Monday, May 19, 2008

The Truth About Acupuncture Point for Weight Loss

You may have heard of acupuncture practices that claim that there is an acupuncture point for weight loss. What is the truth? Is there really a specific acupuncture point for weight loss? Read on to find out.

Acupuncture and weight loss

Acupuncture is a kind of traditional medical treatment that is believed to have originated from China. It involves the insertion of very thin and long needles into the body. According to this method, our body has certain points that when triggered by the needles can aid in restoring health and well-being. That is why acupuncture is commonly used to treat pain. Nowadays, new techniques in acupuncture claim to aid in weight loss.

Your ear and your weight

No matter how far off it sounds, the ear is actually the acupuncture point for weight loss. Some studies show that when that specific point in the ear is punctured, it can release endorphins in the body that has relaxing and calming effects to make it easier for us to deal with anxiety, frustration and stress, all of which normally trigger bingeing and overeating sweets and other comfort foods (translation: fattening). Endorphines also affect the endocrine and hormonal systems. Acupuncture also aids in increasing metabolic rate, so that you can burn calories faster.

Stapling the ear?

Ear stapling is one of the new ways to lose weight. This is done by puncturing a surgical staple wire onto your ear cartilage. According to women who participated in this weight loss regimen, they felt pain in their jaws, which made it hard for them to chew or open their mouths properly. This is probably the reason why they managed to lose weight. Be careful, though, because back-alley clinics and sometimes even licensed acupuncturists make mistakes during the procedure. It is still advisable to use tried and tested yet safe methods for dieting, like eating healthy foods and exercising regularly.

Phillip England is a weight loss expert and Author of the popular report "The Ultimate Weight Loss Secret". To receive your free information on the secret that doctors, and health companies either don't know, or don't want you to know, please see

Turbulence Training Scam - Weight Loss Fact or Fiction?

Turbulence Training Scam? I assume you are here to read more about Turbulence Training? This new fitness system present itself as an easy and quick way to lose weight. Designed for busy people it's a weight loss program. In fact the literature has stated,"It's a trainers type of system that DOESN'T necessarily require a trainer." This article won't seek to be a tutorial on the system rather a basic education on answering if Turbulence Training Scam is real or fiction.

Expect to gain muscles and lose fat with the turbulent program. The time commitment to the turbulent system would be at least three times a week. Each of these turbulent sessions should be at least thirty minutes long.

Reasons For Creation

Most of us are not in the situation to work out daily. Who has the two hours or more to exercise and lift weights with gym trainers during the day? For a minimum amount of effort those seeking to lose weight will make Turbulence Training there program of choice. The turbulence system has consistently proven over the course of time to be very effective at weight loss.

Turbulence Training Was Created For?

The system has been designed for all fitness levels and body types. We will make one caution here related to the fact that you should see your doctor before exercising if you have any questions about proceeding with your current level of fitness. High intensity training is the focal point of the system.

In Summary

Being exposed to this tutorial and seeing at some level what turbulent training could offer you. When will you get started? Some take-away points from this would be:

1) One hour or less is needed to perform the Turbulence-Training program.

2) You can lose weight as well as tighten loose muscles.

3) In one week you could be seeing results.

With these basic course points in mind is there any reason to put this off any longer? Now that we know the Turbulence Training scam is fiction the resource box will guide you to more education on this exciting exercise fitness system.

James Redder facilitates a Turbulence Training Scam lens. If the turbulence training scam info was helpful, why not get the fitness info that will assist you now? Goto Turbulence Training

10 Steps on Improving Your Metabolism

Feeling sluggish and low on energy? Do you feel like you work and work toward your weight loss goal and never seem to make any dramatic improvement?

You could be suffering from a slow metabolism. This does not have to destroy your weight loss efforts. You can dramatically improve your metabolism and boost energy without taking supplements.

Your metabolism simply refers to the conversion of food to usable energy by the body. It is the biological process by which energy is extracted from food or how fast or slowly the body burns calories.

A few steps you can take to improve your metabolism naturally are:

1. Drink Cold Water Water is great to drink and you should be drinking a minimum of 8 to 10, glasses daily, of course, more is better. It will help increase your metabolism and remove toxins and fat. Drinking ice cold water before meals will shrink your stomach so you feel full quicker, and the cold water also helps to increase the metabolism.

2. Eat Every Three Hours Eat a small balanced meal every three hours, including snacks. Meals and snacks should be balance, meaning they should contain a complete protein, carbohydrates, as well as natural fat. Failure to eat consistently can lead to a slower metabolism and fat storage. Skipping meals slows down your metabolism. To ignite weight loss you need to be consuming the right foods throughout the day in a balanced manner.

3. Don't Skip Breakfast Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, as it gets your metabolism running in high gear. You wouldn't drive to work on an empty tank and you shouldn't start your day without adequate nourishment. Your first meal sets your metabolism for the day and keeps it going as long as you eat every three hours. If you get up early and eat a late breakfast, you missed out on several hours of burning calories.

4. Don't Fear Fat Fat has a bad rep. Many think fat makes you fat. This is false. The type of fat and how much fat you eat impact your body fat composition. Fat is needed by the body. Those who follow a very low-fat diet have a harder time ridding their body of fat. Choose natural healthy fats such as olive oil, avocados, various nuts, flax, and natural peanut butter.

5. Omit Trans Fat Trans fat is the bad fat, the cause of weight gain, low energy, depression, cancer, and heart disease. You will never get the body you desire by eating "healthy" fast food, frozen dinners, etc. If it's man-made, it's not the best choice. Go with the foods Mother Nature provided to meet your fat loss goals.

6. Be Active Daily Stay active at least six days a week. You can easily cycle cardio and weight training so it's balanced and not overbearing. In addition to that, take the stairs when possible or park further out to get that little bit of extra movement and keep the heart and lungs working optimally. Studies show little movements such as tapping your toes while working also helps to burn calories.

7. Do Cardiovascular Exercise Cardio is heart and lung healthy. It also burns calories. Doing cardio first thing in the morning on an empty can tap into fat stores and keeps the body burning calories at a high rate for about an hour after cardio is finished. If you fail to eat adequately daily, this can work against you. Doing morning cardio on very low calorie die can burn muscle. Another good time to incorporate cardio is in the evening, after your last meal. This allows you to burn calories so you are not sleeping on them. You do not have to implement a morning and evening session, choose one or the other or cycle between the two to prevent staleness and boredom.

8. HIIT It Blend some High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) into your cardiovascular program from time to time to give your body and metabolism a good shock. The body is programmed to adapt. Therefore, the same cardio day in and day out can become stale real fast. Take one or two days a week and implement some HIIT to give the body an added shock.

