Monday, June 9, 2008

Natural Weight Loss

The holy grail of medical science these days is a magic weight loss cure with no side effects. Of course this is a far off dream, and for most of us natural weight loss is the best option. Natural weight loss is generally slower than the drug or surgery assisted methods, but is much safer.

More than half the population in North America struggle daily with weight loss. Amazingly enough, many do not succeed. Many television shows, movies, and books have attempted to tackle the subject, including "The Weight Loss Cure "They" Don't Want You to Know About" by Kevin Trudeau.

A smart diet with a good exercise regimen under direction of your doctor remains the best way to lose weight, with diet being of utmost importance in the equation. In the fast pace of the world today maintaining a proper diet can be most difficult, but a smart diet should include all food groups in portions suitable for your needs as directed by your doctor or a licensed dietician.

Exercise can greatly enhance weight loss strategies, but when starting any exercise program care is necessary. You should always consult your doctor before beginning an exercise program. Also, try to avoid taking on more than you can handle. Overexertion is a common cause of injury, and can even lead to death if there is an underlying condition.

There are dozens of companies in your local phone directory that clean to be able to help you lose huge amounts of weight in very little time. Don't pay much attention to these ads, since their methods may not be safe. Choose a company with a strong reputation to help you with your weight loss program.

Consulting with a personal trainer can make choosing an exercise program less daunting. If you are overweight and new to working out, just entering, let alone exercising in a gym alongside fit, toned regulars, can be intimidating and discouraging. Working with a trainer to design an exercise plan tailored for you can help boost your confidence.

It is a lifelong journey the lose weight naturally. If you focus on the ultimate goal, which might be years away, you are more likely to become discouraged and fail. Instead, focus on achieving the small goals and enjoying the journey. The enemy of weight loss is stress.

Natural weight loss is slower than surgery or drugs but much safer for you. Kevin Trudeau is one author that has tackled this problem with a book called "The Weight Loss Cure" and has succeeded.

Walking To Lose Weight

The weight loss and exercise market is flooded with new products, diet, programs and drugs each month. But one thing that keeps showing up over and over again is walking to lose weight.

It is also very helpful to those of us who are stuck inside our houses/office cubicles day in and day out. This little change can not only make you more fit but also give you time out to increase productivity levels. if you want to lose weight by walking then you have to remember few key things. It takes a long time before you see any visible results.

Diet For Walking exercises

If you are overweight and your goal is to shed some pounds by walking then your diet will play most crucial role. You cannot mess this up. In fact for my clients who are more than 50+ pounds overweight, I suggest very strict diet and walking as introductory system to lose weight.

Here are some of the ideas that you can use for dieting in this phase.

1. Use common sense : I can bet you have already bought and read tons of books on dieting... Almost most of them tell you to eat sensibly. If you just stop eating big mac's whenever you are hungry, you'll see results.

2. Eat more veggies and fruits : Here's a tip that You should follow. Put more veggies/fruits on your plate whenever you are about to eat. This way your plate will be full from good type of foods.

3. Eat more protein : Start eating more protein than you are getting. Include couple of protein shakes and bars in daily routine (provided you are eating clean food, no oily crispy mess)

4. Use common sense : its worth saying twice. If you think the kind of food you are eating will make you fat. Then don't Eat.

Exercise Routines for beginners.

According to experts, We normally walk about 5,000 - 6,000 steps/day (which I really wonder if its true). But lets assume that we walk 5000 steps per day. so if you add 3,000 to 4,000 steps to that, you're at 10,000 steps a day.

This kind of level of activity can help prevent weight gain, lower "bad" cholesterol and reduce the risk of developing high blood pressure.

Most people who are walking fewer than 5,000 steps a day and are gaining weight/losing muscle. Don't forget as you age, you lose muscles and slow down your metabolism. No matter what kind of metabolism you had when you were younger.. if you are overweight now... Now you know why...

According to a Duke University study participants lost weight, decreased waist sizes and increased lean body mass by walking at least 30 minutes a day.

The best way to exercise to lose weight is to walk in interval walking. Fast walking mixed with slow walking. You should Keep challenging yourself to walk faster and further as your body gets used to the exercise.

