Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Cannot Lose Weight? Try an Easy Foreign Exercise From Asia!

Cannot lose weight? Relax, it's not the end of the world. I've worked with over 3,700 other women in your same situation. I'm going to give you 1 of my "SECRET EXERCISES" that helps a lot of these women lose weight BEYOND fast... in just 5 minutes a day.

Cannot Lose Weight - Do This Immediately!

I want you to do this 1 simple exercise immediately after you're done reading this article. Don't think about it, don't debate it, don't make excuses! Just try it once. You'll be glad you did.

Hindu Squats - The exercise from India.

First, the overview. This is a bodyweight squat... so you don't use any weights... just your body. The idea behind this exercise is to do it fast... I MEAN FAST!

Stand there in your living room or wherever and put your feet about 18 inches apart. Now get squatting. Squat up and down as fast as you can. Your goal is to get 100 squats completed in a maximum of 5 minutes.

Now... if you're overweight and out of shape, this may not be possible to begin with. That's fine. Do as many as you can in 5 minutes. Remember that number or write it down. Then the next time you do the hindu squats, beat that number. Keep going until you get the 100 reps in less than 5 minutes.

Once you get to 100, try to do 110 reps in less than 5 minutes. It's a tough 5 minutes, that's for sure. But it's the price to pay to get rid of embarrassment and humiliation from being overweight, right?

Listen, you have nothing to be ashamed about just because you don't weigh what's considered ideal by our society. But others do feel embarrassment, guilt, and humiliated because of their weight. This is a secret exercise I have my clients do and they get some incredible weight loss results from it.

I just wanted to share it with you and hope you give it a try and stick with it for 2 weeks. I know that if you do it for 2 weeks, you'll get some results you can see and that'll make you do it even longer.

So there you go... if you cannot lose weight I highly suggest you try out Hindu Squats... your "5 Minutes a Day" to weight loss.

If you cannot lose weight and you're sick and tired of getting the same old boring and tired weight loss advice... you know, like "Eat more fruits and vegetables, drink 8 glasses of water, jog, and blah blah blah"... then you found the right person. I'll make weight loss easy and enjoyable for you... AND NOT BORING!

First, click to get your FREE 19-PAGE REPORT "How Spinning Around in a Circle Like a 4-year old Child will Skyrocket your Weight Loss Success". This will give you a jumpstart on how to lose 10 pounds fast... and STOP this "cannot lose weight" stuff right here today.

Second... after you get the free report, you'll be sent inside my website for even more unique and little known weight loss tips, tricks, techniques, and tactics. These unconventional tricks are a "shortcut" way on how to lose 10 pounds in 2 weeks... no mention of eating carrots or celery. I promise.

Third, with my advice, you won't starve, have to go to the gym ever, or basically do anything that is a hassle for your busy life. Listen, I understand you cannot lose weight as of today, but you want to lose weight without changing much in your diet or exercise plans... I get it. I have this completely covered. I've worked with over 3,700 clients. I know a 1-size fits all plan doesn't work. So I've come up with lots of "tricks" to personalize weight loss specifically for you and your lifestyle.

Fourth... there is no fourth. Just enjoy the free report and my website. If you don't lose 10 pounds with just my free information... I'd be amazingly surprised!

Jennifer Jolan

How To Lose Fat Extremely Fast Using Aerobics - Here Is A Sequence You Can't Afford To Miss

A struggling with your weight and do not know which way to go or which exercise routine to follow? Do you feel that no matter what you do you're not getting maximum results? You see in that case nothing would work better on your body then aerobics. Aerobics is one exercise which gets you results no matter what condition you are in right now. And it is so effective that you will see results right away when you start exercising. But there are some rules and techniques you must strictly follow in order to get maximum results with aerobics. Read on to discover what these techniques are and how you can lose a lot of weight using aerobics.

Decide how much you want to lose and choose an exercise according to it- Now that is one rule of most people out there fail to follow. You see you should always choose an aerobic exercise according to your level of stamina and experience which will help you lose the amount of weight you are willing to lose. Most people out there don't even know how much they want to lose and always end up eating the wrong type of exercise due to which they never get any results.

