Monday, July 21, 2008

Treadmill Weight Loss Tips

These treadmill weight loss tips are a great way to help you shed a few pounds and shape up. A treadmill is designed for the most natural form of exercise which is walking. You don't need any special skills to use these machines because if you can walk, you can exercise on a treadmill.

Treadmill weight loss is one of the most successful methods of losing weight. Just be consistent and work within your fat burning target range for 45 minutes or more per session at least 5 to 6 days per week.

If you are looking to shed unwanted pounds, implement a treadmill workout routine along with a sensible, healthy diet. The treadmill allows you the convenience of exercising in a safe, comfortable, climate controlled environment anytime day or night.

If you are just starting out, check with your doctor before you begin any exercise regime. When you begin, start at a nice, easy pace, do shorter workouts for a few weeks and increase the length and intensity as your fitness level improves.

The main thing to keep in mind is to keep your body moving for as long and fast as you can but still remain comfortable. The faster the pace the more calories you will burn. The more calories you burn, the more weight you will lose.

Regular exercise on a treadmill will increase your body's metabolism and make it work more efficiently to burn more fat. The best treadmill workout plan is one that becomes a daily habit, just like brushing your teeth.

If you do a treadmill workout routine everyday you don't have to think about it, and it becomes a good habit. It soon becomes part of your normal day and you look forward to it. Consistency is the key to success.

Here are some important tips to remember when walking:

  • Maintain a proper posture, keep you head up, relax your neck and look straight ahead.
  • Let your arms swing naturally at your side and loosely cup your hands.
  • Hold your tummy in and keep your hips relaxed and loose.
  • Take steps that are comfortable for you, not too short or too long.
  • Concentrate on your breathing. Try to breathe normally, taking in deep, smooth breaths.
  • A few good tips to help break the boredom while exercising on the treadmill are:

  • Listen to up beat music, books on tape or teaching tapes.
  • Read a book or magazine.
  • Chat with a friend on the treadmill next to you.
  • Watch yourself in the mirror to work on your posture and walking technique.
  • Watch your favorite talk show or sitcom.
  • Walking a treadmill to lose weight will consistently provide you with quality results and lasting benefits. It allows you to work at your own pace to burn calories effectively.

    If you apply these treadmill weight loss tips they will have a positive impact on your weight loss as well as many other aspects of your life.

    Copyright 2005 Treadmill All Rights Reserved.

    This article is supplied by where you will find valuable information, ratings, reviews, articles and buying tips before you make the investment in quality fitness equipment. For more fitness related articles go to:

    4 Preparatory Steps Before You Lose Weight

    Step one in the weight loss process is to consult with a Doctor. If you haven't had a physical, you need one. You need to have your blood pressure checked, your weight recorded, your BMI (Body Mass Index) calculated, your blood sugar checked and your lipids evaluated at a minimum.

    Before a single problem is encountered you need a diet coach. This person will encourage you, help you solve problems, and hold you accountable. A professional like myself is a good choice but not required.

    A close family member or friend could do it. Another dieter in your program or someone from your church will work also.

    You will report your weight change weekly. Your coach will not be a critic but will encourage you, so choose wisely.

    Now choose a diet. It needs to be one you can eat for the long term. No severe restrictions of food groups. Enough calories, 1200-1600 per day are necessary. Check multiple resources like a dietitian, Doctor, library, online or commercial program for copies of diets. Can you learn how to prepare the meals? Does it have enough of the foods you like for you to stick with it? All diets work the same, they use a restriction method or a counting method to lower daily calories.

    You will need a system to track your eating. How much or portion sizes and tracking calories is essential to long term success. It is easy to forget the nibbles we take all day. I knew the cook in a restaurant who often said,"I don't know why I am over-weight. I never have time to eat even one meal." This was true, but the cook nibbled all day and much of it like deep-fried potatoes, breaded shrimp, pieces of cheese were quite high fat and the total added up to more calories than 3 meals would have contained.

