Monday, May 26, 2008

The Best Weight Loss Technique Most People Don't Know About

If you're looking to lose weight this year then you're probably looking for the best ways to go about achieving that goal. You might already know that the key to fat loss is to eat less. More specifically, the best way to achieve fat loss is to eat less calories than you burn. Sounds simple, right?

Well, yes and no. The fact is, many people have no idea how many calories they consume in a day. Most people are virtually clueless about how many calories are in that grande peppermint mocha or handful of tortilla chips. They might cut down on their intake of sweets and increase their veggie servings, but it's what goes on in between meals that really sets dieters back.

Think about it this way: a serving of tortilla chips is roughly 130 calories in about 13 chips. (Actual count will vary by brand and type.) That's 10 calories per chip. If you pass through the kitchen and grab a handful on your way out the door, you could be adding 50-60 calories to your daily intake. Do that every day and you could gain 6 pounds by the end of the year!

Another thing that often trips up dieters is going out to eat. Unless you know the right foods to select, a typical restaurant meal can average 1500-2000 calories. Did you know that at the popular restaurant chain Red Robin, a single small slice of their carrot cake dessert is a whopping 700 calories! (You'll have to go in the back freezer and look on the packing box to find that out!)

So what's the single best way to lose weight? It's simpler than you think: keep a food journal. Studies have shown that people who kept a food journal were almost guaranteed to lose weight. This is because people become much more aware of their daily calorie intake. Combined with a decent guide on calorie counts in foods then you will be well on your way to limiting your daily intake.

For more information on the absolute best weight loss programs that will jump start your fat loss goals, visit

Fitness guru Cynthia Blake is a writer for

Who Succeeds at Long-Term Weight Loss?

Is true long-term weight loss really possible?

We've all heard the statistics that say most people who lose weight will gain most of it back again in a very short amount of time. Those statistics can be discouraging, because losing a significant amount of weight, from 5% to even 25% of your total body mass, is hard work and it takes a huge commitment.

If you get help from a weight loss clinic or doctor specializing in obesity, the process can be expensive, too. How can you know if you'll be one of the "biggest losers" who manages win the long-term weight loss battle?

The National Weight Control Registry (NWCR) has the resources to actually study this issue, and their findings are important clues to the odds of losing weight and keeping it off.

They have the voluntary participation of over 4,000 members who have lost at least 30 pounds, and who have kept it off for at least one year. The greatest value of this program is that they study the successes, as much as they study the failures, so they are learning what works as well as what doesn't.

The successful folks, the ones who lose their excess pounds and manage to stay thin over a long period of time, have a number of things in common:

1. They eat breakfast, usually consisting of cereal and fruit.

2. They continue to eat a low-calorie, low-fat diet.

3. They're active, and stick with their exercise program even after they've thinned down. Most participate in some form of physical activity for at least an hour a day, with walking being the most common form of exercise.

4. They get on the scales at least once a week.

5. They maintain their weight for at least two years after the weight loss - in other words, the longer you keep it off, the lower your chances of getting fat again.

What are the risk factors?

People who start to regain their weight seem to have some common traits, as well. Of particular importance is maintaining control of your eating habits. People who regain at least part of their weight tend to have periodic losses of control, and may experience occasional bing eating.

The folks who keep on the same eating schedule and diet every day of the week, and even on holidays, tended to keep their weight stable. Those who fluctuate with their diet are more likely to get lax about the amount of calories they consume, and the numbers on the scale start creeping back up.

Depression has a significant effect on the study's participants, as well. Frequent bouts of depression or dark mood swings makes regaining the weight more likely. Since depression is now seen as a medical condition, and many treatment options are available, it makes sense to talk to your doctor about this issue if you need to.

Keys to successful long-term maintenance of a healthy weight:

Stay active, remember your commitment to a low-calorie, low-fat diet every single day, and seek help for depression if mood swings affect your eating choices.

And remember - the longer you keep the weight off, the easier it is to stay thin, so commit to staying vigilant with your diet for at least two years. Success with long-term weight loss is possible - and you could be one of the "biggest winners".

If you buy frozen diet meals to control your portions and calories, you know they're convenient, and they do help you lose weight. Now you can freeze your own diet meals and eat good healthy food every day, for less! Visit

Lose Weight on Hips and Thighs: A Quest for Slimmer Hips and Thighs!

Losing weight on hips and thighs has always been a dream. And yes, dreams come true! It is usually difficult to lose weight from thighs and hips as compared to abdomen. Though different methods work for different people because of their individual mechanism but there is a more generic solution to it.

Here are some valuable tips which can make your thighs and hips slimmer!

1) Two spoons of triphala every night detoxify the body. Ginger water boosts liver function which further helps in fat breakdown. Tulsi water helps in a great way.

2) Exercises simply does it for you. A regular visit to gym and exercising in the right way for right muscles can help you make your body firm and tight. Aerobic exercises is another smart option.

Tip: Walking briskly is considered to be the best exercise for losing weight on hips and thighs. If it gets difficult for you to go outdoors for walking or pollution stops you from going out for walk, treadmill is THE BEST option for you. Know more about Treadmills here.

3) Diet pills don't help in a long run. They, in no way, cut down your calorie intake which is must for lean hips and thighs.

Tip: Keep date with Gym and have a recommended, balanced diet.

4) Keep patience. Its a lot harder to get rid of the stubborn fat at hips and thighs as compared to fat at the upper part of the body.

Tip: Keep inspiring yourself through reading and educate yourself with right knowledge.

5) Last but not the least, a well organized, recommended weight loss program is a must. As been mentioned, improper diet leads to weight gain especially at thighs and hips, so what better than a personal diet expert for you to cater to your individual needs and goals.

Appetite not full?? Look out for more tips on shedding off that extra weight from hips and thighs at

About the Author

Jasdeep: for your complete and most comprehensive family guide on Health.

Also get free tips and tricks on weight loss and a chance to go through other informative articles targetting various weight loss issues at Weight Loss Programs and Tips Article Directory

If you wish to reproduce the above article you are welcome to do so, provided the article is reproduced in its entirety, including this resource box and LIVE link to our website.

Lose 70 Pounds Fast

In order to lose 70 pounds as fast as possible, you need to change your lifestyle completely. Let's be honest, you didn't become 70 pounds overweight in a single day and for no reason. You led an inappropriate lifestyle and now is the time to take action to rectify this. I don't mean to berate you. Actually, I congratulate you for the desire to lose 70 lbs and the willingness to take action in that direction. Having been overweight myself, I know that it's hard to get things going, but just to let you know, once you start the weight loss ball rolling, it's often easier than you once thought.

