Friday, July 4, 2008

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Weight Loss For Busy People

Busy people do not have time to concentrate on weight loss. It is a serious and understandable problem. Work schedules have not gotten lighter in the last decade. In fact people are working more. This leads to more eating on the run, drive thru dinners, and a lot of vending machine snacking.

The biggest problem with eating on the run is that the food choices are processed and put in a wrapper so its shelf life lasts for years. Their nutritional content wins the weight gain award. Fast food restaurants offer cheap food fast, which is handy when the work day is long, however, the offerings are high in calories and leave you hungry shortly thereafter.

Busy people also do not have the time to exercise adequately, so they are not only burdened by the fast food dilemma, they are accumulating unburned calories. It is a double edged sword that puts any kind of healthy decision making on the back burner.

Many work sites are now instituting wellness programs because healthy workers are more productive and cost less to the employer. Besides being a profit motive for companies, it can be a useful perk to employees who are given access to fitness rooms, on-site physician check ups, and even healthier food choices in the company cafeteria.

Whether or not your work place has a wellness program, your own interest in weight loss will empower you to look carefully at ways you can incorporate better habits that allow you to flourish in your career. The confidence you can gain by succeeding at a weight maintenance plan will carry over into other areas of your life, as well.

Busy people often do not want to think about their weight issue. This is to be expected. It is not a fun topic and procrastination is a natural reaction. That is why starting slowly is the first step. Allowing yourself time to ease into a weight loss plan will not overwhelm you.

The next step is to prioritize the areas of weakness, for example:
Eating out
Eating at work
Not cooking at home
Not anticipating schedule changes that temp you to skip meals

Choosing one or two of the less severe offenses and working on improving them are slow, baby step changes that can be made without being disruptive to daily activities.

Overeating unhealthy foods is the quickest way to put on the pounds. Busy people do not realize how much they actually eat. Another easy to implement practice is to eat only 80% of a meal or snack. Without having to measure food portions, just a simple visual approximation is all it takes. Especially with beverages, this can make quite a difference without feeling deprived.

Planning ahead for last minute events takes a little more work, but the payoff is great such as keeping a supply of healthy snacks in the car when a meeting location has changed or a child needs to be dropped off at band practice.

Taking short walk breaks is a simple activity to implement. Exercise can be spread out through the day. Two hours at the gym is not necessary to receive the benefits of exercise. Walking provides a good mental break and a way to curb cravings.

These suggestions do not have to be complicated. A few small changes create success so more successes can follow.

Lisa Ann Homic, M.Ed. D.C. owns Homic Advanced Chiropractic in Auburn, NY. In addition to providing chiropractic care she is a wellness coach and launched the Numbers Dont Lie Diet Program. More information can be found at

A Scientific Review Proved That Vegetarian Diets Result in Major Weight Loss

There was an important study done in Washington in 2006 on the benefits of vegetarianism. The results showed that switching to a vegetarian diet will absolutely result in significant weight loss.

This study also showed that the body weight in female and male vegetarians is 5% to 20% lower than that of your average meat eater. The anticipated weight loss on a standard vegetarian diet is 1 pound a week, again without additional exercise or any other changes in habits, and with no limits placed on carbohydrates, calories or portion sizes.

The reason is the vegan diet causes more of a calorie burn after eating so, in essence, these foods are used more efficiently by the body, and do not result in being stored as fat, as meat would be. This also means anyone can consume unlimited amounts of what you would expect in a vegetarian diet, vegetables, fruits, and whole grains and maintain an optimum body weight, without experiencing the hunger you would expect with many diet plans.

This author stopped eating meat a month ago, and I have lost 5 pounds with no other changes in habit whatsoever. It is surprisingly easy to do. The reason I switched is I saw the film "Meet Your Meat", and that was the end of it for me.

In addition, there was a study done in Sweden of 55,000 swedish women who stopped eating meat and switched to a vegetarian diet. These women gained significantly less weight than meat eaters over a five year period. This is exciting news for dieters. One pound a week with no extra effort is worth serious consideration!

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Weight Loss - Getting Back on Track

Remember when you first decided you were going to lose weight? How excited and determined you were? Then the battle began and your conviction has started to fade. Here are some steps to get back on track.

  1. Remember why you set your goal in the first place. Did you want to have more energy to do activities with your family? Or maybe you want to lose weight to boost your self esteem, participate in an outdoor adventure vacation, or improve your health by lowering your cholesterol or blood pressure.