    I invite you to learn more about weight loss from Bruce L Bair. Consider taking a teleseminar in July 2008 taught by Bruce. You can sign up for the seminar and get a special report on his blog Get the Skinney.

    You will net 3 benefits if you do - First a no cost 12 page report, Second your privacy will be guaranteed, and Third a seminar that will teach you the skills you need to successfully lose excess body fat and keep it off. Option one below is for the seminar, option two for the report.

    Is There Such a Thing As an Easy Way to Lose Weight?

    The answer to this question is not necessarily. As with anything in life, we can make the process of losing weight difficult or easy depending on how we approach it. Obesity is an epidemic of large proportion in our society. It raises havoc on the lives of those who suffer with it, and affects all areas of life. The most noted areas of course are those that put an enormous strain on health and create health problems.

    The common mistake a lot of people make when they are going to try to lose weight is go out and pick up the latest fad diet and pop miracle pills and expect to lose weight. If that is your idea of an easy way to lose weight, think again. Sure, initially the weight may come off, but you have to have the right intentions going into your weight loss plan that do include a quick fix. It is a lifelong decision to eat better, exercise more and maintain a healthy weight. Without the combination of all of those, you will most likely not succeed in your weight loss attempts.

    You first have to evaluate why it is that you are overeating. For most obese people, they eat to fill a sort of emotional void in their lives, and until that problem is fixed, their problem with overeating will continue. If you really want to succeed in your weight loss goals, you have to be willing to commit to it. This included a lifestyle that includes making healthy choices, exercising and having a positive attitude that you can succeed.

    Another important point is that being on a diet plan does not mean you have to eliminate everything you like from your diet, it simply means that you have to limit your intake of sweets and fatty foods, and learn to substitute them with more healthy choices. In order to lose weight, you have to be ready to make the commitment it takes. If you are ready to make that commitment, you can achieve your goals.

    Saman Rashid is an experienced writer. She has been writing articles and web copies since 3 years. To contact her, kindy visit

    Lose Weight Using Hoodia Gordonii Pills

    The science of losing weight is quite simple - just spend more energy than you receive with meals. Your organism will get the missing energy by burning the fat deposits in your waist and other parts of the body. Therefore, you should either increase your energy consumption rate (e.g. by doing daily aerobic exercises) or decrease the dietary intake of calories (e.g. by keeping to a strict diet). Of course, to improve the effect you can do both.

    However, this is easier said than done! Many people who tried to keep to a diet or go to the gym every day will tell you that it is very hard. Very often you simply don't have enough free time to do exercising or prepare special foods that your diet prescribes.

    Fortunately, the recent scientific discovery makes it much simpler to reduce your dietary intake of energy without having iron will. I talk about the Hoodia Gordonii plant from South Africa. It was only discovered a few years ago but it has already become extremely popular because of its appetite suppressant capabilities.

    Hoodia is a cactus-like (but not actually cactus) plant, which grows in semi-desert of South Africa (and nowhere else in the world!) Since ancient times it was used by African Bushmen, helping them to get rid of hunger and thirst during a long hunt. Hoodia Gordonii works by "fooling" your organism into thinking that it is already full so you are easily able to reduce your daily food consumption. Again, the organism will burn your fat deposits to get the energy it is missing and you lose weight as a result.

    Real Hoodia Gordonii Plus helped millions of people around the world to lose weight. While purchasing Hoodia Gordonii online, make sure that it has all necessary certifications proving it is not fake.

    Click here for certified, genuine Hoodia Gordonii Plus

    Eating Habits to Help You Lose Weight

    No, we're not going to tell you to go on a diet. Instead, we're going to tell you how you can lose weight while eating most of the food that you enjoy everyday. Sometimes, losing weight is not all about what you eat, but how you eat it. The food that you eat is just as important as the manner in which you eat it, and how often you eat.