9. Weight Train Resistance training builds muscle, which is metabolically active tissue. The more muscle you acquire, the faster your metabolism. Muscle will put curves in the right places and allow you to eat more calories a day.

10. Listen to Your Body Killing yourself with workouts is just as dangerous as not working out at all. Listen to your body and get proper rest. Don't train if you are ill or just simply too tired. Training in such a state can cause more problems than it solves.

If any of the above fail to prove results in 4 to 6 weeks, there could be an underlying problem, such as a food allergy, acidic pH, sluggish thyroid, hormonal imbalance, etc. If so, I recommend searching a natural healer in your area to determine the cause and work from there. For the most part, proper diet and herbs can correct any ailments.

Karen Sessions has been in the fitness industry since 1988. She embarked on weight training to overcome an eating disorder, Anorexia Nervosa in its early stages. She overcame the eating disorder, received her personal training certificate, competed in many local bodybuilding contests, and qualified for Nationals. Since then shes went on to write six e-books (weight loss, female bodybuilding, contest preparation, leg training, figure/fitness secrets, and cellulite removal). She writes articles for several fitness websites, as well as her own,, and also distributes a monthly e-newsletter. She has a very active and lively forum, filled with positive and supportive people with informative content. Karens sole goal is to educate others and help them apply that knowledge.

Mustard, Chili, and Weight Loss

It's a surprisingly frequent question, "Is there a relationship between mustard and weight loss? And what about chili peppers, too?"

The benefit of mustard for dieters is very straightforward. A tablespoon (14 g) of mayonnaise--and most of us prefer two tablespoons or more on our sandwiches--contains 99 calories (kcal)and 11 g of fat. Because we go for both the "feel" as well as the taste of mayonnaise, we tend to eat more.

A teaspoon of mustard--which is enough to give a zingy taste to sandwich if you spread it thinly--comes in at just 3 calories and zero grams of fat. Switching from mayo mustard can easily save you 200 calories or more for every sandwich. And chilies are just as low-calorie with an additional benefit.

An Australian clinical study finds that eating an ounce of chopped chili peppers every day can protect cholesterol from forming atherosclerotic plaques, and the benefit is measurable in as little as a month.

Drs. K. D. Ahuja and M. J. Ball of the University of Tasmania (Australia) found that a "freshly chopped chili" condiment eaten every day slowed the oxidation of cholesterol even more effectively than taking vitamin E and antioxidant supplements. The same researchers, along with Drs. I. K. Robertson and D. P. Geraghty, also found that eating chilies for a month lowered resting heart rate in men.

So spice up your diet and lose a few more ounces every week. Mustard and chili peppers can add taste to simple meals and help you lose fat, lose weight, and protect your heart all at the same time.

Author or co-author of nine books on natural healing, Robert Rister is currently blogging on remission from pancreatic cancer.

Phentermine - Do You Get It

Phentermine is one of the most popular diet pills in the world for its powerful hunger-killing effects and the energy boost you'll feel when you take it. Yet, it's also one of the most misunderstood diet pills you can buy.

Most people think Phentermine is a cure-all' for their weight problem. Some even take it just to lose a few pounds. Unbelievable! Phentermine is intended for obesity sufferers with a BMI of at least 27 points.

One of the problems Phentermine users face is rebound weight gain. You may know this as the infamous yo-yo' dieting trend that affects more than 90% of people using Phentermine - and chances are that if you're reading this, you've lost weight only to gain it back again. But what can you do about it?

There is no diet pill in the world that will help you lose weight AND keep it off forever.

Everyone is missing the point, and I'm here to share it - right now. Here goes...

Phentermine is a tool, and if you use it to change your habits while you're losing weight, I promise you will never gain the weight back. See, when you use Phentermine, you won't want, so the pounds will drop off like never before. That sounds great, doesn't it? But unless you get expert help to improve your eating and exercise habits, you will start eating badly again when you stop taking the pill, and that will put you straight back onto the path toward obesity.

I may tell it like it is' but do not get me wrong. There is hope. Actually, it's almost guaranteed that you will succeed if you make good use of the time you're taking Phentermine. Since you won't suffer from cravings or low energy, you'll be able to eat the right foods and start light fat-burning exercise 3-5 days a week.

If you feel a bit lost right now, that's ok. You're not alone in this. I'm here to guide you through weight loss with Phentermine until you succeed. All you need to do is sign up for my free Phentermine weight loss course, where I'll teach you step-by-step how lose weight and keep it off forever.

How To Lose Love Handles - A Simple Yet Effective Exercise Lose Love Handles

I know every one of you reading this is trying to find out how to lose love handles once and for all. And trust me when I say it is not difficult to get rid of your love handles once you understand this exercise that will help you lose your love handles very easily.

Let's get on with the exercise to lose love handles, shall we?

-- Side Planks.

This is a very important exercise that you must not skip if you have very loose love handles. This exercise will help you tighten your love handles by connecting the hanging skin back with the muscles.

Lie on a pushup position but rest on your elbows instead of your hand. Now turn your body facing towards the wall on the right hand side by resting on your left elbow and your left foot on top of the right.

You will be as straight as a wooden plank and facing the wall. While in this position, breathe in to loosen up your belly and then breathe out hard forcing your belly button to try touching your spine.

Keep at this position for 30 to 40 seconds with short breaths in between.

This is the only exercise you need to repeat 5 times everyday to tone your love handles to stop hanging around.

One more thing, this exercise will only help you tighten your love handles but it won't burn the fat around your love handles. If you want to get rid of love handles, then you need to do the following things;

-- Strength Training 3 Days a Week

-- High Intensity Interval Training 3 Days a Week

-- 6 Short Lean Protein Meals a day.

If you follow the plan above, you will manage to burn the fat around your body which will be the fastest way to lose your love handles in the perfect and safest manner.

Here are some advance tips to boost your progress to lose love handles;

-- Try Supersets workouts instead of single set workouts.

-- Choose Multi joint exercises instead of single limb exercises

-- Perform repetitions at a slow and controlled speed to burn more fat.

-- Do everything you can to maintain a high metabolic rate.

By following these guidelines, you will be able to lose your love handles real fast and get that sexy looking abs you always wanted.

Learn how to lose love handles in the fastest time possible with complete fat loss routines that are effective for fat loss by visiting the links below;

Fat Burning Furnace

The Truth About Six Pack Abs

Turbulence Training

Weight Loss Tips

I wrote an article on losing weight before. It was well received and I have added some new tips. Lift weights. A lot of people only think of this when they want to get stronger. But you can burn a lot of calories when you lift and it can speed up your metabolism for hours afterwards.

