Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Simple Weight Loss Methods, Proven Ways to Shed Those Pounds Away

It is great that you have decided to lose some weight, however there are tons of people out there who are not familiar with the most effective weight loss methods available today, which is why this article will be of immense help to those who are willing to shed a few pounds away from their bodies but have not clue whatsoever of where to begin.

The first step for every weight loss method is obviously to make up your mind about doing it, and while this may seem as an obvious statement, it is by far the most important and basic aspect for every weight loss method. If you are not sure or if your decision is not strong enough, then the results will not be pleasant. So, if you are completely determined to follow a weight loss method, keep reading for step number 2.

The next step for following a successful weight loss method is to stick to your initial plan, which means that you are not to lose your course of action just because you suffered from an initial slip. Let me clarify this point, let's say you are on a strict diet, but one day you can not fight the urge of eating a specially delicious piece of chocolate cake; well, the fact that you ate that piece shouldn't blow away all your efforts, so you might better avoid the popular thought that goes like this: "hell, I just ate that piece of chocolate cake, my weight loss efforts have been all in vain, I'll just eat the rest of the cake and get on with my life". That won't take you anywhere, believe me.

Continuing with the weight loss methods it is time for us to discuss about one of the major issues that people observe while trying to follow any weight loss plan, the exercise routines. It is very important that you are quite disciplined when it comes to exercise, since exercise is the only activity that will allow you to burn away those calories, and therefore to achieve your weight loss goals. Try practicing your weight loss exercise routines at least once per day; otherwise you will not see pleasant results.

The last weight loss method is to be advised by a professional, just go to your doctor and ask him about the best ways in which you may lose some weight, he will also take the appropriate measurements and make sure that your health stays being a top priority of your life, so listen to him and don't try any of those home made weight loss products that may hamper your health.

This article can be freely published on a website as long as it's not modified in any way including the author bylines, plus the hyperlink must be made active just like below.

Want to lose weight and gain lean muscle mass? Check out Body Building Resource for articles about muscle building, fat loss, diet and fitness. Also available are a muscle building eBook, DVDs, gym equipment and supplements. Go to http://www.body-building-resource.com

Fast Weight Loss Tips - 5 Ways to Drop the Pounds and Keep Them Off

I bet you're sick and tired of carrying around those extra pounds, that's understandable. Just ten pounds of extra fat on the body can affect the way you feel physically and mentally. While losing weight fast is possible, you want to make sure that you are following a good plan that will keep you healthy.

Shedding more than one or two pounds a week can lead to health problems. While TV programs like The Biggest Loser regularly show their overweight contestants losing huge amounts of weight each week, keep in mind that those people are closely supervised by medical professionals, plus the show is heavily edited, so you don't know if it took longer for them to lose all that weight.

I'm sure it's tempting to try and copy that type of rapid weight loss, but you're much better off focusing on one or two pounds per week. That way, you won't put yourself under a lot of pressure to lose xx amount of pounds rapidly. The reality is that if you don't reach those big numbers, you'll probably just give up and think that you're a failure.

Here's some sensible ways that you can safely drop those pounds:

Eat Breakfast

A lot of people trying to lose weight assume that if they skip breakfast that means that they are going to drop weight more quickly. Actually, this is false, because when you eat breakfast in the morning, your body will burn more calories at a higher rate.

Go Low-Cal with Fast Food

Sometimes you're in a rush and simply have to stop by the fast food place for a bite to eat. This can be your worst temptation. The eating habits you have followed for so long can lure you into going the old burgers and fries route.

However, you can still eat healthy in this situation. Go ahead and order a salad, or grilled chicken sandwich, a healthy sub, fruit, yogurt, etc.

Eating a healthier lunch will make you feel energized instead of sluggish.

Go for a Walk

Studies show that 90% of people who lose weight and gain it back do not exercise regularly. Walking is an easy, low-impact exercise that you can do in the morning, during break, at lunchtime or in the evening.

Keep an extra pair of sneakers with you in the car or in your workplace so you can quickly go out for a brisk, refreshing walk. You'll not only keep the pounds off, but you'll be amazed at how exhilarated you feel afterwards.

Don't Munch While Watching TV

Put away those snacks when you go to watch your TV shows. You're way more likely to gain extra pounds by sitting in front of the TV set munching on a bowl of ice cream or bag of cookies. Don't try to convince yourself that you'll just have a little bit, because you know that by the time your shows end, one cookie will have turned into a whole bag.

Instead, try doing something else with your hands like doodling, sketching, coloring, knitting, folding socks, writing in your journal, petting your dog or cat, etc.

Drink Water

Carry around a water bottle with you. If you do feel the urge to snack or eat something fattening, you can grab your water and take a nice long drink. Water fills you up and curbs your appetite. Plus, it's good for you too.

I hope these tips are helpful and I wish you much success in reaching your weight loss goals.

Melt away the pounds while you watch TV! You'll be amazed at how quickly you'll lose weight by spending just 15 minutes a day on the Tony Little Gazelle Elliptical Trainer. It's fast, easy and fun - so get pumped!


Calorie Shifting Diet - As Easy As It Sounds

Calorie shifting diet has increased in popularity over the last year. Is this diet as good as everybody says or is it just the latest fad diet?

The knowledge of calorie shifting is as old as dieting. Major forces have tried to keep the knowledge of this diet to a minimum because it would harm their business. There is nothing magical with shifting calories. It all comes down to simple physiology. We all know that we gain weight by eating much and using less, i.e. we eat a fast food menu that is loaded with fat and energy during our lunch break, we then go back to the office and sits down the rest of the day, except when we go to the coffee shop for a latte and a snack (that also is loaded with energy).