    If you're eating, make sure you eat slowly. Do this by chewing your food thoroughly. The scientific explanation about chewing your food is that you'll be enjoying your food more and you'll notice that you're eating less. The brain will receive the message from your stomach that you're already full only after 20 minutes of eating. Eating really fast in 20 minutes can cause you to become fat, but if you eat slowly, you will get full after only 20 minutes of eating the food you have. Chewing your food thoroughly will also help in breaking the food down before it reaches your stomach. Some of the unnecessary stuff that goes through our body will be broken down easily and it won't be easily deposited in your system.

    Here's another thing that you should consider: don't starve yourself. That's right, starving yourself will only make matters worst. It's recommended that you should eat at the time of eating and eat heartily by chewing your food well. If you chew your food well and you eat on time, there's no need for snacks in the middle and even if you think you're eating more, you're actually eating less.

    Lucas Bowen, a co-founder of Recently, his article Are Diet Pills Safe and Effective? has been reviewed by many diet pills related websites.

    Choosing a Weight Loss Program

    There are numerous weight loss programs today which can leave the consumer a little dizzied by all the choices. In finding the right weight loss program for you, you need to consider cost, style and efficacy of the various programs available.

    Cost is a major issue for some people. Some programs can be expensive yet there are two ways to look at this dilemma. First and foremost, think about what you are already spending per month at the grocery store and restaurants. If you are overweight, chances are these tickets run fairly high. Also consider what you may be spending in the years to come when medical issues due to your extra weight occur. There is a good chance you may experience loss of income in the future due to obesity related disease.

    Once you have determined what the weight loss program is worth to you, price out various programs. Programs that offer one on one counseling usually run higher than programs that will take more of a group approach. There are also weight loss programs that are available commercially through the use of a book and shopping the coordinating section of the grocery store, usually found in the frozen aisle.

    Next, you need to determine what style will work for you? Do you love to cook? If so, buying into a weight loss program that delivers ready-made dishes to your door may leave you feeling dissatisfied with the mealtime experience. On the flip side, for the busy person who is overweight due to grabbing something quick at the drive-through, this type of plan may really, really work for you.

    Do you want counseling and help? Or are you the type to enjoy challenging yourself? A weight loss program may offer one-on-one counseling, group counseling or no counseling at all. Determining which program will work for your weight loss is highly personal.

    Finally, determining the efficacy of each weight loss program is of utmost importance. Why spend the money and make the effort if you are not going to achieve the weight loss goals you desire?

    Billions of dollars are spent every year in this country on weight loss efforts and the snakes looking to make a buck know it! Make sure you do not fall prey to weight loss programs that are offering a quick fix. Reputable weight loss programs use tried and true methods that not only help you lose weight, but change your lifestyle so that you can maintain the weight loss for years to come.

    Steer clear of weight loss programs that drastically alter the way we should eat healthfully. There are a lot of anti-carbohydrate type programs that tout high protein and low carbohydrate as being the way to lose weight. Most of these programs are only beneficial in the beginning. Instead, look for programs that incorporate the use of "good" carbs.

    Following these suggestions will help you, the consumer, choose an appropriate weight loss program that will enable you to lose weight, not money.

    I recommend this new weight loss program it worked for me. Find out more at

    Weight Loss For Idiots - Even an Idiot Can Lose Weight

    Most people believe that it is difficult to lose weight, they need to do a lots of exercise and consume lesser food in order to achieve their weight loss goal. However, if you know how your body metabolism and calories work, you will understand why the title for this article is "Weight Loss For Idiots - Even An Idiot Can Lose Weight".

    Believe it or not, the best weight loss method is to consume food. The food we eat can make us fat or thin. Consuming the wrong food at the wrong time will cause us to over weighted.

    If you decide to lose weight by starving yourself, your body will assume that you don't have enough food to eat and thus starts to use up the energy stored in our body to compensate for the energy deficiency. It used the protein and carbohydrates from our muscle cells and cause our muscle mass to reduce. As a result, this slow down our metabolism.