  2. Place your goal in a location you will see daily, such as on your refrigerator door. This way every morning you will be reminded to take the necessary steps to achieve your goal, whether it is heading to the gym, not reaching for the sweets at work, or packing a lunch instead of eating out.

  3. Tell others about your goals and how you plan to be successful. Friends and family can help you by giving the extra support you need to stick with it.

  4. Seek professional help. Did you join a gym but are overwhelmed by the equipment or think you look foolish because you are unsure what you are doing? Meet with a personal trainer to learn how the equipment works and be shown a workout that will meet your goals. Are you trying to eat healthier by reading food labels but do not know what you should be looking for on the label? Seek out the help of a nutrition specialist or dietitian to show you how to make healthier choices.

  5. Track your progress to stay motivated. Mark on the calendar the days you work out as a visual of progress you are making towards your goal. Check your weight monthly to chart results or if you are working on lowering your blood pressure/cholesterol visit your physician to monitor progress.

Are you ready to improve your nutrition? Lower Cholesterol? Control High Blood Pressure? Lose Weight? Contact Lisa Nelson, RD, to recieve the information and support you need. Learn more at

6 Simple Burn Fat Fast Secrets To Build Muscle For A Celebrity-Style Beach Body

How to burn fat fast seems to be one of the most frequently asked questions these days. Do you struggle with food and weight loss from the moment you open your eyes in the morning? Do you constantly scan advertisements for new diet books, weight loss pills and potions? From celebrities to ordinary Joe's are jostling to get their hands on the latest fad. Somehow, each new product sounds just a tad more enticing and promising than the previous one, leading to a new stampede by a crowd of hopefuls. Do any of these burn fat fast fads work in the long run, or are they just lining the pockets of creative and innovative marketers? What are the six secrets that are really effective in the fat loss and muscle building race?

Secret 1: There Is No Quick Fat Fix

Sorry, folks. There really is no magical pound-melting potion on this earth. Not if you want a health body anyway, and most definitely not if you want a long-term solution. If you desire lasting good looks, or want to look after your man's health, it will take some work and planning. There simply is no quick fix. Burn fat fast solutions don't come in pill form.

Secret 2: Learning To Change Your Mind

The mistake many people make is to take on the weight loss challenge only on a physical level. Burning fat fast has as much to do with your psychological make-up as your physical weight. If you can harness the astounding powers of your mind, you will experience the fat loss success you crave. Step number one may be to find out if there is a behind-the-scenes reason why you hang onto your overweight image. There may be some kind of psychological pay-off. The extra weight may be a sort of safety buffer between you and the world out there.

Alternatively you may simply have conditioned yourself into believing that this is who you are. You may have been conditioned into making unhealthy food choices. Why not see the change as a new adventure? Why not make it fun to discover for yourself why one option is better than another? In the process you will also be teaching your kids not to stuff their faces mindlessly. Change your thinking and you will change your body.

Secret 3: Exercise Your Emotions

If your aim is to burn fat fast, it is vital to identify the times when you usually hit the fridge for emotional reasons. This can happen when you are bored, lonely, sad, happy, or excited. Don't try to white-knuckle it. If you can manage to get an alternative plan of action into place ahead of time, you will be more likely to succeed. It is much better to replace an established habit with a new action when that craving hits, such as brushing your teeth, going for a walk, dancing to upbeat music, perhaps drinking a glass of water or vegetable juice, or calling a friend. If you can just get through those few minutes, the feeling is very likely to pass. Once you have done this a few times, it will become easier and you will begin to feel more in control and that much better about yourself. This in itself will help to lessen the cravings.

Secret 4: Motivation To Move Muscles

No one is talking about becoming a female body builder here. You probably don't crave bulging muscles. The whole idea is to aim for extra weight you can put down when you're done! Of course, a lean and toned look is always attractive and will probably help to improve your self-image. The main thing is to get your metabolism revved up in the right way. Working with weights is one part of it, but you also need a cardio component to get the burn-fat-fast effect.

One possibility is to use a treadmill or elliptical trainer to move into your target training zone in as short a period as possible. Then downgrade to a lower intensity and try to keep this up for around 20 minutes or so. Before you know it, this form of fat burning exercise will have your body showing amazing changes. Not only will you be developing a lean look while dropping pounds, but you will be less likely to pick up weight so easily.