What does this tell our body? Well, it figures that we are in a time were the supply of foods is excellent, yet, it prepares for the worst, starvation. How does the body prepare for this? It takes all of the energy that you put in your mouth but don't burn and throw it in to a fat cell were it is easily stored. We may think that we get more and more fat cells, but actually there are pretty much the same amount of fat cells our whole lifetime. To be able to store more fat, these cells grows larger and larger until they one day say that it is enough. They don't want any more fat because they may burst, just like pouring too much water into a balloon. Our body gets angry and increases the insulin levels because insulin is the key to open the fat cell. Now, the fat cell accepts a little more fat before it says 'no more' a second time. Now the whole organism (our body) is affected by the high levels of insulin and it starts to get resistant to the insulin. Oh boy, now we are in trouble. What does it mean that we don't respond to the high levels of insulin? Well, we get a diagnose called Diabetes Mellitus (or Diabetes Type 2). And remember, this is just the mere beginning of the trouble we are in.

Ok, back to calorie shifting. As written above, our metabolism enjoys the rich times but prepares for the worst times, it has learned to behave this way through the years of evolution.

The metabolism is a complex function but in general it takes what you ate the last couple of days and presumes that you will eat pretty much the same diet the following days. This gives us the opportunity to control (or mislead) our own metabolism. We feed it one type of calories one day and the next we shift calories into another type (see where the name calorie shifting diet comes in). This confuses the metabolism and it will respond by increasing the release of fats from the fat cells. At the same time your insulin level adjusts and become more regular, no more spikes after a chocolate bar. This makes the body less eager to save the fat for a possible starvation period.

The theory behind calorie shifting diet is exciting and it will help you knowing how to act in certain situations. Not only will it help you lose fat, it will also make you understand a whole lot more about your own body.

We want to be in charge of it, right?

Jennifer Olsen was a master of failing at different diets. She understood that there were more to losing weight then just going on a diet. Today she has lost nearly 50 pounds with the calorie-shifting diet and meanwhile she has finished reading 'Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle' and she is implementing what she learned into daily activities.

She made a mini-site that gives examples of diets, complete fast weight loss diets, free calorie shifting diets and reviews of books that helped her stop living the unhealthy life and turning around into a more healthy life-style.

If you are interested in learning more please Click Here!

9 Fat Burning Tips to Get Rid of Stomach Fat

Desperate to get rid of stomach fat? Let's keep it simple - start eating healthy and exercise regularly. So the first thing you need to do now is - throw out all the junk food and temptations in the kitchen. The last thing you need is a junk food craving. Remember, cravings can destroy a diet and add inches to your waistline.

Secondly, if you don't have social support network, you will not get rid of stomach fat. Find at least one weight loss partner, but preferably more --to continuously encourage you and work with you to keep you motivated. That way, your actions and goals are made accountable to your weight loss partner.

According to a 2006 research, working out with someone else who has the same goal and loses fat significantly increases your chance to get rid of stomach fat. In other words, you will have a greater chance of success.

Here are 9 more tips to get rid of stomach fat-

1) Avoid the liquid calories

Throw out all the juices, the diet and non diet soda drinks -- and the sports drinks.

Liquid sugar is great for the body fat to stack on the weight!

And with regards to alcohol, studies have found a link between alcohol intake and abdominal fat.

So drink in moderation and try to reduce the amount of alcohol intake.

Best yet, don't drink while you try to get rid of stomach fat.

2) Watch the fatty foods

When drinking, watch the fatty foods.

Studies suggest a combination of alcohol and high fat diet can lead to overfeeding.

3) Forget the fast food

Quality of the food ingredients are poor, high in calories, and bad for your health.

Even if you think it is healthy, the fast food chains are out for the big dollar only.

Eating fast food will make you feel terrible, and will not help you lose tummy fat.

4) Eat plenty of fiber rich fruits and vegetables

Each week, try to load up with lots of varieties of fresh vegetables and fresh fruits in your fridge.

If you can't buy them fresh, frozen veggies and frozen berries like blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, strawberries, cherries are the next best option.

Look at adding the berries to high fiber cereal, oatmeal, cottage cheese, yoghurt or smoothies.

Vegetables like zucchini, onions, fresh mushrooms, spinach, broccoli, red peppers are great, especially in morning eggs.

Add just one fruit or veggie serving daily.

Get comfortable with that, then add an extra serving until you reach 8 to 10 a day.

5) Eat 1 handful of natural or dry roasted almonds or walnuts per day.

Eating nuts will not make you fat.

By eating half an ounce in the morning and half an ounce in the afternoon, the nuts will keep the tummy satisfied and help you lose weight.

6) For the freezer, look at adding frozen fish and frozen chicken breast

Fish has many benefits, having different kinds of fish each week will keep the boring diet away.

With the chicken breast, it's great for quick meals with wraps or sandwiches. Or dice up some lean chicken into the eggs, along with some swiss, jack, or goat cheeses.

7) For the cabinet - Staples

-Cans of coconut milk, which is great for a creamy taste, but full of healthy saturated fats;

-Various antioxidant rich teas like green tea, oolong, white, rooibos;

-Stevia, a natural non caloric sweetener

-Raw honey, has good amount of nutrients and enzymes, and can improve your metabolism;

-whole wheat or whole grain spelt pasta, which are high in fiber;

-No white rice, buy brown rice and other kinds of high fiber rice;

-Organic unsweetened cocoa powder

8) Resolve never to super-size your food portions-unless you want to super-size your clothes.

9) Workout regularly to get rid of stomach fat

Make workouts count.

Look at a HIGH intensity interval training and resistance training, as you'll achieve more fat burning results in less workout time.

High intensity workouts have a higher metabolic disturbance which are effective for reducing stomach fat.

So stay away from the boring, ineffective cardio exercise workouts and stick with a program like Turbulence Training Routine to get rid of stomach fat. And it doesn't matter if you train in the morning before or after breakfast, or at night before or after dinner, or before or after lunch -- just workout consistently. Remember nutrition is the key to get rid stomach fat. It doesn't matter how efficient is a workout, your body fat will not disappear. The point, you can't beat a lousy diet.

To get rid of stomach fat now and for good, live a healthy lifestyle.

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Discover How to Get a Flat Stomach Fast With the 5 Things You MUST Understand if You Are Ever Going to Lose Your Belly Fat & Get Six Pack Abs.

How To Stop Emotional Eating

For many people overeating is simply a habit and a strong focus and change of behavior will be key to weight loss success in these cases. But to say that people who are overweight just eat too much, is not always true.

