Tuesday, June 24, 2008

This Is The Weight Loss Recipe

This is the only weight loss recipe on the internet. Use it wisely.

The ingredients are quite affordable and easy to get and the directions for the preparation are a piece of cake to follow. Read it, learn it, use it and when you are all done, forget about it and enjoy in the delicious flavour it will leave in your mouth.


1 full cup of motivation
1 1/2 cups of "power to act" in powder
1 friend with the same goal as you
3 cups of dedication
1 fresh fitness program
1 ticket to local gym


1. Take the full cup of motivation and be really gentle with it, because it might diminish if you don't use it in the same minute you get it. It can quickly go bad and lose it's effect. It is easy to get it but at the same time it's amazingly easy to lose it.

Mix the full cup of motivation with all the power to act you have and keep mixing until you actually do something about your goals.

2. After you started to do something about your goals, call the friend and hook him/her, so that you two will be making this dish together. It is way easier and a lot of fun if you do it with someone else!

Only after you found the lucky soul, get the fresh fitness program and blend it together with 3 cups of dedication.

3. Get your ticket for the gym and make the friend to get one too. Add the ticket to other already mixed ingredients. Now that you payed for the ticket, have the friend to go with you and have already stirred the motivation, dedication and the power to act, this weight loss is almost done.

4. Now all you have to do is to bake for at least one month. Serve fresh and hot.

This recipe might seem almost too simple at the first sight, but don't be fooled by it's simplicity. Give it a shot, I'm sure that you'll be pleasantly surprised.

Did you find these tips useful? If you did or want to get more tips on fitness programs that will even enhance this weight loss recipe and provide you with specific information on your exercises and dieting visit my site: http://www.Learn-To-Get-Lean.co.cc

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Eating Chocolate Ice Cream Every Full Moon Promotes Weight Loss

Are these the kinds of stories that we as health professionals are trying to write to enlighten the public or gain fame and notoriety? I read this story several days ago about some doctor who claims if you limit your flavors and pick a flavor of the day you will lose weight and has the case studies to prove it. Cmon!! First we have the Atkins diet, then the cabbage diet, and now this. I mean if you really want to prey on the many people who are so desperate to lose weight then do a case study on the above title. Im sure you will sell some copies for that book as well.

Now, if someone didnt read the story very carefully they're going to say, Hmmm, Ill start with a bowl of cherries, thats healthy. Then move on to cherry ice cream, then some cherry pie, and lets wash it down with some cherry coke. Laugh, but trust me those people are out there. They are the same people that think a French fry is a vegetable.

I shouldnt be too hard on this guy because most of the time the health professionals that have these wacky new fads at least go for something that is usually considered a sin. The Atkins diet lets you eat bacon and hamburgers, just set that bun down okay. This diet still suggests that you eat fruits and vegetables, except eat one particular fruit for the whole day. Yummy, I think Ill eat apples today. Ill have Fuji apples for breakfast, red ones at lunch, and those green ones for dinner. Is that really going to attract a whole bunch of people to buy this book?

Heres my point. It is almost getting to the point where eventually there will be a book called, The Sit Down With Remote in Hand Weight Loss Diet. This is what people want and as a personal trainer, Im getting sick of reading these articles. What was that recent book called, The French Diet???

Look do you really want to lose weight?? Then, Im going to tell you the bad news; you are going to have to work at it. Yes you are going to have to watch what you eat, and exercise. If you notice all these articles on these new diet trends, even this last one on the flavors, they all have a one or two line blurb saying, oh by the way you might want to exercise as well. Im tired of seeing my clients try the latest new diet that has them lose weight only to gain it back and then some.

America wake up and smell the coffee. There is not going to be some magic pill that will make you lose weight. If there were, someone would be making money off it. Right now the only people who are making money are all the authors of these so-called diets that are lining their pockets with your hard earned cash, while you follow diets that dont work. Or if they do, it only works for a small percentage.

Suck it up people. Take charge and control of your destiny. Accept the fact that you will have to exercise for the rest of your life. You will have to watch what you eat, even though you can splurge once in awhile. If you have to lose weight, yes it might take some time, but it will come off (it didnt come on in a day did it?). If you accept these facts and implement them right now, I guarantee you will have a very fulfilling life that will be so much better than wondering how many peaches you have to eat today.

Copyright 2006 Adam Kessler

Adam Kessler is President of Fitness Planning Consultants, in Columbus, Ohio. Sign up for his fact-filled free report called "16 Tips for Looking and Feeling Better Than You Have in Years" at http://fitnessplanning.com/free_reports.htm

Tips For Healthy Weight Loss

Let's face it, being overweight has become a real problem for us. Diet companies, diet pills and supplements and gyms have become a very large business. Every single day there are hundreds of thousands of people who watch advertisements on television, read magazine ads and who do research on the internet. Everyone is looking for a quick and simple solution to their weight problem.

