there is an excess flowing into your bank account?

Not only can you increase your water intake but you can try these as well. You will find that if you make other small changes you will lose the excess water weight you have. Limit your salt or sodium intake to only 1500mg a day. Not only will this help in not retaining water you will also get many other health benefits from just limiting salt or sodium. Canned, frozen, processed and packaged foods are some of the main sources for excess salt and sodium. You can avoid this by preparing fresh vegetables for you meals. Drinking distilled water, since it has no salt in it, is also a good way to eliminate some of the salt in you daily intake.

You can also use naturally diuretic foods to help you lose that unwanted water weight. Her are some of the more common ones: Artichokes, Asparagus, Brussel Sprouts, Cabbage, Carrots, Cucumbers, Lettuce, Oats, Tomatoes (also aid metabolism), Watermelon and Watercress. There are also some great diuretic drinks recipes available for free on the internet. Try some of these to see which ones you like the best.

Eating less carbs can help you lose more water also. Did you know that each stored gram of carb holds three grams of water? The gradual break down of muscle proteins, which is inevitable when losing weight, will also add to water weight loss. The portion in muscles holds up 4 times its weight in fluids.

Losing water weight quickly can really boost your motivation when it comes to keeping on a weight loss plan. Seeing a large decrease in your weight on the scales is great. Even after the initial weight loss these changes and information will help you in the long term. Learning different ways to eat and drink improve the chance of keeping the weight off. If weight loss is something you are still struggling with, then I encourage you to not quit and to keep trying because the solution may be just one more click away.

Did You Know There Is A Secret To Weight Loss And Fat Loss?