Sometimes people eat more, for any number of psychological reasons. In a letter that I recently got from a subscriber there is the following line: "I find myself eating sweets when i get frustrated or sad".

Stress, frustration, sadness and depression are just a few emotional triggers which can make a person want to eat more. Eating is then usually associated with these emotions and for this reason they choose to eat more to comfort themselves.

Certain chemicals in the brain are linked to both mood and hunger.

For example, one of the most likely culprits that lurks behind the act of emotional binges is cortisol -- a stress hormone that tends to make people crave sweet and salty food. So, if you experience more stress than is natural, higher quantities of cortisol is produced, leading you to crave for unhealthy foods, and this in turn leads to other health related problems. It's the domino effect.

In cases like these it is wise to resolve your emotional issues first, even if you need to consult a specialist, rather than trying to attack the eating problem first.

And for your own good, try to cope in healthy ways --

  • Exercising has the effect of letting the dominoes and the dice fall in your favor. It is the foundation of feeling good and eating healthy. Get your endorphins going, instead of cortisol.
  • Eliminate any temptations by not actually buying foods that are going to cause you a problem. This will encourage you to eat better foods and in doing so change your behavior patterns.
  • Social support can go a long way toward helping you process your feelings. Put your trust in your family, a close friend, or once again - by seeing a specialist if necessary.
  • Keep a diary. This has proven time and time again to have many health benefits beyond mere stress management. This is successfully used to set goals, keep track of daily consumption and to chart progress. Even when failures arise, these are noted, and used constructively, eventually just becoming a bad day between more and more successes. So when you feel like reaching for unhealthy food, reach for a pen and your journal instead.

Get your free copies of "A Guide To Fat Burning Foods" and "The Original Turbulence Training Bodyweight Workout" at WeightLossDietSecrets.net, and discover how to increase your metabolism by making the right food choices, and how to exercise for fat loss, at home for only 20 minutes, 3 times a week, using only bodyweight!

Get Moving - The Benefits Will Last a Lifetime!

The benefits of physical activity are numerous and very well documented. Aside from substantially reducing the risk of dying of a heart attack, regular physical activity decreases the risk for stroke, diabetes, high blood pressure and certain forms of cancer. Regular physical activity helps to build and maintain healthy bones, muscles, and joints and reduces the risk of arthritis and osteoporosis. Regular physical activity helps reduce the symptoms of arthritis and degenerative joint disease and reduces the falls among older adults. Regular exercise has even been shown to reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression. As overwhelming as these benefits are, the sad fact is that less than half American adults do not get enough physical activity to provide health benefits. Less than one third of adults in our country are physically active in their leisure time. The good news is, its never too late to reap the benefits of an active lifestyle.

Activities performed at a higher intensity or longer duration generally offer greater health benefits; this however, may not be a realistic goal or starting point for everyone. Healthy benefits can be gained from activity as simple as a brisk 30 minute walk five or more times a week. Life can be busy and hectic but with a little creativity and planning every body can make room for physical activity. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Replace that coffee or cigarette break with a fitness break by talking a brisk walk or doing some stretches at your desk. Play with the kids or the dog. Instead of driving around to find the closest parking spot, park farther away and enjoy the walk. Remember when it comes to physical activity every little bit helps.

To reap the full health benefit of physical activity an exercise plan should address the five components of physical fitness as outlined by the Centers of Disease control. These five components include cardiorespiratory fitness, muscular strength, muscular endurance, body composition, and flexibility. In future columns we will more specifically address these individual components, as well other pertinent topics such as nutrition, weight management and injury prevention. Information that will help you stay Looking Better, Feeling Better, and Playing Better! But in the mean timeGet Moving!

Bill Scibetta, RN, NSCA-CPT

Bill is the founder and President of Precision Fitness Personal Training Centers in the Charlotte, NC area and co-author of the book "Play Better Longer!" Peak Performance and Injury Prevention for Golf. Bill is a licensed Registered Nurse as well as a National Strength and Conditioning Association Certified Personal Trainer. After spending years practicing in the specialty of Orthopedics and Sports Medicine, Bill has dedicated his career to helping individuals identify and overcome obstacles that stand in the way of optimal wellness and peak physical performance.

Fat And Starch Blockers To Aid Weight Loss

In the effort to lose weight, some people will try any method available. Often, diet and exercise just dont seem to shed the pounds fast enough. As a result, some get frustrated with the lack of results they are getting trying to lose weight the old-fashioned way, and turn to quickie weight-loss methods. Many people turn to fat and starch blockers as a supplemental aid in weight loss. But, do they really work?

Fat and starch blockers both work to prevent certain nutrients from being digested. This, in theory, is supposed to help a person to lose weight. Fat blockers usually contain a fiber called chitosan, which is derived from the exoskeletons of certain shellfish. As the fat blockers pass through the system without being digested, they absorb fat along the way, all of which is eliminated in the stool.

Starch blockers work in much the same way as fat blockers, except that they prevent carbohydrates from being absorbed into the body. Starch blockers, which are usually made from bean and wheat germ extracts, help the carbohydrates pass directly through the digestive tract, where they are also eliminated in the stool.

Both fat and starch blockers are intended to be taken before meals, when weight loss is the goal. This way, the fat and starches that are ingested during the meal will not be absorbed by the body, which will aid in weight loss, or at least prevent weight gain.

Side effects of Using energy blocking weight loss aids

Despite the fact that these weight loss aids promise to help you lose weight, there are some pretty serious side effects that can occur with use. These include:

Fat Blockers:

  • Cramping
  • Gas
  • Diarrhea
  • Vitamin deficiency because some key vitamins that the body requires are fat soluble, including K, A, D, and E, they will not be absorbed. This can be dangerous to the body over time.

Starch Blockers:

  • Bloating
  • Cramping
  • Gas
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea

Most starch blockers on the market claim to slow the digestion of carbohydrates and induce weight loss. Recent studies suggest that, in higher dosages, starch blockers do in fact slow carb digestion. However, most pills on the market are about 3000 mg short of this dosage. Furthermore, there is no real proof that starch blockers or fat blockers help a person lose any weight.