What makes matters even worse is that a large portion of these people try one method of weight loss, achieve some degree of success, gain the weight back and then try another method to lose weight. The big companies know this and use it to their advantage. It is an industry standard that the average consumer that habitually indulges in weight loss programs and products will change what they are doing every six months or so.

This is down right frightening. Real, healthy and enduring weight loss can only be achieved by doing our homework and implementing what we have learned. Healthy, long term weight loss requires a significant lifestyle change and not a quick fix.

The following are the things that you should seriously consider when embarking on a weight loss program that has enduring and healthy results.

1/ Before you do anything, do your homework. In this day and age, with access to the internet, anyone can learn almost anything in a relatively short period of time. The down side to this is, of course, information overload. However, with a little effort and patience one should be able to separate the important information from the junk.

There is not one single diet for everyone. Also, it is never, ever necessary to join a weight loss program that either sells you food or tells you how to eat. It is simpler and cheaper to learn what to eat and to prepare it for yourself. After all, this is not rocket science.

Get a primary education on whole, natural foods. Gaining weight and becoming fat does not happen in a vacuum. It is self evident that it is what we eat and how we live that permits us to gain those extra pounds and to get out of shape.

2/ Take the time to figure out what organic exercise program appeals to you. What I mean by that, for most people, joining a gym is not necessary and is not the best way to work out.

Do you like to walk? How about swim, jog or ride a bike? Do you enjoy an aerobic workout following along with a tape or dvd on the television? Figure out what it is that you enjoy doing and make the commitment to do it. It is that simple.

This is what you will discover. If you make the transformation of your lifestyle your primary goal, the weight loss will be effortless. The weight goals that you achieve will be healthy. It takes focus, determination and effort, but the benefits are priceless.

Join the Weight Loss Club where you will receive free ebooks, tips, information and advice on how to lose weight.

Kathryn Soloff is the mother of 8 children and a natural foods cook for over 30 years. She is co-publisher of http://www.natural-remedy-dot-com.com/ where she provides additional advice, tips and hard to find information on Weight Loss

Weight Loss Tricks - Use These Tricks To Stay Motivated

Weight loss tricks can mean the difference between losing 5lbs in a month and losing 15. Losing weight can be a long and difficult struggle, but if you know some little tricks and special techniques you can use, you can maximise your progress and reduce the amount of time you have to struggle for. Check out the rest of this article for some of the best weight loss tricks.


Start a weight graph. The worst weight loss tricks are the ones we play on ourselves when we kid ourselves about how much we are eating and how many workouts we miss etc, and you can easily combat this by starting a weight graph. Simply get some graph paper or simple squared paper and begin weighing yourself every day. Do it at the same time each day and make sure you are just in underwear, and then plot the results on the graph. Each week join the dots together, and you will have a real chart of your progress, good or bad.


Start a food diary. Another of the weight loss tricks perennial dieters like to play on themselves when we are trying to lose weight is where we "forget" about all the naughty stuff we've been eating and then act all surprised when we haven't lost anything in a while. Keep a food diary, and make a note of every single thing that you eat. Be honest, and be detailed. Note the sizes of the portions, and also the times of the day. Even better, if you know how many calories are in there, note that down too. Once you have your graph and your diary a couple of weeks you'll be able to see what it is that's making you have good days and bad days.


Drop the fast food. Even a little fast food, say once a week, as a treat, will set you back in your quest. Eating fast food is a weight loss trick that not even world champion dieters could pull off. The sheer amount of calories will make it tough for anyone to drop weight. It's not just the burgers, it's the fries too, and don't forget about the drinks. Huge amounts of sugar in those drinks. Some fast food meals contain almost a whole day's worth of calories. Fact! Now how can you expect to lose weight when you are eating 8 days worth of calories in a seven day week?


Have a target. If you only want to lose a few pounds, that's fine, but picture the exact number you want to lose. One of the weight loss tricks employed by super successful slimmers is to always have goals. Obesity is a growing problem which statistically affects most Americans, so if you'd like to lose more than a few, get some books on weight loss and body mass indexation. They will be able to teach you your healthy weight for your height. Once you know that, it gives you something to shoot for. Life's easier when there is a goal in sight.

Do you see how some simple weight loss tricks can make a huge difference? If you are trying to lose weight, these weight loss tricks will help you achieve far more than if you didn't know them. Check out the links below for some expert weight loss advice.

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Emma Green is the webmaster at http://www.fastweightlossreview.com

Lose Weight By Thinking Of Food!

Here's an extremely simple and effective way for all of you to stick to a healthy eating plan, 90% of the time. It involves no calorie counting and no weighing - just good, old fashioned common sense.

Now this may prove to be far too simplistic for many of you, but let's face it: the simpler it is, the more chance you have of doing it!