Run sprints. Another common misconception is that you need long endurance running to burn calories.

But running sprints at top speed for 8 to 10 seconds can burn a lot of calories and speed up the metabolism.

It's also great for people that want to lose weight without hurting there explosive capability (endurance running will hinder your explosiveness. I once heard that most marathon runners have a 12" vertical jump.)

You don't necessarily have to eat less. You might just need to change what you eat. Try eating more fruits, vegetables, lean meats grains and low fat dairy products. I recommend having skim milk you can even have chocolate milk as that is usually low fat.

You should eat healthy and watch your calories five days a week but you can take two days a week to eat more and enjoy less healthy foods.

If you want to eat something that you shouldn't during the "rest of the week" then eat it in the morning. You should eat less as the day gets later. Sometimes it's best to eat a little something now rather than a lot later. What I mean by that is that just quitting your favorite foods cold turkey can cause you to really pack them in later.

So letting yourself have some every now and then can help give you the drive to keep watching what you eat. Use the two days a week where you are allowed to eat more and the early morning eating you help you with this. It can be a lot easier to say "I can't have that right now but I can have some in the morning" or "I can't have that today but in a couple days I will be able to have as much as I want" as opposed to saying "I can never eat that again" or "I can't have any till I lose at least 75 pounds".

If you take that attitude you will probably give up before you get there.

Also I have heard that taking some sugar free gum can help you overcome cravings for sweets. I am not a fan of artificial sweeteners, but I do make an exception with gum. Any gum that you chew (sugar free or not) will have less calories for you then eating something. And not only can gum help overcome cravings but you are also less likely to eat something when you have gum in your mouth.

Not to promote tobacco use but have you ever known someone that chewed tobacco? They don't eat when they have "just put a pinch in" the same thing can work for you! That's why I recommend keeping a good tasting and long lasting gum with you.

When you get a craving for sweets, doesn't work well when you are REALLY hungry but if you are just craving something or a little hungry then have some gum. Or if you are getting ready to go somewhere that you might be tempted like the gas station then pop in a piece.

Personally have chewed Extra sugar free gum, but I don't think that it's all that great. Anyway I would be more worried about what the sugar does to your teeth then gaining weight from gum with sugar in it. I have heard that Orbit sugar free sweetmint gum works well for this purpose.

Drink at least one glass of water BEFORE every meal. I also recommend have a glass of water or skim milk with ever meal to help fill you up.

To strengthen your body you slowly build up the weight and get progressively stronger.

To strengthen your mind you challenge it with progressively harder material.

The same thing can be done with your appetite. You should stop eating before you get full at every meal. If you eat till you are no longer famished but are not yet full you can progressively train yourself to feel satisfied with less.

We have probably heard it a hundred times at least but it's probably worth mentioning at least one more time. Do the little things like taking the stairs instead of the elevator or park father away from the entrance and walk a little extra.

Make it a game what can you do to burn more calories today?

One of the biggest reasons that most people fail trying to lose weights is probably a combination of procrastination and hard to archive goals.

People put off dieting till things get really bad "I am not really that fat" "It's just a little baby fat" "I will lose it easy enough when I want to" Then real quick they realizes that they are way over weight and they want to lose it right now! "I am huge and I am going somewhere warm for the holidays! I need to lose 50 pounds in two weeks so that I can go to the beach!"

Then they diet for a week and a halve actual lose a good 5 pounds but quit because they are not going to reach their goal and they feel the they can't go there whole life without ever eating that "stuff" ever again (which is what they told themselves when they started this diet).

If they would have started sooner (like when they only had 25 pounds to lose and had 4 months to do it) then they could have worked themselves into shape (remember the sprints? Well they are a great weight loss tool but a lot of people that need to lose weight aren't in good enough shape to do anything at top speed! By losing a little weight you can make it easier to lose more weight.)

They could have also took advantage of my "eating loop holes" and had that "stuff" that they were really craving. They could have had it in the morning or on there "off" days. And that might have even been able to eat just as much as they wanted if they changed there diet.

So some of the things that you can do to burn more fat are Lift weights, Sprint, Do little things to burn more calories, Eat less, Eat differently, Eat at different times.

All of this can be done in almost limitless combinations.

Shane is currently working on a couple of different websites. But they aren't done yet. So till then he is adding his articles to a few already established websites including

A Simple Yet Proven Weight Loss Plan Completely For Free

There are many ways a weight loss regimen can be administrated. You can purchase expensive pills, go through exercises and workout with an expensive personal trainer or coach, or you can purchase expensive weight loss courses or programs that contains something you already know. There are many hot weight loss programs out there touting their uniqueness and fantastic quality; actually weight loss is a billion dollar industry.

Walking: The Free Weight Loss Program

Oftentimes people ignore the free life long weight loss program that you have been gifted with: walking. If you are overweight and need to lose some of this excess weight, then now is the time to wake up and start walking. Making such a regime part of your everyday life will really help you to become fat free within a very short amount of time.

How To Start A Walking Routine

The first thing that you need to do is wake up early and go out to a lush green lawn, field or park that is located near your home. Begin by taking a slow, steady 15 minute walk for the first week that you do this. Then, during the second week you should increase this time to 25 minutes and then increase it to 35 minutes the third week. By the fourth week of your program you should be taking walks that last 45 minutes. You should then do this throughout your entire second month. Of course, you are also going to need to exercise some control over your diet in order for this weight loss program to work. While you can still eat whatever you want, you should eliminate all of the fatty and sugary foods and drink at least 20 glasses of water per day.

Let Walking Become A Habit That Sustains Your Ideal Weight

If you follow this program, after three months you should start to increase your pace of walking. Start up with 25% increase. Soon enough you will see the results of the dramatic effect this pace increase has on your metabolism. We are talking about an increased feeling of wellness in addition to your weight loss. As soon as you have achieved your weight loss goal, you can eat some sweet foods as long as you keep walking regularly. If you follow this simple weight loss plan which means you make walking as a habit, the amount of pounds that you lose will be permanent and your body will become as fit as it is meant to be.

Gary Holdon is a writer and internet publisher. Read his popular articles about weight loss plans, fast weight loss and more fitness articles

Lose 10 Pounds In A Week Safely - Is It Possible?

Is it really possible to lose 10 pounds in a week safely? The fact is most diets where quick weight loss is achievable are also a huge risk to your health - but this isn't always the case.

