Thursday, May 15, 2008

Weight Loss Hazards of Low-Fat Food

The revolution of zero-fat food, or low-fat food, is here. It's all around us. We see them whichever way we look at the grocery store we shop in. We here it buzzing in our ears like a mosquito through commercials. There's "Low Fat This", and "Low Fat That", and "The Other Thing Light - only x percents of fat!". They wash our brains with it, and we succumb. Who can blame us?

And they usually charge more for these low-fat items. And we pay willingly, don't we? They know how badly we want to lose weight and keep ourselves slim, trim, and firm.

I should say that the low-fat food revolution is really that - a revolution. I'm not kidding here. The variety is endless, and the taste has gotten better over the years - some of that low-fat stuff tastes just as good as the "regular". So what's the problem here?

The problem is they don't tell you everything. They count on you seeing the magic words, "low fat" or something similar, and immediately believing it's good for your fat loss purposes.

However, gaining fat happens not only as a result of direct fat consumption.

Take sugar, for example. Many of these low-fat foods contain plenty of it. Sugar is not fat; it is a simple form of carbohydrate. So why is it something to consider?

Carbohydrates dissolve in your body to provide it with energy. But if you don't use that energy, the body stores it for "cloudy days"; and that's done in the form of - you guessed it - fat. And since sugar is carbohydrate in a simple form, it is digested quickly, and this whole process happens quickly accordingly.

If your low fat food contains more complex carbs - for example, starch - this is less of a problem, because complex carbs are digested more slowly, so you have more time to use the energy they produce. But still, if you don't use it, the "low fat" label will mean very little.

So when you see food that's labeled low-fat on your grocery store shelf, be careful before you put it in your shopping cart. Read the other parts of the label, see what other things in contains. Then you'll know if that "low-fat" boast means anything.

Steve Gaidi has gained over 50 pounds of lean muscle without adding any fat whatsoever, over years of trial and error on various training programs, despite spending relatively little of his time at the gym. For his comparison on leading fat loss and muscle building programs, click here: Steve's comparison of leading fat loss and muscle gain programs.

For Steve's review of Turbulence Training, the fat loss and fitness program for busy people, click here: Steve's Turbulence Training Review.

For Steve's review of Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle by Tom Venuto, click here: Steve's Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle review.

Losing Fat Fast - An Obese Society

There is so much deception and misinformation in a billion dollar weight loss industry that it is almost like it is designed for losing fat fast and then put it right back on so the manufacturers of these programs can keep lining their pockets selling supplements, prepared meals and charging outrageous monthly fees.

We have lost track of the very simple truth about how to manage our weight. We are told we need to cut the carbs, fat, protein and calories depending upon which popular fad diet we are trying this month. The fact is carbs, fat and proteins are the basic nutrients in food that our body needs to fuel itself to get through the day. How does it make sense that cutting something our body needs is the most effective way to losing fat fast?

It actually is the most effective way of feeling weak, hungry and down right miserable every day and this is the reason almost every program we try will eventually fail. Our natural instinct is to stop doing anything that does not make us fee normal. Depriving our body of essential nutrients is not normal.

There is only one true for losing fat fast and keeping it off for good. That is getting back to the basics of feeding our body the proper mix of nutrients at the proper times during the day. Keeping our metabolism burning calories at a very high rate while still feeding it all the carbs, proteins and fat it needs to keep us feeling good throughout the day. We do not need to spend outrageous amounts of money on meals someone prepares for us or ingest harmful "man made" pills that are the latest miracle weight loss drug. We all know that almost everyone of these pils ends up proving harmful and gets taken off the market. besides the fact that in most cases they simply do not work.

Almost every one of these popular programs and drugs come with a disclaimer about "the proper amount of exercise" and they do this because that is actually how you are losing weight but at the same time you feel miserable because you are not providing the fuel necessary to sustain the program they want you to follow.

While exercise is essential to a healthy heart and body it is not the first essential key to losing fat fast. Learning how to balance your nutrients and actually eating enough meals a day to feel good and be able to stay on track is the first key. The average person will get the minimal amount of physical activity required throughout there normal daily activities.

You must start with good eating habits that do not leave you feeling hungry and provides the necessary fuel for the body. We are not an obese society because we eat, we are obese becuase we eat wrong and spend our time trying weight loss plans that are simply not designed to keep the wight off.

If you would like to get more information about the best ways for losing fat fast you can visit my blog at:

Healthy Eating and Weight Loss

As long as there have been people, there has been weight loss. It is just in the past few decades that we have linked healthy eating habits with weight loss.

Today you will see ads promising that a pill will aid you in weight loss, fad diets and eating certain foods. It seems we all want a quick fix for weight loss and we want to continue our bad eating habits instead of trying healthy eating. This obesity problem has now begun affecting children as well as their parents and many health concerns have arisen because of this growing problem.

The key to proper weight loss is healthy eating. In the past, we did not know as much about nutrition and how the body works as we do today, so it is no wonder people in the past died early because of weight loss problems and other health issues. A farmer of the past thought nothing of eating eggs, bacon, toast with butter, everyday for breakfast. He wasnt aware of the health risks involved in eating these foods on a regular basis.

In the past, to promote weight loss, you were cautioned against eating too many calories. Healthy eating was not a priority until recently. Many weight loss plans that work for other people, may not work as well for you. You need to find out the best way for you to begin your weight loss and this should begin with healthy eating.

Eating healthy is not at all difficult and is not as limiting as one may think. Fresh fruits, whole grains, and lean proteins are one way of healthy eating that will aid in weight loss. Cutting out sugary drinks and replacing it with water is another healthy alternative that will hasten your weight loss. Not only is water empty of calories, but it can help flush out toxins and the water weight you have accumulated by not eating healthy in the past.

Healthy eating is not the only factor when you decide to begin a weigh loss program. You will need to add exercise and be committed to the long and hard road ahead. It wont be easy to cut out unhealthy foods that have long been your favorite, but once you do and you begin to feel the benefits of healthy eating, weight loss will seem like an extra bonus.

Your skin and energy levels improve vastly when you begin a healthy eating plan for weight loss. You will be proud of how clear and glowing your skin becomes and how much more energy you have to do things you were too tired to do before.

Healthy eating for weight loss can help you break the bad habits you had before. It may be difficult at first, especially when you cut out the sugar and sweets that have long comforted you, but in the end, it will seem as if healthy eating is the only way of life for you now. You can enjoy variety, different cooking methods (as long as they contain no or low fat) and new foods you may have never tried before. Begin a healthy eating regime and see how quick weight loss becomes part of your new routine.

Mary Lewis, director of
M and L Promotions Ltd.