Quite simply, the best, and most healthy, way to lose weight is through eating a balanced diet and exercising regularly. By looking for a quick weight loss pill solution, you could be doing your body more harm than you realize, and the effects could last a lifetime.

Wayne Mcgregor has a wealth of experience in helping people to lose weight. His website provides hundreds of free weight loss articles, sample diets, tools and information on the calorie content of thousands of common foods.

For more information on dieting and ideas for low calorie diets visit: http://www.weightlossforall.com/diet-articles-map.htm

Successful Weight Loss for a Healthy Body and a Healthy Mind

Passion helps us to progress; it keeps us going despite the invariable obstacles. Every great achievement began with someones passion, and was carried forward by that momentum - Lissa Coffey

Passion for life, your quality of life

I believe that when you decided to manage your weight permanently, you were moved by a passion. It is your passion for life, for health and a better quality of life. I believe your great achievement will be to regain your natural weight. Please do not lose this momentum.

With your commitment, your passion and daily motivation, you are unstoppable. Dont let your doubts sabotage this journeys success.

Losing weight is not about dieting. Dieting could be what keeps the extra weight on your body. The words diet, dieting have a negative connotation. There is no need for sacrifice, no need for negative thoughts.

Proper Mindset

We need a change of attitude. We need to focus on the results we want to achieve. Losing weight is about healthy nutrition and healthy life style. This is not a slogan. This is a way of life; your quality of life.

You do not want your weight to yo-yo all your life. You want a steady weight loss and you want to maintain a healthy weight.

Needed Changes

We need a few life changes such as

  • Positive attitude, positive mindset and everyday motivation
  • knowing what you want and going for it, always focusing on the desired result
  • Plan your new lifestyle; plan your meals, schedule motivation time and exercise time.
  • healthy eating habits and
  • Exercise everyday.

Enjoy the journey

You want to enjoy the weight loss as well as your weight management. It is easier to achieve what we enjoy.

We should enjoy our food three times

We first enjoyed our food when we taste it; it is a feast for our taste buds. Then we enjoy it because it satisfies our appetite. Then if the food is digested properly our body enjoys the nutrients, Mother Nature goodness. It nourishes our body.

Healthy Nutrition

Healthy nutrition is a nutrition that feed our body; a nutrition rich in nutrients that will feed each cell of our body. If our nutrition meets our body daily nutrient needs, and we have a good digestion, there will be no cravings.

If there is less or no craving, we will not be tempted to eat too much. If we enjoy our food, we will not be tempted to eat food that sabotages our weight management.


The best food, the richest nutrients food will be worthless if we cannot digest it properly. The healthiest food in the world will not be a great help if we cannot digest and absorb its nutrients.

The better the digestion, the more benefits we get from our nutrition. The more fibers we eat, the easier our digestion, because the fibers push the food downward. The faster the food is digested the faster we benefit from its nutrients, if it is absorbed properly.

Enjoy your food

Food should be enjoyed. If you enjoy your food you feed both your body and your soul. You are really satisfied.

Did you notice how easy we digest a meal when we are in good company? It must be the laughter, or this feeling of well being. It is a great synergy: we enjoy the food, we enjoy the company; we enjoy ourselves. Our body chemistry is at his best; it releases all the hormones that give us this feeling of well being.

Isabelle Epstein
Dedicated to healthy nutrition and a healthy life style. If you would enjoy receiving, directly to your inbox, motivation and tips for a healthy weight management, sign up for Isabelle's free newsletter at: http://www.HealthyNutriMania.com

Fast Weight Loss Using Herbs And Spices

I wonder how much it is generally known that the benefits of using herbs and spices can speed up your weight loss efforts, by quite a considerable amount actually.

We all know that herbs and spices are used with cooking to varying degrees, and of course the primary reason for doing so is to make food much more tasty and interesting.

I suspect however that you might be surprised at the considerable health benefits that can also be gained by using them. In saying this I am referring to those everyday items that can be found in most larders, and not necessarily those exotic and probably not so well known varieties.

I happened to discover the many benefits of herbs and spices and the fact that they can be most beneficial to a weight loss program, when I was doing extremely detailed research for my latest book. The results of that research were so extensive that it could be the basis in itself for a complete publication, and much more detailed therefore than I could possibly include in this short article.

However I have been able to include a fair amount of information in this feature about various herbs and spices which are known to particularly help to speed up weight loss, and that is also in addition to their excellent overall health benefits by the way.

You should find that you will be able to purchase these herbs from any good Herbalist supplier.

Garcinia:(Garcinia cambogia) is a herb which is sold primarily for enhancing weight loss and boosting the amount of lean muscle. This is also known as hila or brindell berry.

One of the major benfits of Garcinia is that it acts as an appetite suppressant and stops the body from storing fat.

Pysillium:(Plantago spp.) This cheeky little herb has quite a few health benefits. Physillium is known to help lower cholesterol, and another major benefit is that it also helps to prevent constipation.

If you use it as part of your weight loss program, it can help you to eat less calories and yet still feel really full.

This is because of the amount of fiber that it contains.

I mentioned earlier that it does help in preventing constipation, but in order to achieve this you should make sure that you drink plenty of water.

Siberian Gingsing:(Eleutherococcus senticosus) If you are going to start regular exercise as part of your health and weight loss routine, which is normally to be highly recommended, then this is a really useful herb.

It can help your body adapt to the stress of unaccustomed changes, and it will help to make you feel less tired even when you are doing simple exercises like walking for example.

So in turn therefore you are more likely to stick to your exercise routine.

Little Known Secrets In Your Larder

Cayenne:(also known as Capsicum, hot pepper, chilli pepper, tabasco pepper). The majority of us have cayenne in our larders, and it is very commonly used in many food dishes. Cayenne can be found in many forms such as ground spices, teas, and would you believe it, topical creams.

It is well known for its antitoxidant action, and greatly helps with osteoathritis and rhumatoid athritis, shingles, and diabetic neuropathy.