Despite being unsafe most fast weight loss diets also fail to bring with them lasting results. This is because they are based around eliminating food groups and taking a massive drop in your calorie intake.

With diets based around these methods your body soon senses that it is being starved. This causes your body to slow down your metabolism which slows down your weight loss. It will also start to store fat and instead burn muscle which isn't what you want.

The removal of certain food types also means that you are missing out on vital benefits which they provide. All food groups provide one benefit or another so by not eating them you are missing out. One or two diets can help you to achieve fast loss of weight both safely and continuously. One is based around the method of using calorie shifting.

Calorie shifting works because it doesn't eliminate any food types from your diet. Instead it switches and rotates the types of food you eat on a daily basis. This fools your body into believing you aren't on a diet and also ensures your body isn't missing out on any of the benefits provided by each food group.

I'm not going to claim you will lose 10 pounds in a week with this diet ( although you could ) but you will lose it quickly and safely. More important to some is that the diet also works continuously so if after your first cycle you still which to lose more weight you simply start over again.

Now you know that quick weight loss is possible to do safely it is now simply a matter of getting of your backside and making it happen. You can find out more about the calorie shifting diet below.

Click Here to find out more about the shifting calories diet and how it works.

Weight Loss For Busy Parents

Parenthood is an exciting time to play with your kids, take them places, and teach them all your knowledge, as long as you don't teach them to be overweight. It is also a difficult time to balance schedules, push your career forward and get a good night's sleep. We spend less time on ourselves which makes the weight creep up. Moms have a battle with weight gain soon after giving birth but Dads also feel the pressure to stay busy with work while still providing quality time with their families.

How did life get so complicated and why does it interfere with weight loss efforts? A short list would include:

- Lack of time to exercise

- Childcare issues interfering with exercise

- Lack of financial resources to purchase gym memberships or home equipment

- Resuming exercise after a long time off can be painful and discouraging

- Time spent shuffling kids back and forth from school and activities

- Less time to shop and prepare healthy meals while more time is spent in the drive thru

- Kids are picky eaters and nutrition information is confusing

- Work schedules are more demanding

- Stress prevents weight loss due to hormonal and immune system disruptions

- More errands, yard work, and fix it jobs

- Lack of energy when all of the day's chores are finally finished

Busy parents often feel depressed when they think about their poor health yet feel guilty thinking they might neglect their children if they take time for themselves.

If these situations sound familiar, it is very common to feel overwhelmed enough to push weight loss goals on to the back burner. The usual grocery store gossip doesn't help either. How often do parents hear their peers tell them their age is a factor and it is so much harder to lose weight after children come along? Because parents want to be good examples for their children the internet becomes great problem solver.

Busy parents need a weight loss tool that is not complicated and takes very little time to organize. The internet can be a great help by immediately taking away some of the financial and time constraints listed above. Health education available online is a time saver compared to driving to classes or doctors' offices which takes time away from family. Anonymous support on internet discussion boards can prevent embarrassment for those who are shy about their weight loss struggles. Real people can share their real experiences a few minutes each day encouraging participants to stay focused.

The rewards will benefit the entire family giving children healthier, energized and enthusiastic parents. A few searches on the internet with the right keywords will guide busy parents to the type of website that meets their needs. The Numbers Don't Lie Diet is one program from a mother's point of view who experienced a weight problem when her first child was born.

With a common sense approach tracking progress on the internet puts weight loss success at your fingertips making any busy parent an EZLoser.

Dr. Lisa Ann Homic is a chiropractor, mental health counselor, and wellness coach in Auburn, NY. She wrote "The Numbers Don't Lie Diet" and "Happiness Doesn't Get Enough Attention: How Thought Sparks Ignite Your Life."


Summer Weight Loss- There's Still Time to Fit into that Bathing Suit

Its not too late to start a summer weight loss program! People use so many excuses not to eat right and exercise. Well, its July, so I should have started this in April. Its too late or Ive been doing this for 2 months and Ive only lost 2 pounds. I quit.

If you set realistic expectations, you may just be able to get started and stick with it. Here are some fail-proof tips to get you on track:

∑ Set small attainable goals.
Work on 2-3 goals per week.
∑ Dont think about your dream weight. Think about losing 5 pounds. Then when you accomplish that. Think about the next 5. Two more times, and youve lost 20 pounds!
∑ Dont compare yourself to others! You are unique. Come to peace with that.
∑ Eat! You have to eat to lose weight. Especially if you are over 40, cutting back too far on your calorie intake will backfire. You will lower your metabolism (bad!) and feel deprived, which will eventually lead you to overeating.
∑ Include both cardiovascular work (such as walking, jogging, swimming - activities that raise your heart rate) and weight or resistance work in your exercise plan. Cardio burns fat and calories, but you also have to build muscle to increase your metabolism.
∑ If you are not losing weight, start logging your food intake. Write down everything you eat and drink, including amounts. Measure your foods when possible. Then assess this record and make some changes. Cutting 250-500 calories a day results in 2-4 pounds weight loss per month.
∑ Learn to be patient. Unfortunately, it takes a lot less time to lose muscle than it does to gain it. Stick with your exercise goals, and make changes in your eating habits and you will see results. Weight loss is a marathon, not a sprint.

Rosanne Rust, MS, RD, LDN
Registered Dietitian
Nutrition Consulting, Writing, Lectures
Licensed Provider for Real Living Nutrition Services

Tired of dieting?
Try a new approach to weight management:

Ladies, Discover How Strength Training Can Help You Burn Belly Fat

Ladies, weight lifting isn't a macho guy thing.

Weight training has a powerful affect for women to burn more fat,

especially stubborn female belly fat..

Too many people, especially females, waste to much time on a treadmill, riding a stationary bike, or coasting on an elliptical machine, whilst watching the TV screen at their state of the art gym

thinking it is a great way to lose belly fat quick.

And you have probably seen women at the gym that spend all the time on those cardio machines still looking the same too.

But research into the study of obesity has shown that for the amount of hours you put into a standard cardio exercise is not that effective for fat burning. In other words, this indicates that steady pace endurance cardio work may not be all it's cracked up to be.

This is the main reason majority of people get bored and lose motivation with their workouts, and quit after a couple months without seeing results.

Cardio is only ONE piece of the Fat Loss puzzle. To burn female belly fat, resistance training is the key. Strength Training elevates our metabolism for up to 48 hours after a workout.

It definitely pays fat loss dividends after your workout ends!

Cardiovascular workouts are effective - but after an hour of running, your metabolism is only elevated for less than an hour before going back to normal. However, strength training will increase your metabolism permanently.