When you exercise intensely you increase your metabolism and burn extra calories several hours after exercising.

Here's a plan for walking that might suit your needs. Remember you should check with your doctor and listen to how you body respond.

Week 1 : 40 minutes of fast Walking for 4 days... and 1 hour of leisure walking on other days...

Week 2 : 40 minutes of fast walking for 5 days and 1 hr of leisure walking on other days

Week 3 : 50 minutes of fast walking for 5 days and 1 hr of leisure walking on other days.

Week 4 : 1 hr of fast walking on 5 days and 1 hr of leisure walking on other days.

Walking is suitable for everyone, whether you work 9-5 days or retired, there is no reason not to get out on foot and enjoy fresh air and exercise.

10 Diet Tips that can Help You to lose weight with a walking plan. Get access to more Free workout Plans.

How A Weight Loss Plateau Occurs & How To Reduce Its Effects

A weight loss plateau often occurs because the difference between energy intake and energy expenditure gradually balances. The human body must restore energy balance to survive, imagine the consequences if a human kept losing weight because he/she couldn't find enough food! Our body has physiological mechanisms in place which help maintain energy balance relatively quickly.

The Process of a Weight Loss Plateau
When someone begins a new diet and cuts calorie intake by about 500 per day it does develop what is needed to lose weight; a negative energy balance, less energy consumed than the body requires. It then needs to start using up energy stores to make up for this 500 calorie deficit. However, very often the body has adapted to suit a regular lifestyle and the energy system is unconditioned for any change thus cells continue to use carbohydrates and protein to supply the majority of energy, stored fat is used but this often makes up a small percentage.

Metabolic Rate Decline
As protein and carbohydrates are used from the cells it causes a reduction in the amount of lean mass forcing the metabolism to decrease, this means the individual now requires less energy to maintain the new weight. In other words, the body has gradually adapted to match the new energy intake!

We Burn Less Calories
There is a second effect, as the body becomes progressively lighter less calories are burned during movements so the overall energy expenditure also reduces.

The reduction in lean mass and the lowered energy expenditure both help restore a balance of energy from any initial reduction in calorie intake and can even slow progress from the extra exercise sessions often undertaken when attempting to lose weight.

The bottom line is the initial 500 calories per day reduction no longer continues to be effective for losing further weight as the body no longer recognizes that there is a calorie deficit. There will always be an adaptation to match any lower calorie intake simply because the body needs to conserve energy for survival!

Limit the effects of the Weight Loss Plateau!
The facts above means it is vital that dieters begin by reducing calorie intake slowly, this limits the loss of lean weight and helps keep metabolism high during dieting. Also, any exercise done within the first 10 - 15 workouts needs to be light and for longer durations to enable the energy system to adapt to the change by "switching its gear" into fat burning mode!

If calories are cut too much too soon the body is forced to burn more and more protein especially when glycogen (carbohydrate) stores run low. This seriously lowers the metabolism and dieters hit a period where they just cannot lose any more weight "the weight loss plateau", then when they give up and go back to the old eating habits the body shoots back into a positive energy balance, which causes many dieters to GAIN BACK FURTHER WEIGHT!

Boost Metabolic Rate before lowering calories!
Its a physiological fact that while losing weight we all tend to lose lean muscle which lowers our metabolism. The idea is to lose the least amount of muscle by boosting the metabolism then reduce calorie intake gradually to maintain a fast energy expenditure.

Boosting your metabolism works because when you do lose some lean mass the metabolism will still be high enough to effectively burn extra calories from the fat stores, which also means you don't need to be as strict when dieting!

Boosting the metabolism is the fastest and most natural way to overcome any weight loss plateau!

Wayne Mcgregor has a degree in nutrition and dietetics, a diploma in fitness training, and a wealth of experience in helping people to lose weight and build muscle. His website provides hundreds of free weight loss articles, sample diets, tools and charts of calorie content of different foods.