    You need to understand how your body works in order to achieve easy weight loss. The body uses energy that is stored from the food that we eat. If we do not use this energy then it is stored as fat. This is the basic principle. Understand this you will be able to lose weight easily.

    Here are some tips to lose weight:

    1) Avoid junk food.
    Ensure that you have plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables at home. Eat an apple rather than a chocolate bar if you feel hungry.

    2) Eat regularly.
    If you miss a meal then your metabolism slows down to store up energy, this will make you feel more starving, and so you are much more likely to eat food that is available, which usually means food that is not good for you.

    3) Reduce your calorie intake.
    This should be done over a stretched period. Slowly replace the major foods that you eat regularly with a low-fat substitute. For instance, replace white bread with whole grain bread.

    4) Plan your exercise routine.
    Slowly introduce exercise into your regular routine. Begin by going for a short 15 minute stroll in the morning and then over a period of weeks gradually introduce jogging and bicycling.

    If you are looking for a weight loss plan that even idiots can achieve results, follow the tips mentioned above, and you will be able to lose weight fast.

    This article was written by Jackie Tay. The author has personally lose 20 pounds within a month by using some simple nutritional tricks and lifestyle techniques. If you are serious about losing weight without starving yourself, check out the author's success story at Weight Loss For Idiots

    Healthy Weight Loss Without Dieting

    We are becoming a nation of overweight people. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has reported the rate of adult obesity has doubled between 1980 and 2002. Overweight and obesity in Americans has been a mounting problem for nearly 25 years and continues to worsen with a growing number of obese or overweight children and young adults.

    Some of the risks of obesity and overweight are:

    1. heart disease

    2. stroke

    3. hypertension

    4. diabetes

    5. cancer

    6. arthritis

    Dropping the extra pounds and keeping it off would prevent and control these diseases.

    By incorporating some simple lifestyle changes, you can achieve a healthy weight loss that would provide long-term and lasting results. You just need to make a commitment to healthy weight loss and set realistic goals.

    Here are some tips for healthy weight loss:

    1. Don't "Diet."

    The key to healthy weight loss is don't "diet." When we think of "diet" we think of starving ourselves and barely eating. Although you may lose weight for the short term by doing this, it won't last long. It's like running a car on an empty gas tank, your body can't tolerate not having enough fuel to run on. It will protect itself by turning to starvation mode and will slow down the burning of calories. That means whatever calories you do take in, it will be stored instead of burned thereby causing weight gain instead of weight loss.

    2. Eat Breakfast.

    Another key to healthy weight loss is to eat breakfast. Having a healthy meal in the morning helps you jump-start your metabolism. The food you eat after you wake up will be used to burn fat all day long.

    3. Eat small, healthy meals frequently.

    Instead of three big meals a day, five to six small healthy meals per day would aid in healthy weight loss. Eating more frequently, and in small servings, can prevent overeating. Eating frequently also increases your metabolism and makes calories burn faster. You'll also find that you're not as ravenously hungry when you space your meals out into five or six small meals a day.

    4. Decide on a healthy weight loss goal and make a commitment to reach it.

    A realistic and healthy weight loss goal can be reached if you make a commitment to reach it. You know it is virtually impossible for you to lose 40 pounds in 2 weeks so why even think about trying to do it. Be realistic about the amount of weight that is possible to lose within a given time period. Make a decision that you want to eat healthy to stay healthy for the rest of your life.

    Not all weight loss plans or programs are right for everyone. You need to decide on a healthy weight loss plan or program that you can live with and stick to it.

    5. Drink lots of water.

    Your body needs water to burn fat, flush out the impurities, and keep your cells hydrated and healthy. About 60% of our body is made up of water so water is an important factor in healthy weight loss. Try to get in 8-12 cups of water a day to keep hydrated, more if you lose a lot of water through exercise (i.e., sweating).