This happens because weight lifting can actually break down the muscle tissue and create more fast twitch muscle fibers which burn more fat especially the stubborn female belly fat.

Simply, you can train your body into a fat burning machine. So how can women work on this efficiently? Look at combining interval training and resistance training at high intensity, as it is a great metabolic workout to lose tummy fat.

Forget the tiny weights and high reps - it will not work.

The aim here is to get your legs burning, heart racing, and chest heaving for breaths. It is a great way to strengthen and conditional most every muscle in your entire body, and full filling your cardio

needs as well...something that a boring stationary bike ride or treadmill cannot offer.

So ladies, forget the ways of the long, boring cardio training. And don't worry about 'bulking up'.

Women simply do not have the ability to bulk up. Men, however, are able to add lots of muscle

For maximum female belly fat loss - start eating right to feed the muscle, and use a workout like Turbulence Training Routine that will burn body fat fast.

No More Crunches, No More Sit Ups - Discover How to Get Washboard Abs With 5 Things You MUST Understand if You Are Ever Going to Lose Your Belly Fat & Develop Six Pack Abs

The Lemonade Diet, Lose Weight Fast

Lose weight and improve your health. Your body may not be functioning as best as it could. Our body is full of toxins and heavy metals. Thanks to all the process food and chemical that is added in today foods. It is important to cleanse out body. Tiredness, body aches, and obesity could be the result of these unwanted toxins we have put in our body over the years. Removing your body from toxins can add energy, unwanted pain and improve your overall health. The master cleanse cleans out your colon and organs. This help your body function better. Which can help reduce chances of cancer and pain. The master cleanse also help you lost a lot of weight, and its helps you keep it off. The master cleanse diet is use by many celebrities. And its known by the name of "The Lemonade Diet."

The lemonade diets takes 10 days total. The first 2-3 days you will have food craving. The rest of the days should be pretty easy. Many people who've done this diet said that their food craving has drastically reduced. The lemonade diet has many benefits. You can lose a lot of weight while improving your health at the same time with the cleanse. There are so many health benefits you can gain with the cleanse but its up to you to decide. The lemonade diet will give your body a fresh start and help you feel young again. This diet could be the first step to long lasing health.

Fast Weight Loss Diets - 3 to Choose From

Fast weight loss diets are not for the faint of heart. They're not based on balanced eating plans. You shouldn't exert yourself when you're on one because they can put stress on your body. And you should never stay one for more than a week. Most important of all though, BEFORE you launch one of the diets promising fast weight loss, visit your doctor and get medical advice. Here are three of the most popular fast weight loss diets:

The Three Day Diet is the simplest of the three diets. It consists of an exact menu for three days. Each breakfast is one small amount of protein, one starch, and one fruit. On one day you'll have an egg, 1/2 of a banana, a piece of toast, and black coffee.

Lunch is even less. It's a small amount of protein and a starch. For one lunch you're recommended to have 1/2 cup tuna and a piece of toast along with your black coffee. Dinner is a little different. You will have a larger serving of protein, 2 servings of vegetables, a fruit, and a cup of regular vanilla ice cream. I personally think it's also one of the strangest diets.

However, there are more of these diets that also have their quirks. One is the Chicken Soup Diet. This is based on a complex recipe for chicken soup. You get some choices of different breakfasts, and then you eat as much soup as you want the rest of the day. One breakfast for the Chicken Soup Diet might be Total cereal, nonfat milk, and juice. A different one would be yogurt, fruit, and wheat germ. When it comes to diets for fast weight loss, with the exception of breakfast this one has zero variety and is boring.

The Grapefruit Diet is one of the most intricate of the 3 fast weight loss diets. There's a lot to remember, and it's all considered important. For instance, there's a certain amount of grapefruit or other specified juice to eat with each meal. You're warned not to eat more or less than what's suggested. Otherwise, it's said the diet will not work.

Also, you're not allowed to take anything away from the diet. If you don't want to eat two slices of bacon with your breakfast - too bad. They claim you won't burn fat if you don't adhere precisely to the diet, including eating the bacon. Hmmm.

A diet like this is hard to understand.

You're also advised to drink 8 eight-ounce glasses of water every day, but only 1 cup of coffee at a meal. Butter can be used as a condiment, or to fry foods. You're only allowed to eat at meal time; no snacking except the beverage at bedtime. You're given two lists: one of foods you can eat and one of foods you cannot eat. Yet, on this "accelerated" weight loss diet you're encouraged to eat until you're full at any meal. Again I say...hmmm.

You're warned not to eat certain foods at the same time they claim the more you eat (of the "allowed" foods), the more you fat you burn. Breakfast on this diet is grapefruit, 2 eggs, and 2 bacon slices. That's the basic guideline however; they also indicate you can eat as much eggs and bacon as you wish. Is this also confusing to you?

Lunch is grapefruit, salad, and meat. Dinner is grapefruit, meat, and a salad or vegetable. You get a bedtime snack of tomato juice or nonfat milk. Yippee! Let's face it - you'll be hungry regardless which of the diets you try. They're extremely restrictive with very, very little food variety. Speaking for myself, that usually means I'll not only be miserable but my chances of sticking to it - even for a short time - are pretty slim. (Pun intended)

And doing fast weight loss diets like this can get complicated. If you do participate in one, please be careful. They may not be safe. And definitely consult with your doctor.

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Good Weight Loss Program

The calorie shifting diet is a good weight loss program to follow. Unlike other diets, where you must reduce your intake of the quantity or the types of foods you can eat, on the calorie shifting diet, you can eat as much food as you want until you are satisfied and you can eat from all four of the major food groups. In doing so, you can expect to lose 9 pounds every 11 days while on this diet regimen.

How does the calorie shifting diet work? This diet is designed around the principle that you can manipulate your body's metabolism, at will, to burn fat quickly, simply by rotationally shifting the types of calories that you consume at each meal over the course of several days.

Somewhat analogous to how a low-carbohydrate diet induces rapid weight loss due to the lack of carbohydrates in your diet, the calorie-shifting diet also induces rapid weight loss by the lack of various nutrients in your body as well.

The major difference is that in a low-carbohydrate diet, you must reduce your carbohydrate intake to only couple dozen grams of carbohydrates per day, whereas in the calorie-shifting diet, you are constantly rotating different types of nutrients - carbohydrates, proteins, dairy, produce, meats, and breads - in and out of your diet, so that by the time your body goes into "deprivation" mode and begins to burn fat because it is being "starved" of one type of nutrient, you reintroduce that nutrient back into your diet while you remove another one.