Get Rid Of Love Handles & Body Fat Fast

You may have asked yourself a thousand times, "How can I get rid of my love handles"? To get the ball rolling start off with the high effective back twist which is great for your lower back as well as the upper back, neck, hips and yes, the waist. Your movement of side to side twisting will keep your vertebrae well aligned; loosen your hips which will ensure better blood circulation.

To start the back twist properly, stand straight with your back also straight and your feet should be parallel, almost shoulder width apart. Just bend your knees a little and let the weight be on your legs and the arms should be relaxed on your side as you look straight ahead. You must gently twist the upper part of body and head to the right so that you are looking directly behind you.

You should make sure that your body remains straight during this exercise. There should be no swaying backward or forward. Remember to let your arms feel totally relaxed so as to let your arms move naturally while you start to gain speed. Then your arms will sway through in wide swings. It is best to do at least 10-15 twists for each side.

Another exercise you can do is the hip swivel. This will do wonders to trim your hips as well as your waist. It also improves your blood circulation in the abdominal area as well as the pelvic area. Ailments such as hip pain, lower back pain, and stiffness in the hip joints, can be greatly relieved with this exercise.

Another addition that blends in perfectly with your tummy exercise routines is known as Toe Circles. This exercise barely takes ten minutes a day. This is an exercise that can be done easily on the floor. Just in case you have any abdominal problems or lower back problems, it is best for you to consult you're doctor or professional fitness expert first.

First, you have to lie flat on your back without any support of a pillow and keep your arms by your side. Take a deep breath to relax yourself completely. It is important to keep your legs straight when you attempt this exercise.

As you exhale through your nose or mouth, you should raise both your feet very slowly. Point your toes and slowly move them to create small circles in the air. This can be done in either clockwise or anti clockwise direction. Try to complete three circles and then bring your feet back to the floor. Take a deep breath again and then move your feet in the opposite direction.

Alternatively, you can just lift your straightened legs up in the air and let it hang like that. Both these exercises will strengthen your abs and stomach area. So do these two exercises regularly!

To learn more on how to lose abdominal fat select one of the links below. You will also get a Free Bonus ebook - "Training & Nutrition Insider Secrets for a Lean-Body"

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10 Steps for Succeeding At Your Individualized Weight Loss Plan

Losing weight isn't rocket science but it can be done with hard work, commitment and an effective weight loss plan. In fact, people with an individualized plan are not only more likely to lose the weight but to keep it off as well. In this brief article, we'll teach you how to develop a successful weight loss plan so that you can lose weight permanently.

First of all, figure out why you want to lose weight. For instance, do you want to lose weight so that you can be healthier? Do you want to lose it so that you can look great for your high school reunion? Whatever the reason, figure out why you want to lose weight as this will be the motivating factor to your success.

Second, you have to visualize weight loss success. If you truly believe that you can and will succeed in achieving your weight loss goals, you will. If you believe you will fail then you'll likely sabotage your efforts. So, stay positive and visualize success.

Third, you should set realistic weight loss goals and be 100% committed to working your plan. For instance, do you want to lose 5, 10, or 15 pounds? How long are you going to give yourself to achieve success? Whatever your plans are, if you set realistic goals and are committed, you will succeed.

Fourth, break your goal down into realistic short term steps. For instance, plan to lose 1-2 pounds a week? By doing this, you'll find that success will become imminent and you'll be able to achieve success. You'll also be able to see and measure progress as it occurs.

Fifth, figure out a workable plan of action. This can include going on a special diet cutting calories, exercising more or a combination of both. Make sure that you clear any special diets with your doctor and steer clear of fad diets.

Sixth, get support. If you really want to supercharge your success, you should join a support group. This should be a group of likeminded individuals that will support you in your weight loss efforts.

Seventh, make small changes. Remember that small changes make a big difference. For example, you can stop drinking soda, drink more water or make it a point to only eat one treat a day. You can substitute higher calorie foods with lower calories ones and you likely won't even notice the difference.

Eighth, step up the exercise. Find an exercise regimen that you enjoy and then stick with it. If you don't like to exercise then you should just be more active. You can walk your dog more, play with the kids a bit more or go out dancing. The key is to get moving and stay active so that you shed those unwanted pounds.