3 Reasons to Use Bodyweight Exercises for Weight Loss

You don't need fancy cardio machines to help you lose weight. In fact, a good weight loss program can be done with bodyweight exercises only. You don't even need traditional "cardio" to do this...or an expensive gym membership.

Here are 3 reasons you can use bodyweight exercises to lose weight.

1) Bodyweight exercises are a total body interval cardio circuit workout.

You don't need any fancy machines for "cardio" when you have your own bodyweight to move around. For a great circuit, simply pick 3 lower body exercises and 3 upper body exercises that you can do with only your bodyweight.

Then alternate between upper and lower exercises, doing 10 reps per exercise, and don't take any rests between exercises. Rest 30 seconds at the end of the circuit and repeat up to 5 times. That will take you 20 minutes. See below for a great circuit.

2) Bodyweight exercises boost metabolism

Strength and interval training both boost metabolism more than slow cardio, so you burn more calories after exercise. And bodyweight training is the perfect "hybrid" of strength and interval exercise. So you'll benefit from calories burned during AND after exercise.

3) Bodyweight exercises build muscle

In addition to an increase in metabolism, muscle makes you look good. After all, who has better arms, Madonna or the skinny, starving young celebrities of today? Madonna of course, because she has built her arms in the gym and with bodyweight movements in yoga and other forms of exercise. Think of bodyweight training as positive bodysculpting, and avoid that negative, cardio "body breakdown" mentality that too many runners have.

After all, what's the main thing that runners and other cardio addicts neglect? Strength. And that's one of the reasons they end up in the physio and doctor offices so often.

Get started with your bodyweight workouts today.

For example, here's a great circuit:

- Prisoner Squat
- Pushup (or incline pushup for beginners)
- Split Squat
- Elevated Pushup (or kneeling elevated pushup for beginners)
- Step-up
- Mountain Climber

10 reps per exercise (10 reps per side for the split squats, elevated pushups, stepups, and mountain climbers).

Whew! Better than cardio!

You only need 20-30 minutes per session to sculpt your body with exercise that is much better than traditional, slow, boring cardio.

You have permission to publish this article in your web sites, ezines or electronic publication, as long as the piece is used in its entirety including the resource box, all hyperlinks (HTML clickable) and references and copyright info.

Craig Ballantyne is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and writes for Men's Health and Oxygen magazines. His trademarked Turbulence Training for Fat Loss have helped thousands of men and women with weight loss and fat burning in less than 45 minutes three times per week. Turbulence Training for Fat Loss workouts help you burn fat without long, slow cardio sessions or fancy equipment. Craig's bodyweight workouts for fat loss help you lose fat without any equipment at all.

Weight Loss Program

Over weight is an over growing problem that we are facing today. According to latest polls obesity is a common problem among all the nations of this world. Every country is trying to find solutions to this ever growing problem. It has even plagued the world of our children today. One in every 10 kids is obese according to a poll taken recently in Britain. That is an alarming number and it is high time we treat this problem with great attention. We need to get slim and fast. Over weight not only leads to obesity but also to various life threatening disease like diabetes, heart problems etc. we need to take care of our self. Everyone is soon becoming conscious of what a threat overweight poses. Weight loss is definitely the need of the hour today.

Slimming down:

If we need to be healthy, we need to be within our weight bracket and not exceed it. We need to visit our doctors and find out what our ideal weight is and obviously anything more than that needs to be knocked off. Thanks to scientists and common people around the world, we have several diets available to us that can help us lose weight. We can knock off our extra pounds if we follow the diets religiously. Exercise will also help. You do not necessarily have to go to a gym. Just a 30 minute walk a day should help the slimming down process. You can even try playing games with your kids or hiking on weekends, they are fun ways of exercising. You get to have fun and knock off your excess pounds, what more can you ask for? If you find none of this is helping or you are unable to do it, try hypnosis.


You do not require to visit any doctor or therapist to help you slim down. You do not need to visit a hypnotist either. You can just go on line and find MP3s that can help you lose weight. There are plenty on line. All of them are designed to help you lose weight. Hypnotherapy is definitely the new mantra for all those who are looking at slimming down or losing weight. Hypnotherapy not only helps you shed the extra pounds but also gives offers you a new way of life that ensures you remain fit and trim always. In order to lose weight you need to have a strong will power. You need to want it bad. "Slim is in" and hence to fit into the crowd you need to be slim and fit. Hypnotherapy helps you do just that. After your hypnosis sessions you will be able to fit into that dress you've been waiting to wear fro goodness knows how many months or years. Our minds are reservoirs of strength and we can do anything if our mind is confident and willing. Hypnosis targets our mind, it works in it to want and will to be slim. This is turn causes our body to act in a manner that will help us lose weight and become slim.

For more information on Weight Loss and Slimming check the links.

How a Cardio Fanatic Got Her 6-Pack Abs

CB: CJ, let's start with a little background info on yourself and what you were looking to achieve when you found strength training and interval training.

CJ: Let's see, I'm a female in my mid 30's and a typical office professional who spends looong hours sitting in front of a computer.

Fitness and nutrition-wise, I grew up understanding the importance of being active and staying healthy. So while I've stayed active most of my life, I recently discovered I still had a lot to learn both about fitness and nutrition.

When I found the strength & interval training I was looking for body comp improvements. I had been introduced to weight training about a year earlier and had made great progress, but had gotten past that 'newbie' effect and really needed something different to jump start my progress again.

CB: How were you doing before?

CJ: During grad school and working full-time I put aside the active part of my lifestyle for the days and evenings tied to a chair, and the delights of eating at restaurants for 1-2 meals a day. I gained about 20lbs and was at my heaviest ever at 160lbs. Once I completed night school, I put exercise and nutrition back on my priority list and lost those 20lbs, mainly from running 5days/wk.

My second stage started when I discovered weight training. I was about 142lbs and probably 28% BF. After about 6months I lost another 8-10lbs and 7% body fat.

So, when I started strength and interval training, I had already made good progress, I was probably 133lbs and 21-22% BF.

CB: What were your workouts before strength and intervals? Why did they not work as well? How have you improved upon those workouts?

CJ: Before this I was a steady state cardio fanatic, so I ran 3-5 miles 3x week and strength trained using a 4 day upper/lower body split. This plan did work for about 6-9 months, but then I just stalled. Not sure what the culprit was, just that I knew I needed something different.

When I first started strength and interval workouts I was skeptical that such a short workout only 3x/wk would be enough. I soon discovered that strength and intervals kept the intensity levels up at EACH workout, so the three days and two supersets were actually more efficient than my 4day split and 3 days of running. I also got on an HIIT (interval) program and reduced my slower steady state runs to about once a week.

CB: How have the strength and intervals workouts helped you? What benefits & results have you achieved? What are your gains and improvements and how do they compare to your before stats?