The net effect is that your body remains in a perpetual fat-burning mode, even though you are eating plentiful food and you are eating from every food group! Your body is being fooled into thinking that it needs to burn fat.

There are only 4 basic rules to this diet:

  1. You must eat four full meals every day.
  2. Eat as much food as you want at each meal until you are satisfied but not until you are too full.
  3. Space each meal out by at least 2.5 to 3 hours.
  4. You must take a break every 12th through 14th days on this diet, to give your body a chance to rest from the rapid weight loss you will be experiencing.

Here are some sample meal plans that illustrate how this diet might look during a typical week. The diet plan actually runs in 11-day cycles but only 3 days are included here, just to give you an idea of how the plan is structured and to give you a sense of how satisfying and sustainable this diet truly is. Keep in mind that each of these four meals may be eaten in any order throughout the day, as long as you only eat that the designated foods at each of their respective meals.

Day 1

Meal #1: Sandwich (any type)

Meal #2: Scrambled Eggs Meal

Meal #3: Flavored Oatmeal

Meal #4: Tuna Salad

Day 2:

Meal #1: Scrambled Eggs and Mixed Vegetables

Meal #2: Banana Milk Shake

Meal #3: Chicken

Meal #4: Cottage Cheese

Day 3:

Meal #1: Chicken

Meal #2: Fish Filet

Meal #3: Fruit Salad

So what are you waiting for? Generate your personalized meal plan now at and you will be 9 pounds lighter in a week and a half!

Finding Easy Weight Loss Diets

Although the title of this article is 'easy weight loss diets', I am not sure about it. Is any weight loss diet really easy? I don't think so. Enter the market for weight loss diets and you will be bombarded with information about different kinds of diets like the atkins diet and the south beach diet.

But which one is really best for you? Will a low carbohydrate diet work for you? Or will a normal high protein diet be the best one?

The worse part about diets is that what may work wonders for others may not work for you. Every individual is unique and hence has unique needs and requirements. This needs to be analyzed first before plunging to any weight loss program.

Why it doesn't work?

To understand why weight loss diets do not work for you, it is important to have some information on body genetics and metabolism.

Every human being has a metabolism rate or the ability to burn off calories. Similarly, every human being has a particular body structure. Some have broad shoulders and hips with minimum fat content. Others have droopy shoulders with a lot of fat deposits around the waist. This depends a lot on the genetics of the person.

So if you are genetically pear shaped, do not expect that easy weight loss diets will change you into a muscle machine. Or if you are an obese girl genetically, do not even attempt to turn into tyra banks. That's not going to happen.

Have realistic goals

Set yourself realistic goals and start slow. For example, if you are starting your diet plan on New Year, target a weight loss of 4 to 10 pounds by March.

This should be achievable provide you stick to your diet and exercise routine. And make sure that you stay motivated on the diet. A lot of people quit midway due to lack of results. Perseverance is a virtue that you definitely need to succeed.

For more info visit : Weight Loss Diet

Achieve Good Health and Weight Loss through Walking Exercises

Many people are encountering problems with their excess weight. There are those who are suffering from obesity which is really alarming and dangerous to their health. Fitness experts recommend walking as a good way to lose excess weight and maintain a physically fit body.

Of course, there are far more effective ways on how to lose the unwanted calories in your body. You can engage yourself to a more intense workouts and diet programs which have shown fast results in achieving your goals to lose weight.

Many fitness experts say that walking is the simplest way to lose weight. Walking is a form of exercise that we can do everyday. There are people who do not like the thought of engaging themselves on intense workouts and physical trainings. Some people also like the thought of paying expensive fees on gyms and weigh loss programs.

Walking as a form of exercise can help you with that. You do not need to pay fees to do walking. Generally speaking, walking is inexpensive. You do not need to buy diet pills, pay workouts and trainings and get new exercise gears and equipments for your exercises.

Aside from being a great way to lose weight, walking is also great with your entire fitness and health. It is the primary step to get you motivated and be more dedicated in losing weight. You may set long distance walking in the morning. This is a great way to keep the body active and alive. Now that you have decided to be more active and lose weight through walking, you may need to remember some important things that can help you to be motivated during your walking sessions.

1. It is recommended that you do your walking slowly. You may set long distance training if you are already through with short distance walks. You may start off walking a mile and then add more miles. Five to six miles of added walk would be beneficial for a healthy heart.

2. You should always keep track of your body's reaction. Observe how your body reacts with long distance walking. Walking can also be a great warm up before you engage with intense exercises like running and marathon.

3. To see great results on weight loss, it is recommended that you allot 20 to 30 minutes of walking. This will get your heart rate up and will maintain a good blood circulation. Make walking your daily routine to achieve quick results. If you have a busy schedule, you can at least do it 4 times a week.

4. It is recommended that you keep pace of yourself while you are walking. If you are feeling a little tired and getting bored with your walk, you may stop for a while and take a short rest to refresh yourself for another mile of walk.

Aside from walking, proper diet and exercises are interrelated to one another when it comes to weight loss. Even when you are doing high intense work outs, without proper diet, you cannot get positive results with your weight loss. It is also important that you are properly motivated and dedicated with your desire to lose that unwanted weight.

Dave Poon is an accomplished writer who specializes in the latest in Dieting. For more information regarding Walking And Weight Loss please drop by at

The Lowdown On Low Carbohydrate Diet Plan

With the sudden boom of dieting in the country, different diet programs have been introduced in the country. Although many experts believe that proper exercise and not only diet can lose those pounds in a healthy way, many people still believe in the power of diet programs and diet plans. One of the most controversial kinds of diet plans is the low-carbohydrate diet program, which focuses on the reduction of carbohydrate consumption in the body.

According to the theory, when carbohydrates are no longer being taken in, the body will be forced to use fats and water as alternative sources of energy; thereby helping to shed off those unwanted pounds.

Fats, unbeknownst to many, can actually be converted to energy. The body just doesnt use it as the first priority because it is more complex in structure and therefore, harder to break down and convert into energy. Among the popular low carbohydrate diets in the country is the Atkins diet.

Despite arguments from its critics, low carbohydrate diet has proven its effectiveness in terms of losing that extra weight. To date, it counts millions of followers not only in the country but also outside America.

Actually, cutting down on carbohydrates in the diet is a practice that people have been doing for years. When people cut down on their rice or bread or do not eat rice at all, they are reducing their carbohydrate intake. Of course, because it is not an official diet plan they are not really restricting themselves completely. When you are under a diet plan, you are not allowed to eat any kind of carbohydrates.