The first thing you need to change in order to lose 70 pounds fast is to take a long hard look at your diet. Are you eating junk? If so, you need to quit. Are you drinking a lot of sugary sodas? If so, they have to go. Are you eating a lot of useless candy bars? Replace them with fruit and vegetables which are just as tasty and much healthier.

Only you know what your current dietary lifestyle is. I know it's hard to let go of many of the foods that you like. But believe me, it'll get easier with time. Most people know what they're eating wrong. All that is left is the motivation needed to change that.

To lose 70 pounds fast, in a matter of months, you should also incorporate some sort of physical activity routine into your day to day life. I recommend doing a combination of cardiovascular activity and strength training since that is the way to burn maximum fat and improve your health. Some overweight people are reluctant to go to the gym, but believe me, this reluctance will pass after a few trips. Cardio and weight training is the best way to lose 70 pounds as soon as possible.

I know this article isn't as detailed as some of you would like it to be. I don't give out a formula of how to lose 70 pounds in 3, 4, or 6 months like some other articles claim to do. That's because for each person the road to weight loss is slightly different. In this article I hope I got you motivated to begin the process of losing 70 pounds or more. You will find your way.

To read how you can start to lose weight fast, visit this webpage:
3 Ways To Burn Pounds Fast.

John Davenport lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life. To read more about fast weight loss, click here: How To Lose Weight Fast And Never Gain It Back

Dieting and Weight Loss - A New Programme For Achieving Your New Year Resolution

A world of food abundance; that's the reality we live in on this part of our planet. So after all the over indulgences of the festive season, the New Years resolution for most of us is yet again to lose weight. How many years has this been your resolution? Now be honest with yourself, how long does the resolution last?

How would you like the ability to sustain your motivation all year and find the weight you were born to be? Believe it or not you have that ability right now. The problem is you have probably been looking in the wrong direction and with the wrong mindset. Sustainable motivation is fed by positive thoughts, feelings and actions and not by shame, guilt and self-loathing.

So here we are at the start of 2008 with a great opportunity to change the way you think and live. Change first comes from recognising the starting point from which you want to make the changes. To do this I invite you to answer the following question...

"If you were going to build a machine that produced comfort eating and weight gain, what would the machine need to do?"

Interesting question? I sat down some time ago and made a list of what my machine would be programmed to do. Yours may well be quite different so have a go at this yourself. I decided that my machine would need to be programmed to...

Focus obsessively on food;

Make some food 'Good' and others 'Bad';

Fear the 'Bad' food, restrict its intake and then crave it;

Believe that its present size, shape and weight is never 'Good Enough';

Pick up all the negative messages (viruses) that come into contact with it;

Have an already full memory of 'viruses' of negative messages and beliefs;

Be rebellious sometimes and give out lots of messages as to why the 'Bad' food is deserved;

Quickly bring the emotions of guilt, shame and self-loathing into play when not in rebellious


Hate its body no matter what size or shape it is;

See exercise or increased physical activity as a painful or boring process;

Make sure its mind is never in tune with its bodily feelings and needs;

Make sure that happiness is a fleeting experience;

Make sure that a 'not enough time' programme deletes thoughts of self-loving actions.

Can you see the pattern of negativity? I realised that nothing programmed in this way can ever sustain motivation for permanent weight loss. The programme needed to be changed. The wonderful thing is that we CAN reprogramme our minds. After all, we ourselves programmed it to comply with the dieting game so we can certainly change the programme again.

Why not make your 2008 New Years resolution to be one of reprogramming, support and self-loving actions. The amazing thing is the results will be the permanent weight loss you have wanted year after year. Isn't it time to make this year the one where you discover the weight you were born to be?

Chrissie Webber is a published author, business coach and leadership trainer. As Managing Director of Life-Shapers Ltd she is developing her online weight-loss motivation company into a franchise of Life Shapers Weight Management Coaches.

Her track record in the area of weight management is firstly a personal one. Following a lifetime of weight issues - at her heaviest, over 21 stone and a massive size 30 - she has personal experience of diets and their devastating effect on size and psyche.

With a background in nursing, psychology and business coaching, coupled with a lifetime of dieting, she developed and successfully used a series of models and tools that enhance weight loss motivation. Now over 5 dress sizes smaller and having sustained her weight loss for several years she has written a book about her motivational journey. Weight Loss, Life Gain - A Motivational Journey to Permanent Weight Loss was published in January 2008 by Accent Press.

Her Blog and free monthly eZine now offer support to others.

Weight Loss Truths - Calorie Restriction is the Key to Weight Loss Success

All successful weight loss programs rely on one common denominator; calorie restriction.

What is calorie restriction? Calorie restriction is an effort to reduce the amount of calories one consumes in order for the body to achieve a negative energy balance. This is simply a person reducing food consumption to the point that they are burning more energy than they are consuming. The body is then forced to use stored fuel (muscle tissue, glycogen and body fat) in order to survive. The burning of these stored fuels is cause of the weight loss phenomenon.

How does a person achieve this negative energy balance through calorie restriction? First a person must have an idea on what a calorie is. A calorie is a measure of heat. Food is the fuel our body needs to generate heat. If the body is not getting enough fuel from food consumption then the fuel must be found elsewhere. That fuel is found in our body fat.

The best analogy for this process is gasoline and an automobile. Cars run on gasoline. Without gasoline, a car is useless. We drive our car and fill up with gasoline when we are getting low on fuel.

What would happen if we put 18 gallons on gas in our car if we only burned 16 gallons? We would have extra gas left over. That extra gas has to go somewhere so it goes into storage for when we only have 14 gallons available but we need 16 gallons.

What would happen if we never tapped into our gas reserves? The surplus would keep growing and growing causing a need for larger storage tanks.

The human body works in the exact same way. The surplus fuel (food) is turned into stored energy (body fat) and the only way to reduce how much fuel is stored in reserve is to limit new consumption of fuel (food). This is the only way that the human body can body fat. A caloric deficit must be established so stored energy (body fat) can be burned to keep us alive.

How is a calorie deficit achieved? The simplest answer is to eat a fewer number of calories then it takes to fuel your basal metabolic rate. The BMR (basal metabolic rate) is the measure of energy a person needs to subsist. People can figure out their BMR by using any of the numerous BMR calculators that can be found online.

Once the BMR is calculated a person can then have a goal to shot for. If the BMR is 2500 calories a day, they a person should shoot to try to eat fewer the 2500 calories a day for a consistent period of time.

How can a person effectively create a caloric deficit? Part 2 of this article will address this issue.

W.S. Evans (Bill) is one of the millions of people who have battled a life long weight problem. Bill has a passion for helping others battle their weight problems by sharing what he has learned with his struggles with obesity. Bill's struggle can be viewed on his blog called "My next 60 pounds". Bill's blog can be found at

4 Sure-Fire Tips For Effective Weight Loss

Are you just plain fed up because you haven't lost weight for a long time now on that latest fad diet, well please stop! Don't even think about trying another diet, because it will only produce the same results as you have already seen before.