Ninth, reward your progress. Losing weight isn't easy but the rewards are better health and an improved self image. Therefore, you should reward yourself for both scale and non scale victories. For instance, if you lose 2 lbs, you can treat yourself to a movie or if you meet your exercise goals for the week, you can get a manicure.

Tenth, read motivational books and posts from others who have accomplished their weight loss goals. Pay special attention to before and after pictures and make a commitment to change. This will encourage and motivate you to continue with the plan and make it work for you.

In conclusion, you can develop an effective weight loss plan. You simply have to visualize success, set realistic goals, figure out your motivating factors, divide your plan into realistic steps, develop a workable plan, get support, make changes, step up the exercise, reward your progress, and read motivational books and posts from others. Once you do this, you can and will succeed.

Fad diets are out! Learn how to lose weight and keep it off without deprivation and drugs. Visit today and get rid of those unwanted pounds forever!

Quick Weight Loss Tips

Weigh yourself daily, preferably first thing in the morning. You will weigh the least at this time which will encourage you and you will have the motivation to eat correctly if the weight is higher than you expected. By weighing each day you can keep a better handle on what causes you to gain weight and helps you cut back a little that day if you have gained some.

Make sure you're drinking at least 1/2 your body weight in ounces per day of water. If you drink coffee, make sure you drink extra water since coffee is a diuretic that will deplete the water in your body. One last thing to mention about water is to drink it 1/2 hour before a meal since water can dilute your meal and flush out the enzymes.

Toxins come into our bodies from water, air and our food. The fat cells in the body surround the toxins because they attach themselves to our organs. Fat cells are not going to leave the body unless the toxins leave and the only way to get toxins out is to use a program that will eliminate them. Ever wonder why we gain weight in our midsection right where our organs are? Ever wonder why it gets harder and harder to lose weight as we get older? Toxins and fat cells keep collecting more and more and don't leave the body. You'll be amazed how quickly and safely you can lose weight and inches if you use a program that gets rid of the toxins.

Stalled weight loss? You might want to try eating 4 small meals a day for a week instead of 3 to set your metabolism higher. Then when you're back to eating 3 meals focus on filling your plate over 1/2 way with vegetables (raw or cooked or a combination). Make sure you balance it with some protein. If you eat the vegetables first and then fill in with the protein you'll be surprised how full you will be when the meal is over.

For more health and weight loss tips, grab your free report "How to Lose Weight When Nothing Else Has Worked" at Heidi Johnson specializes in helping families find resources to simplify and improve their lives.

Weight Loss Excuses To Avoid

A lot of people complain about how difficult it is to lose weight. They allege that no matter how much exercise and healthy eating is done, their skinny jeans still do not fit and the number on the weighing scale has barely changed. More often than not, the reason behind the inability of many to shed pounds is due to a number of misconceptions about exercise and dieting. Below are some weight loss excuses that you need to avoid if you want to eliminate excess fat.

Strenuous Exercise Is Bad For The Joints

People who are overweight and obese usually have problems with their joints so they are advised to shed some pounds first before running or performing strenuous exercises. However, they can still perform other forms of exercises that can help them trim down extra fat. Several minutes of brisk walking and doing low impact exercises will often do the trick. Furthermore, weight training is important because strong muscles help strengthen the bones. Thus, not exercising because of fear of endangering the joints is just a lame excuse for people who simply do not have the conviction to be healthy and stay slim.

Complete 100 Crunches For A Flatter Tummy

You might have heard celebrities claiming to perform 100 or more sit-ups or abdominal crunches before shooting a sexy revealing video or a scene that requires baring some flesh. In reality, these stars do not only do these crunches, but also scanty diet and other high intensity workouts.

If you want to get rid of your beer belly, you need to do much more than 100 sit-ups. You need to start watching what you eat, do high-impact exercises, and squeeze in weight training to at least three days a week.