A note of caution however: Cayenne may act with anticoagulant drugs so be sure to consult with your doctor. Excessive use may also irritate the intestinal tract.

Manufactured topical capsacin creams can cause a burning sensation, so test first on a small area of the skin, remembering to wash hands thoroughly after applying the cream. This will avoid it spreading to the eyes nose or other sensitive areas.

Fennel: is native to the Mediterranean and is widely utilized throughout the world. You will find it in teas, capsules, tinctures and lozenges.

Fennel can be used to help with bloating, flatulence, mild digestive spasms, catarrh, and coughs. It also has antimicrobal, antispadmodic, and anti inflammatory properties.

A note of caution here: Fennel can sometimes cause rare allergic skin and respiratory tract reactions. Fennel is also a potential source of synthetic oestrogens and should be avoided if you are pregnant.

Garlic: you can buy this fresh, or the one you will most probably have in your larder will be dried. The downside of garlic is the odour which it leaves on your breath, but chewing some parsley after eating will soon sort out that problem.

Garlic is also known to help stimulate the immune system, and to help in fighting cancer. Well documented health benefits include lowering cholesterol,fighting infections, and reducing blood pressure.

Again a note of caution: garlic may also interact with anticoaglant drugs, so do be sure to check with your doctor if in any doubt. Rare cases of allergic reactions are known, and some people might possibly experience heartburn or even flatulence.

These are just a few of the herbs you can use in cooking, but do remember that there are many many more, and the benefits in using them frequently can be quite remarkable.

You will realize of course that when using them as part of any dish to use them sparingly, as to add too much would just spoil the meal.

As with everything in life one should try and strike a balance, after all you know what they say "all things in moderation".

Marie Gordon is Author and Publisher of "Your Fastest Way To Permanent Weight Loss" the complete solution to all your weight loss problems. You can find out more by visiting her website at http://www.howtoloseitfast.com

Dr Suzanne Gudakunst - What Are The Benefits of Her Weight Loss Program?

Dr. Suzanne Gudakunst's new fat loss program, The Top Secret Fat Loss Secret, is rapidly gaining popularity as a potent way to lose weight fast. But that isn't the only benefit that Dr. Suzanne Gudakunst is claiming her program delivers to the people who use it. This article is about this program and what it can do for you.

The first thing you should know is that any diet that works for you and gets you to lose your excess weight is also improving your health as a result, since being overweight is decidedly unhealthy. A detox diet like Dr. Suzanne Gudakunst's program may also do other things which may greatly improve your health.

Here are the possible benefits of Dr. Suzanne Gudakunst's new fat loss program:

  • It can help you to lose a lot of weight fast
  • It can cleanse your body of bowel worms
  • It can purge your system of colon parasites
  • It can help you flush out dangerous intestinal plaque
  • It can help alleviate chronic conditions
  • It can help prevent or help overcome certain diseases

Now, don't get me wrong, this program isn't perfect. It's also not the easiest thing to do. Flushing out your system isn't an easy thing. It can be somewhat unpleasant ad requires determination. You will of course need to keep maintaining a healthy lifestyle after you complete this program in order to maintain your new weight and overall health. Another thing about this program is that it doesn't build any muscles since it doesn't include any exercise. But as a way to lose weight fast, it can be highly effective.

Click here to see how Dr. Suzanne Gudakunst can help you to lose weight fast.

John Davenport lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life. To read more about getting rid of bowel worms, click here: How To Get Rid of Bowel Worms Fast

A Weight Loss Idea for You

I have been up and down with pregnancies and trying to stay in shape. So I have done a lot of research on the subject of the most effective strategy to lose weight. But everyone has a different opinion on what it is that make people, especially women, gain or lose weight. Some interesting ideas I've found have really opened my eyes.

Every person has a unique body type. So one idea does not work for everyone. Although, you probably have already figured that out. What I was confused about was the ideas of sugars vs fats vs carbs. Which one of these is what I needed to look for in my weight control. What made the most sense to me is that there are good carbs and bad carbs. Your body needs the good carbs that actually boost metabolism. The bad carbs, which mostly come from the simple sugars, cause the body to burn energy from that source instead of the stored fat which most of us have. So if we focus on eating good fat, not oils, and protein with a small amount of good carbs that is what will make our bodies, at least my type, use the stored fat we already have. This idea should work for most body types. It may need some modification for others.

There are so many different exercise programs that are meant specifically for women who want to slim down and be toned. But eating the right diet along with the slimming, trimming exercise routines don't always make the pounds fall off. You have to find the right combination for you.

Anjanette Evans
Find the right program idea for your body type.
Weight loss reviews.

Weight Loss - Getting Back on Track

Remember when you first decided you were going to lose weight? How excited and determined you were? Then the battle began and your conviction has started to fade. Here are some steps to get back on track.

  1. Remember why you set your goal in the first place. Did you want to have more energy to do activities with your family? Or maybe you want to lose weight to boost your self esteem, participate in an outdoor adventure vacation, or improve your health by lowering your cholesterol or blood pressure.

  2. Place your goal in a location you will see daily, such as on your refrigerator door. This way every morning you will be reminded to take the necessary steps to achieve your goal, whether it is heading to the gym, not reaching for the sweets at work, or packing a lunch instead of eating out.

  3. Tell others about your goals and how you plan to be successful. Friends and family can help you by giving the extra support you need to stick with it.

  4. Seek professional help. Did you join a gym but are overwhelmed by the equipment or think you look foolish because you are unsure what you are doing? Meet with a personal trainer to learn how the equipment works and be shown a workout that will meet your goals. Are you trying to eat healthier by reading food labels but do not know what you should be looking for on the label? Seek out the help of a nutrition specialist or dietitian to show you how to make healthier choices.

  5. Track your progress to stay motivated. Mark on the calendar the days you work out as a visual of progress you are making towards your goal. Check your weight monthly to chart results or if you are working on lowering your blood pressure/cholesterol visit your physician to monitor progress.