Have a look at the four sure fire tips found below that are based on "Scientific Principles" that have always been around, but are not followed by the majority of weight loss programs you see these days.

So lets have a look:

1. Increasing Your Metabolism

In order to produce Sustained, Permanent and Long-Term Weight Loss, it's imperative that you boost your metabolism. And the most effective way to raise your metabolism is to have a greater proportion of functional muscle on your body.

The only way to build this lean muscle so you can raise your metabolism is through "Strength Training". There's no other method that works wonders on the Metabolism like Strength Training.

By performing Strength Training, you'll effectively increase the amount of functional lean muscle on your body so that your metabolism will elevate.

After a Strength Training session your body will undergo a significant increase or "Spike" in Metabolism, which will allow you to burn much more fat then you were able to before.

2. It's All About Lean Muscle

"The amount of fat the body can burn is directly related to the more lean muscle your body can hold."

If your muscle system can sustain more energy and use this energy significantly when performing strength training, then it will be able to burn off the calories you eat and the excess fat on your body.

In other words, if your muscles become stronger and can hold more energy then you should be able to release this energy more efficiently to increase your metabolism, and to burn off excess calories that you have eaten.

Once we can build more lean muscle through our own strength, then our bodies will become more efficient at burning fat.

It's also the amount of lean muscle on your body that makes you look good Once you burn off the excess fat from your body, the lean muscle underneath your skin will be exposed making you look healthy, energetic, and well toned.

3. Decrease Your Daily Calories

For years now, we have been told to use dieting to rid the excess fat from our bodies.

The trouble with this concept is that the low calorie restricted diet would throw the body into starvation mode, with the body holding onto the fat and using precious muscle tissue for energy.

This would then lower the metabolism causing greater muscle loss and when the diet is broken the unwanted fat would not only return but actually increase because to the lowered metabolism.

The way around this is to cut your daily calorie intake by a small amount of calories only. This will stop any starvation mechanisms from clicking in. You can do this by making up a seven day eating plan and writing down every thing you eat for the week, and then work out the calories you have eaten with a calorie counter. Divide this figure by seven and you have your daily calorie value.

Decrease daily calorie value by a couple of hundred calories per day and no more. This will generate slow weight loss and the majority will be fat loss only. The daily calories should be consumed during the day with small frequent meals.

4. Fast Walking Burns Fat

All you need to do now is incorporate "Fast Walking" into your weight loss program to hasten the burning of excess fat.

Not only is fast walking better much easier on the hips, but it also produces a greater percentage of fat loss as opposed to jogging or running.

Here are some of the benefits of Fast Walking.

Easy to Perform
Most Conventional
All Natural Body Movement
Doesn't Cause Injuries
Can Be Done Anywhere
The Best Minimal Effort Exercise for Fat Loss

"I can't stress enough how Fast Walking is necessary in every weight loss program."

Your next step? To take what you have just learned and apply them to your weight daily weight loss regime.

Gary Matthews is the author of the popular fitness eBooks Maximum Weight Loss and Maximum Weight Gain. Please visit right now for your 'free' weight loss e-course.

The Natural Way to Speed Up Metabolism

There is a word that anyone who has ever tried to lose weight is familiar with: Metabolism. Speed it up and the weight comes off. So the question becomes why does it do what it does and what is the best way to make this magical fat burning machine work best?

Our bodies use calories as a fuel source to power our daily functions. In a nut shell this is our metabolism. It runs as long as there is life in our veins, whether we are asleep or awake. Sometimes it runs slow while at other times it runs fast. It is entirely dependent on the food we eat, the composition of our bodies, and the amount of physical activity we participate in.

The primary source of metabolic energy that our bodies use is calories. The fitness and diet industry understands that by controlling metabolism and the amount of calories burned each day you can lose excess body fat. It sounds simple but the vast majority of people who attempt to lose weight do not understand how their metabolism works nor how speeding it up can benefit their weight loss goals. Another problem is the sedentary lifestyle most people lead, not to mention working long hours, eating fast food, and the stress of modern life that all contribute to our slowing metabolisms.

The first thing that has to happen if you want to successfully increase your metabolism is a lifestyle change. You have to make a conscious effort to make the proper changes if you are to succeed. If you stay motivated you will lose the weight you want and keep it off.

As was mentioned earlier the food we eat supplies all our necessary calories. Our bodies respond in a positive fashion if we eat healthy and nutrient dense foods. Unfortunately most of the food we eat is processed and refined to the point where it has little nutritional value and for the most part has empty calories that are quickly and easily converted into body fat.

There are two reasons you should be eating healthy nutrient dense foods.

Number one: They are good for you and help your body stay fight illness and disease.

Number two: They will help speed up your metabolism simply because of the way they are digested and processed. It takes a lot of energy to break down all the nutrients in healthy foods as compared to the processed fare we are getting fat on. If you give your body the nutrition it needs it will just work better. Foods such as fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, and high fiber foods from whole wheat sources all fall into the good for you category.

Staying active is another way to naturally boost your daily metabolism. Cardiovascular and weight lifting exercises are highly recommended for maintaining a healthy body. In fact exercise helps your metabolic rate in two ways. You naturally burn more calories while exercising but did you know that building and maintaining lean muscle mass also burns large amounts of calories while you are at rest. Not to mention how much better you'll look with a firm and toned body.

The natural way to speed up metabolism and lose weight is to make some significant lifestyle changes based on your diet and the amount of exercise you get. It will take some motivation but once you make the changes and see how positive the results are it will be easy to stick to your plan.

To learn how you can speed up metabolism and for more information about how your metabolism works please visit the Metabolism website by clicking here.

Will Acupuncture and Weight Loss Work For You...

Losing weight is not always as easy controlling your diet or exercising because there are some of us that are overweight because of various other reasons such as a health condition that does not allow us to get on a strict diet or exercise excessively. Here is how acupuncture for weight loss has helped in the past and how it can work for you too. Acupuncture is an ancient treatment that originated in China centuries ago; it is practiced by using a variety of extremely thin needles of different sizes, which are inserted in different areas of your body depending what type of treatment you are looking for in order to stimulate your nerves and senses to produce the desired effect.

In the case of acupuncture for weight loss the needles will be used to control your hunger and does achieving weight loss in the process. However, acupuncture for weight loss does not work overnight, in fact it almost always will consist of several sessions, which you must not miss or else your treatment can be compromised.

How Fast Can You See Results through Acupuncture for Weight Loss

You will notice changes in your metabolism and appetite from the first session of acupuncture for weight loss however, to loose the desired amount of weight and most importantly maintain the weight you desire will take a few sessions depending on your present weight and health state.