One of the advantages of low carbohydrate diet is the fact that it can actually increase the levels of good cholesterol in the body. This is really good news to people who have a heart problem. This is perhaps the reason why Atkins diet was used for cardio patients. This diet plan can also reduce the amount of triglycerides in the body. Triglycerides can be dangerous when combined with a high level of LDL or bad cholesterol. Both can increase the risk for heart attack and heart disease.

Low carb diet plans are also found to be good in balancing mood swings. They will not be prone to extreme lows such as depression or extreme high. People who are under the program are found to have fairly stable energy levels unlike those with high carbo levels.

Low Jeremy maintains This content is provided by Low Jeremy. It may be used only in its entirety with all links included.

4 Sure-Fire Tips For Effective Weight Loss

Are you just plain fed up because you haven't lost weight for a long time now on that latest fad diet, well please stop! Don't even think about trying another diet, because it will only produce the same results as you have already seen before.

Have a look at the four sure fire tips found below that are based on "Scientific Principles" that have always been around, but are not followed by the majority of weight loss programs you see these days.

So lets have a look:

1. Increasing Your Metabolism

In order to produce Sustained, Permanent and Long-Term Weight Loss, it's imperative that you boost your metabolism. And the most effective way to raise your metabolism is to have a greater proportion of functional muscle on your body.

The only way to build this lean muscle so you can raise your metabolism is through "Strength Training". There's no other method that works wonders on the Metabolism like Strength Training.

By performing Strength Training, you'll effectively increase the amount of functional lean muscle on your body so that your metabolism will elevate.

After a Strength Training session your body will undergo a significant increase or "Spike" in Metabolism, which will allow you to burn much more fat then you were able to before.

2. It's All About Lean Muscle

"The amount of fat the body can burn is directly related to the more lean muscle your body can hold."

If your muscle system can sustain more energy and use this energy significantly when performing strength training, then it will be able to burn off the calories you eat and the excess fat on your body.

In other words, if your muscles become stronger and can hold more energy then you should be able to release this energy more efficiently to increase your metabolism, and to burn off excess calories that you have eaten.

Once we can build more lean muscle through our own strength, then our bodies will become more efficient at burning fat.

It's also the amount of lean muscle on your body that makes you look good Once you burn off the excess fat from your body, the lean muscle underneath your skin will be exposed making you look healthy, energetic, and well toned.

3. Decrease Your Daily Calories

For years now, we have been told to use dieting to rid the excess fat from our bodies.

The trouble with this concept is that the low calorie restricted diet would throw the body into starvation mode, with the body holding onto the fat and using precious muscle tissue for energy.

This would then lower the metabolism causing greater muscle loss and when the diet is broken the unwanted fat would not only return but actually increase because to the lowered metabolism.

The way around this is to cut your daily calorie intake by a small amount of calories only. This will stop any starvation mechanisms from clicking in. You can do this by making up a seven day eating plan and writing down every thing you eat for the week, and then work out the calories you have eaten with a calorie counter. Divide this figure by seven and you have your daily calorie value.

Decrease daily calorie value by a couple of hundred calories per day and no more. This will generate slow weight loss and the majority will be fat loss only. The daily calories should be consumed during the day with small frequent meals.

4. Fast Walking Burns Fat

All you need to do now is incorporate "Fast Walking" into your weight loss program to hasten the burning of excess fat.

Not only is fast walking better much easier on the hips, but it also produces a greater percentage of fat loss as opposed to jogging or running.

Here are some of the benefits of Fast Walking.

Easy to Perform
Most Conventional
All Natural Body Movement
Doesn't Cause Injuries
Can Be Done Anywhere
The Best Minimal Effort Exercise for Fat Loss

"I can't stress enough how Fast Walking is necessary in every weight loss program."

Your next step? To take what you have just learned and apply them to your weight daily weight loss regime.

Gary Matthews is the author of the popular fitness eBooks Maximum Weight Loss and Maximum Weight Gain. Please visit right now for your 'free' weight loss e-course.

A Plan and Goals to Achieve Weight Loss Success

People everywhere are searching for a way to lose weight fast. Unfortunately there is no magic potion that will accomplish this with a simple pill or ten minutes of exercise per day. It can not happen overnight or even over a week. To be successful it should occur slowly and somewhat naturally. You must be prepared to adjust your eating habits and ensure you are getting adequate exercise.

You must keep in mind that you did not gain weight over those short periods therefore you can not expect the body to shed those pounds in that short period. Having said that though, there are some proven ways to help you achieve your weight loss goals relatively quickly and achieve very satisfying results.

Learn more about what these simple yet effective weight loss techniques require and how you can use them to achieve maximum results in the shortest practical period. You must be prepared to set goals. You will never lose weight fast unless you have a specific goal towards it.

Many people tend to jump into a quick exercise routine and a new diet without a weight loss plan or a goal. This is simply a recipe for failure and acceptance of the condition. How can you possibly reach your goal if you don't even know what the goal is? It is essential to success that the very first step towards losing weight is to determine a goal and a vision.

Do some research and some soul searching. Which dieting system and exercise routine will fit your needs? Many different approaches to diet can be successful. Many videos are available to guide you through an exercise routine that will work the appropriate muscles. Simply making use of these videos will provide encouragement and goals. The videos encourage and stimulate you to complete a workout that will be complete.

Always keep in your mind that you only get one body and you must learn to satisfy the needs to keep it healthy. In order to lose weight fast some people tend to jump from post to pillar. Through misguided or incomplete actions may find themselves thrown into an even unhealthier state due because they have not developed a systematic procedure conforming to a routine recommended by an expert in the field. As stated previously, before you start your weight loss program it is extremely important to understand your plan and goals. Be sure your plan is safe and healthy and follows a system recommended by experienced persons.

Don't give it up. Some people do not see any weight loss results within the first couple of months they start to train. There may be a lag initially and in fact it is quite normal to experience short term pauses in weight loss with even the most successful programs.

Always keep in mind that each body is different and it is not necessary that you produce the same weight loss results as someone else may have experienced. This can lead to a depressed attitude and defeat in the mind. You must maintain a positive attitude. This is important in any facet of your life.

A positive attitude may well be the very first thing you need to achieve in order to lose weight. Learn to concentrate on the workout and think positive results. This works for anything you want to achieve. Once you are getting it right you will see positive weight loss results. So what might be the real weight loss secret? My money says getting a good plan developed and gets you into a positive state of mind. Visualize a time in the future where you have lost some of that weight.

This will encourage you to move forward. Set a goal; get your mind to accept the fact that you are going to meet that goal. Go for it and succeed.