CJ: I'm stronger, leaner, and faster than before.

On the strength side, my proudest achievements are chin-ups and pull-ups, something I've always wanted to be able to do. I've also improved my 5k times by 2mins. I finally have the muscle definition/athletic shape I've always wanted.

When comparing to my before stats, I've had to throw the scales out the door and use the mirror/compliments as my guide since I have gained a few lbs and BIA hasn't seemed to move, but my clothes have gotten looser and smaller and I'm also making strength and speed gains.

CB: How do you feel in terms of strength and energy?

CJ: I think my strength gains surprise me most, since I typically have high energy/endurance. I particularly enjoy how my strength gains have transferred to running and bike riding.

What I can lift in the gym just sort of evolves, but when I can climb hills on my bike that I used to walk up, and finish 5ks in times that were once out of my reach, it feels pretty good. J

CB: What features do you like about strength and intervals?

CJ: It's fun, efficient, and intense. And it works!! When I'm in the gym, I know that I'm making the best use of my time.

CB: Did you change your eating with the guidelines?

CJ: Not much. I was on a pretty solid eating plan when I started strength and intervals, but am consistently learning about making the right food choices and looking to tweak things here and there. Incorporating a post-workout recovery drink and getting as much variety as possible have been the biggest change in my eating habits since I started.

CB: What would you say to people that ask you about your workouts? Do you get a lot of comments from others?

CJ: When people ask me about my workouts, I try to hold back some enthusiasm so I don't come across as a crazy fanatic and overwhelm them.

I've had quite a few comments from other people in the gym, either noticing how hard and smart I'm working, or complimenting my progress. One lady even pointed me out and said "I want thighs like that!"

It's always fun to see friends and family or even co-workers that I haven't seen in a while because they remind me of the progress I've made.

The best compliment I get now is a form of imitation. People want to know exactly what I do and ask me for tips. They see it works, and want to know how I've done it, and try to apply it for themselves.

Craig Ballantyne is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and writes for Men's Health, Men's Fitness, Maximum Fitness, Muscle and Fitness Hers, and Oxygen magazines. His trademarked Turbulence Training fat loss workouts have been featured multiple times in Mens Fitness and Maximum Fitness magazines and all over the Internet, and have helped thousands of men and women around the world lose fat, gain muscle, and get lean in less than 45 minutes three times per week. For more information on the Turbulence Training workouts that will help you burn fat without long, slow cardio sessions or fancy equipment, visit

Fat And Weight Loss Through Getting Rid Of Parasites

Fat And Weight Loss. Why Has It Not Worked?

To lose fat and weight, many of us would have tried our utmost and yet we would not have achieved the desired results. It certainly may not be for want of trying. Often, we try too hard. At times we get the results but it does not last long. We cannot seem to keep off the fat in the long term. If the usual recommendations including exercise, pills, special diet, lotions and so on have not worked for us, perhaps we need to take a totally different approach. It may be appropriate for us to find out what caused the fat in the first place. Could it be due to something in our system that is making it difficult for us to shed off the unwanted fat? Could it be due to some harmful plaque or bacteria in our stomach, intestines and colon that act as parasites that is causing the problem? The Japanese have specially formulated drinks that contain healthy bacteria which have been reported to help our digestive system. Going by the popularity of such drinks, there must be some value in it. The only Japanese to keep away from it would be Sumo wrestlers as they thrive on being fat!

What Harm Can Parasites Do?

How do these parasites get into our bodies? The answer probably lies in the food and water that we consume. It could be due to poorly cooked food and food cooked under unhygienic conditions. Raw or poorly cooked fish especially pickled salmon, trout, white fish etc., contain larvae which after 5-6 weeks mature into adult worms. The worms can lay thousands of eggs and produce chemicals as well as toxins that can even affect our brains particularly the hypothalamus. This is the gland that controls our hunger and thirst. It has been stated that parasites prevent the body from absorbing nutrients from the food we consume. What is even more serious is that these parasites can cause damage even after they die. When they die, they become mineralized like a fossil causing painful swelling and blockages within our body. This has harmful effects particularly on our digestive system and colon. Clogged bowels make it difficult for us to excrete our wastes. As a result, there is plaque build-up which provides fertile conditions for the growth of parasites.

How Do We Get Rid Of The Parasites?

For those of us who have tried everything else but have not succeeded thus far, perhaps we should consider whether parasites are the root cause of our fat and weight problem. Apart from herbal capsules, there are also drugs, health drinks and other remedies which could help to get rid of the parasites. Apple cider vinegar which has been hailed as a natural remedy for a number of ailments may also prove helpful. Before you decide on what is best for you, it would be beneficial if you could get the full details on the parasites that are behind the problem of excess fat and weight that many of us are battling with daily.

In this regard, you may find this site useful.

Getting rid of parasites in the system could be the answer for those who have tried everything else to lose excess fat and weight but failed. How can you get rid of parasites and finally be able to shed the unwanted fat and weight? Learn more here!

Want To Lose Fat? Eat More of This

If you've been working out with weights for any length of time, you know the importance of supplying your body with frequent feedings of quality protein so that your body will be able to have the necessary building blocks to build muscle in the shortest amount of time possible.

How much protein should you be consuming each day? Well, that debate has been raging for many years. Eventually, the mainstream will accept what those in the bodybuilding community have known for a long, long time.

In order to increase muscle mass, you should be consuming at least one gram of protein per pound of bodyweight per day. This is a good starting point. However, this is the same thing you need for fat loss. You need to eat more protein to burn fat.

After awhile you may gradually increase your protein intake, monitoring your progress as you go, to determine if a higher protein intake allows you to make better progress.

Personally, I make better progress when my protein intake is somewhere between one and 1.5 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight, spread out over 6 meals per day.

The above paragraph may not be new to any of you. What you might not realize, however, is that protein is also extremely important when dieting to burn off excess body fat. You definitely want to eat more protein to burn fat. Eating more protein burns calories and helps you lean out.

Yes, its important to keep your protein intake high when dieting to make sure that you dont burn off any muscle tissue in your quest to get ripped or lean.

But thats not what Im talking about. Im talking about taking in protein to burn fat in order to boost your metabolism and burn more fat, in addition to helping preserve and build your lean muscle tissue.

Eating more protein to burn fat was confirmed in a study published in the American Journal of Physiology. One group was fed a high protein diet (just over one gram per pound of bodyweight per day) while the second group consumed a protein diet near equal to that of the RDA.

The group eating the high protein diet burned more fat than the group consuming protein near equal to the RDA. One reason for the ability of protein to burn fat could be an increased "thermic" effect. The thermic effect of the RDA group was elevated 16% after eating.