While acupuncture for weight loss will help greatly by using your own body, you need to be committed and help yourself too; you need to stick to a balanced diet and try to have as much physical activity as possible. There are simple yet very effective exercises such as yoga and Pilates, which can be done in the comfort of your home, whenever you have time.

Helpful Tips

It is important you set some rules for yourself to follow at all times and here are some guide lines: never eat when you are distracted such as, in front of the television or while working on the computer as almost always you will over eat; always place small quantities of food in your plate and eat slowly because the brain takes approximately 20 minutes to register that the stomach is full and some of us take about 10 minutes to eat a full meal.

Make eating an enjoyable experience not something you do on the run where you dont pay attention to what and how much you are eating. Any diet or treatment will only work if you are committed to it so take charge of your body and mind and start a new life by getting fit and healthy for life with acupuncture for weight loss

Visit for reliable acupuncture resources.

Weight Loss Made Easy

Sure Shot Ways Of Losing Weight Fast - Achieve Stunning Results With These Explosive Tips

Are you in a position where you are stressing over your weight? You find it extremely hard to socialize with people just because of your weight? In fact you don't go out at all fearing public embarrassment involving all the stares you are going to get from random people? Well the good thing is anything is possible in life and so is losing weight but in order to lose weight effectively and fast you need to follow certain rules. Read on to discover what these rules are and how they are guaranteed to bring you results instantly...

It's possible- Most people tend to demoralize themselves by thinking it's just too hard. You see nothing is hard unless you make it hard in your mind and even the hardest things in life become easy if you think they are easy therefore all you need to do in order to lose weight is to think that it's very much possible and keep a positive mind frame.

Start now- Now is the time to start, Not tomorrow, not the day after. If you leave something on tomorrow than there is a very high chance that you will leave it on the day after and might probably never do it again. You see the sooner you start the faster you would start seeing results.

Use people as your motivation tool- Have you ever been called fat? Have you ever had to face embarrassment? Well the best possible way to get yourself motivated for the job is to have people who make fun of you. Yes this is true. As the moment someone calls you fat and makes fun of you, you feel like taking revenge on that person and nothing can be a better revenge than massive weight loss success. Think how great you would feel when you walk past that person again in your new thin body with boosted self confidence? You see having negative people can act as a driving force to keep you up and going.

The Real weight loss secret- Can you imagine yourself losing 9 lbs every 11 days from now? Yes you heard it right "9 lbs every 11days guaranteed". This is the single most effective way which helps you lose weight. It is truly an absolute breakthrough in the weight loss industry. If you don't know this than you are missing out on the best ever secret "Guaranteed" to help you lose weight right away. So are you ready to drop some pounds within the next 11 days? Read on to discover this rare secret right now click here- Earth shattering weight loss secret guaranteed to help you lose weight within 11 days

Fat Loss 4 Idiots Reviews

There are many Fat Loss 4 Idiots Reviews around the web. I hope this short article will dispel many of the myths regarding this diet and will give a clear view of what it actually is.

So what is the Fat Loss 4 Idiots diet, really?

Fat Loss 4 Idiots is a nutrition based diet which is founded on the calorie shifting weight loss method. What I mean by it being a nutrition based diet is that involves very little exercise and the weight loss is in fact triggered by sound nutrition alone. This has a a good side and a not so good one: the not so good side to this kind of diet is that you don't develop any muscles or stamina, the good side is that it's very easy to do and requires almost no effort on your part. Of course, nothing stops you from exercising while on this diet, it's just not part of the diet itself.

The Calorie Shifting weight loss method is something which the Fat Loss 4 Idiots team invented. No FatLoss4Idiots Reviews can be complete without a little explanation about it. So here goes: Calorie Shifting is a nutritional way to induce a continued high metabolic rate while a person is on a diet. You see, what usually happens when a person goes on a diet is that his/her metabolism gradually slows so that continued weight loss is very hard to accomplish. By shifting your calories, you basically solve this problem, since you can get your metabolism to disregard the fact that you're dieting. This makes it easier to lose weight fast for a long time and also helps to maintain this weight loss after the diet is over.

Not everyone does as well on the Fat Loss 4 Idiots diet. Some people lose 6 lbs in the first 10 days, others even make 8 or more. There are also some people who don't succeed with it. I want you to know, though, that for many, the diet has proved successful. I believe that for most people, it's a great way to shed some pounds fast.

You can read all the Fat Loss 4 Idiots reviews that you want and still not get a complete picture. I suggest that you pay close attention to user testimonials.

The following webpage has a review of the diet and many user testimonials. It also contains questions and answers about the diet. Make sure to read this webpage through: Fat Loss 4 Idiots Reviews and Testimonials

To read how you can start to lose as much as 9 lbs. in 11 days and keep it off, visit this webpage:

How to lose 9 lbs. every 11 days with The Shifting Calories method.

John Davenport lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life. To read more about fast weight loss, click here: How To Lose Weight Fast And Never Gain It Back

Diet Tips - Where Do Weight Loss Diets Go Wrong

Eat Less Food For Weight Loss?

What do most people do when they figure out that they have put on a few pounds? The first thing they decide to do is to eat less food than they normally do. It sounds like a reasonable solution does it not? It would seem that it was food that got us overweight in the first place, would this not be a reasonable solution to the problem?

Your Body Automatically Lowers Your Metabolism

Almost all diet and eating plans say pretty much the same thing as this. Unfortunately, for folks that believe lowering their normal daily food intake will aid them in losing weight, this does not work. As one decreases their food intake, the body does an extraordinary thing, the body will actually compensate for the difference in caloric intake by scaling back your metabolism. In other words, your body will lower the amount of energy that it produces and will also limit it's capacity for effort. Your body does this by instinct to thwart starvation. Why do you thing that people can go for a month with only water as their food source? The body conserves energy when there is little or no food.

Best Way To Attain Weight Loss

One of the best ways to attain your weight loss goals is to eat smart instead of eating less. Heavier and overweight people in general eat the same number of calories per day that thinner people. But, overweight people generally eat more fat than thinner people. Thinner people seem to prefer a complex carbohydrate diet, which are more easily metabolized by the body. This seems to be the main difference between these two groups and a good place to begin when planning a change in your eating pattern.

A Good Weight Loss Diet Takes Time

A good diet will always take time to produce results. That extra weight was not put on overnight, why would we think we could take it off overnight? Every day thousands and thousands of people are scouring the internet for a "miracle" diet cure, a pill that will vanquish fat once and for all, a patch that will make them not want to eat, an oral spray that will kill appetite. The list goes on and on. As we discussed above, your appetite is not your problem. What you eat when you have an appetite is.