Are you ready to improve your nutrition? Lower Cholesterol? Control High Blood Pressure? Lose Weight? Contact Lisa Nelson, RD, to recieve the information and support you need. Learn more at http://eNutritionServices.com

Weight Loss - Why Hypnosis Really Does Help

If you are one of the many millions of people who struggle to maintain the proper weight, you are probably aware of the generally accepted ground rules of weight management. The rules say that you need just two things to keep to the correct weight: proper diet and exercise. These two factors are expounded in books and programs worldwide that are the center of a billion-dollar business.

Unfortunately, that business is failing, at least in having an effect, if not in making money for its principals. The proportion of the population who are overweight, and in fact obese, is growing at an alarming rate. And it's not just the United States, by the way. Obesity worldwide is such a concern that the World Health Organization has coined a new word "Globesity" to describe what they see as a global problem.

For many of us, "proper diet and exercise" is not a simple or an easy answer - instead, it represents a total and challenging lifestyle change. Resistance to the required change in personal eating and exercise habits and practices is what dooms many individual attempts to lose weight.

In other words, proper diet and exercise are only half of what is required to maintain a healthy weight - the physical half. It's the other half: the mental and emotional challenges, resistance to change, and difficulty in breaking habits and routines, which keep us overweight.

And, seeing that "proper diet and exercise" is fairly simple in concept, and it's the emotional and habit issues that are the sticking point, it's therefore those latter issues that we should be focusing on. This is where hypnosis can help.

Let me comment, by the way, that all this is the reason why programs like Jenny Craig, Weightwatchers, and even Overeaters Anonymous are so effective. Using meetings and counselors to allow you to interact with others, they address your emotional needs as much as the physical aspects of diet. However, the use of hypnosis can be a lot cheaper, faster, and easier.

For example, most of us have become accustomed (conditioned) to eating particular types and amounts of food on a particular schedule. It's not easy to eat less, or differently. Our tummies are used to feeling full, our brains are conditioned to eat at particular times, and we are used to particular foods, often those which are "not good" for us.

Exercise is also not that easy to insert into one's daily routine. It seems straightforward but humans are strongly resistant to it. Plus, in today's society, who has the time?

This is where hypnotic techniques can help. Hypnotherapy is about habit reconditioning and behavior modification. A course of hypnotherapy can help you modify your existing behaviors and habit patterns, in other words, the mental and emotional challenges, so that you more easily adjust to the new lifestyle required to achieve the two physical cornerstones of weight management - diet and exercise.

But, hypnosis or not, you still have to embrace the diet and exercise part. Hypnosis helps you do this.

Now, here is the good news - a good hypnotherapy program can greatly influence good weight management behavior and make a substantial difference in the adjustments required to a new diet and exercise regime.

First, hypnosis can teach you relaxation. Many of the triggers that cause people to overeat are caused by stress-related factors. The kind of relaxation learned during hypnosis techniques can greatly reduce stress, making the adjustment to new habits much easier.

Next, a good hypnotherapist will work with you to identify triggers. Triggers are things that happen in your environment that consciously or unconsciously "trigger" you to eat at the wrong time. Triggers sabotage good diet and exercise habits.

You may be one of those people who find yourself standing looking inside the fridge for no reason, just looking for something to eat. Your hypnotherapist will help you change those behaviors so that you only snack at fixed times, and then you only eat something good for you, such as a protein snack to prevent hypoglycemia, or low blood sugar.

We describe certain foods as comfort foods - food which is tasty to eat and filling, and generally bad for you. For some people, their entire diet is comfort food. Maybe their parents fed them comfort food at a young age when they were upset. Whatever the reason, those bad eating habits are now engrained. Your hypnotherapist can give you suggestions to change your automatic responses when you have an upset or a "stress moment".

In fact, hypnosis can help alleviate the pangs or cravings that we tend to feel even when we are not hungry, and do not need nourishment. Often we eat because we are just used to eating at a certain time, or because our tummies are used to feeling full. The problem with this is that over the years, we need to eat more and more to maintain that "full" feeling. Hypnosis can reverse this behavior to allow you to let go of the hunger pangs that occur at the wrong times.

Your hypnotherapist can also help you to change your mental patterns so that you feel better about yourself. Self-image is a big issue when it comes to weight and dieting issues.

Dieting is not difficult, as it happens. There is a huge variety of different options, including for those who want bigger portions, those who like particular foods, and so forth. It's making the adjustment to stick to a plan that makes the difference, and that's the key to success.

So, what's the game plan? First, when entering into any form of diet, exercise, or other lifestyle change, it's always a good idea to visit your doctor and get his advice on what to do and the limits. For example, if you have not exercised forever and you are 50 pounds overweight, it's not a good idea to suddenly try running 3 miles a day. You need to start slowly. So, get a diet and exercise plan from your doctor.

Next, understand that you have to take it slowly. Weight loss of 1-2 pounds a week is a standard goal, and this requires both diet and exercise. You can probably lose more in the short term by taking more extreme measures like starvation dieting. However, this will not last and is not recommended.

Second, understand that even with hypnosis, you are going to have to exert a little bit of will power. Hypnosis will help you greatly by making you aware of the urges and reframing your automatic responses. However, at some point you are going to have to just say "no". It's at this point that a hypnotic refresher, such as an MP3 recording, will be very effective.

There are many "Hypnosis weight loss" programs and CDs available. The best kind of program, however, is one which offers personalized individual sessions, backed up by recordings to be listened to between the sessions. Hypno-To-Go provides such a program, for example. The individual hypnotherapy sessions, which can be performed over the phone, will be directed towards your specific weight loss issues, and can also be tailored to support the specific diet and exercise program that you have chosen or that your doctor has recommended.

Finally, know that you are not alone. Millions of people are overweight and even obese as we stated above. However, this does not mean that you can not make a difference for yourself. Take the right steps, take them slowly, and commit to the long term, and a return to a lower weight will surely be in your future. I wish you the very best of success with your weight loss endeavors.

For more information, please see http://www.hypguy.com/weightloss.

Simon de Lides explains how to achieve your goals using hypnotherapy. Learn how to resolve your issues and see vast self-improvement in as little as three sessions. To schedule a live or phone consultation, see the Hypnotherapy Website or call 1-800-880-5597.