However, in the high protein group the thermic effect increased 42% after eating, almost 3 times that of the RDA group.

This thermic effect of digesting your food peaks approximately one hour after eating. Spreading your daily caloric intake over 6 meals a day, eating every 2 to 3 hours, helps to take advantage of the increased metabolic rate that accompanies eating.

In other words, the more oftern you eat, the higher your metabolic rate, i.e. the number of calories your body burns each day.

In addition, by adding more protein to each meal, you also increase your metabolism. Your body requires more energy (i.e. calories) to process protein than it does carbohydrates. Let's review some simple changes you can make right now in your nutrition program to rapidly increase your body's ability to not only build muscle but burn fat also.

1) Eat 5 to 6 smaller meals per day, as opposed to 2 or 3 larger ones. This will ensure that you supple your body with the nutrients necessary to build muscle, as well as increase your resting metabolic rate.

It will also prevent your body from kicking into "starvation" mode, which can happen when you go too long between meals. If this happens, your body will start burning muscle for energy and increase your body fat stores, as well as slowing down your metabolism. All of these are things you want to avoid.

2) Eat a high protein diet consisting of at least one gram of protein per pound of bodyweight. This helps ensure that your body has the protein available to increase maintain a positive nitrogen balance, which can lead to an increase in your muscles mass.

It will also increase your metabolic rate, allowing you to burn more body fat than a low protein diet, without as large a decrease in your daily caloric intake, which will also help avoid the "starvation" mode discussed in the previous paragraph.

Try these simple changes in your nutrition program to help you rapidly increase your muscle mass, burn off unwanted body fat and achieve the ripped muscular body that you've always wanted.

Gregg Gillies is the founder of and has contributed articles to Ironman magazine as well as being a regular contributor to Body Talk magazine. He publishes a free newsletter availabe at Build Muscle and Burn Fat. He is the author of two books, also available at his site.

Are Wedding Diets Just For The Bride?

While the first words which spring to mind whenever the word diet is mentioned are weight loss and reduced food intake, but is that really all that it has to offer or is there a little bit more?

There is no doubt that a diet can and will help you to trim your figure ahead of the big day, but it can also help you in the run up to what can be a very stressful time. By eating the right foods at the right time it can give you the strength of mind and the strength of body to enjoy your day to the full and ensure that everything goes to plan. Many people are concerned that diets mean cutting out ALL of the food which they like, but this is not true. Simply by adding, or exchanging, parts of your diet for more health food and adding more exercise into your daily routine you can see a big difference very quickly.

While the popularity of wedding diets continues to grow, many people seem to forget that the grooms also want to look good on their big day. Whether they have suit in mind which they want to wear, or simply want to get themselves into better shape, wedding diets can mean as much to a groom as they can to a bride. In fact there are many brides and grooms who will actually start a dieting and exercise plan together prior to their big day, each motivating and helping the other to each their goal.

Dieting does not always mean shedding masses of weight, it can simply mean improving your diet, shedding a few unwanted pounds and basically getting yourself back into shape. So whether you are the bride or the groom, has there ever been a better reason to start that diet you have been putting off for some time?

Whether your are looking for the latest Tescos Diet, WeightWatchers Diet or another of the well know online diet programs, check us out.

Does Body Wrap Work Exactly As Shown In Advertisement?

Does body wrap work? Yes..... and no. No pun intended. It depends.

If you are trying to lose some inches, yes. Some body wraps do work. You may be convinced by advertisements on television or newspaper that portray models before and after they used body wraps. Somehow, they managed to lose some inches on their waist, arms or legs after using body wrap.

But if you are trying to lose fats, then you may be disappointed. The truth is regardless of what types of body wrap you are using, whether it is made of rubber or plastic, whether you are using herbs or clay, it can only reduce your inches. The only way to lose fat is by burning more calories than you consume, preferably through a combination of proper nutrition and sufficient exercise.

The main problem with the weight loss industry is that most consumers are not aware of the difference between "fat loss" and "inch loss". While "fat loss" will usually lead to "inch loss", "inch loss" may not be equivalent to "fat loss". The "inch loss" may be due to the loss of water. Any weight loss that results from "inch loss" is usually temporary.

The Federal Trade Commission requires companies to be responsible for their advertisements. In other words, companies are not allowed to put up false claims. Consider the advertisement, "Lose 10 inches within 2 hours easily". This advertisement is perfectly legal because if you manage to lose 10 inches after using the body wrap for 2 hours, the company is safe. However, it can be quite misleading for the consumers who do not know the difference between weight loss and fat loss.

So, does body wrap work?

Yes, if you are trying to lose some inches temporarily.

No, if you want to burn fats and lose inches permanently.

Big Fat Lies! Details without the 4 fundamentals are not going to help you in weight loss in the long run. For a limited time only, visit now to get a free report. These 4 fundamentals will help to ensure your long term weight loss success.

Weight Loss Exercise Programs - The Single Best One You Can Do Bar None

When it comes to losing weight, there is no quicker way than combining diet with exercise but then I'm sure you already know that. What you might not know is that there is only one single best way to lose weight bar none. Discover this great technique in this article.

I'll get straight to the point - the single fastest weight loss exercise is HIIT, also known as High Impact Interval Training. Let's dissect this - the "high impact" means that this is at rapid pace, not a walk in the park. The "interval training" means that this is not a constant rate, you keep varying it.

So What Does HIIT Look Like Then?

First of all you should start in the morning on an empty stomach, this way you'll be burning fat only and not food. Then jog quickly (not slowly) for 20 seconds. Then run as fast as you can i.e. sprint, for 20 seconds. And when I say as fast as you can, I mean as if you were running for your life and no matter what, you cannot run any faster. The go back to jogging and repeat between this and sprinting. This sounds really tough doesn't it? Read on and you'll realise that it isn't.

Well there are two great bonuses to HIIT. First of all, you only need to do it for a total of 15 minute per day. Yes, only 15 minutes! Although you push yourself hard, there is no need to work out for any longer than you need to. Sure beats a one hour workout doesn't it? The next great thing is that not only do you burn fat whilst doing the exercise but you also continue to burn fat during the day and at a much greater rate than for any other type of exercise.

So how does HIIT work? Well obviously, the "high impact" aspect means you burn more but the "interval training" aspect means that your body and its metabolism never quite gets used to the exercise and is always trying to react but never can. The result is that you burn a ton of weight.

Want to learn even more great weight loss tips? Then click here to get weekly weight loss tips that really work, from

Weight Loss Surprise! 3 Reasons Why Weight Training Is More Important than Cardio for Weight Loss

Weight training works for weight loss. That's right, it's not just cardio that causes fat loss, but also the metabolism boosting effects of weight training can help you shed pounds. If you want to get lean and build your best body ever, you need to use weight training for weight loss and muscle building and metabolism boosting.