Lose The Weight For Good

There is only one way to lose weight for good, and that is to avoid eating rich, fatty foods, and to get some exercise on a regular basis. Trying to diet without exercise is almost a pointless exercise in futility. Exercising just makes us feel better, no to mention, by exercising while dieting, the weight will come off much faster than it will without exercise. This is always good for an extra "kick in the pants" about continuing your diet. Remember, losing weight is not about eating less, as much as it is about eating more of the healthy low fat foods.

My name is Charlene Rhodes, I am an avid natural health enthusiast. When I can use natural, that's where I go. I have a lot's of advice and more info on Weight Loss Diets and Weight Loss Goals. You can also find my Weight Loss Product Review here.

Best Weight Loss Practices

The best practices for permanent weight loss are healthy habits that you can continue for the rest of your life.

Make Exercise a Habit

One of the best things you can do for your body is to move it. A balance of cardio activities and resistance training will:

Boost your metabolism
Allow your body to burn more calories
Create a leaner look
Prevent sagging skin after weight loss
Increase your energy
Extend your life by giving you a healthier heart.

If you dont already participate in weekly cardio and weight training activities, start small and gradually add to your time and intensity.

Make Healthier Food Choices

Exercise alone cannot help you lose weight. The best practice to shed extra pounds is to combine exercise with a sensible diet.

Choosing a diet to follow can be overwhelming with so many books, programs and Web sites on the market. Fad diets often claim to have the miracle for weight loss. It is important to weed through the various weight loss plans and learn to spot a fad diet.

A sensible diet is one you can safely and sanely follow forever. A healthy diet isnt one that you follow for 48 hours or for 30 days. There is no time limit for a healthy lifestyle. Cutting food groups and following extreme calorie reduction plans dont work either.

The best eating plan for permanent weight loss is cutting back on sweets and eating foods in their natural form. Limit fast foods and processed foods and eat frequent small meals throughout the day to avoid feeling hungry or deprived.

Stay Motivated

The majority of people who start a diet quit long before they reach their goals. Special occasions and minor setbacks can easily lead to binge eating and reverting to your old eating habits.

Finding your own motivation to stay on track with your weight loss program is essential to your success. Maybe you want to be a healthy role model for your kids, you want to reduce the amount of medicine you take, or you just refuse to live being overweight any longer. Use these things to guide your daily choices.

Write out the things that motivate you to lose weight and revisit the list when you start to veer off track from your weight loss program.

Stay Hydrated

You need to stay hydrated to feel and look your best. Drink eight cups (the minimum recommendation) or more of water every day. Water will also help flush the fat from your body.

Pulling it All Together

Water, natural food, exercise and keeping your motivation up will help you stick with your diet and reach your weight loss goals. Tracking everything through a journal or online tracking program is a great way to make sure you have done your best each day and are moving closer to your goal weight.

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Diet Coaching - A Better Plan

Do you have a desire to improve your diet? The definition of the word 'diet' is actually "the foods you habitually eat". However, the word has acquired a negative connotation over the years from scores of restrictive weight loss regimens. If you have tried different diets, plans, pills, and programs over the years, no doubt you have found that none of these promotes a lasting change.

You're an intelligent consumer who knows what foods are "fattening" and avoids these most of the time. Still, you find the scale won't budge down to a lower number. Or worse yet, maybe it's been creeping up a few pounds each year. So where can you go from here to find the way to making real changes in your eating habits that will produce the results you know you'd like to see?

A diet coach is trained in both nutrition and coaching. If you find one who is a registered dietitian you can be sure the information you're receiving is truly and scientifically accurate It's frustrating to be bombarded with so much information on "good fat versus bad fat", "good carbs versus bad carbs", "harmful chemicals versus organic foods" when you can't discern what is true. A dietitian can provide you with the facts.

Where does the coaching part come in? We know by now that facts alone do not lead to weight loss. Most people who are obese know that it is not a good idea to eat half the bag of chips, or six donuts at a sitting, or fries with that shake. That knowledge is not enough to make a change. Even when accompanied by motivation, the necessary changes do not occur. There needs to be a modification in your environment to create a shift in your habits. This is what a coach can help you achieve.

A coach partners with you; listening, questioning, and contributing observations. A coach assists you in generating ideas and possibilities, clarifying goals, and designing action plans. A coach helps you bridge the gap between where you are now and where you want to be. Your coach challenges you when you need to be pushed. When you are with your coach you feel supported, encouraged, and empowered.

Your diet coach works with you individually or in a small group of people who have similar goals and situations. He or she helps you make individualized action plans that will work for you to meet your personal goals. One step at a time you will make gradual and simple changes. One week at a time you will change your attitude towards food. One day you will realize you are now eating healthier. You'll sense you are now feeling better, about yourself and about food, because you have made lasting new habits and left old notions about "good" and "bad" foods behind. And perhaps shed a few pounds along the way.

Laurie Beebe is a registered dietitian, certified in adult weight management, trained in life coaching to help people implement changes in their environment. Coaching helps dramatically by allowing people to set their own goals and design their own action plans to start their path to success. Please visit Laurie's website, "Shaping Your Future" at for diet tips, links to great books and websites, to sign up for a free monthly newsletter, or for more information on coaching.

Best Cabbage Soup Diet Recipe That Can Make You To Lose Weight

The best cabbage soup diet recipe claims that you can shred large amount of weight in a short space of time. As with always, you have to do it in right way to get maximum benefit out of it. Eat as much soup as you desire for seven days and you can lose 10 to 15 pounds. The recipe varies slightly, but includes a variety of low-calorie vegetables such as cabbage, onions, and tomatoes, flavored with bouillon, onion soup mix, and tomato juice. Each day of the seven-day program has specific foods that must be eaten, including potatoes, fruit juice, many vegetables, and on one day, beef.

Day 1: Eat all the fruits you want (no bananas). Drink unsweetened tea, black coffee, cranberry juice, and water. Also, eat as much soup as you like.

Day 2: All vegetables. Eat until you are full with fresh, raw, or canned vegetables. Try to eat green leafy vegetables and stay away from dry beans, peas, or corn. Eat vegetables along with your soup at dinner time.

Day 3: Eat as much fruit, vegetables, and soup, as you like but no baked potato.

Day 4: Bananas and skimmed milk. Eat at least 3 bananas and drink as much skimmed milk as you can today. Bananas are high in calories and carbohydrates, as is the milk.

Day 5: Have unlimited cabbage soup plus six tomatoes and also 20 oz of been. Drink at least 6 glasses of water today.

Day 6: Eat 2 3 beef steaks with vegetables or salad. No baked potato. Be sure to eat the soup at least once!

Day 7: Eat all you want of brown rice, unsweetened fruit juices, and vegetables. Be sure to drink your soup at least once. No bread, alcohol, or carbonated beverages, not even diet soda.