OK, I want you to think of every piece of food that you see and touch as one of 2 things - GOOD or BAD. I told you this was going to be simple. Review your current goals. For many of you, that goal will be weight loss, increased energy and improved health. Lodge those goals firmly at the forefront of your mind.

Now, next time you reach for something to eat, ask yourself one question:

"Will this food help bring me closer to reaching my goal?"

If you believe it will, then go ahead and eat it. You've decided that that food is GOOD. Enjoy! If you decide otherwise, note it as BAD, then either give it a wide berth and choose an alternative, or eat it in very small proportions. For those of you that find it hard to resist temptation, giving it a wide berth will prove to be more successful...

Using this method of food choice, you have to believe that there are no 'in-between' foods. What you choose to eat is either GOOD or BAD. 'In-between' gives you one heck of a leeway in the direction of success or disaster, usually the latter. If you want to control your weight and look tip-top you have to start questioning your food choices.

You already have the knowledge to know what is generally good and what is generally bad for you.

Mentally process everything put in front of you in a split second. By simplifying nutrition down to this simple equation you can make dramatic improvements in the way you eat, and avoid a lot of nutritional confusion, while starting to curb mindless eating. Just remember; if you answer 'BAD' and eat it anyway, you only have yourself to blame!

Simon Dainton is a Certified Personal Trainer and founder of Fitstreet Personal Training in the UK. His Programs of Lifestyle change guarantee clients results, combining effective exercise, nutrition and lifestyle adjustments. For your FREE Fat Loss Report, go to http://www.fitstreet.co.uk/

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Weight Loss After Pregnancy - 7 Common Sense Tips for New Moms

Want to ditch those Mommy jeans? You can! Having a baby may change your body, but it doesnt have to make it bigger! After two pregnancies of my own that resulted in a 40 and a 60 pound weight gain, Ive learned some simple tricks to losing that baby fat.

Now, Im going to share them with you:

Get Rid of All the Junk Food

Sad, but true, the simple fact is, its impossible to lose weight (and keep it off) if youre allowing yourself to gorge on cookies, bagels and soda pop all day. Stick to low-calorie snack alternatives like fresh fruit, chopped veggies and light dips, a baked potato - its more filling and nutritious, not to mention less fattening than chips, rice cakes, popcorn, low-salt pretzels, or low-fat or sugar free puddings and ice cream bars. Substitute flavored waters, teas, vegetable or low-sugar fruit juices for high calorie drinks.

Watch The Time of Day That You Eat

We all know that we shouldnt eat after 7 pm, but have you tried eating your largest meal during the day when your body is burning calories more efficiently? Try eating a big breakfast, mid-day snack and an early dinner, followed by a light nutritious snack in the early evening.

Indulge After Exercising

After my daughter was born I decided to take an exercise class in the evenings twice a week to help shed my extra weight. It was there that I learned an important lesson: your body burns calories much faster for an hour or so after strenuous exercise than at any other time of the day. So, if you just have to have that brownie, or dip of ice cream, do it right after exercising, when your metabolism is in high gear.

Walk Every Day

Walking at a brisk pace for just a half an hour every day can be a big boost to your metabolism, your energy levels and your weight loss. Babies love being in the fresh air, and many will fall right to sleep from the soothing jostling of the stroller. So put on your walking shoes, bundle up baby and hit the streets every day.

Eat A Well-Balanced Diet

While its true that getting rid of all the junk food in your house is a great start to losing weight, eating a well-balanced diet rich in fresh fruits and vegetables, lean meats and low-fat snacks can all help you burn calories more efficiently.

Have Your Babies Before You Turn 26

Ok, so you may not have much control over this one, but remember, the average womans metabolism decreases by one-half percent every year after the age of 26, making it more and more difficult to lose unwanted weight every year! So, while having babies later in life may seem like a good idea for your career and lifestyle, it may not be so great for your waistline.

Breastfeed as Long as You Can

While you do need to consume more calories when you breastfeed, most nursing moms agree that if they eat a well-balanced and nutritious diet, breastfeeding helps them lose more weight at a faster rate then their bottle feeding friends. Why? The simple fact is, it takes a lot of energy to make enough milk for a baby to eat in a day. Breastfeeding helps increase your metabolism and use more calories. Plus, many breastfeeding moms report that they pay more attention to the types of foods they are eating since it directly affects the quality of their milk.

Trying these weight loss tips after having a baby may not make you instantly slim, but theyre a good place to start to get back to your pre-pregnancy weight.

Get your FREE weight loss after pregnancy guide so you can see exactly what worked for me and my friends when we were struggling to lose weight after our babies were born. You should also check out our weight loss after pregnancy blog entry at Rate-Diets.com, or this great weight loss after pregnancy section on Hubpages.

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