Amazing Weight Loss Tips To Blast Your Fats

Tip #1: Eat 3 Healthy Meals a Day

Your diet plays a huge part in your weight loss. Eat a healthy breakfast, comprising of fruits, toast, cereal or eggs. Stay away from fried food or junk food like pizza, potato chips or other package snacks. Instead, be sure to take a hearty breakfast, with a good assortment of fruit and dairy products to ensure that you meet your nutrition requirements. Have home cooked food whenever possible and try to avoid pre-packaged food, and most importantly, sweets.

Learning to cook your own recipes would also help. Additionally, avoid trying to starve yourself or skipping meals. Instead, you will feel lethargic, sleepy and will get more hungry cravings between the way.

Tip #2: Discipline yourself not to eat more.

Drink plenty of water if you want to fill your stomach. This is often a very overlooked method. A large part of our body comprises of water, and drinking more water will not only keep you full, but also will keep your healthy.

If you lack water, you will suffer other side effects, in terms of general health or muscle mass. Do other activities when you feel hungry, or even sports with other friends, invite your friends to your house in order to distract yourself.

Tip #3: Sleep More

Getting at least 8 hours of sleep will not only make you more active during the next day and increase your performance, but will also help you to lose weight gradually. Some advantages of getting appropriate sleep will include a boost of immune system, improved mood and also reduction of stress.

Follow these amazing weight loss tips and you will start to blast your fats before you know it. Take immediately action now and put these tips into practice, do not wait, just do it.

Chng Siang Sheng is a leading enthusiast of weight loss programs, zapping calories, safe and easy weight loss and reducing your calorie intake. For more information and concrete strategies on healthy weight loss, please visit the extremely successful website at http://www.stayfithealthyweightloss.com

Weight Loss Made Easy

Create and Focus on your goal

I guess everyone wants to look slim and to do these with a positive result you have to set your goals, fat loss just don't come but it does if the tactics are applied the right way. In order to lose fat you need to set your own goal by saying you will lose two or more pounds a week and invest time in it to do what is required to lose that two pounds in a week and watch as you lose fat as the work plan expires.

Prepare and plan meals in time

When you are in a fat loss workout plan its not all food you should eat thats why its good to join a reputable lose workout program. Try to stick to that particular type of food you are only required to eat to get a successful plan and make sure you eat it at the required time, do not skip it for another food. During the time when you know you are not required to do it will jeopardize your chances of attaining a great stage to lose fat.

Climb steps instead of elevator

If you stay or live in a house or office where elevator can be alternated to stairs, try to form the habit of taking stairs rather the elevator. Though it might be stressful but it has its advantage of helping you lose fat without spending a penny which is a work you made from self service.

Change food

The type of food you eat will help you lose fat, if you are type that love to eat fatty foods, you are likely to gain more fat rather than burn fat. Eat your food gradually, do not rush your food, do it slowly. Eat foods one at a time do not bombard yourself with food. Take water as you eat and do not start to eat without water by your side or on the table this is because drinking water can help your food digest quicker thereby making you burn lots of calories which lose fat quick.

Drink hot water

If you drink hot water instead of cold water it can help to speed up your metabolism thereby helping you burn lots of calories which is effective to be able to lose fat. When you want to drink water, try to boil it to a temperature that is human being consumable and then drink it, you can do this 4 times daily , you can drink hot water after every 5 hours. Include this method while you are carrying out your fat loss workout plans. This might be uncomfortable but you have to do it if you want to lose fat in a short period of time.

Sleep less

Though its not easy to stay awake all night for someone that wants to lose fat, you can cut the hour of time you sleep at night. If you are the type that sleeps for 7 hours at night, you can cut it to 2 hours to make you lose fat. You may wonder how this will be successful because for real you will be feeling sleepy through out the day, but i must bet you that less sleep burns fat faster than any other method. You can find stuffs to do to stay awake during the night like watching tv, doing some house works or anything you can think of to make you stay awake, this is a successful fat loss program and can be done by anybody whom is serious about waiting to lose fat. I must tell you this will make a quick impact in you during the day like nodding when you go to the office, you might do the 2 hours sleep for 2 weeks and quit.

Finally, you need fat loss 4 idiots, its an online weight loss center. You need the services of fat loss 4 idiots because they uses shifting calories theory, this is how it works : Your body burns calories depending on your eating habits, it is assumed that if you will go on eating similar foods to whatever you've been eating for the past weeks, when you change the kind of calories you eat everyday, your metabolism can't predict what you are going to eat over the next few days, which means you are going to burn more calories.

For a review of Fat Loss for Idiots visit Fat Loss 4 Idiots reviews

Hoodia Gordonii - Fast Way to Lose Weight

Are you suffering from weight problem and seeking for ways to lose weight? Are you looking into magazines, newspapers and talk shows to find the best way to lose weight?

Have you seen hoodia gordonii is the news, magazines and talk shows? Indeed, hoodia is a popular tool that can aid one to lose weight; it is all over the news, magazines, newspapers and talk shows.

Hoodia gordonii is a plant that looks like a cactus, but it is a succulent plant that is located at Kalahari Desert of South Africa. The San people have been using this plant for centuries by eating it to stave off their appetite when out for long hunting trip.

Yes, this plant has been in existence for centuries, but it was few years ago when this plant was discovered. CSIR researched this plant in order to know if it is non-toxin and safe. They discovered that this plant has an active molecule which they called p57. This plant was proven that it can suppress one's appetite up to 2000 calories in a day.

Hoodia gordonii was designed to suppress one's appetite, increase metabolism, burn fat and can give you energy that he/she needs. With the use of hoodia gordonii, you will lose weight effectively and safely.

This comes in pill form which you have to take in order to lose weight. If swallowing is a problem, you can take the liquid one. Yes, indeed, hoodia gordonii also comes in liquid form. Just a few drops of it, viola, you can start losing weight and gain back the confidence you once have.

Indeed, having weight problem can make one loose his/her confidence. So do not let weight problem ruin your happy life, you have to look for ways to bring back the confidence you once have. Taking hoodia gordonii, either the pill or liquid form, you can start losing weight when it quickly absorbed into your body and starts working immediately to curb your appetite. But it is best to associate it with proper exercise and eating healthy.