    6. Eat less refined sugar and carbohydrates.

    Instead of consuming sugar-laden doughnuts, cakes, soft drinks, etc., plan to include lots of fruits and vegetables, some whole-grain bread, rice or pasta, and lean meat and protein rich-foods in your meals for healthy weight loss. Sweet treats such as soda, candy and pastries should be once-in-a-while indulgences only.

    7. Monitor your fat intake for healthy weight loss.

    Fat is not the culprit to being overweight. You need some healthy fat to help keep your weight at the proper level. Plan to include healthy fats such as walnuts, almonds, olives, peanuts and canola oil. Tuna, salmon and mackerel have omega-3 fats which are good for the heart.

    8. Move Your Body.

    Incorporate exercise into your daily routine for healthy weight loss. Walk, instead of drive, to your destination if you are only going a few blocks from home. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Go out and do something you enjoy like jogging, cycling or skating. Find ways to actively use your body to perform day-to-day activities or chores at home if you are too lazy to go to the gym or take exercise classes. The more you move, the easier it will be to achieve a healthy weight loss. If you do this regularly, you won't even notice that you are shedding pounds performing mundane activities.

    It doesn't matter how much weight you plan or need to lose. What is important is that you set realistic goals for yourself and commit to achieving healthy weight loss.

    Achieve the body you've always dreamed of. Visit to kick start your way to the ideal body.

    Seven 'Superfoods' to Help You Lose Weight Fast Have More Energy and Feel Healthier

    You don't have to take drastic measures to lose weight. All you need is a little bit of knowledge and the dedication to incorporate these seven 'superfoods' into your diet. The changes to your health and your life will be nothing short of amazing.

    1. Olive Oil: Olive oil has been used for centuries by mankind. It has been shown to help ward off heart attacks and decrease the development of breast tumors.
    2. Berries: In addition to having large doses of potassium and vitamin C, blueberries, blackberries, cranberries etc., are chock full of antioxidants and phytoflavinoids. Just a cup of fresh or frozen berries a day is all you need.
    3. Salmon: Salmon is loaded with Omega-3 fatty acids which helps with memory loss, mood swings and arthritis pain..
    4. Chile Peppers: Peppers are loaded with twice the amount of vitamin C found in citrus fruits, and have a compound called capsaiasin, which has been shown to have heart-healthy anti-inflammatory benefits.
    5. Dark Chocolate: Dark chocolate has one of the highest concentrations of magnesium of any food. It also contains tryptophan, and essential serotonin producing amino acid.
    6. Raw Honey: Helps raise anti-oxidant levels and reduces allergies. An effective food, but help your body fight off diseases
    7. Oatmeal: Oatmeal can help you regulate and lower your weight. It make you feel fuller so you eat less, and it has necessary fiber to keep your body functioning at its top level.

    Adding all of these items to your diet at one time may seem a bit daunting, but it doesn't have to be. Just pick one food and try to incorporate it into your diet for a week or two. Then the next week add another and so on. Before you know it you will be eating healthy, feeling healthy, and have a new outlook on life.

    Tim Neumann is the owner of and is currently training for his first marathon. Having been as heavy as 295lbs, he knows how hard it can be to lose weight and eat right. Visit his site for a realistic, non-nonsense plan on how to lose weight.

    It's Weight Loss Time

    The majority of people who want to lose weight despair when it comes into finding enough hours in a day in order to follow a weight loss and exercise program. If you feel the same you are not alone. Well, let us be realistic for a moment. At the end of a day, after you have worked yourself ragged all day, what is it that you would like the most? Is it, as for most of the people, to sit down have an easy prepacked meal, a pizza or a take away, stretch your legs in front of the TV and do absolutely nothing? Yes! It sounds GOOD. However, the hard reality is; if you follow an unbalanced working and dieting life style long enough you are following a recipe for disaster.