Exercise Should Be Done In The Morning

There are many people who think that they can only benefit from exercise if they performed it in the morning. Although there are some who really prefer exercising in the morning, you can actually exercise anytime you want. In fact, it is much better to schedule your gym visits to a time that is most convenient for you so that you don't have to be in a hurry to finish your sets. The key to successful exercise plan is consistency. For example, if you start to perform your weight-loss exercise program in the afternoon, it would be best to do succeeding sessions in about the same time of the day so that exercising will become a habit.

Lifting Weights Can Give Women Very Muscular Body

Body builders, both men and women alike, end up with big muscular body because they wanted to. They lift very heavy weights and train very hard to achieve their chiselled body. However, not all weight training programs can lead to big muscles. If you do not want to accidentally have biceps like Popeye, then you need to tell your trainer or gym instructor what you want to achieve. These people are trained and certified fitness instructors so they know what program and weights to give you in order to achieve your goal.

Skip Carbs In The Evening To Shed Pounds

No matter what time of day you eat, you are likely to continue gaining weight if you eat a lot, particularly unhealthy foods. There are really no studies to confirm if the habit of eating nothing after six in the evening can burn more fat.

However, some people really lose weight when they eat early dinner and skip midnight snacking because they end up eating less. Thus, if this should work for you, then go ahead and do this diet plan. Just make sure that you still reduce your intake of sugar-rich foods.

If you have been having a hard time losing weight, you can always couple your weight-loss training program with some diet aids, such as Zylorin. If you want to know about this product, go to

Janet Martin is an avid health and fitness enthusiast and published author. Many of her insightful articles can be found at the premiere online news magazine

Fat Loss Training for Women

Forget cardio and body sculpting classes. Here's a faster way to burn the inches from your body.

And the answer will shock you.

I train a lot of men and women who do the same workouts - and here's the shocker: Most of the time, the women get the best results by using interval training and superset strength training.


Because most women are doing such ineffective workouts right now, that they are getting no results. Cardio is boring. And possibly doesn't even work. But when they switch to intervals and resistance training, their bodies get lean fast and they lose inches fast!

However, I also sometimes will change the program for women in order - we might reduce the number of sets per exercise or we use body weight exercises in place of dumbbell exercises.

And the reasoning here is this. To "bulk up", bodybuilders need to do a lot of volume (a lot of sets and reps) - and they have to eat a lot, which obviously people aren't going to be focusing on if they want to lose body fat.

Women who want to burn inches from their things are not going to be pigging out. They're going to be eating what they're supposed to.

But back to training. In my Turbulence Training programs we don't have body builder type volume in the first place. So most women, like I said, just train normally on Turbulence Training and don't change it at all - and they lose fat and do NOT bulk up.

However, I sometimes change the program only for a woman's mindset purpose as opposed to an actual physical purpose. Instead of doing three sets per exercise, we'll just do one or maybe two sets per exercise. That way it just decreases the amount of volume and reduces the chance of gaining muscle. So that's the biggest change that I'll make for women.

It really just eases their mind so they won't think they are getting big and bulky.

On the other hand, another mindset change for women is if we use a push up in place of a dumbbell chest press women are much more comfortable doing push ups because they don't associate that with gaining mass.

Push ups are tough, and elevating your feet makes them tougher. So if a woman is using 30 or 35 pounds in dumbbell chest presses, then sometimes they get a little anxious about that so we'll just switch them over to decline push ups.

These push ups are very difficult exercise, still getting the same type of results, same benefits, but now they're not worried about the so-called bulking up.

So, those are the changes I make and I'm not hesitant to say I'm making them mostly to suit the mindset of the person because I know we're not losing results.

And another thing to consider about volume of training is that you don't have to do six different exercises for a body part and four sets per exercise.

Strength training is a very efficient process. So even if you only did one hard set of each exercise you're probably going to get about 75% of the results if you did three sets.

So that's an important consideration for people that are really pressed for time. Men who like to build muscle can do less cardio and eat more.

People just have to realize that if they only have 10 or 15 minutes they can still benefit their body and their fat loss efforts just by training at a reduced volume.

Craig Ballantyne believes cardio has a dark side, and has invented better fat burning workouts.