For more information about Weight Loss please visit

To lose weight and get 6 pack abs please visit

7 Great Tips on Losing Weight Fast

Here are some 7 great tips on losing weight fast. Some people get stress out when they begin trying to change their bodies and their lifestyle. They believe some fancy diet a Hollywood star invented will be their savior. In reality, they end up gaining more weight back than what they originally weighed.

  1. Cut back on the bad carbs. Carbs come in two main forms, high glycemic and low glycemic. Your new lifestyle should include the low glycemic type of carbs. These keep your insulin levels on an even keel throughout the day. You can also eat all the green carbohydrates you would like, green beans, broccoli and lettuce are great for you and include fiber.
  2. Increase your fiber intake, but make sure you do this slowly. I seem to never get enough fiber throughout the day. So I add a fiber supplement in the morning. A high fiber diet not only makes you feel better, but also helps push fat out the body quicker.
  3. Start consuming 6 small meals a day. This may be the most important tip on losing weight fast. You need to keep your metabolism lit. People, who eat three large meals a day, are usually obese and sluggish. Keeping the metabolism burning helps burn fat and increase energy level.
  4. Start an exercise regimen which includes lifting weights and a cardiovascular workout. In order to remove excess fat, you need to gain lean muscle mass. The lean muscle mass you gain replaces fat cells. Shoot for thirty minutes of cardio with your heartbeat elevated at a consistent level.
  5. Drink plenty of fluids; it's essential to make proper hydration levels. Your body needs water to survive and dehydrating yourself slows down your metabolism. Plus, you will not get a recurring hunger feeling. You will feel fuller throughout the day.
  6. Add 10-15 grams of protein to every meal. Protein helps build lean muscle mass and is an essential part of any tip on losing weight. Just picture a stack of cards, try and eat an amount equal to a deck of cards with every meal.
  7. Maintain a log on everything you eat. A log is great way to understand just how much food you intake. Make sure you log every morsel you consume. Do not cheat yourself and forget to note the Snickers bar you scarfed down from the vending machine.

Keep in mind, you are not dieting you are changing your lifestyle. Give yourself a break, no one can eat clean every day. You should allow a day every week when you can eat whatever the heck you want. The cheat day should be included in tips on losing weight fast. Stay focused and have a planned goal and we will be seeing a better looking you soon!

You can discover more amazing information at Get Rid Of Belly Fat

Avoid Weight Loss Side Effects - Help Kids Lose Weight Naturally

Obesity threatens to kill younger and younger Americans everyday due to the health risks that result from being obese, most especially if you have been obese most of your life. Because of these major health concerns, parents have been paying hundreds of dollars on doctor consultation fees and prescription drugs to help kids lose weight.

Some of the multi billion fitness and health industries have been resting on the obesity fears of people and come up with a variety of ways to promote fitness like aerobics and exercise videos, costly exercise machines, food supplements and meal replacements, and of course, diet pills.

Although studies have showed that these methods of weight loss do work, it is however very difficult to use to help kids lose their weight. Why?

  1. Aerobic exercise videos and costly exercise machines - Kids would rather play PSP or surf online than follow some fitness instructor do some exercise workout or yoga.
  2. Food supplements and meal replacements - These types of foods do not satisfy kids' food cravings most especially if we're talking about kids who would rather stuff some fast food in their mouth instead of a boring and tasteless meal.
  3. Diet or slimming pills - I don't know of a parent who is ready to take the risk of getting their kids try out any diet pill inspite of the numerous controversies and health concerns associated with this method of losing weight.

When it comes to losing weight, nothing compares to doing it naturally and breaking up a sweat followed by a well-balanced diet. But I'm sure this would pose a greater challenge when it comes to kids trying to lose weight.

If you really want to help your kids to lose weight effectively but without the dangers of any side effect, choose a natural diet plan that has been proven to work for a lot of people and a weight loss program that your kids can stick to for the long term. This is the only way you will be able to really help them.

Naturally and safely lose 9 pounds every 11 days Stop starving or exercising yourself to death and forget about using diet programs that don't work.

Visit Fat Loss For Idiots now, browse around and find out how does Fat Loss For Idiots work to keep people fit and healthy irregardless of gene composition and age.

If you think you can, you can. If you think you can't, you're right - Mary Kay Ash

Low Carb Dieting and Its Impact on Athletic Performance

When a dieter has chosen to restrict him or herself to only low carb food, then that dieter has decided to obtain all of his or her energy from protein. That decision can have an effect on the body muscles. In order to keep the muscles in good shape, the person who is adhering to a low carb diet plan should focus on flexibility.

A focus on flexibility requires a certain amount of stretching. Stretching does wonders for the muscles. At the conclusion of a diet, a person who elects to continue with his or her low carb living should take time every day to do some stretching.

Of course stretching is a lot like dieting. There are certain dos and don'ts associated with stretching. While these low carb pages concentrate on low carb recipes and low carb snacks, they also offer advice about activities that take place away from the table. This article offers details on the dos and don'ts of stretching.

The dieter should think of his or her muscle as a rubber band. The dieter might even want to spend time playing with a rubber band. The dieter would soon be reminded of the way that a rubber band behaves when it is stretched. A stretched rubber band has a breaking point. If the rubber band is not released from a stretch before reaching that breaking point, the rubber band becomes a rubber string.

A taught rubber band does not have much stretch. If one pulls it several times and then releases it gently, that rubber band will eventually become more flexible. The same thing can be said about the muscles. Stretching muscles helps them to become more flexible.

A person on a low carb, high protein diet is in a perfect position to concentrate on developing more flexible muscles. The person on such a diet needs to focus on squeezing from the muscles any by-products of the body's need to obtain energy from protein. The athlete on a low carb diet can improve his or her flexibility, while also facilitating the removal of those unwanted by-products.

Of course the athlete on a diet must not forget the rules that apply to an athlete not on a diet. Some of those rules relate to stretching. One of those rules is this: Don't force your body parts to try a motion that is beyond your normal range of motion.

Stretching should help the body not hurt it. An athlete should not try a stretch that might damage his or her back. A dieter who is stretching should avoid trying deep knee bends.

A person can combine adherence to a low carb diet with a routine of stretching. Such a routine can help the dieter to maintain the soundness of his or her muscles. Such a routine can improve a person's flexibility. That improved flexibility could lead to improved athletic performance.

A person on a low carb diet does not need to put forth a great deal of energy in order to stretch.

Darren Williger is an over-caffeinated, low carbohydrate eating, winemaking enthusiast who writes for,, and