Choose something that will be fun- Your body does more of the things it seems to love and enjoy therefore try to pick up something that you enjoy. For example one of the most effective aerobic exercises is to join a dancing class and dance on a regular basis. Not only would that give you a complete workout it will also be a fun activity and you will enjoy to the fullest.

Warming up and cooling down are important- This is another thing most people ignore when it comes to getting some effective results with your aerobic workouts. Not only this not warming up properly can also mean possible physical injury or muscle strain. This is the reason why you must have proper warm-up and proper cool down after you done with your exercises.

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How to Use Self Talk to Lose Weight

Your attempts to lose weight should be goal oriented and written as SMARRT goals. Any goal not written is just a wish. Once written, the goal needs a plan to accomplish it. This process of setting goals, writing plans, solving problems and monitoring yourself is called a system. The system is great, and most will work if based on good principles. The main ingredient that will determine success or failure is our self talk.

What we say to ourselves has the greatest influence on our level of accomplishment. We are usually our worst critic. Think of what you are currently trying to accomplish. Stop, take out a pen and piece of paper and write down anything you have said to yourself about this pursuit that was negative in the last two days. Most of us could make a list of things like you are "too old", too "young", too "inexperienced", not "smart enough", can't do it because you have tried and failed before and on and on. You can probably come up with a list of 10 or more.

Unless you can become positive and your best cheer leader you will usually fall short of your goals. No matter how well written or how well planned, your goal will be less if you are not positive about it. Your ears need to hear your mouth say "you can do it."

A good person to read on this subject is Dr. Shad Helmstetter. He is the original "Talk to your self Guru" I recommend you read more on this subject.

I invite you to learn more about Self Talk by downloading a special free report from Consider taking the free 6 week weight management teleseminar - Recipe to Look Better Naked - with Bruce starting July 14, 2008 at Ask him to be your mentor in one of his areas of expertise or hire him as your personal wellness coach.

It's Weight Loss Time

The majority of people who want to lose weight despair when it comes into finding enough hours in a day in order to follow a weight loss and exercise program. If you feel the same you are not alone. Well, let us be realistic for a moment. At the end of a day, after you have worked yourself ragged all day, what is it that you would like the most? Is it, as for most of the people, to sit down have an easy prepacked meal, a pizza or a take away, stretch your legs in front of the TV and do absolutely nothing? Yes! It sounds GOOD. However, the hard reality is; if you follow an unbalanced working and dieting life style long enough you are following a recipe for disaster.

Excess weight may affect you in numerous other ways besides your appearance: self-esteem, physical abilities, longer life and your social and working experience can all be influenced. Additionally, the dangers of being overweight to your health are serious and real: high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, and cancer are all life-threatening health risks. Therefore, it may be weight loss time for you. You might need to take some action and lose the excess weight.

Every individual who need some weight loss would have wish having an easy, perfect and permanent way to lose weight without devoting much time or effort. The truth is that to lose weight is not that easy. There is no a magic or fast fix in particularly for healthy long-term, weight loss. Still, just because it takes some hard work and adjustment it does not mean it's impossible.

However, if you would rather drag your heels about a dozen things instead of doing something on time, this could easily apply to your weight loss efforts also. How many times have you said "I will begin my diet to lose weight first thing next Monday."? Personally I had lost count. I have learned however a few how to lose weight methods to fight my instinct from postponing instead of acting and since you have much weight to lose, I thought to spare you some hard work, time and even money.

If you would like follow my thoughts, experiences, tips and different dietary strategies to lose weight I believe that you have nothing else to lose except some weight.

-First and foremost you must except that genetics and physical hindrances from exercising, and so forth, can touch on your weight loss management attempts. You have to live with fact that there are a few things you can't modify.

-You should not aim too high like losing 15 to 20 kilos in a month. Small goals such as 4 to 5 kilos are a lot easier achievable and a lot easier to remain centered on your goal.

-A lot of people with weight issues have the habit of eating in reaction to emotions and stress. Be prepared to deal with emotional eating. When your motivation declines consider all the positive changes you could gain if you lose weight.