Calorie Shifting Diet - Scam or A Sound Weight Loss Method

Calorie Shifting is causing a lot of controversy these days. Many people have used it with great success and stand by it, yet there are also other voices who claim that calorie shifting is a scam and nothing more. I thought it would be appropriate to shed some light on the subject.

Calorie shifting isn't a diet really, but a weight loss method. Calorie Shifting diet is synonymous with the Fat Loss 4 Idiots diet, which was the diet that actually brought calorie shifting to the world, but in fact there is another diet which is based on calorie shifting, and I'll get to that later on.

Is the calorie shifting diet a scam? It depends on whom you ask. If you ask one of the people who used it and lost a lot of pounds with it then you'd get a resounding NO! But if you ask anyone who tried it and failed then you'd get a yes. The reason is that as far as weight loss programs go, a scam or not a scam is usually a pretty personal thing. If something works for you then it's magic, if not, then it's a scam. The truth is, of course, quite different.

The truth is that calorie shifting isn't a scam. It's a dependable weight loss method. It doesn't work for everyone. No diet plan works for all the people. Some people will be disappointed by it. But for many people, calorie shifting will be just the thing that they'll need to jump start their weight loss efforts.

As I said previously in this article, there are currently 2 diets which makes use of the calorie shifting method:

  1. Fat Loss 4 Idiots
  2. Yay Food

Fat Loss 4 Idiots is the one with the longer track record. It has been used by tens of thousands of people worldwide. It's not perfect, but it has worked for many people. You can learn more about it on this website:

To read a detailed review of Fat loss 4 Idiots, visit this webpage:
Fat Loss 4 Idiots Reviews and Testimonials.

John Davenport lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life. To read a comparison of the 2 Calorie Shifting based diets, click here: Calorie Shifting Diets Reviews

Weight Loss Exercise Programs - What You Need to Know

While it is true that several popular diets are far superior to their counterparts, at some point in your weight loss regimen you are going to WANT to incorporate the magical benefits of a good exercise program into your life. Regardless of how much weight they may have lost, or how good they feel about themselves otherwise, I can't think of one woman (or man) I know who hasn't amped up the energy, or effort, with a great regular workout!

The following small points are very important, and things you need to know before choosing.

First - make sure you have a partner, or workout buddy. Just like we recommend and provide support for you while you are dieting, so too do I recommend you find someone to work out with. Not only does it provide the all important motivational factor, it also helps with accountability, which is a huge part of progress across the board.

Second, make sure you pick the right workout for you, right now. Don't choose the exercise plan you would have done in high school when you were on the gymnastics team just yet..:-) Work up and out to the appropriate level of fitness that the workout calls for. Remember, you can always move up and ahead as you accelerate your exercise and level of flexibility and overall fitness. You don't want to have to move backwards...which often is the result of an accident, or overexertion before you are ready - and I've seen some people make some pretty bad mistakes in this regard.

And always, set goals. You are already goal setting with your weight loss and you see how well that is working out, right? Do the same thing with your exercise routine. Give yourself definitive metrics, x amount of pushups by this date, y amount of minutes on the treadmill, running on the beach, whatever it is that you will be doing. Concrete goals are tantamount to achievement, and like everything else I preach, if you don't set them you most likely won't make them!

No More Chubby Tummy I told My Hubby!

Read discover how you can lose weight, feel great, and turn heads on the beach, in the boardroom and in the bedroom...guaranteed!

(Even if you've never lost a pound on ANY diet ever before!)

Quick Weight Loss Tips - How to Avoid Overeating at Restaurants and Official Events

Let me ask you this question - have you ever had an official event get in the way of your weight loss effort? For example, you spend two weeks on a diet. You're starting to lose weight at last. You're no longer afraid to face yourself in the mirror. And then you get invited to a company dinner, where you are served with a five-course meal - and a dessert!

You can't refuse to eat, because you'll get funny looks from your coworkers. But if you work your way through the entire dinner, you'll deal a massive blow to your diet. And even if you promise yourself not to eat more than one or two meals, we both know you'll break that promise later. How do you handle this? Well, as a matter of fact, in this article I will show you three tried-and-true ways of keeping your diet no matter what your waiter serves!