    Excess weight may affect you in numerous other ways besides your appearance: self-esteem, physical abilities, longer life and your social and working experience can all be influenced. Additionally, the dangers of being overweight to your health are serious and real: high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, and cancer are all life-threatening health risks. Therefore, it may be weight loss time for you. You might need to take some action and lose the excess weight.

    Every individual who need some weight loss would have wish having an easy, perfect and permanent way to lose weight without devoting much time or effort. The truth is that to lose weight is not that easy. There is no a magic or fast fix in particularly for healthy long-term, weight loss. Still, just because it takes some hard work and adjustment it does not mean it's impossible.

    However, if you would rather drag your heels about a dozen things instead of doing something on time, this could easily apply to your weight loss efforts also. How many times have you said "I will begin my diet to lose weight first thing next Monday."? Personally I had lost count. I have learned however a few how to lose weight methods to fight my instinct from postponing instead of acting and since you have much weight to lose, I thought to spare you some hard work, time and even money.

    If you would like follow my thoughts, experiences, tips and different dietary strategies to lose weight I believe that you have nothing else to lose except some weight.

    -First and foremost you must except that genetics and physical hindrances from exercising, and so forth, can touch on your weight loss management attempts. You have to live with fact that there are a few things you can't modify.

    -You should not aim too high like losing 15 to 20 kilos in a month. Small goals such as 4 to 5 kilos are a lot easier achievable and a lot easier to remain centered on your goal.

    -A lot of people with weight issues have the habit of eating in reaction to emotions and stress. Be prepared to deal with emotional eating. When your motivation declines consider all the positive changes you could gain if you lose weight.

    -Avoid diets with big limitations like very few calories to lose weight or with total food groups being excluded. These frequently lead to binges and uncontrolled cravings. Moderation is the name of the game.

    -Drink a good deal of water daily. Water could assist with weight loss in many ways: first of all, if you drinking more water you can help relieve problems with water loaded tissue (water weight). Next, substituting sugary, high calorie carbonated drinks with plain water you can cut down on hundreds of calories. The rule of thumb of eight glasses a day.

    -Do not skip meals. One of those dieting errors virtually every one of us makes when we try to lose weight at one time or other is meal skipping. By skipping meals you do your diet more harm than good as you will most likely comeback afterwards to eat even more. In addition, it is rather possible that your body will go into "starvation mode" if you skip meals too frequently.

    -Control your portion size. Attention to your portion sizes is perhaps the best possible action in weight loss. Once you commence measuring servings you will recognize just how small it is compared to your customary serving. Hold it there don't run away. You will in short time understand how large your past servings were and where all those additional calories arrived from that made you to put on all that unwanted weight.

    -Physical activity. Exercises burns off calories, so the more you just get up and move, to a greater extent you will burn calories. Daily exercise to lose weight may also assist when you stop making any progress with your weight loss. Physical exercise will step-up higher metabolic rate and the rate continue raised for some time, even after you have stopped the activity. Physical exercises also assist to cut down the risk of numerous diseases including adult-onset diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, some forms of cancer and depression.

    Weight loss require that you put some effort, make some life changes, its never too easy, it takes some time to lose weight and demands a continuous effort after you complete your weight loss program, but, you can DO IT!

    For more insights and additional information please visit our web site at

    Using Cardio Exercises to Lose the Weight

    In the 70s, people began to go crazy over aerobic exercises which entailed crazy, colorful outfits with fluffy socks. But despite the fact that it sometimes looks ridiculous - especially if there are many of you in colorful outfits exercising at the same time - aerobic exercise is a great way to achieve fat loss.

    Today, aerobic exercises are often called cardio activities. Cardio, or cardiovascular activities are activities that are good for the heart. Cardio exercises are not necessarily limited only to aerobic exercises but aerobic exercises are the most common. Aerobic exercises uses oxygen as fuel which is why those activities burn calories. These exercises induce fast heart rates and utilize oxygen.