It is important to use the best cabbage soup diet recipe daily. This it to fill up your stomach and to stop you from eating more.

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The Safe-n-Sure Weight Loss Plan

There are hundreds of ways of losing weight and thousands of methods to regain it. Pills, designer foods, special diets, medical treatments can all help you in achieving this then why do you need another programme? People mistakenly assign most of their efforts to losing weight instead of maintaining weight loss. In reality, it should be the opposite-weight maintenance should be the focus.

The key is not just losing weight but also maintaining the shape that you have achieved. I really find it amusing when weight loss programmes make claims such as "lose 10 kg in 15 days" or try to attract people through before-and-after advertisements. Losing weight is one thing and maintaining the weight loss is quite another. Anyone can tell you how to lose weight, but there are a few who will tell you how to remain slim and trim.

You can avoid the inconvenience of repeated failed diets once you know how to:

Burn your own body fat as an energy source (lose 1 to 3 kg a week).

Boost your metabolism naturally.

Improve your digestion and liver function to detoxify your body and burn fat.

Help your hormones to keep fat off.

Tone your body to bum fat.

Reduce stress and banish overeating.

Enjoy delicious recipes that are palatable, pleasant and satisfying.

Identify any allergies that may be contributing to your weight.

Fast track your weight loss with natural supplements and herbs.

Enjoy foods that burn calories fast.

Learn to manage your hunger.

Everybody is different, and every treatment should be different. What I teach my clients are ways to help their bodies regulate weight automatically. Your body knows what to do. Treat it right and it will get on with its job. Every person is different and wants to be treated and respected as a unique person, not as a "number". This is where many books and weight loss centres leave you in the dark. The author's weight loss programmes are typically aimed at modulating a healthy lifestyle. These programmes have a two-pronged approach:

Weight Loss

Weight Management

Hunger Management

The Perfect Dietary Regimen

I recommend a dietary regimen I call NCMPP (Normal Carbohydrates-as prescribed by the Dietary Charts-Moderate Proteins and Low Fat). This dietary plan is ideal in naturally reducing weight and at the same time maintaining a perfect balance of nutrients in the body. It should be noted that one has to cut down on the calorie intake and not the basic nutrients required by the body.

The approach has to be two-pronged: first, increasing the metabolic rate so that you end up burning more calories (remember, each 450 grams of weight represents 3,500 Kcal) and second, creating a calorie deficiency in permissible limits (reducing calorie intake to less than 1,100 Kcal is not advisable), so that you end up consuming calories from your buffer.

An ideal diet should have lots of water content, moderate minerals and moderate vitamins so that you maintain and enhance your BMR, thereby burning more calories.

Read more on How to lose weight. Check out for daily diet plans and diet supplements.

Weight Loss Motivation - Losing Weight Quickly Can Be Simple

Sometimes it's hard to get motivated to lose weight. However, the weight can come off quickly with just a few changes. These changes don't have to be hard. Here are a few simple tips that could help you make big leaps in your weight loss goals!

Post a sign on your fridge saying "more food than you need equals more weight than you need". Make sure you read the sign every time before you open the refrigerator door. A simple reminder can make a world of difference in helping you achieve self-control.

Only allow yourself to watch TV while you are riding a stationary bike or working on another piece of exercise equipment. This does not have to be a big investment, but can make a huge impact in your fat rolls! Simply head down to the local second hand store (thrift shop) and you'll find plenty of exercise equipment for very low cost. You'll be benefiting from those people who simply decided it was easier to stay fat than to lose weight. You can prove them wrong!

Make it a game in the parking lots to find the furthest parking spot from the door -- then park there. You'll find it's always empty and you never have to worry about where to park again. Besides, more distance means more exercise! More exercise means more calories burned. More calories burned means more fat lost. More fat lost means you're closer to your thin body goals!

Do arm raises while sitting on the potty. No one will see you, but you'll burn calories, helping you lose weight quicker. Just moving your body around burns fat, so you might as well take advantage of those few quiet moments on the toilet and get in a round of exercise. Even doing this in a public restroom is easily doable and well worth the benefits.

Move around while you're standing. Don't just stand there -- do something! While your boss is talking to you, fidget. Wring your hands, stomp your feet, swing your arms! Oh, ok, maybe not while your boss is talking to you, but you get the idea. The more you move your body, the healthier it will be and it doesn't have to just be moved during an organized exercise time at the gym!

Use a short 11-day diet to lose weight quickly - approximately 6-9 pounds GONE in 11 days! Visit for a brief overview NOW! It's a diet that actually works - short, sweet, easy. I've checked it out myself and have found that it is not just a fad diet. Losing weight quick is great motivation!

Weight Loss For Your Health

Possibly the saddest comment anyone can make about our modern way of life concerns our obsession over how we look. The diet and weight loss industry markets almost entirely on the basis of how we think we look, rather than how healthy we are or how we feel. As important as looks are, when we base our weight loss goals on looks, we set ourselves up for serious disease and ultimate failure in the looks department, too. This article will help you set realistic goals that will drive you, not to go on another crash diet, but to take the right actions for a permanent lifestyle change that will give you the good looks and much more.

Lose Weight For Health: You'll look better! Yes, looking good is more than fitting into the latest fashions. By far, the best looking people, regardless of age, have made good health a priority in their lives. We've all seen the pictures of smokers, alcoholics, drug addicts and the morbidly obese. These pictures all have one thing in common...the people look old well beyond their years and as sick as a living person can be. Healthy people not only avoid harmful, addictive things, but they pursue healthy activities as a lifestyle. Healthy people don't need to "go on a diet" because they manage their regular diet and exercise so they never need to lose more than 10 pounds. I envy them! I'm just learning to do this in my 50's. Considering where my health choices have left me, I would have felt a lot better most of my life, had I just made health my priority. Fortunately, there's still time for both of us to feel better.

Lose Weight To Feel Better: Instead of looks, we need to manage our weight to feel better. There's no question that people who feel better look better. Half the time, I look terrible because of the asthma and diabetes caused by my previous bi-polar health habits. Tired, crabby and out of breath aren't pretty. Now that I'm down 50 pounds from my high, six years ago, It isn't as bad as it was. Feeling better is a great reason to lose the weight we need to lose. Of course, no one who is on a diet feels good. Their bodies don't have enough nutrients (that's why you lose weight) and their minds are fighting them at every turn. Oh, why can't I have that pie, hamburger, French fry, Ice Cream? We go from feeling sick and tired from carrying around the extra weight to feeling sick and tired because of our drastic diets. If we want to lose weight to feel better, we'll find a smarter way...with a permanent lifestyle change, including eating and regular exercise.