1. Eat Your Meals Slowly

Company events are an occasion for networking rather than dining. Therefore, spend more time talking than eating. Research shows that it takes your stomach 20 minutes to tell you that it's full. As such, the more time you spend talking, the sooner you will feel satiated - and you will eat MUCH less! Better yet, your coworkers won't ask you any annoying questions. No one wants for being too obsessed with weight loss to eat.

2. Eat Well Beforehand

The best way to make sure you don't go on a binge at a dinner is to eat beforehand. If your stomach is full, you will feel less incline to eat at the event. However, make sure that you eat something healthy - salad leaves are great for making your stomach feel full with practically no calories involved. Also, avoid exercising before such an event, since working out tends to make you hungry immediately afterwards and can lead to a dinner binge.

3. Keep Drinking

Let's get something straight - I'm not talking about alcoholic drinks here. But water is great for filling your stomach for a short period of time. You will feel less hungry and, as a result, less tempted to eat all you can during the dinner. Another good way to prevent a binge is to allow yourself a few sandwiches during the dinner. Have a few whole-grain buns. They're reasonably healthy in moderate amounts and don't have that many calories.

As you can see, corporate dinners or parties do not have to be a diet killer! By following those three simple steps, you will make sure that you can still spend a productive (and, hopefully, fun!) evening with your coworkers without totally ruining your diet.

For more weight loss tips, please check the site in my signature. You'll be amazed how easy it is to take control of your weight in record time.

To YOUR Weight Loss Success

George Chernikov

Download your free Weight Loss Report here and sign up for 121 free, proven and effective weight loss tips that will burn your fat faster than a greased lightning! Co-authored by George Chernikov, 121 Weight Loss Tips provides $500,000 of weight loss information free of charge. If you look like a Sumo wrestler after a calorie-intensive diet, then you really can't afford to miss out these free tips!

Weight Loss

Weight loss is one subject that never seems to go out of style. There are many ways to lose weight. Many people choose basic quick ways method even though they know that the pounds creep back on for a few reasons. The drive to lose weight fast is strong but the need to keep the pounds off is even stronger.

One of the easiest is by cleansing your system. I don't mean that this is simply by any stretch of the imagination but it is pretty effective. Extra pounds hold extra toxins in our systems.

These approach take`s quite bit of the will power and you basic will also find that there are many more things that you can't eat than there are things that you can. In order to lose weight fast fast you also really want to start basic cut out all those breads, pastas, all the junk stuff and also even the fruit. You may be surprised by the elimination of fruit but bear with me.

Fruit contains a lot of sugar. The sugar is also very natural and also usually very good if you start burn off. If you start cut these source of the sugar out the diet you will start quick to lose weight fast. This means you may also want to cut out vegetables that have lot sugar include peas, corn, carrot. These type of food can be reintroduced basic in a few days.

You might be wondering what on earth is left for you to eat. Your lose weight fast diet is strict and consists of lean proteins, preferably the soy protein. If you take inside 25 grams of all soy proteins each and every day and also keep sugars at bay you will lose weight fast. In addition you want to consume lots of green leafy vegetables.

Water and exercise should be a regular part of your daily routine. If you stomach eating and lean protein for 1 week or 2 week along with getting in at least 64 ounces water and also plenty of the good exercise wee will definitely lose the weight quick. This doesn't sound very appealing it works extremely well if now want drop pounds quickly.

The initial quick weight loss will not be a maintained if you now start go back into your old ways fast away but you basic can start your diet off with a real kick if you choose this method. Of course, you want to consult your doctor if you want to lose weight fast. This is the first step in any weight reduction program.

About author Sindre

You can republish this uniqe article on any of your sites as long as you have the following details on. You can not change the article.

Weight loss more here

Battle of the Burgers: Comparison of Fast Food Burgers

Lets face it. Every once in a while, there is nothing that will hit the spot like a fast food burger. Many Americans rely on fast food for its convenience and affordability, which is undoubtably a huge factor contributing to our current obesity epidemic. The movie Supersize Me did a great job pointing out what fast food can do to you if you make it a part of your every day life. (Check it out if you haven't seen it.) If fast food is an exception, rather than the rule, it can be part of a balanced healthy diet.