    Cardio exercises are typically running, brisk walking, hiking, and rowing. If you do your exercises indoors, like in the gym or in your home, treadmills and recumbent bicycles are used. It really doesn't matter what kind of exercise you engage in - whether it's walking or bicycling - what matter's is that you enjoy it. Losing fats and exercising doesn't have to be torture.

    It has been recently proven that certain methods of weight lifting can also aerobic in nature. Long sessions in weight training which utilizes short rests and supersets can be aerobic because it does not let the heart rate drop and therefore still utilizes oxygen.

    If you really want to utilize cardio exercises so you can lose weight and have optimum fat loss, high intensity interval training is the way to go. It is an exercise routine that - from the title - shifts intensity from high to moderate. The routine typically consists of a warm up, with minute-long intervals. An example would be something like running (outdoors or on treadmill) for 5mph, then moving up to 6mph the next minute, then running for 7mph the next. This goes on until, lets say 8mph, and then you go back down to 5mph and repeat the pattern.

    The advantages of this type of cardio exercise are that because of the high intensity of the activity, you will burn more calories and lose fat in a shorter period. And also, after a high intensity interval training, you can also burn calories from the exercise post oxygen consumption which means that your body still uses oxygen as it recovers.

    But in everything, there is a disadvantage. Because the training is of high intensity, you cannot prolong it. The average number of high intensity interval training is about 3-4 sessions a week. This type of activity also needs more time for your body to recover from the intense exercise.

    If you continue this kind of training, your body will grow stronger and it will take more intensity each session, causing you to work more and burn more. It is usually best to consult a training expert or a personal trainer to compose a routine with an accompanying diet that is right for your body type and lifestyle.

    And remember, just because you exercise does not mean you can eat everything you want in great amounts. Exercising is more than losing weight so you can look good, it is about creating a healthy lifestyle.

    To find out more about weight loss plans take a look here

    Calorie Intake for Weight Loss

    You have to calculate your calorie intake very good for weight loss.

    In a pound of stored fat are approximately 3500 calories. So if you exercise or follow a diet, or by combining both, you will lose one pound of body fat if you are creating a 3500 calories deficit. If you create an approximately 7000 calories deficit you will lose two pounds and the trick goes on, with 10500 calories deficit you will lose three pounds. (On average 75% of this is fat, 25% lean tissue).

    The calorie deficit can be achieved either by calorie-restriction alone, or by dieting or exercising, a combination of fewer calories in (diet) and more calories out (exercise). If you want to sustain your weight loss that is almost impossible without exercising and increasing regular exercise, you must follow a diet and by combining these two will result a program that is best for lasting weight loss.
    An alternative way of calculating a safe minimum calorie-intake level is by reference to your body weight or current body weight. Reducing calories by 15-20% below your daily calorie maintenance needs is a useful start. You may increase this depending on your weight loss goals.
    Everyone is different and has a different lifestyle and because of this everyone will have a different daily calorie intake requirement.

    What happens when calories are too low?

    Reducing your calorie intake drastically with 1000 or more calories is not safe. The useful and healthy guideline for lowering your calorie intake if you want to burn the fat is to reduce your calories by at least 500. The American College of Sports Medicine recommends the levels for a minimum calorie intake per day for a man, that is 1800, and for a woman 1200. The calorie level never drops below these numbers that are quite low. For people with only a small amount of weight to lose, 1000 calories will be too much of a deficit.

    1) Muscle mass is broken down for energy (catabolism).

    2) Metabolic rate will begin to drop (typically) after 3 days of very low calories - this is related to, and compounded by the loss of muscle mass.

    3) With very low calories you risk sluggishness, nutritional deficiencies, fatigue, and often irritability. You are completely set-up for a regain in fat if you suddenly return to your previous eating patterns.

    If you want to lose weight, set a target calorie intake below your total daily expenditure.