There are plenty of hoodia products that being sold in the market and online, each are claiming that they can effectively make you lose weight, but be careful since these products do not all real, there are hoodia blends and fakes ones. So you have to be an alert buyer, check out the two certified documents that can prove that the product is real and genuine. If seeking online, you have to look for the C.I.T.E.S. Certificate and Analytical Report to prove that the hoodia product is 100% natural and real.

With hoodia gordonii, you will gain abundant energy; increases your metabolism; suppress your appetite - so you end up losing weight. Just make sure to take the right dosage of it. It up to you which form you prefer to use, either pill or liquid form, besides these 2 can both can aid you lose weight.

Eliza Maledevic Ayson



Eliza Maledevic writes for http://Jump2Top.com - SEO Company

High-Speed Blenders And Weight Loss

Designer smoothie bars are almost as common as coffee shops these days. It's little wonder too. Where else can you get a healthy snack that contains so many nutrients all in one glass? The answer is: at home. With a high speed blender, it's easy to re-create those fancy, nutrition filled fruit smoothies at home. Chances are, you'll save a lot of money too.

In addition to paying much less, there are several compelling reasons for making your own smoothies with a high speed blender. Consider the following benefits:

* You can give your dieting efforts a healthy boost. Mixing fruits, vegetables, yogurt, soy milk, or other ingredients in a high-speed blender releases the vitamins, minerals, and fibers which they contain. This allows for much quicker processing by the body. The result is a fuller feeling in a shorter time, meaning you are less likely to overeat. It also means more of those nutrients are able to be absorbed by your body. Plus, you have control over the amount of fat and sugar that goes into your recipe.

* It's easier to get your RDA. It can be tough to eat your RDA (recommended daily allowance) of fruits, vegetables, and other nutrients. Using a high speed mixer makes it simple to get many of your nutrients all in one tasty go. A smoothie is also much easier to consume on the run than a handful of blueberries. Plus, you can add boosters like wheat-grass, flaxseed, bran, wheat germ, protein powder, ginseng, and many other nutritional supplements.

* Good nutrition is linked to better mental health. If you are struggling with obesity, you may also be experiencing symptoms of depression. Depression has been linked to being overweight. Doctors encourage people who are seeking treatment for mood disorders to eat a healthy, balanced diet. This is because physicians know that good nutrition can help improve mood by restoring chemical balance to the brain. What better natural depression treatment than a home-made smoothie? There are few easier ways to increase ones intake of fruits and vegetables, plus healthy staples like yogurt, milk, soy milk, and fresh cheese, than to mix them in a delicious smoothie.

* You can experiment with your own ingredients. Whatever fruits and vegetables you like can be combined for a tailor-made snack or meal. You can choose from either fresh or frozen. Fresh fruits and vegetables tend to be slightly higher in vitamins. However, frozen are also healthy, and will add a hearty texture to your concoction.

Sometimes people get discouraged with their efforts to make smoothies at home. Often this is because they are using an ordinary food processor rather than a high speed blender. While food processors may do an adequate job of mixing, they are not made for pureeing and grinding as blenders are. The results from blenders are more appetizing. They also tend to release the vitamins and minerals more quickly.

So forget about those expensive juice bars. Creating your own delicious masterpieces at home may lead to better mental health and put you on the fast-track to weight loss.

Thomas Fox researches fast speed high performance blenders in respect to weight loss and depression and if there is one, what the relationship is between food, allergies, asthma, depression, obesity, stop-smoking and workplace productivity. More information can be obtained at http://www.123vita.com/35.html

Weight Loss For Idiots - Why You Should Avoid "Fad" Diets

If you've watched any TV or done any web surfing lately, you've no doubt ran into countless ads for a new fad diet claiming it is the new magical cure to help you lose weight. Sure, you doubt their legitimacy, but you've tried everything else so you go for it, only to be let down once again. Here are some reasons to ditch these unreliable diets and stick with more tried and true methods.

It's easy to spot fad diets as they usually promise easy, immediate results. These diets usually sound too good to be true. They stress the importance of certain 'good foods' while eliminating certain 'bad foods' sometimes even an entire food group. Perhaps the easiest way to spot a fad diet is by the fact that they always seem to be trying to sell you something.

These fad diets also fail by not encouraging exercise. They promise quick results, with little contribution on your part besides sticking to the diet. Not only does this deter true weight loss, but in the long run it can be very unhealthy as lack of exercise leads to heart problems.

Often a fad diet relies on testimonials rather than scientific evidence. Some of the newer fad diets often base themselves on celebrity endorsement such as Oprah Winfrey and Anna Nicole Smith. Other times they will have numerous testimonials of people who have supposedly lost weight using the diet accompanied by dramatic before and after photos. Another gimmick is to include phrases such as "lose 10 pounds in 10 days."

These fad diets also will often show some form of scientific study and an oversimplified explanation. These studies ignore the differences in metabolisms and bio-chemistry. Often the studies were not conducted using the scientific method and contain no legitimate claims. Fad diets usually ignore or refute any true scientific evidence that disagrees with the program.

Then why is it that these diets seem to work? It depends on which one you are currently trying but this can often be linked to things such as water loss. Even when these diets do show quick results, the important thing to keep in mind is that these results are not permanent as it is not healthy to stay on them too long, nor would you want to given their blandness and strict rules, not to mention that the weight is usually gained back.

The AHA, American Heart Association, urges dieters not to go on fad diets for many reasons. One of which is that these fad diets usually force you to eat a single type of food, which keeps you from having a balanced diet. When a person eats only one thing, they can't get the vitamins and nutrients that the food doesn't contain. These foods are also so bland that people just can't stick with them. A good diet is something you can eat and enjoy now and for the rest of your life.

Kelly Lester is commited to one thing, and that's helping YOU lose weight. Visit his website right now at Guide To Weight Loss for some great information on losing weight. Or, want to see the #1 weight loss course online? Visit the Burn The Fat Review section of Kelly's website.