In my weight training programs for weight loss, I use Supersets for Fat Loss, but a lot of readers ask why. A lot of people guess that it is because I want to keep the heart rate high during the workout, because they think that burns more fat.

But that's not the point. The answer really isn't that complex (and besides, heart rate has nothing to do with fat loss success).

The real reasons I use Supersets for Fat Loss?

Simply to get more work done in less time. By supersetting "non-competing" exercises, you can do almost twice as much exercise in half the time. This allows you to get in and out of the gym faster, while also allowing you to train more muscle (and therefore put more "Turbulence" stress on your body).

More turbulence results in more calories burned during and after exercise, and therefore, more fat loss, especially from those stubborn hard-to-lose love handles and thighs.

So here's a sample weight training superset workout for weight loss. And you can do this workout at home with only a bench, dumbbells, and an exercise ball.

Do 2 warmup sets for superset #1, by using 50% of the weight you normally use for each exercise.

Superset #1

DB Squat (10 reps)

supersetted with...

DB Chest Press (8 reps)

Superset #2

DB Row (8 reps per arm)

Exercise Ball Hamstring Curl (12 reps)

Finish with interval training. This workout can be done in less than 45 minutes.

Now that's how you use weight training for weight loss. This workout will boost your metabolism for hours after training. That will burn more calories and fat. Plus, you'll sculpt your body with the weight training exercises, so you look lean, not bone-rack skinny.

Weight training for weight loss works!

You have permission to publish this article in your web sites, ezines or electronic publication, as long as the piece is used in its entirety including the resource box, all hyperlinks (HTML clickable) and references and copyright info.

Craig Ballantyne is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and writes for Men's Health and Oxygen magazines. His trademarked Turbulence Training for Fat Loss have helped thousands of men and women with weight loss and fat burning in less than 45 minutes three times per week. Turbulence Training for Fat Loss workouts help you burn fat without long, slow cardio sessions or fancy equipment. Craig's bodyweight workouts for fat loss help you lose fat without any equipment at all.

How To Lose Weight and Keep It Off

If you have ever followed a diet regiment to lose weight you know the hardest part is to keep the weight off. You can lose weight fast by following a diet and doing exercise but you must understand that to keep it off you will need to make a few small changes in your lifestyle. Here are a few tips to help you:

At the start of of a diet the change in your diet may come as a drastic one. You will most likely not be looking forward to another meal of 'healthy' food. The biggest pitfall is to revert back to your old ways once you've achieved your weight loss goals. Instead of doing so, try spicing up your old diet meals. Garnish your meat with a low fat sauce, add a side dish of steamed vegetables, and from time to time treat yourself to a dessert. The key is to not overdo it. With time you will come to enjoy these types of meals and will lose the craving for greasy, fried and other high calorie foods. You should never keep any sweets or salty foods in the house. Eliminate all chips, ice cream, chocolate. You are still in a detoxification mode so there's no need for any more temptation.

Nobody likes to exercise and it is very easy to blow it off in favor of an extra 20 minutes sleep in the morning before work. Exercise doesn't have to mean going for a 6AM run, or doing a series of 50 crunches and lunges. Walking up the stairs instead of taking the escalator, taking a 20 minute walk after a meal, or doing aerobics for 20 minutes once or twice a week will help you to keep the weight off and doesn't have to interfered with your normal lifestyle.

To lose weight and keep it off requires a certain amount of effort and sacrifices and while there's nothing wrong with indulging from time to time, it helps to keep us sane, you need to control what you eat.

If you would like to lose weight and keep the weight off click here to learn about the amazing calorie shifting diet.

The 5 Foundations of Healthy Weight Loss

Energy and Weight Loss

Your body uses food as energy. If your body does not use up all that energy it stores the excess as fat.

If you are looking to lose weight in a healthy manner you need to remember that the key to weight loss is to use up more energy (calories) than you are eating or drinking. This can be done in 2 ways.

Reducing the amount of calories you eat

Increase your levels of exercise and activity

Take it slowly

Introducing changes rapidly into you diet will leave you feeling deprived and miserable. This feeling inevitably makes you quit your diet, eat the foods that you have been deprived of, and ending back on the yo-yo diet cycle.

Therefore make small changes to your diet.

Only have 1 biscuit instead of 2.

Change full fat milk to semi skimmed

Use olive oil instead of butter in your cooking

Only eat when you're hungry, stop when you're full

Increase your activity

Do something that you enjoy and introduce it slowly into your routine.

If you are not used to going to the gym, don't sign up for a year's membership and be disappointed when you have only attending a handful of times.

Go shopping. Walking round the shops is a great way to exercise. Your mind is preoccupied so you don't even notice you are exercising.

Join a team event with a friend,

Go walking with the family at the weekend

Get together with a few friends and hire a personal trainer to train all of you at the same time. This is much cheaper, more enjoyable and more effective (in terms of motivation) than doing it yourself.

Train for an event. Set yourself goals, for example a 5km charity walk e.g. The Walk For Life or a 3km Fun Run with the kids

Reduce your Calorie Intake

It is much more difficult to lose weight if you are eating cakes, crisps or chocolate on a regular basis. Don't deprive yourself of these treats but each week remove 1 element which contributes to your weight gains for example

Drink fizzy water instead sugary fizzy drinks

Swap full-fat to semi skimmed, or semi skimmed to skimmed

Snack on nuts, seeds and fruits. If you are still hungry eat a chocolate bar if you fancy it

Cut down on alcohol by 1 unit a day.

Be Patient and the weight lose will come.

It will take a couple of weeks before you might notice a significant difference, but do not be put off. Keep your motivation up and persevere. It will be worth it in the end.

Mike Toal has written many articles on weight loss and dieting. His website has many more articles, product reviews and tips for successfull weight loss. Visit

Weight Loss through Acupuncture, All the Facts

Recently you might have noticed that there is a seemingly endless amount of products announced on TV and magazines that claim to be the best method when aiming to lose a few pounds. There are advertisements regarding diets, creams, exercising machines, even hypnosis and suggestion; however there is one method to do this that has not been advertised that much, and that many people claim to be the most outstanding and effective weight loss procedure, acupuncture. But, how much is true about whats being said about this method? Is it true that weight loss through acupuncture is really the best method available today?