Lose Weight To Be Smarter: While developing a healthy lifestyle is smarter, it makes you smarter, too. Weight loss diets deprive us of nutrients necessary for optimum brain function. We lose concentration and become more sluggish and irritable. It really doesn't matter whether you're cutting carbs or proteins, your body is teetering on the edge of starvation, and that makes thinking far more difficult. When you lose weight using a low fat, balanced diet and exercise, the opposite is true. You get mentally sharper, feel happier and think better. That's because a balanced diet provides all the nutrients your brain needs and less fat to clog up the blood supply, while the exercise pumps the blood more thoroughly through the brain and produces endorphins that elevate mood and relaxation. Though you lose the weight more slowly, you're happier, more energetic and mentally sharper than before the lifestyle start getting healthier immediately.

Lose Weight To Avoid Disease: Speaking of being healthier, avoiding disease is right on the top of that list. In addition to the diseases I mentioned above, being fat causes or contributes to cancer, high blood pressure, stroke, heart attack, kidney failure, depression, anxiety, phobia, rapid aging, allergies, and a host of other diseases. If your weight loss goal is to be healthy and avoid disease, the last thing you would want to do is stress your body further with a weight-loss diet. In fact, too few nutrients during a diet can cause many of the same diseases as being overweight. Based on my symptoms and blood tests at the time, I contracted diabetes when I was thin (170 pounds), after losing over 55 pounds in 6 months on a high carb/low protein diet program. My doctor never mentioned the high blood sugar, apparently because my weight wasn't out of control. Our bodies don't react well to the bi-polar practice of eating way too much and correcting it by eating way too little. It's a recipe for a health disaster.

Lose Weight by Healthy Living: Over the last 6 months, I've lost 20 pounds by eating the right balance of healthy, fresh foods and by getting lots of exercise, mostly aerobic exercise. Diabetes makes weight loss far more difficult because eating too few nutrients can cause a coma. This disease has forced me to use the very weight loss method I recommend in my articles and on my web-site. I expect to lose another 20 pounds over the next 6 months, then, to take about 9 months for the final 17 pounds, to reach my goal of 180. It's taking so long, because I'm replacing body fat with muscle, rather than just starving both on a traditional weight-loss diet. When you do this, you lose inches quickly, but weight slowly. So, I look lighter than I weigh. In my opinion, two things make this weight loss method superior to any other I've tried. The first is the fact that I haven't given up any kind of food. All I've done is eat the good tasting "bad" stuff less often. Pizza once every couple months, for instance. The second thing is, when I reach my goal I won't need to change a thing. The same eating and exercise that got me there will keep me there.

When you're deciding on a weight loss program, make sure you have the right motives for losing weight. If you lose weight to be feel better, think better, live longer and avoid'll make the right choices for a healthy lifestyle. If your looks are the primary motive, you could lose your health...and your good looks.

Glen Williams is Webmaster for, founder and CEO of EHF, Inc. He has done extensive research on personal and family health and fitness issues and has been helping and advising people on health since 1987. You can comment on his articles at Health And Fitness Forums.

Are Your Loved Ones Hindering Your Weight Loss Efforts?

Sometimes our loved ones can hinder our weight loss goals. Often times their intention is not to hinder us.

For example, I love donuts. There was a time in my life when I simply could not say "no" to them. I would wind up binging on them - I could eat 4 to 6 donuts with no problem at all.

I began a weight loss program. I was following my plan to the tee. Then on Saturday morning, my husband brought home some donuts. "Here honey, I thought you'd enjoy these." I devoured every last crumb.

My husbands intention was not to make me go off plan. He wasn't even thinking that I was trying to lose weight. He simply wanted to do something nice for me.

Your loved ones could be hindering you by tempting you with seconds, cooking your favorite foods, or buying your favorite ice cream.

Here's what you need to do:

  1. Identify your loved ones behavior that is sabotaging your weight loss efforts.
  2. Identify your loved ones reasons for that behavior.
    • Are they trying to do something nice for you?
    • Do they feel appreciated when you eat their cooking?
    • Are they bringing in the ice cream for themselves, not realizing that is making you lose track of your goals?
  3. Tell your loved one what you need from him/her.

You need to be assertive. Tell them exactly what you need from him/her and why. I told my husband ...

"I really appreciate the fact that you love me so much, that you brought donuts home. However as I can't seem to say "no" to them, I would appreciate it even more if you could restrain from bringing them home. A hug from you lets me know how much you care and appreciate me."

I told him in exactly what I needed and why. I showed him I appreciated his gesture, and gave him an alternative action so that his needs would be met as well.

If you are a little apprehensive about approaching your loved one, ask yourself why. It's probably one of two reasons:

  1. You like having someone to blame for your failures. It's easy to say, "I keep blowing it because my wife is such a good cook and demands I eat seconds." Or "My husband is so nice to me he keeps buying me donuts, if I tell him to stop, he may never buy me anything again." If this is you, you need to decide how important reaching your goal really is. Take responsibility for your own actions and stop blaming others.

  2. You don't know how to approach them or you don't want to hurt their feelings. If this is the case then you need to practice ... in front of the mirror, to a friend, or even to the dog. Picture yourself telling your loved one exactly what you need from him/her to help you achieve your goals.

Remember, more than anything else, your loved ones want YOU to be HAPPY and HEALTHY, and will do anything in their power to help you achieve your goals.

Cindy Holbrook has been interested in fitness and nutrition most of her life. Visit her website For a variety of weight loss articles, tips and tricks. Read Diet Reviews to find the right diet for you. Don't forget to read Mikes Story - Cindys husband and the inspiration for her website. Mike has lost over One Hundred Pounds!

Fast Weight Loss Plan

Want a fast weight loss plan? It's easy to say goodbye quickly to 10 or 12 pounds of fat with these diet tips. Simply follow these tips and learn how to lose weight effectively.

The basics ..... eat plenty of good tasting, fresh, and healthy foods, fill up on vegetables, and keep your taste buds happy by eating lots of fruit. You should eat 3 small meals along with 3 small snacks each day.

No need to sacrifice! Just follow these simple guidelines to lose 10 or 12 pounds, or to give your weight loss efforts a boost when it seems to have screeched to a halt. Implement this balanced and flexible plan which shows you how to lose weight effectively.


Keep notes about everything you put into your mouth. No need to estimate calories. Just keep a record of what you eat and drink along with the approximate quantity. You will find that becoming aware of what you are eating helps you to plan healthy meals and snacks.


Cut your intake of all pure or added fats in half. Use half as much butter or spread on your bread, toast, muffins and potatoes; use half of your usual amount of mayonnaise or sauce on your salad; and use only half of the oil you normally put into the frying pan.