    If your progress is slowing down, add or subtract a bigger number of calories to your calorie intake. For most people, a calorie plan of plus or minus 300 to 1000 calories per day will do the job. Every week weigh yourself and recalculate your total daily energy expenditure.
    If you are a female, never eat less than 1200 calories per day. If you are a male, never eat less than 1800-2000 calories per day.

    And remember, you can cut calories, but you can also burn more calories via exercise. And your calorie intake for weight loss will bring visible results and you will be proud of your body.

    I am a nutritionist woman who used to be fat. After testing tens of so-called "wonder diets" I've decided to create a Weight Loss Programs Review Website, containing a top of the 3 best programs with a brief description about their features and benefits.

    Visit the website! It will help you make a wise decision!

    Best Exercises For Losing Weight

    What are the best exercises for losing weight? This short article will give you a couple examples for what I believe to be the best exercises for losing weight from my days as a physical trainer(early 90s). The machines these days have changed a lot, but the exercises are basically the same. The following article will give you the top three exercises that I, and my fellow physical trainer, thought to be the best exercises for losing weight.

    I believe, by far, the most effective way to lose weight by exercise in using an elliptical machine. This exercise will not only increase your metabolism, burn calories, and help you lose weight... it is also excellent for your joints and muscles. The problem with running is that it isn't great on your ankles, knees, and other lower joints. Running is a great way to burn calories and increase your metabolism, but the negative effects of the harsh conditions it puts on your body negate the value of the exercise. This is why I find running/jogging on an elliptical to be one of the best exercises for losing weight. I find that even people that haven't worked out in years can get on an elliptical and go 10-20 minutes in their first round. This can burn over 300 calories easily. A great machine and a great way to burn calories.

    Walking... YES, WALKING. In my years of training, I have found that walking can be an excellent and very beneficial way to lose weight. Second only to the elliptical, walking increases your metabolism, improves your cardiovascular system, and burns unwanted calories. Walking is second on my list of exercises for losing weight and it should be on yours! Walking is easy... its not hard on your joints... and can be done at almost any age. The average human walks about 3 miles per hour... at a normal pace. If you increase this to only 4 mph (which is 1 mile every fifteen minutes), you can burn over 400 calories in an hour. This is one of the EASIEST ways to burn calories and lose weight.

    In my years of being a physical trainer at one of the top fitness centers in the US, I have seen people in the gym wasting hours and hours doing the wrong exercises for them. Why waste time... do it right the first time and meet your goals faster.

    Did you know that if you add a diet to your normal exercise routine, you will increase your weight loss by over 400%? This is a proven fact! Why lose only 15 pounds in 30 days when you can lose 45? Get the perfect diet for you at and increase your weight loss by over 400%!

    Find Best Ways to Lose Extra Weight by Speeding Up Your Metabolism

    Speeding up your metabolism is a great way to loose extra weight. You need to know how fast carbohydrates can be burned and this is referred to as metabolic rate. Below we have some perfect things for you to do to speed up your metabolic rate.

    1. You need to be more active and sometimes that can be hard if you sit behind a desk all day. You want to have some kind of weigh or resistant training this will speed up your metabolism. Just make the extra time to fit it into your lifestyle.

    2. Using the smaller portions method when eating food really keeps your metabolism rate up. It is better to eat the same amount of food but split it up over the day into smaller portion amounts.

    3. Eat more protein because it keeps your body running and you can burn it faster than starchy foods. If you eat enough lean meats and skim dairy products this will help you burn fat and keep the metabolism rate high.

    4. It has been found that green tea is another great way to keep your rate up because green tea contains a lot of antioxidants and can be great for a healthy life.

    5. It is very important to know the number of calories that you should be consuming on a daily basis. You can multiply you body weight by 11 and this will give you the basic amount to consume.

    Remember that the best way to loose that extra weight is to be informed. You can get great diet information that will help you stay on track.

    Learn how to find the: Best Diet Plan

    Find Great Advice About: Losing Weight

    Bryan Burbank is an expert in the field of Weight Loss and Health.