Acupuncture is by no means a recent discovery; it is actually a technique that has been around for centuries. In the past, acupuncture was used in several different healing procedures, and it is one of the only methods that has endured the passage of time, and one that continues to prove its efficiency throughout the world. The acupuncture method consist in placing needles strategically in different parts of the human body in order to stimulate certain nerves that will balance the body energy, and therefore alleviate different illnesses, both physical and mental. When talking about weight loss, acupuncture helps the patient by allowing him or her to burn calories faster; weight loss through acupuncture is great, because it provides the necessary energy to perform different exercise routines and it also accelerates the metabolism of the patient, which allows him or her to dispose the excessive amount of body fat in a very short period of time.

One of the most attractive issues regarding weight loss through acupuncture is that this method works even if you are not really exercising your body. Given the fact that acupuncture accelerates your blood circulation, you will be burning fat even by sitting idly on your couch just watching your favorite TV show. However, weight loss through acupuncture requires discipline as well as any other method, you will have to endure the placing of needles throughout your body for at least 2 times a week.

If you combine your weight loss through acupuncture process with a healthy diet and frequent exercise routines, it may take no longer than 6 months to reach your desired weight goal, which is, by far, one of the lowest amount of times available today. If you are planning to turn to acupuncture alone when trying to lose some weight, then you will have to be very patient, because weight loss through acupuncture alone may not be as fast as you wish.

This article can be freely published on a website as long as it's not modified in any way including the author bylines, plus all the hyperlinks must be made active just like below.

Jean Lam is a writer, author, publisher and owns several sites. Visit his weight loss obesity website for lots of articles about losing weight. Also check out the weight loss eBook that will give you tips for your weight loss problems.

1440 Minutes - Can You Spare 30 for Your Health?

The problem lies in what these pastimes consist of...

Like most people you are probably exhausted when you get home from work and are looking forward to just crashing on the couch and maybe grabbing a quick snack before dinner. On occasion there's no problem with that, but in general this type of a routine can quickly lead to packing on the pounds and to poor health. After time it also has a cumulative effect where you find yourself in a "rut" and unable or unwilling to break the cycle.

But what if you were to dedicate just a few of those minutes each day to your health?

How about taking just 30 of those 1440 minutes and exercising? After your commitments you would still have an additional 5 or more hours to yourself.

I know... you're tired, you're hungry and you need an energy boost by the time you get out of work and the last thing on your mind is "hitting the gym."

Here's the ironic part about working out. When you first begin to exercise you may be tired and run-down, but by the end of your session you will feel and look reenergized. You will also be less apt to snack on unhealthy foods after your workout since you won't want to jeopardize all the hard work you just put forth. Your mental clarity and mood will have also improved and you will find that you are consciously and subconsciously making more positive and healthy choices in your life.

What you can expect out of a short, intense and efficient 30 -45 minute workout:

  • Increased energy levels
  • Increased muscle tone and definition
  • Improved cardiovascular function
  • Decreased risk factors for many health related diseases
  • Increased productivity throughout the day
  • Improved mood
  • Spiked metabolism to keep you burning fat all day long
  • Better postural alignment
  • Less neck, shoulder, and lower back pain
  • ... and the list goes on and on

So I guess the question is why aren't you spending 30 of those 1440 minutes a day exercising and choosing to improve your health?

You don't need a lot of time and the only motivation you need to muster up is actually getting yourself to your workout destination. Once you're there I guarantee you'll get yourself in motion, and when you do you will begin to feel the transformation take place within your body.

Here's the plan:

Choose a time at least 3 days a week that you are going to dedicate at least 30 minutes of your day to exercising. It can be before, after or on your lunch break, but make it a routine and stick with it.

Start out moderately and don't burn yourself out within the first few weeks like most people anxious to get back into the gym and get healthy do.

Set reasonable goals that you can achieve in those first two weeks. It may just be that you want to make it to the gym 6 times in 2 weeks. That's not unrealistic at all, and then from there you can begin to set more challenging short and long term goals which you plan to achieve with your new workout routine.

Remember, time is not an excuse. Yes, we all use it, but that still doesn't make it right. Find the time, prioritize your schedule and tell yourself you are worth 30 minutes a day.

You owe it to yourself to choose your health because without it everything else suddenly becomes meaningless...

Committed to your success

Stephen Cabral

Author of Fatlossity - the Complete, In-Home, Step-by-Step, Weight Loss System

Stephen Cabral is a national health & fitness correspondent with over 10 years of credentials and media appearances. He holds national and international certifications in strength & conditioning, personal training, yoga and nutrition. For more information on his Free Trim, Tone & Tighten Newsletter seen by over 100,000 readers each week go to

Cardio Workouts Are Not the Best Way to Lose Body Fat

Below is an interview about cardio workouts done by Craig Ballantyne. This presents a great example of how cardio workouts are typically misused by exercise enthusiasts in their attempts to lose body fat. You'll never get those six pack abs if all you keep doing are the same boring cardio routines over and over. Expand your thinking, and shrink your waistline!

Everybody assumes that you must do endless hours of cardio workouts to get ripped six pack abs. But this is simply not true. In fact, if you quit wasting so much time with boring slow cardio routines and change your workouts much more strategically, you will get those six pack abs much faster than you thought was possible!

Let's look into how one female cardio workout fanatic finally lost her excess belly fat and revealed her six pack abs with the help of the innovative Turbulence-Training workouts!

Craig: C-J, let's start with a bit of background on yourself and what your goals were when you discovered interval-training and strength training.


Ok, I'm a female in my middle 30's and your typical office professional who spends many long hours in front of the computer.

With regards to fitness and nutrition, I grew up realizing the importance of being active and staying healthy. So while I've stayed active for most of my life, I recently realized that I still had a lot to learn about both training and nutrition.

When I first discovered the Turbulence-Training Workouts, I was looking for an improvement in body composition. I had been introduced to weight training a year or so earlier and had made some really good progress, but had gone past that "new stimulus" effect, and really needed something different to kick my results up again and break the plateau.

Craig: How were you doing before?


Well, during grad school and working full-time I let my fitness slip for the days and evenings tied to a computer, and the joys of eating at restaurants once or twice a day. I had gained about twenty pounds and was at my heaviest weight ever at about 160 pounds. Once I finished night school, I added exercise and nutrition back to my priority list and lost those twenty pounds, mostly from running five days a week.

The 2nd stage started when I discovered weight training. I was at about 142 pounds at the time and about 28% body fat. After about six months I lost another 8-10 pounds and 7% body fat.

So when I started the Turbulence-Training program, I had already made decent progress as I was down to about 133 pounds and 21-22% bodyfat.

Craig: What were your workouts like before Turbulence Training? Why did they not work as well? How have you since improved upon those workouts?


Before Turbulence Training, I was a "same-pace" cardio fanatic, and I ran 3-5 miles three times a week and strength trained using a four day body part split routine. This plan worked ok for about six months or so, but then I just stalled out and the plateau set in. I'm not exactly sure what the culprit was, but I just knew that I needed a different type of workout program to try.