Secret 5: Get A Lifestyle-Lift

Burn fat fast solutions have much more to do with the choices you make, than with a particular diet. You need to adopt a healthy lifestyle that is sustainable. What good is it to go on this or that diet for a month, or to drink a weight loss pill for a few weeks? What happens on the first day of the next month? You probably head straight back to all your old habits. Before you know it, the weight you have lost, plus a few extra pounds reappear like old friends.

Why not learn to make smarter food choices instead? Doing just a few things differently may give you the boost you need. If you do the math, small changes such as switching to low fat cooking and eating, or decreasing your sugar intake slightly all add up. With a bit of planning, you can be right on schedule to drop a 100 pounds in a year, without a strict diet. Why not do some internet research to find out where you can make changes that will not leave you feeling deprived?

Secret 6: Clean Your Cupboards

Yes, Dr. Phil has been saying it all along. If it ain't there, it can't attach itself to your hips. Burning fat fast requires cleaning up your environment. How about initiating a kitchen spring clean? It will probably break your heart to throw out all the 'good' stuff you have in the house, but just imagine it all packing onto your thighs in the form of ugly lumps of fat... Better chuck it out, than chugging it around on you.

The thing is, there are going to come times when you will be vulnerable to eating just for the sake of eating. It takes a while to replace old habits with new tactics. Doesn't it make sense to make sure that the stuff that usually trips you up simply isn't in the house in the first place? At the same time you will be teaching your kids to make healthier food choices.

To burn fat fast is often more of a challenge for women. Remember that every woman's body composition is unique. If you can manage to love yourself and love your body, and stop being so fixated on diets, your life will take on a completely different color. Isn't developing a healthy body image a great gift you can give your kids? You probably don't even need scales and a body fat calculator to know if you need to firm up and drop some pounds. The way your clothes fit will tell you this quite clearly.

With a bit of homework and a handful of common sense you will find it easy to burn fat fast permanently and safely.

The author, Rika Susan, offers more info about burn-fat-fast metabolism and the lean beach body at her site: Click here for her article about the new burn-fat-fast weight loss lifestyle or go to

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Well, it's awards season in Hollywood, which means celebrities are getting ready for the red carpet and often times go to extreme measures to look their best. Some stars have been known to go on these intense diets to lose double-digit pounds in weeks. We challenged one of our staff members to take on a Hollywood diet for two weeks and here are the results.

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Exercise To Healthy Weight Loss

To loss weight effectively, it is necessary to take in fewer calories than the body is burning. In order to burn off excess calories, it is essential to exercise regularly. Talking about exercise, it is not necessary to join a gym or participate in aerobic classes to burn up the fats. Calories can be burn by just simply climbing the stairs, cleaning the house, riding a bike, working in the garden or just by walking thirty minutes every day. Calories can also be burnt during sweat-free exercises. It has been proven that people who take a brisk walk for thirty minutes every day burn body fat, improve their physical fitness and lower their blood pressure as much as people who work out at a gym three or four days per week.

Exercise will help to boost energy as well. With the advent of the computer age, people are forced to do less and less physical labor. It is only logical that this would result in more energy being available for other activities. Exercise improves the efficiency of the lungs, the heart and the circulatory system in their ability to take in and deliver oxygen throughout the entire body. This oxygen is the catalyst that burns the fuel, food taken in to produce energy. Consequently, the more oxygen taken in, the more energy is available for other activities.

Oxygen is the vital ingredient that is necessary for survival. Since oxygen cannot be stored, body cells need a continuous supply in order to remain healthy. Exercise increases the body's ability to extract oxygen from the air so that increased amounts of oxygen are available for every organ, tissue and cell in the body. Exercise actually increases the total volume of blood, making more red blood cells available to carry oxygen and nutrition to the tissues and to remove carbon dioxide and waste products from the body's cells. This increased saturation of the tissues with oxygen is also aided by the opening of small blood vessels.

The first step for energy, fitness and real weight loss is by exercising every day. Exercising regularly will help to keep a fresh supply of oxygen surging through the blood vessels to all the body's cells. Exercise and healthy diet comes hand in hand in any successful weight loss program. In order to lose weight successfully, it is necessary to eat healthily and exercise regularly.

For more information on Weight Loss Diet, Quick Weight Loss Tips or Weight Loss Surgery, you can visit this site: All You Need to Know About Weight Loss

Skyjoe. All rights reserved. This article may be freely distributed as long as it remains unaltered inclusive of the active links and the copyright notice. No alteration is allowed without express written permission from the author. download youtube avi

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