When practicing mindful eating, you may eat a 1500 calorie meal in one sitting, but if you listen to your body, you will find that you will not be as hungry later or the next day. Our body's will balance out our hunger with our calorie requirements if we tune in. Once you are tuned into your body, you will find that after eating a greasy burger and fries, your body probably wants something lighter and healthier for the next meal.

When the cravings strike me, my fast food favorites are Arby's and Carl's Jr. After doing a bit of research, I was AMAZED at how some of the choices that we may think are more healthy are actually some of the worst options! (Check out the nutritional information for the Market Fresh sandwiches at Arby's...not as healthy as you might think!) Most fast food restaurants have nutritional information on their websites, and soon, many will start displaying nutritional information on food wrappers. Until then, here is a summary of popular fast food burgers. I've linked each restaurant with its nutritional pages, so check out your favorites!

General guidelines to choosing a healthier burger:

1. The "low carb" option saves lots of calories- typically served in a lettuce wrap instead of a bun

2. Kids sized burgers are your best bet, typically, the smaller the burger, the lower the calories

3. If a kids burger won't do it for you, try a Jr sized burger, same taste as the full version, but not quite as big.

4. Leaving off the cheese will save you anywhere between 50 and 150 calories.

Carl's Jr: Hamburger-284 Low carb Six dollar burger-490 Superstar-794 Six Dollar Burger-956

Burger King: Hamburger-310 Whopper Jr w/ ch-430 Bacon double Cheeseburger-570 Whopper w/Ch-800

Sonic: Sonic Jr-353 #2 Cheeseburger-557 #1 Cheeseburger-647 Super Sonic #1-929

Wendy's: Jr Hamburger-270 Jr Cheeseburger-310 Jr Cheeseburger deluxe-350 Single with everything-410

McDonalds: Hamburger-280 Big & Tasty-590 Big Mac-600 Double QP with cheese- 770

Jack in the Box: Hamburger-310 Jr Bacon Cheeseburger-525 Sourdough Jack-715 Ultimate Cheeseburger-945

Whataburger: Justaburger-309 Whataburger-607

Here is my disclaimer: In this comparison, we are strictly looking at calories. While this is the most important thing to pay attention to for weight control- the lower calorie items may not be the best choices for overall nutrition. My goal here is just to increase awareness, if you are really focused on eating mindfully, you should choose what you really want to eat, enjoy it fully, and stop when you are satisfied- regardless of the calories. But if a burger is a burger to you, why not make a healthier choice when you can?

Jonna Reynolds is a Weight Loss Coach and Founder of Evolve. She coaches individuals, groups and corporations on Wellness and Weight Management. Her coaching technique incorporates the psychology of behavior change, exercise physiology and an intuitive eating philosophy to help clients make permanent lifestyle changes to lose weight for the long term. To get free monthly tips, sign up for the free Evolve4Life Newsletter at or call (480)248-2428.

Amazingly Simple Weight Loss Tips

You only have to look at the number of people that fail to succeed in their diets to realize that dieting isn't easy. However the steps we need to follow to succeed are simple.

Here then are a few simple weight loss tips that you can use to help you start losing weight today.


Eating small meals more often stops you from snacking and binging between meals as you won't become hungry. It also helps to keep the metabolism active and doesn't give it a chance to change and start working at a lower rate.


Try to eat smaller portions. Most people eat until they feel full but it actually takes up to 20 minutes after eating for the body to realize you full. This means that when you feel full during eating that you have actually eaten more than you needed to.


Water can help us feel less tired and more energetic but most importantly it makes us feel fuller. Cold water also reduces our body temperature which in turn helps us to burn more calories as our body works to get the body temperature back to its regular level.


You don't need to do amazing levels of exercise to get in better shape and more importantly to burn more calories. Walking is a great way of getting exercise and it is something anyone can do. Simply walking the dog or going to the shops on foot can make a major difference.

Following these simple weight loss tips along with using the right dieting program should see you getting results in no time at all.

To read more simple weight loss tips visit this webpage shifting calories.

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