So when I first started strength training and interval workouts I was skeptical that such a short workout only three times per week would be good enough. I soon realized that strength training and intervals kept the intensity levels higher during EVERY workout, so the 3 days and 2 super sets were actually much more efficient than my four day body part split and three days of running. I also got on an interval training program and reduced my slower "same pace" cardio runs to about one day a week.

Craig: How have the interval workouts and strength training helped you improve your shape? What benefits and results have you achieved? What are your improvements compared to your before stats?


I am definitely stronger, leaner, and faster than before.

Strength wise, I can finally do chin-ups and pull-ups, something I've always wanted to be able to achieve. I have also improved my 5k time by two minutes. I also finally have the muscle tone and athletic body shape that I have always wanted.

When compared to my before stats, I have had to throw the scales out the window and use the mirror and compliments I've received as my guide since I have gained a few pounds of lean (but sexy) muscle so the scale weight hasn't changed much even though my body composition has improved. Also, my clothes have gotten looser and smaller and I'm also making fairly significant strength and speed gains. I can also actually see a visible six pack of abs now, which has always eluded me!

Craig: How do you feel in terms of energy and strength?


My strength gains are most exciting to me, since I typically have high energy/endurance. I particularly like how my strength gains have transferred to improved running and biking.

The amount I can lift in the gym just sort of evolves, but when I can climb hills on my bike that I used to be forced to walk, and finish 5k runs in times that were once way out of my reach, it feels pretty damn good!

Craig: What features do you like about TT-style strength and intervals?


It is fun, time efficient, and intense. Plus it works like crazy! When I am in the gym, I know that I am making the most efficient use of my time.

Craig: Did you change your eating plan with the guidelines?


Not a whole lot, but some. I was on a pretty good eating plan when I started TT strength and intervals, but I am constantly learning about making better food choices and looking to change things slightly here and there. Incorporating a post-workout recovery shake and getting as much variety as possible have been the biggest changes in my nutrition habits since I started the program.

Craig: What would you say to others that ask you about your workouts? Do you get a lot of comments from people?


When people ask me about my workouts, I try to hold back some excitement so I don't come off as a wild fanatic and overwhelm them.

I have had quite a few comments from others in my gym, either noticing how hard and smart that I am working out, or complimenting me on my progress. One woman even pointed me out and said "I want thighs like that!" to her friend. How cool is that!

It is always enjoyable to see friends or family or even co-workers that I haven't seen in a while because they always remind me of the great progress I have made. It's also exciting that I can show off my flat stomach now too with the sexy little six pack!

The best compliment I get now is in the form of imitation. Others want to know exactly what I do and ask me for tips to help them. They see that it works, want to know how I have done it, so they can try to apply it to themselves.

Craig: Thanks C-J! Keep up the great work with your time-saving Turbulence Training fat-loss workouts.

See below for a special free report on more effective cardio workout alternatives that will have you losing body fat much faster from now on.

To discover why your cardio workouts are all wrong, and how to get much better fat loss results, grab a free cardio report at Beyond Cardio Workouts.

If you're looking to discover over 27 more unique metabolism raising and body fat loss secrets, go to Abdominal Exercises, Lose Belly, Ab Workouts

For the women out there, be sure to visit Exercises for a Sexy Butt.

Weight Loss Tips - Never Skip Breakfast To Lose Weight!

A weight loss regimen does not have to be the ordeal that it is made out to be. The process of reducing unwanted body fat can turn out to be a positively encouraging endeavor that helps you continue on the path to greater vitality and health.

Many people in the hope of achieving fast weight loss, resort to extreme measures, such as skipping breakfast. It is totally a wrong notion that not eating breakfast can make you thinner sooner.

The first meal of the day is very important as it sets the tone for the rest of the day. The next meal, in terms of importance, is lunch. Studies have shown that people, who on a daily basis, consume at least half of their total daily calories in the first two meals, stay slimmer and trimmer.

Skipping breakfast triggers off the "starvation response," and slows down the metabolism. This also may be a contributing factor to calories being stored as fat, which is what you are trying to avoid in the first place.

Eating early is the key to good health. This keeps the energy levels up throughout the rest of the day, but try not to eat three hours before bedtime, as these calories are mostly stored as fat. Another disadvantage of eating very late in the day is the difficulty in waking up in the morning.

Achieving weight loss, even quick weight loss, is possible while eating all the meals. You only need to do it the right way.

To learn more about the powerful workouts you can do to build muscle and burn

fat at the same time, visit

Frank is a former body guard, professional martial artist and trainer. He will show you the proper way to do turbulence training

The Cardiologist Way to Lose Weight

Studies have shown that there are many Americans who are overweight or obese. This can be blamed on processed foods, sodas and those who cooked it but the one really responsible is the person who bought it.

Nobody went up to the individual and forced the customer to buy a Big Mac. It was a matter of choice and this will just add more calories into the persons system.

It doesnt take a doctor to tell the individual that one is overweight. This can be seen in the mirror or on the weighing scale. At one point or another, the person will realize that this has got to stop before something bad happens.

Luckily, there are many diets to choose from that can eventually make those excess pounds go away.

One good example is the South Beach Diet that was invented by a cardiologist by the name of Dr. Agastson. This works in three phases and involves a lot of discipline on the part of the person in order to lose weight.

The first two stages are done over a 2-week period respectively. This will involve refraining from eating things such as bread bread, potatoes, baked foods, fruit and any type of alcohol including beer.

In the third week which is the beginning of phase 2, some of the food that were not allowed to eaten can be returned to the normal eating habit. These will include fruits and vegetables.

The last phase is all about maintenance. This means the individual will have to maintain the progress that has been accomplished in the first month after trying this diet until this becomes normal for the subject to do.

The person should drink a lot of water and stay away from alcohol. Instead of drinking coffee, the individual can have tea, some low fat yogurt or milk and fresh juices.

Most of dietary programs suggest exercising to help in losing weight. The South Beach Diet doesnt need that since eating less will force the body to speed up the metabolism. In any case, there is nothing helping the body by sweating it out in any physical activity.

Does this require exercising to help in losing weight? People who have been interviewed have claimed that this is not needed to get rid of those extra pounds. This is because the body will be forced to burn more calories because of the limited intake.

The South Beach Diet is one of the most popular diet programs in the market. This is available in the bookstore so the person can read and learn how losing weight can become a reality.

Low Jeremy maintains This content is provided by Low Jeremy. It may be used only in its entirety with all links included.

Can Hoodia Gordonii Works Wonders?

Are you suffering with weight problems? What have you done to solve this kind of problem? There are no magic pills that can cure the entire persons grief but there is a supplement that can be seen in the market that has great impact in losing weight.