-Avoid diets with big limitations like very few calories to lose weight or with total food groups being excluded. These frequently lead to binges and uncontrolled cravings. Moderation is the name of the game.

-Drink a good deal of water daily. Water could assist with weight loss in many ways: first of all, if you drinking more water you can help relieve problems with water loaded tissue (water weight). Next, substituting sugary, high calorie carbonated drinks with plain water you can cut down on hundreds of calories. The rule of thumb of eight glasses a day.

-Do not skip meals. One of those dieting errors virtually every one of us makes when we try to lose weight at one time or other is meal skipping. By skipping meals you do your diet more harm than good as you will most likely comeback afterwards to eat even more. In addition, it is rather possible that your body will go into "starvation mode" if you skip meals too frequently.

-Control your portion size. Attention to your portion sizes is perhaps the best possible action in weight loss. Once you commence measuring servings you will recognize just how small it is compared to your customary serving. Hold it there don't run away. You will in short time understand how large your past servings were and where all those additional calories arrived from that made you to put on all that unwanted weight.

-Physical activity. Exercises burns off calories, so the more you just get up and move, to a greater extent you will burn calories. Daily exercise to lose weight may also assist when you stop making any progress with your weight loss. Physical exercise will step-up higher metabolic rate and the rate continue raised for some time, even after you have stopped the activity. Physical exercises also assist to cut down the risk of numerous diseases including adult-onset diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, some forms of cancer and depression.

Weight loss require that you put some effort, make some life changes, its never too easy, it takes some time to lose weight and demands a continuous effort after you complete your weight loss program, but, you can DO IT!

For more insights and additional information please visit our web site at

Is There Such a Thing As an Easy Way to Lose Weight?

The answer to this question is not necessarily. As with anything in life, we can make the process of losing weight difficult or easy depending on how we approach it. Obesity is an epidemic of large proportion in our society. It raises havoc on the lives of those who suffer with it, and affects all areas of life. The most noted areas of course are those that put an enormous strain on health and create health problems.

The common mistake a lot of people make when they are going to try to lose weight is go out and pick up the latest fad diet and pop miracle pills and expect to lose weight. If that is your idea of an easy way to lose weight, think again. Sure, initially the weight may come off, but you have to have the right intentions going into your weight loss plan that do include a quick fix. It is a lifelong decision to eat better, exercise more and maintain a healthy weight. Without the combination of all of those, you will most likely not succeed in your weight loss attempts.

You first have to evaluate why it is that you are overeating. For most obese people, they eat to fill a sort of emotional void in their lives, and until that problem is fixed, their problem with overeating will continue. If you really want to succeed in your weight loss goals, you have to be willing to commit to it. This included a lifestyle that includes making healthy choices, exercising and having a positive attitude that you can succeed.

Another important point is that being on a diet plan does not mean you have to eliminate everything you like from your diet, it simply means that you have to limit your intake of sweets and fatty foods, and learn to substitute them with more healthy choices. In order to lose weight, you have to be ready to make the commitment it takes. If you are ready to make that commitment, you can achieve your goals.

Saman Rashid is an experienced writer. She has been writing articles and web copies since 3 years. To contact her, kindy visit

Lose Weight Using Hoodia Gordonii Pills

The science of losing weight is quite simple - just spend more energy than you receive with meals. Your organism will get the missing energy by burning the fat deposits in your waist and other parts of the body. Therefore, you should either increase your energy consumption rate (e.g. by doing daily aerobic exercises) or decrease the dietary intake of calories (e.g. by keeping to a strict diet). Of course, to improve the effect you can do both.

However, this is easier said than done! Many people who tried to keep to a diet or go to the gym every day will tell you that it is very hard. Very often you simply don't have enough free time to do exercising or prepare special foods that your diet prescribes.

Fortunately, the recent scientific discovery makes it much simpler to reduce your dietary intake of energy without having iron will. I talk about the Hoodia Gordonii plant from South Africa. It was only discovered a few years ago but it has already become extremely popular because of its appetite suppressant capabilities.