Eat treats containing sugar only three times per week. This includes the usual suspects: chocolate, ice cream, desserts, cake, pastries, and cookies.


Most meals should include a lower fat source of protein such as fish, chicken, cottage cheese, low fat yogurt, or beans. You can eat nuts, red meat, and eggs ..... just not every day.


Cheese and meat should be absent from at least one lunch and dinner every week. In order to increase fiber and reduce fat, those meals without cheese and meat can be built around whole grains, vegetables and beans.


Consume milk products containing reduced fat. Reduce from whole milk to 2% fat. Over time, reduce from 2% to 1%. Consume lower fat cheese and yogurt. Always read the labels to confirm that the yogurt you purchase does not contain sugar.


Eat a minimum of two servings of fruit every day as dessert or for snacks. Choose fruit that is in season.


Substitute water for sodas, juices, milk or alcohol. Do not drink diet soda because the sweet taste makes you crave sugar. Many people find that hot water with a slice of lemon can be very refreshing in the morning.


Include at least two servings of vegetables during lunch and dinner. You can have more servings of vegetables if you are still hungry.


Eat slowly in order to give your body time to understand that it is no longer hungry. This will reduce your tendency to eat too much.


Grated carrots are great for snacks and are much more filling than whole carrots.


The fiber in whole grains gives you a fuller feeling and will also help your digestion.


You can increase your fiber intake by choosing foods that need to be chewed. Chewing helps us to feel more satisfied. For example, eat some fruit instead of drinking juice. And always try to eat chunky soup instead of broth.


Plan your meals and snacks in advance. Plan your shopping in advance, too. Make your list and stick to it. Don't take the chance of loading up on high-calorie food when shopping while you are hungry.


Studies consistently prove that we eat more food while watching TV than we do when the TV is turned off. So, when you eat meals or snacks, leave the TV turned off.

Many of us are looking for a fast weight loss plan. We realize that a disciplined and consistent effort on our part is required. And, we appreciate the fact that most fast weight loss plans are doomed to failure. If you want an idiot-proof plan to LOSE 9 POUNDS IN 11 DAYS, go to

How To Get A Six Pack

Setting Your Weight Loss Goal

One of the most common health problems today is being overweight. Weight problems significantly increase the risk for heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, respiratory problems, arthritis and many others. The question naturally arises how should we lose weight. Just as important is how do we prevent gaining it back.

Well, let me allow you in on a little secret. The answer is not by dieting. Americans are obsessed with dieting. The irony here is that it is this very obsession that prevents us from maintaining a healthy, stable weight. Another little secret is that fad diets are even worse. It is true that fad diets will help you lose weight, and in some cases very quickly. In the long run they will not have a lasting effect.

It is believed that as many as 90% of those dieting will regain the weight that they lost withing a year of losing it. It is not uncommon to gain even more weight than was lost in the first place. Dieting and fad diets can cause more problems than they cure. Some of these include headaches, insomnia, constipation, water retention, heart palpitation, nervousness, irritability, and stress on the digestive system. It should be evident that dieting or fad diets alone are not the solution.

To achieve your goal of losing weight and keeping it off, you should consider a multi-faceted approach.

Dieting without sufficient stomach and digestive strength will cause overexertion, dehydration and undernourishment. This leads to further weakening of the digestive tract. When this occurs weight loss will become very difficult. It is important to remember that we depend on our digestive system to absorb and assimilate nutrition. This in turn sustains the body's normal functions. One very important way to maintain our digestive integrity is to chew our food very well. It is helpful to sit while we eat. Last by not least, we should not eat 3 hours before bed.

Another important aspect of improving our health and losing weight is to maintain regular bowel movement. This does not suggest the use of laxatives which only weaken the digestive system. Regular bowel movements can be achieved by eating food rich in fiber (whole grains), chewing well, sufficient rest and regular exercise.

This next point is a big one and contrary to what you usually hear. Drinking too much water can cause water retention. The main characteristic of fluid deficiency is dryness. Water in and of itself does not do an adequate job. This results in dehydration. When you drink too much water the kidneys will become weak. In that case they are not able to deal with the excess fluid. This alone can cause bloating which in itself will contribute to excess body weight. You should drink only when thirsty and not gulp. You should also avoid soda, drinks with artificial sweetener and power drinks.

Here is another point contrary to popular belief. You should eat 3 meals per day, not several smaller ones. You can eat as much as you wish with the following caveats. Chew your food extremely well. You will be satisfied sooner. Up to 90% of digestion will take place in your mouth, thereby taking the burden off your digestive tract. Your food should be natural, consisting mostly of whole grains, vegetables and fruit. Avoid processed and prepared foods. Do not eat at least 3 hours before bed time.

You should exercise regularly. Obviously, this provides several benefits including the increase of your body's metabolism.

Chinese herbal supplements can be a great adjunct in your weight loss program. The good ones are all natural and do not have any serious side effects. One word of caution. There are several Chinese teas around at the moment that promise spectacular results. I have consulted with a Chinese doctor. He informs me that these teas, while harmless, provide no weight loss benefit.

There you have it. If you have a weight problem there is no time like the present. Now there are two things you have to do in order to accomplish your goals. Focus and take action.

Kathryn Soloff is the mother of 8 children and a natural foods cook for over 30 years. She is co-publisher of where she provides additional advice, tips and hard to find information on Weight Loss

Sign up for our free ecourse: 10 Steps To Lose Weight Without Dieting

Yet Another Weight Loss Programs To Burn Those Fats

If you have not went to a gym previously, consult a doctor before proceeding with your exercise routine. Start slow with 15 mins of exercise at the gym twice a week, and gradually increase both the time and the frequency of your exercise routines.

Remember not to overexert yourself and always know when to stop when necessary. If you feel more comfortable, it is better if you exercise with a friend.

Focus on cardio intensive exercises such as jogging, cycling, and leave out the weights training for now. Focus on losing weight first, before actually building on your muscle mass. Discipline is needed for this regime to sustain itself, and constant motivation from your parents, friends and mentors will prove especially useful at this point.

Do not be disappointed if you don't see any immediate results, the results will not be instant. Instead, when coupled with a proper food program, results will be achieved gradually, over the period of a few months.

Also, when possible try to walk or cycle to your work place or school. Walk whenever possible and soon you will find that you can establish a quality weight loss program to quickly and effectively burn fats. Walking to your work place is one of the most convenient exercise opportunities. Simply wake up a bit earlier to leave, and bring along spare office clothes if you need to change.

An alternative way to be to store a week's worth of clothing in your office space or school locker, and change into it every morning and night.

Chng Siang Sheng is a leading enthusiast of weight loss programs, zapping calories, safe and easy weight loss and reducing your calorie intake. For more information and concrete strategies on healthy weight loss, please visit the extremely successful website at