Hoodia gordonii is near to magic in terms of dealing with weight problems and it doesnt have chemicals and drugs in it. It is certainly known to be safe and useful.

Hoodia gordonii is a plant which was located in South Africa. It is actually one of the thirteen varieties of the cactus-like plant. For a lot of years now, all the different types of hoodia plants have their own use by South Africans. It can be helpful with digestive ailments to minor infections. And this particular plant is certainly known with very remarkable weight loss recommended agents.

The extract of the plant works greatly as an appetite suppressant. It can make someone to feel like he or she is full while making the metabolism work appropriately and proficiently.

Hoodia gordonii can be an efficient and helpful addition to some weight loss programs. Lot of users of these supplements says that it is certainly helpful, because they tend to eat less because they feel they are already full. It certainly allowed test subjects to eat an average of 1,500 calories less per day without actually trying to diet. They just stopped eating since they feel they were satisfied.

Indeed, hoodia gordonii is known to be effective in weight loss. But to have a better result and a great health, a lot of things should be made and done. For a great result with hoodia gordonii, someone who really wanted to lose weight, one should maintain a balanced diet with exercise of course. Having hoodia gordonii, exercise, balanced diet, all combined, best results will occur soon.

Hoodia gordonii can be seen in different forms. Diet pill form is the most popular type of hoodia gordonii. But you can also found hoodia in juices, shakes and food products.

It really works well, it is already proven and there is no known side effect. It works by tricking the brain by telling it that it is already full and satisfied.

And whatever form you wanted, whether in pill, juice, shake, hoodia gordonii can be a help in losing weight. So for those you wanted to lose weight and to look good, hoodia gordonii can be helpful. You can add it to your weight program, in order to see a great result.

And as you can see in TV and magazines, hoodi gordonii is affordable. There are heaps of companies on the Internet that offers hoodia gordonii, and you can even find some that offers a reasonable price. Hoodia gordonii is actually has a valuable price compare to other weight loss programs.

Honestly, Hoodia gordonii is the latest craze in the diet world today. It is really true that Hoodia gordonii can works wonders in losing weight. But, take note, you have to work hard for it, dont just expect the pill to do it all for you.

So if you really wanted to lose those extra fats of yours start taking hoodia gordonii, exercise and eat healthy and soon you will witness that good looks you wanted.

Article Author Eliza Maledevic from, a SEO Company.Know more about Hoodia Gordinii at

How to Get Super Skinny!

Losing weight can be difficult, and when you're talking about those last few pounds to make yourself super skinny, it can be especially hard. The truth is that starving yourself or eating less won't necessarily do the trick. The solutions has to be a combination of balanced, nutritious meals along with exercise at least three times a week. Sticking to a good diet and steady exercise can be hard but it is essential if you want to become super skinny!

Eat more balanced - more often!

The trick to losing that fat is to eat more balanced meals, and eat them more often. and still get daily exercise. You can eat just about anything as long as it's nutritious and in good portion. Smaller meals still satisfy your hunger but keep your metabolism up so that your body can be a fat-burning machine. Eating right and exercising is the key to feeling and looking great.

Don't skip meals - ever!

The most frequent mistake people make when trying to get super skinny is thinking that not eating will solve their problems. If you don't eat you won't have any energy to exercise and this will not lead to weight loss. It's important to get the idea of starving yourself out of your thoughts right away and commit to a healthy means of losing weight.

The body doesn't function without the proper nutrients it gets from your food. With insufficient food, your metabolism slows down drastically to compensate for the lack of food. So, you're actually doing more harm than good when you don't eat. And, any weight you lose will just be water weight.

So, why is it SO hard to get super skinny?

Why does it seem so difficult to get super skinny, but maintaining weight can be so simple for a lot of people? Most of the time, when people exercise they aren't being as efficient as they could be. They stop between exercises, rather than just laying back a little bit, and this will drastically slow down the fat-burning process. That burning sensation is a good thing!

Commit to a lifestyle change!

It's important to make a commitment that this is the day you change. Put down the potato chips and pick up some carrots or celery! Slowly add some healthy changes into your diet and build up your stamina by exercising for at least 20 minutes every day. If you keep up with a plan you'll be guaranteed to see the results!

Wonder why some people can lose weight so easily, yet it's so difficult for you? Want a solution that actually works? If you're looking for a sure fire solution, check out: Lose Weight Really Fast

Brandon Walsh is considered an expert author in the fields of biblical nutrition, weight loss, and healthy living.

Turn Fat Into Muscle

Fitness myths are a real pain in the butt. They waste your time by leading you to use ineffective and inefficient exercise and nutrition techniques. Here's one of my myth busters from Men's Fitness magazine. That column gives you the truth on how to lose fat and gain muscle.

Myth: You can turn fat into muscle

The Truth:

You have a better chance of turning straw into gold than converting fat cells to muscle-the two are completely different kinds of tissue. For one thing, fat can't be flexed, whereas muscles control all your body's movement. Nevertheless, when people see a guy who's made a successful body transformation, they tend to assume he actually swapped one for the other. At first thought, it seems to make sense-the muscle he built is exactly where the fat used to be.

In reality, though, the only way anybody ever turned flab into abs is by losing fat and building up the muscle that was lying beneath it. Your best strategy for doing that: a high-protein diet; regular, intense strength training; and cardio-especially fat- and calorie-incinerating intervals.

Here's another popular myth:

Myth: 1 pound of muscle burns 50 calories per day

The Truth:

This is another of the biggest misconceptions and most often quoted myths in fitness articles.

Unfortunately, it is just not possible for each pound of new muscle to burn 50 extra calories per day. Just think about this number in the big picture. If I put on 10 pounds of muscle, it is wishful thinking to believe that my metabolic rate will go up 500 calories. That would be a huge jump, and would make it difficult to keep the new muscle on my body if my metabolism jumped up that much.

I'm the first person to recommend strength training to people, but we can't use this myth any more as justification. But not to worry, there are plenty of other reasons to strength train when your goal is a better body (increased bone mineral density, increased real-life strength, and improved bodysculpting are just three reasons to use strength training).

You have permission to publish this article in your web sites, ezines or electronic publication, as long as the piece is used in its entirety including the resource box, all hyperlinks (HTML clickable) and references and copyright info.

Craig Ballantyne is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and writes for Men's Health and Oxygen magazines. His trademarked fat burning, muscle building workouts have helped thousands of men and women with weight loss and fat burning in less than 45 minutes three times per week. His new bodyweight, muscle building, and fat loss workouts each month help you get more results in less time. Craig is using the Muscle Gaining Secrets Workouts from Jay Ferruggia to gain 25 pounds of muscle without supplements.