Hoodia is a cactus-like (but not actually cactus) plant, which grows in semi-desert of South Africa (and nowhere else in the world!) Since ancient times it was used by African Bushmen, helping them to get rid of hunger and thirst during a long hunt. Hoodia Gordonii works by "fooling" your organism into thinking that it is already full so you are easily able to reduce your daily food consumption. Again, the organism will burn your fat deposits to get the energy it is missing and you lose weight as a result.

Real Hoodia Gordonii Plus helped millions of people around the world to lose weight. While purchasing Hoodia Gordonii online, make sure that it has all necessary certifications proving it is not fake.

Click here for certified, genuine Hoodia Gordonii Plus

Eating Habits to Help You Lose Weight

No, we're not going to tell you to go on a diet. Instead, we're going to tell you how you can lose weight while eating most of the food that you enjoy everyday. Sometimes, losing weight is not all about what you eat, but how you eat it. The food that you eat is just as important as the manner in which you eat it, and how often you eat.

If you're eating, make sure you eat slowly. Do this by chewing your food thoroughly. The scientific explanation about chewing your food is that you'll be enjoying your food more and you'll notice that you're eating less. The brain will receive the message from your stomach that you're already full only after 20 minutes of eating. Eating really fast in 20 minutes can cause you to become fat, but if you eat slowly, you will get full after only 20 minutes of eating the food you have. Chewing your food thoroughly will also help in breaking the food down before it reaches your stomach. Some of the unnecessary stuff that goes through our body will be broken down easily and it won't be easily deposited in your system.

Here's another thing that you should consider: don't starve yourself. That's right, starving yourself will only make matters worst. It's recommended that you should eat at the time of eating and eat heartily by chewing your food well. If you chew your food well and you eat on time, there's no need for snacks in the middle and even if you think you're eating more, you're actually eating less.

Lucas Bowen, a co-founder of Recently, his article Are Diet Pills Safe and Effective? has been reviewed by many diet pills related websites.

Choosing a Weight Loss Program

There are numerous weight loss programs today which can leave the consumer a little dizzied by all the choices. In finding the right weight loss program for you, you need to consider cost, style and efficacy of the various programs available.

Cost is a major issue for some people. Some programs can be expensive yet there are two ways to look at this dilemma. First and foremost, think about what you are already spending per month at the grocery store and restaurants. If you are overweight, chances are these tickets run fairly high. Also consider what you may be spending in the years to come when medical issues due to your extra weight occur. There is a good chance you may experience loss of income in the future due to obesity related disease.

Once you have determined what the weight loss program is worth to you, price out various programs. Programs that offer one on one counseling usually run higher than programs that will take more of a group approach. There are also weight loss programs that are available commercially through the use of a book and shopping the coordinating section of the grocery store, usually found in the frozen aisle.

Next, you need to determine what style will work for you? Do you love to cook? If so, buying into a weight loss program that delivers ready-made dishes to your door may leave you feeling dissatisfied with the mealtime experience. On the flip side, for the busy person who is overweight due to grabbing something quick at the drive-through, this type of plan may really, really work for you.

Do you want counseling and help? Or are you the type to enjoy challenging yourself? A weight loss program may offer one-on-one counseling, group counseling or no counseling at all. Determining which program will work for your weight loss is highly personal.

Finally, determining the efficacy of each weight loss program is of utmost importance. Why spend the money and make the effort if you are not going to achieve the weight loss goals you desire?

Billions of dollars are spent every year in this country on weight loss efforts and the snakes looking to make a buck know it! Make sure you do not fall prey to weight loss programs that are offering a quick fix. Reputable weight loss programs use tried and true methods that not only help you lose weight, but change your lifestyle so that you can maintain the weight loss for years to come.

Steer clear of weight loss programs that drastically alter the way we should eat healthfully. There are a lot of anti-carbohydrate type programs that tout high protein and low carbohydrate as being the way to lose weight. Most of these programs are only beneficial in the beginning. Instead, look for programs that incorporate the use of "good" carbs.

Following these suggestions will help you, the consumer, choose an appropriate weight loss program that will enable you to lose weight, not money.

I recommend this new weight loss program it worked for me. Find out more at